divine talisman

Chapter 1794 Dong Bowen

There are people here?

Chen Xi was startled, and suddenly became vigilant, only then did he notice that a purple-clothed youth was sitting cross-legged on the top of a sacred mountain shrouded in mist in front of him.

Looking carefully, I saw that the purple-clothed boy was wearing a purple jade crown, his face was like a jade crown, but his eyes were extremely cold and sharp. He looked young, but Chen Xi had a faint feeling that this purple-clothed boy might have lived for a long, long time.

"Qi mechanism expands the universe, nine stars transform the sky, this guy is actually a nine-star emperor!"

Lao Bai also noticed the existence of this purple-clothed boy at the same time, and was taken aback immediately, and quickly reminded Chen Xi with a trace of solemnity in his voice.

Nine Star Monarch!

Chen Xi's heart was also shocked. Who would have thought that the purple-clothed boy would be the strongest existence in the Emperor Realm?

But it's normal to think about it. It is naturally impossible for ordinary people to be able to get here through many dangerous situations.

You must know that even the Taijing Emperor is still trapped in that bone passage, and he is also in the Emperor Realm. The purple-clothed boy is obviously much stronger than the Taijing Emperor.

But such a nine-star emperor, how could he stay in Longchao Mountain instead of looking for the supreme opportunity left by the ancestor dragon Taoist?

Obviously, there must be something strange in it!


Suddenly, the purple-clothed youth on the sacred mountain in the distance seemed to notice something, and looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully, "You, a little doll in the middle stage of the ancestor god, can actually break out of the Zhenlong Dao Domain, break through the Mirage Dragon Realm, It's a little unusual to cross the Wanlong Mausoleum and climb the Longhaitian Road, and finally arrive here. Which big force are you a disciple of, and who is your master?"

"The name of my master is beyond your knowledge."

Chen Xi calmly replied, but he roughly judged in his heart that this Nine Star Emperor was probably trapped here, otherwise he would have gone to look for the opportunity left by the Ancestral Dragon Taoist, so how could he have the leisure to talk to himself.

"Hehe, little baby, you are too vigilant. I, Dong Bowen, have been practicing so far and have always obeyed the laws of my master. How could I harm you, little baby."

The purple-clothed boy laughed heartily, but his eyes were carefully observing Chen Xi's expression.

It's a pity that Chen Xi's performance was too calm, so that he couldn't recognize anything useful at all.

Dong Bowen?

Chen Xi was not familiar with this name, but he would never let down his vigilance just because of a word from the other party.

At the same time, he ordered Xiaobao and Xiaojin to be on guard, and then sent a voice transmission to Laobai: "Have you figured out a way to cross this Dragon's Nest Mountain?"

"It's not too difficult to deal with Longyan Tribulation Thunder. You just need to use the Longyuan Qianling Orb in your hand as a guide, and use a secret method to resolve it."

Lao Bai said via voice transmission, "What I'm really worried about, Patriarch, is that there's more than just a checkpoint of Dragon Flame Tribulation and Thunder in this Dragon Nest Mountain."


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes.

"Forget it, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Even I have been trapped here for 8000 years, and I haven't been able to get that chance. Your strength is far from enough."

The purple-clothed boy shook his head and spoke. His expression seemed indifferent and sharp, but there was no disdain or hostility in what he said, as if he was narrating a very ordinary thing.

But hearing these words in Lao Bai's ears, he couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't help snorting coldly: "Just because you're trapped here, doesn't mean we will be trapped here. Sometimes strength is not enough to decide everything."

The purple-clothed boy was stunned, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked at Lao Bai coldly for a long time, but finally he couldn't help showing a trace of doubt, and frowned, "What's the origin of this bird, you only have a spiritual cultivation, but your tone is so arrogant , I really don’t know how to advance or retreat.”

Before Lao Bai could open his mouth, he continued: "I'm not afraid to tell you that this Longchao Mountain is divided into two levels of forbidden areas. The first level is the Dragon Flame Tribulation Thunder. Without the ability of a six-star emperor, it is very difficult to go beyond the barrier. .”

"As for the second level of forbidden land, under this seat, there are a total of eighteen sacred mountains. They were transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist when he fell. , there is probably only half the existence of the main level of the trail, maybe there is a glimmer of hope to break through here."

These words just happened to fulfill Lao Bai's previous conjecture, and made Chen Xi's heart sink. Is there a glimmer of hope for a half-step Taoist master?

Then Dong Bowen would definitely not lie, otherwise, with his Nine Star Emperor cultivation base, why would he be trapped in the second forbidden place?

"Ha ha."

At this moment, Lao Bai laughed strangely for no reason, seemed to be disdainful, and seemed to be mocking Dong Bowen's exaggerated words.

"Then why don't you leave?"

Seeing this, Chen Xi quickly changed the subject, lest Lao Bai's actions would anger that Dong Bowen.

"Not reconciled."

Dong Bowen said indifferently, "I have reached the realm of the Nine-Star Emperor, and I don't know how long it will take to step into the realm of the Taoist Lord. In this case, I am here waiting for the sublime cultivation. Maybe one day I can meet a turning point and get That chance, maybe you can use it to attack the Taoist realm."

Hearing this, Chen Xi frowned, and fell silent immediately.

"It's a pity, I'm afraid you don't have any hope in this life."

Lao Bai sneered, it was also determined to win this opportunity, Dong Bowen's words made him faintly feel a little competition.


Dong Bowen's pair of sharp eyes suddenly narrowed, staring at Lao Bai for a long time, he suddenly laughed, but the smile was full of coldness, "Okay! I want to see, you are a spiritual god How dare you speak so boldly without the existence of the environment!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes and started to meditate again, ignoring Chen Xi and the others.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi couldn't help being moved in his heart, he glanced at Lao Bai thoughtfully, and said, "Have you thought of a way to crack it?"

Lao Bai smiled mysteriously: "You will understand when the time comes."

Next, Lao Bai didn't delay, and imprinted a secret method in a wave of thought and conveyed it to Chen Xi,

Then he whispered: "After this secret method is cast, it will definitely damage the Longyuan Qianling Orb, but don't worry, as long as you pass this first restriction, the ancestor, I promise to let the power of this innate spirit treasure go away." Not only back to normal, but stronger than ever!"

"As long as you can break through this first forbidden area, even if you destroy this Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, it will be considered worthwhile."

Chen Xi smiled, disapproving.



After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi thoroughly comprehended the secret technique taught by Lao Bai, and his eyes couldn't help showing a look of astonishment. This secret technique is not very mysterious, but it is extremely unimaginable.

Without pondering any more, Chen Xi led Lao Bai and Xiao Bao and started to move forward.


As soon as he started to move, there was a sudden violent tumbling in the world, smashing down bright lightning bolts.




There was a roar of dragon's roar in the thunder and lightning, which contained a terrifying killing intent. As the thunder and lightning came, waves poured down like a galaxy, which was extremely terrifying.

This is the Dragon Flame Tribulation Thunder, the divine punishment from the Dragon Clan, and its power is extremely terrifying. Just as what Dong Bowen said, if you want to cross this forbidden area, you must at least have the strength of a six-star emperor.

Chen Xi's expression couldn't help becoming severe.


The Longyuan Qianling Orb appeared in mid-air ahead of Jie Lei, spun wildly, and the divine splendor ran wildly, crushing time and space, turning it into a terrifying black hole vortex.

The force of the rotation is too powerful, as if a hurricane of destruction appeared, tearing the whole world apart.


The first dragon flame tribulation thunder strikes down, its divine power is unparalleled.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how confident Chen Xi was, he would definitely run away in shock when encountering this blow, and would not dare to fight against it at all.

Even with Xiaobao's ferocious temperament, he couldn't help being terrified at this moment, and his hair exploded all over.

"Isn't this courting death?"

Hearing the sound of thunder calamity, Dong Bowen, the purple-clothed boy on the mountain in the distance, did not open his eyes, but he sighed in his heart.


However, at the next moment, there was a violent and sharp collision sound, which echoed continuously between the sky and the earth, making Dong Bowen's eardrums feel uncomfortable for a while.

He frowned, and couldn't help opening his eyes to look back. When he saw the scene in the distance clearly, his expression froze slightly.

I saw a bead as bright as the sun spinning wildly in the void in the distance, distorting the surrounding time and space into a shattered vortex black hole, and the dragon flame tribulation thunder that slashed down, at this moment, was like a silver star caught in the vortex. Snake-like, constantly colliding and rubbing, but it has been changed in the direction of attack, like drifting with the current, driven by the vortex to spin...

Long Yuan Qian Lingzhu!

Could it be that this little doll is a descendant of the Emperor Jin family?But when did the Jin family show such a heavenly-defyingly beautiful disciple?

Just when Dong Bowen was feeling suspicious, he heard a loud bang, and the dragon flame tribulation thunder was violently thrown out of the vortex, and fell hard towards the distance!

This is an unpredictable tribulation thunder, and it was thrown away like an iron spear at this moment. The scene made Dong Bowen stunned. What kind of method is this?How could it be so incredible?

Witnessing this scene, Chen Xi, Lao Bai, and Xiao Bao all heaved a sigh of relief, it was a success!

The secret method taught by Lao Bai is to use the power of the Longyuan Qianling Orb as a guide, and use the method of "concealing the sky and crossing the sea, and diverting the disaster to the east" to forcibly divert the attack direction of the dragon's fire and thunder.

And in this way, the danger of Chen Xi and the others and Long Yan Jielei being confronted head-on was also avoided, which is indeed unimaginable.


However, what neither Dong Bowen nor Chen Xi expected was that before the thrown Longyan Tribulation Thunder struck down, a group of figures appeared, and the positions they stood in were so coincidental The ground is right under that dragon flame calamity thunder...

And that terrified scream was uttered by one of the figures in that group.

This scene happened so abruptly and bizarrely, it was like being sent to the door to find a lightning strike, full of coincidences.

Not to mention Dong Bowen, Chen Xi and the others, even a line of figures never expected such a scene to happen.


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