divine talisman

Chapter 1791

After hearing the words of Emperor Taijing, everyone's spirits were lifted.

Without hesitation, they moved on.


The stars were burning, and the sea of ​​miserable green flames was mixed with a sense of disaster, making it look more and more dangerous.

In this regard, Emperor Taijing didn't keep it any longer, and suddenly sacrificed another innate treasure, shaped like a clay pot, with a rough surface, engraved with mysterious patterns such as flowers, birds, insects, fish, ancestors' sacrifices, etc., filled with the atmosphere of ancient vicissitudes.

At this moment, as soon as the clay pot appeared, there was a buzzing sound, and a streak of horses spewed out, like a galaxy rolling out upside down, magnificent and immeasurable.


In the exercise of the Milky Way, one after another phantoms of gods and demons suddenly appeared, divine and supreme, looking down on the shore with arrogance, sitting in all directions, resisting and defusing all the attacks from all around!

All of a sudden, everyone felt a sudden drop of pressure and a burst of relief.

"Ancient Jar!"

Those ancestral gods were amazed and recognized this innate spiritual treasure inherited from the Shaohao clan. This treasure is like a natural breeding ground for wild gods. It can completely refine opponents into "savage gods" for their own use. It is extremely mysterious .

Seeing this, Emperor Taijing couldn't help feeling complacent. This ancient barbaric jar is one of his trump cards. It has been tempered for nearly 9000 years, and the number of "barbaric gods" sealed in it is over a thousand. number!

Most of these wild gods were refined by the prisoners captured by the Shaohao Clan. The lowest level of cultivation was at the level of the spirit gods, accounting for nearly half of the number, and the number of "savage gods" with the power of the ancestral gods accounted for nearly [-]% , and the remaining [-]% are ferocious beasts, divine birds, etc. with all kinds of unique powers.

The "barbaric gods" used to fight at this time all have the cultivation base of the ancestral gods, and they are dead objects that have been sacrificed, so they are invulnerable to water and fire, and they are not afraid of any disaster, so they can be used here play an unexpected role.


The starry sky is undulating, the green flames are roaring, and the stars are burning and circulating, producing a force that can destroy the world.

But at this moment, Emperor Taijing and his party couldn't help it anymore.

Soon, a group of them passed through this dangerous area, and the surrounding scene became dead silent and gloomy again.

The burning stars were still, the miserable green flames were no longer raging, and even the aura of disaster in the air seemed to disappear quietly.

There is only a dead silence left, quiet and extremely mysterious.

Seeing this, Emperor Taijing suddenly stopped, his eyes flickering coldly.


"This is where?"

"We seem to... lost our way!"

"How could this be? Have we fallen into a kind of prohibition?"

Those Ancestral God Realm powerhouses were frightened, and they also stopped, vigilant to the extreme.


Emperor Taijing seemed to have noticed something, his expression changed suddenly, he shouted in a deep voice, and suddenly sacrificed the ancient jar in his hand.


Almost at the same time, accompanied by a dragon chant that shook the entire field, a huge dragon head emerged in the distant starry sky. The dragon's horns were like mountains, the dragon's whiskers were like a waterfall hanging from the sky, and the dragon's eyes were like a pair of shining suns, and they locked onto it suddenly. everyone.

In an instant, everyone, including Emperor Taijing, felt icy cold all over their bodies, and their complexions changed drastically.

The extremely dangerous atmosphere is overwhelming...



seven days later.

Wisps of faint purple divine light permeated Chen Xi's body, overflowing like a dream, enveloping his whole body, giving off an aura of tranquility and distance.

And inside his body, the blood plasma boiled like molten lava, sweeping rumblingly, like thousands of raging seas roaring, constantly tempering his body.


Over the silent starry sky covered with snow-white dragon skeletons, at this moment, there was a burst of shocks like two sacred mountains colliding, shaking the surrounding fields.

Those voices were all released by the power of Qi and blood in Chen Xi's body, and they appeared extremely grand and also non-aggressive. If it weren't for this, the "Tomb of Ten Thousand Dragons" would have been alarmed and caused unpredictable disasters. No.

"This kid is amazing. This blood-refining and god-controlling technique is a holy witch's secret technique that has survived from the last era. It is completely different from the current practice, and it is incompatible. I didn't expect him to step into it so easily..."

On the other side, Lao Bai, who had been staring at Chen Xi closely, couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes at this moment.

He knew very well that Chen Xi, a divine body, had been tempered by Shenyan Mountain's "Zhou Tianxing Body Forging Technique" and "Kunpeng Treasure Technique" as well as many Dao powers, and had already approached Dao, just like a Dao fetus .

It is precisely because he has such a solid foundation that he can practice this "Blood Refining God Art" so easily, which can be said to be a matter of course.

"Old Bai, this method of refining blood like pulp and feeding back the soul and Dao foundation is really unfathomable, can you also teach it to me to practice?"

The golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao was salivating, and couldn't help asking Lao Bai for advice.


Laobai squinted at Xiaobao, shook his head hesitantly, and said, "The Dharma door taught to you by the temple master is enough to be called stunning and unrivaled, but you still miss this Dharma door from the last era. It's really greedy."

"Just say if you can."

Xiao Bao anxiously scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Chen Xi was able to practice this method because his fate was concealed, which was enough to avoid the prying and control of this world, and you..."

Lao Bai curled his lips, "If you practice this method, you will seek your own death. The so-called fate of the past life, calamity of the future life, and things left over from the last era may not all be good things."

Hearing all this, Xiao Bao was startled, looked at Lao Bai suspiciously, and finally extinguished the glimmer of hope in his heart.

While talking, Chen Xi's aura suddenly subsided, and the surging energy and blood in his body seemed to flow back to the clan, quietly dormant.

"It seems that in another hour or so, the sequelae left by him from performing the qi blast killing god skill will be completely recovered."

Laobai nodded secretly.


Little Treasure seemed to have noticed something, a golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he exclaimed through the sound transmission: "Someone is coming!"

In an instant, Chen Xi was also alarmed, woke up from his cultivation, and almost subconsciously operated the forbidden path secret pattern, completely covering him, Xiaobao, and Lao Bai.


Almost immediately after Chen Xi finished all this, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared in the starry sky covered by the "Tomb of Thousand Dragons", and several figures appeared.



The one who is the leader is the Emperor Taijing!

It's just that at this moment, he was out of breath, his face was livid and ugly, his clothes were torn and bloody, and he looked like an ancient beast after being injured and enraged, with a terrifying aura.

Not only Emperor Taijing, but also the four ancestor god powerhouses beside him had extremely different complexions, with gloomy lumps dripping out of water.

Seven full days!

They were trapped in the "Realm of the Mirage Dragon", and they were attacked by that mirage dragon almost all the time.

With the fighting power of Emperor Taijing, controlling two innate spirit treasures, and supplemented by more than a dozen powerful ancestor gods, he is not the opponent of that mirage dragon!

This battle was too miserable. During the seven days, there were nine ancestor gods on their side who couldn't hold on and were suppressed and killed on the spot. The losses were so heavy that they even despaired.

Even when they arrived at the Wanlong Mausoleum at this time, they still felt unreal and their heart palpitations continued.


Someone murmured, his face ashen.

"Up to this point, you shouldn't have come here. According to rumors, no one has survived here since ancient times!"

Some people remorse.

Seeing this, Emperor Taijing became calm instead, glanced around, and remained silent for a long time before he said indifferently: "At this time, is there any possibility of regret?"

Everyone was silent, of course they knew that the matter had come to this point, and they could not regret it at all, it was just that they couldn't calm down for a while.

"Since you can't regret it, just keep going!"

Emperor Taijing paused every word, and there was a touch of determination in his voice, "If this seat's deduction is good, the starry sky in front of you is an area known as the 'Wanlong Mausoleum'. As long as you pass through this place, you will be the ancestor of the dragon. Where the burial mounds are buried."

After a pause, he continued: "And this also means that that supreme opportunity is close at hand!"

Everyone was shocked, and their eyes scanned the surroundings in unison, and their originally depressed mood became hot again little by little.

"But...we haven't found any trace of the target so far. It seems a little inappropriate to focus all our attention on finding opportunities."

Someone hesitated for a moment and whispered.

Everyone was stunned, their expressions all changing.

That's right, they came here to hunt down that kid, but they haven't even found a trace of him so far. If this is reported back, those clan dignitaries might not be able to spare them.

"Do you think that kid has already fallen here? After all, even we have suffered heavy losses. That kid is weak and weak, and he is definitely far inferior to us."

Someone pondered and analyzed.

"Even if he is alive, he is destined to escape from this place. We cannot be led by the nose."

Someone said with a gloomy face.

Hearing all these discussions, Emperor Taijing couldn't help frowning, and said in a deep voice, "How long are you going to discuss here?"

Everyone's expression was stagnant, and they were silent.

"set off!"

Two words were lightly uttered from his lips, Emperor Taijing glanced at everyone coldly, and then his figure flashed and flew away into the distance.

Seeing this, the others glanced at each other and quickly followed.

"Be careful, don't touch those dragon bones, otherwise even I won't be able to save you!"

"Come this way, there is a faint unique aura in front of you, go check it out."

While flying away, Emperor Taijing pointed out to everyone, so as not to cause disaster if they were not careful, and soon they disappeared into the depths of the vast starry sky.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't notice at all, just under a pair of dragon skeletons not far from them, they had already seen their words and deeds.

"One emperor, four strong ancestor gods..."

After a while, Chen Xi frowned and said, "It seems that we also have to hurry up and get on the road. If those guys get that chance, it will be very difficult to get it back."

"Chen Xi, you can promise to help Patriarch me."

Lao Bai quickly interjected.

"It's natural."

Chen Xi nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Let's go, my cultivation has almost recovered."


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