divine talisman

Chapter 1793 Meeting in a narrow road

Seeing that the Longyuan Qianling Orb possessed such terrifying power, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised, but soon he realized it.

The power of the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb has a natural restraint effect on the oppressive force on the path of the skeleton, so it can produce such a powerful power.

But at the same time, Chen Xi clearly noticed that the divine power in his body had been consumed by nearly [-]% in just a few short breaths, which was way too much than usual.

"Chen Xi, although the combination of the Dragon Phase Controlling Heaven Technique and the 'Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb' can produce miraculous effects, it consumes a lot of divine power. You have to reckon with your power. If you can't handle it, let this monkey go to the top live."

Lao Bai quickly sent a voice transmission to remind Chen Xi.

According to it, whether it's the Dragon Aspect Controlling Heaven Technique or the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, in the final analysis, they are all the most suitable for the dragon clan to sacrifice.


The body of each head is like a winding mountain, so huge, and the divine power it possesses is also naturally majestic, far exceeding that of human monks.

The exercises and treasures they cultivated are now being used in Chen Xi's hands, so one can imagine how much divine power it would consume.

"No need."

However, Chen Xi smiled. When speaking, he controlled the Longyuan Qianling Orb, and stepped forward again.


On the next road, the force of oppression became more and more terrifying, but the power possessed by the real Monarch Realm was no less powerful, crushing time and space, making a thunderous sound, which seemed extremely terrifying.

The Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb glows, as bright as a round of scorching sun, releasing the obscure, ancient, and grand dragon's coercion, easily disintegrating and pulverizing all these oppressive forces.

Everything seemed easy.

But Lao Bai saw it with a burst of surprise, because Chen Xi showed no signs of exhaustion during this journey, and the power in his body seemed to be endless, and it seemed extremely long-lasting, and it was too abnormal.

"It seems that this kid must have a treasure in his body that can continuously replenish his divine power. Looking at the heavens and the world, it seems that only..."

Until later, Lao Bai finally vaguely guessed some answers, his eyes suddenly became bright, "Cangwu Sacred Tree!"

"I didn't expect that. No wonder I felt a little unusual when I retreated in this kid's body. It turns out that I have such a chaotic treasure in my body."

Lao Bai was amazed in his heart. He originally thought that he had already understood everything about Chen Xi thoroughly, but looking at it now, it was obviously not the case.

"Chen Xi?"

Suddenly, an indifferent and solemn voice came from a distance.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi stopped walking suddenly, his eyes glowed with a cold gleam, and he suddenly looked towards the distance of the road of bones.

At a distance of ten thousand zhang, there was a group of figures standing, they were the Tai Jing Emperor and his party.

It's just that at this moment, they all sacrificed their divine treasures, and they were trying their best to resist the terrifying and oppressive force from the front. They seemed to be struggling, obviously trapped there for a long time, unable to advance an inch.

When he noticed that Chen Xi and the others had appeared, the Emperor Taijing's face immediately revealed a hint of astonishment, and then his face became gloomy.

"It really is that kid!"

"It's really hard to find a place to look for. I didn't expect this kid to come to the door on his own initiative!"

The other powerful ancestor gods of the Shaohao Clan also noticed Chen Xi, and they were all excited, with sneer smiles on their faces, and murderous intent in their eyes.

Faced with such a situation of "meeting each other on a narrow road", Chen Xi did not panic at all. Instead, a cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he was deep in thought.

In the end, he shook his head and continued to move forward, but he staggered the way he was going with the other party, and seemed to directly ignore Emperor Taijing and his party.

"Hmph! I will take this opportunity to kill this son!"

On Taijing Emperor's side, there was a strong Ancestral God Realm who couldn't hold back, and said sternly.


Unexpectedly, Emperor Taijing's face darkened, but he cursed, "If you want to die, go ahead!"

The man was startled, his expression fluctuating.

"Elder Fifteen is right. Don't be reckless. We are trapped here now, unable to advance or retreat. Under such circumstances, how can we kill this son?"

Someone sighed.

They have been trapped here for a long time, and with the power of Emperor Tai Jing, they can only keep their group from being oppressed and retreated.

"More than that, have you seen that the kid obviously only has the cultivation base of the ancestor god in the middle stage, but he rushed to catch up, which is too normal."

Someone had a dignified expression, looking at Chen Xi and his party in the distance in surprise and uncertainty.

As soon as these words came out, the others were also shocked, and finally realized that Chen Xi and his group were abnormal.

"How...how did they do it?"

Someone couldn't help asking out loud.

"The Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb of the Jin Family of the Imperial Domain!"

Emperor Tai Jing, who had never opened his mouth, spit out a few words from his lips, his face was extremely ashen, "It's just that I didn't expect that this kid has practiced the secret method of dragon inheritance, and he can fully display the power of this treasure. .”

At this moment, the others also understood, and their expressions became extremely different.

And when they noticed that the figures of Chen Xi and his group were gradually catching up, and that they were already faintly overtaking them, their expressions became even more gloomy to the point of dripping water.

"Damn it! This little bastard's luck is too good. Neither the Zhenlong Dao Domain nor the Mirage Dragon Realm failed to kill this kid. Now even with just a single bead, he is going to overtake us. , this is too exasperating!"

"What should I do? After crossing this road, it will be the burial place of the Taoist Ancestral Dragon. If that kid arrives early, I'm afraid that chance..."

Some people look ugly.

"Don't be impatient. When it comes to danger, the place where the Taoist ancestor dragon is buried is definitely more terrifying than it is now. It is not so easy for that kid to get that chance."

Taking a deep breath, Emperor Taijing took his gaze away from Chen Xi and his party, and said in a deep voice, "I will sacrifice a secret technique later to get rid of the predicament in one fell swoop. During this period, you all help me protect the technique."




The Longyuan Qianling Orb kept fluctuating, releasing circles of rippling Longwei, dispelling all the oppressive forces that surged on the road ahead.

Until this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a kind of pressure, because as he went deeper, the speed at which his divine power was being consumed was constantly accelerating, and even if he was running the Cangwu Sacred Tree with all his strength, he could barely maintain this pace of progress.

"The current oppressive power may already have the power of an eight-star emperor!"

Lao Bai's expression also became serious, and he quickly sent a voice transmission, "If the ancestor is right, I guess, as long as he persists for a while, he will be able to cross this road of bones."

Chen Xi nodded.

Gradually, his face became serious, his pace began to slow down, and his breath became cloudy.

Another long time passed.

Chen Xi even had no choice but to stop. While resisting the pressure that kept pouring in, he poured all kinds of elixir medicines into his mouth to replenish his divine power.



In the end, every time Chen Xi took a step forward, he had to stop for almost a cup of tea. One could imagine how terrifying the consumption of divine power was.


As Chen Xi moved forward again, his whole body suddenly loosened, and he rushed out of the area covered by the oppressive force.

"Hoo~~Hoo~~~ Finally broke out of this ghostly place!"

Chen Xi was gasping for breath, while laughing unceasingly, there was a kind of joy of regaining a new life.

Without that oppressive force, he felt for the first time that walking normally was a rare and incomparable enjoyment.

Lao Bai and Little Treasure were also filled with joy. Although this journey was not dangerous or fatal, it was indeed too difficult. Seeing Chen Xi walking alone through thorns and thorns, the two of them were always worried and worried about him.

Now that they had finally crossed that bone tunnel, they were really relieved.

After crossing the tunnel of bones, what appeared in front of me was a misty starry sky, in which the outlines of sacred mountains were faintly reflected!

Those sacred mountains stand in the starry sky, many times larger than the stars, and the whole body is shrouded in gray mist, looking majestic and mysterious.

"Dragon Nest Mountain!"

Laobai's eyes lit up, and he couldn't restrain his joy, "The mirage dragon once said that the corpse of the ancestral dragon Taoist master is buried in the dragon's nest mountain suspended in the starry sky!"


Chen Xi couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.


Just as Chen Xi took a step, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck down.


Before Chen Xi could make a move, Xiao Bao had already swept away with the iron rod, directly defeating that bolt of thunder and lightning.

But what surprised Chen Xi was that although Xiao Bao repelled the blow, his whole body uncontrollably retreated, coughing up a mouthful of blood from the corner of his lips, and he was actually injured by this blow.

"Dragon Flame Tribulation Thunder!"

Laobai's face was solemn, "Don't move forward! This thing will be easily wiped out if it is slightly contaminated. It is the unique power of the Zulong clan born in chaos."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and said in a concentrated voice: "Doesn't this mean that this Dragon's Nest Mountain is more dangerous than the bone tunnel before?"

"It is indeed dangerous, but as long as you master the way to crack it, it is not difficult, you just have to take a certain risk."

Lao Bai pondered, as if he was deducing something.

Seeing this, Chen Xi stopped disturbing Lao Bai, but his eyes were sizing up everything in the distance.

It's just a tomb. Even though he was an unrivaled Daoist at the beginning, the burial site after his fall is full of so many restrictions, dangers, and barriers. This is too abnormal.

Why did that Ancestral Dragon Taoist do this in the first place?

Is all this just to protect his corpse from being violated?

Surely it won't be that simple anymore!

A faint intuition arose in Chen Xi's heart, that there might be some mystery in the place where the Taoist Ancestral Dragon Lord was buried.

"For many years, no one has been able to set foot on this Dragon Nest Mountain. The old man originally thought that an unrivaled powerhouse came, but who knew it was actually a little baby. This really disappointed the old man. The old man advises you to leave quickly. An illusory chance, but ruined my own life!"

Suddenly, a sharp and hoarse voice suddenly came from the gray cloud and starry sky in the distance.


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