divine talisman

Chapter 1792

Without hesitation, Chen Xi immediately got up with Xiaobao and Lao Bai, and moved away through time and space.


Time and space spread like ripples, rippling in the empty and cold Wanlongling Starfield.

Shuttle among the incomparably huge dragon skeletons, Chen Xi and the others looked very small like flying insects.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of thoughts the Dragon Clan living in this undead star field had to die here.

"These dragon bones are extremely rare treasures, and if they are left outside, they will have to be robbed of their heads by ascetics..."

Chen Xi secretly sighed, if he didn't know that tampering with these dragon bones without authorization would cause unforeseen disasters, he would have been unable to resist sweeping them away.

"Go that way."

Lao Bai was pointing at the side, it had talked with the brand of will left by the mirage dragon in dragon language before, and obviously knew everything about this place long ago.

But Chen Xi discovered that the road that Lao Bai pointed out at this time was unexpectedly the road that Emperor Taijing and the others walked just now.

This also means that Emperor Taijing and the others are really likely to find the opportunity left by the Taoist ancestor dragon!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and became vigilant.



"Du... duh... duh..."

After a cup of tea time, an obscure, dull, and endless murderous voice suddenly came from a distance.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes immediately.

Going further away, they left the area covered by the "Wanlong Mausoleum", and what appeared in the field of vision was an empty starry sky.

There are no stars, no light, no sound, just like a lifeless cosmic space, only there is a road built of snow-white bones, built in the void, stretching to the extreme distance, seemingly endless.

That obscure, murderous voice came from the tunnel of bones.

This picture is extremely frightening. In the empty and dark universe, a seemingly endless passage of bones is built in it, accompanied by the reverberation of monstrous and obscure sounds. It seems that in the endless past of this starry sky, there has been a shocking confrontation. Even now, the murderous thoughts have been lingering for a long time.

"This is the howling sound of the battle among the Dragon Clan. It can be simply understood as the word 'kill'!"

Lao Bai's expression also became serious, and he said quickly, "Chen Xi, do you still remember the scene on the Xuanzhu Mountain?"

Chen Xi nodded. He still clearly remembered that countless battle spirits were suppressed on that sacred mountain. They were all powerful gods captured by the Lord Manggu, and they were imprisoned in the sacred mountain.

"If my deduction is good, the ancestor, this road of bones should be similar to the Xuanzhu Mountain. If you step on it, you will inevitably encounter endless repulsion and suppression, and the deeper you go, the more terrifying this force will be. .”

Lao Bai explained in a low voice, and warned, "You have to be more careful."

"Since you're here, you should go all out."

Chen Xi smiled, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes.

When they spoke, they had arrived under the empty starry sky and came to the road of bones.

"Xiaobao, get ready."

Chen Xi glanced at Xiao Bao who was beside him, and the latter grinned, expressing his understanding.


With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he stepped onto the path of bones.

Suddenly, a majestic murderous intent came oppressing like a mountain, and the dragon language full of endless killing thoughts resounded in his ears.

Chen Xi pursed his lips, his mind was as firm as a rock, and he did not make any waves, and quickly moved forward with his cultivation base.

The force of oppression began to become stronger rapidly.

When you first step on it, it is equivalent to the full attack of a strong person in the spiritual realm, but as you go deeper, this kind of power is also rising steadily.

Not long after, this oppressive power has reached the power only possessed by the strong in the Ancestral God Realm!


The invisible force of oppression and displacement was like a flood breaking a bank, colliding with Chen Xi's body, causing waves of roars.

It felt as if a powerful ancestor god made a move to kill Chen Xi on the spot.

"General Ancestral God Realm, I'm afraid I can't bear it anymore..."

With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, there was a bang, and the invisible pressure that was crushing in front of him was directly crushed in one fell swoop.

"Fortunately, it's not too dangerous for now."

As Chen Xi moved forward, he waved his sleeves and blasted away the invisible oppressive force.

This invisible force of oppression is obviously also produced by a certain kind of dragon clan's secret prohibition. It is constantly oppressed like a tide, and the deeper it goes, the stronger the force becomes.


After walking for another half a minute, Chen Xi raised his eyebrows immediately, and swiped out the Banchen Sword to slash down, leaving a sharp trail in the void, crushing the oppressive force one after another.

After arriving here, the oppressive force had reached a level comparable to that of an ancestor god, so that Chen Xi didn't dare to deal with it with his bare hands.

Walked forward for a long time.

"Chen Xi, take a break and let me come!"

Little Treasure was extremely belligerent in his bones. He saw Chen Xi moving forward like a broken bamboo along the way, and he already felt itchy to watch. At this moment, he couldn't hold back his strike any longer, so he picked up the iron rod and smashed away.


The force of oppression exploded, deafening.

Little Treasure's monkey eyes gleamed, and he shouted, "Happy, happy!"

When it was talking, it carried the iron rod and rushed all the way, so fierce and fierce that Lao Bai couldn't help rolling his eyes, and muttered: "The monkeys in this world are really the same, they love to fight, they are rebellious, and they are crazy."

With Xiaobao's help, Chen Xi immediately relaxed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he was finally able to distract himself and look around.

As it got deeper, this star field became more and more empty, black and vast, like an eternal night, like a dark abyss.

And the road of bones under the feet still seems so long, as if there is no end...

This made Chen Xi couldn't help asking: "Old Bai, you said that at the end of this road, there might be the burial place of that ancestor dragon Taoist master?"

"pretty close."

Lao Bai nodded, "But you have to be careful, Taijing Emperor and his party might be right in front."

"It's a big deal to blow up an innate spirit treasure, or perform another burst of qi killing gods."

Chen Xi smiled, but his eyes were full of coldness, obviously he wasn't joking.

Ever since he confirmed that Emperor Taijing and his party were from the Shaohao family, he knew that the other party must have come to capture and kill him.

Under such circumstances, if he doesn't kill the other party, the other party will do everything possible to kill him.

Speaking of this, Chen Xi was surprised to find that the path of skeletons under his feet suddenly became wider, spreading towards both sides like a fan.

But the pressure also increased suddenly. If the force of oppression before was the flood that broke the embankment, then the force of oppression now is the torrent of iron cavalry, with thousands of troops!

"Good! Good! Good!"

However, Xiaobao fought more and more excitedly, his body suddenly turned into a height of hundreds of feet, with three heads and six arms. Whose posture.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help thinking.

"This golden-eyed macaque is a spirit body born between heaven and earth. It is extremely talented and naturally addicted to fighting. The master of the Taichu Temple did not curb its nature because of this. On the contrary, what he taught was the best fighting in the world. Famen, in this way, even though this little monkey has an unsteady mind and is irritable and fierce, he can improve himself through fighting, which can be regarded as a kind of cultivation method of "Entering Dao through battle."

Lao Bai gave some pointers from the side, and immediately smiled, "The viewer is willing to throw it by your side. With it by your side in the future, you will undoubtedly have an excellent fighting helper."

"Little Treasure has his own way to go, and I won't treat him as a follower."

Chen Xi shook his head and said.


At this moment, Xiaobao's hundred-foot-tall figure suddenly staggered and stepped back a few steps, and was shocked by an oppressive force into a bit of embarrassment.


At this very instant, the aftermath of that oppressive force had passed over Xiaobao and hit Chen Xi, causing a booming sound, causing Chen Xi to churn with qi and blood.

"Chen Xi be careful, this oppressive power already exists in the emperor realm!"

Xiao Bao let out a loud roar, and rushed forward again, not only without any fear, but even more fierce and excited.

Sure enough, as Lao Bai said, Xiaobao is the kind of existence born for war.

"If this continues, this little monkey won't be able to hold on for long. Hurry up and take out your Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb!"

Lao Bai quickly asked, he seemed to have expected this scene, and he seemed very calm at this moment.

Long Yuan Qian Lingzhu!

This was an innate spirit treasure that Chen Xi had obtained from Jin Qingyang, a descendant of the Jin family in the imperial domain, and it was only used once a few days ago when he was dealing with the Nandu emperor.

Hearing Lao Bai's reminder at this moment, Chen Xi immediately realized that just by hearing the name, this innate spirit treasure probably had a lot to do with the Dragon Clan.

While thinking about it, Chen Xi had already taken out the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb.

"I will teach you a method of dragon cultivation, and then you can sacrifice this treasure with it, which is enough to play an incredible role here."

As Lao Bai said, he conveyed an obscure idea into Chen Xi's sea of ​​consciousness.

[Dragon Aspect Controlling Heaven Technique]!

It is a very domineering name, but it is actually a method inherited from the dragon clan to temper one's own dragon power, which can produce the power of fascination and coercion when facing the enemy.

With Chen Xi's current level of comprehension, it took almost a moment to understand all the mysteries of this Dragon Clan Secret Art.


At this moment, Little Treasure came back from the shock again, grinning as if suffering from pain, but in just a split second, it screamed and rushed forward to continue the fight.

"Little Treasure is back!"

Chen Xi stopped it. While speaking, he took a deep breath and activated the [Dragon Aspect Controlling Heaven Technique], suddenly a very faint dragon aura radiated from his body.

This breath poured into the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb in his palm, and in an instant, this fist-sized bead suddenly released billions of brilliant brilliance, and a dragon chant resounded through the sky.


It can be clearly seen with the naked eye that an obscure, ancient, desolate and chaotic power of the dragon spread out from the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb like a tidal wave.


The collision of the spreading dragon power and the oppressive force, the latter, which was originally comparable to the emperor realm, collapsed like fragile glass at this moment, and was completely crushed!


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