divine talisman

Chapter 1795

The time went back to before Chen Xi and his party entered Dragon Nest Mountain.

On that bone tunnel, seeing that Chen Xi and his group surpassed themselves and the others and entered the area where the opportunity left by the Taoist Ancestral Dragon was buried, the expressions of Emperor Taijing and the others turned completely ashen.

Their hearts were burning with anxiety, and they couldn't bear the fact that a great opportunity was taken away by a little guy they hunted.


Emperor Taijing took a deep breath and forced himself to suppress the murderous intent in his heart. At this moment, he did not dare to hold back any more, and displayed a secret method.


Hundreds of millions of divine brilliance evaporated from his body, which was brilliant and dazzling, and derived grand visions such as the change of the universe, the passage of time, the cycle of the avenue, and the chanting of the gods, etc., echoing endlessly between heaven and earth.

In an instant, Emperor Taijing's aura suddenly rose, like a god who ruled the common people, with the power to control the universe and order all things.

And as Emperor Taijing cast spells, the power around him became stronger and stronger, without any tendency to stop!


During this process, on the tunnel of bones, a wave of oppressive force like a violent tsunami continued to attack, but they were all resisted by the four powerful ancestors of the Shaohao clan who had already been waiting in battle, thus winning for Emperor Taijing. More casting time.

But after all, they are the Ancestral God Realm, and even Emperor Taijing is trapped here and cannot move forward, let alone them.


In just a moment, a strong ancestor god coughed up blood, his figure staggered, and he was almost crushed on the road.

After another cup of tea time, the other three Ancestral God Realm powerhouses couldn't hold on one after another, coughing up blood one after another, their faces pale, like straws struggling in a storm, their situation was precarious.

Seeing that they were about to be robbed, at this very urgent moment, Taijing Emperor, who had been motionless before, suddenly opened his eyes.


An incomparably terrifying coercion suddenly spread out from the Taijing Emperor's body, like an autumn wind sweeping leaves, completely crushing the oppressive force in an instant, it can be said to be overwhelming, devastating!

It worked!

The four Ancestral God Realm powerhouses were all excited, and the feeling of escaping from death made it impossible for them to describe their feelings at the moment.

"Let's go! You must kill that kid! You must not let this kid get the opportunity left by Taoist Zulong!"

At this moment, Emperor Taijing was mighty and powerful, with an indescribably violent aura all over his body, more than twice as powerful as before.

When he was speaking, he strode forward abruptly. Wherever he passed, the oppressive force that continuously surged was like paper, collapsing and collapsing one after another, and he had no power to resist.

"Fifteen elders are good at it!"

"If my guess is correct, the secret method you sacrificed, Elder Fifteen, should be [Blood Transformation and Taoism], one of the Shaohao Clan's eight great town clan's unique skills?"

"Blood-melting Taoism? God, no wonder it's so powerful. It turns out to be this secret technique. Rumor has it that it's not inferior to the Yazi tribe's [Explosive Qi Killing God Art]!"

The four ancestral gods who followed Emperor Taijing praised again and again, and were amazed by the means displayed by Emperor Taijing.

Emperor Taijing looked stern, but he was full of pride in his heart, enjoying the feeling of being revered and praised.

"Let's go, after capturing that kid and winning the opportunity left by the ancestor God, it's not too late for us to celebrate."

Emperor Taijing put down a word indifferently, stretched out his arms suddenly, as if embracing Yin and Yang, and with a bang, destroyed the last oppressive force.

"It's natural."

"What Elder Fifteen said is absolutely true."

Those ancestor god powerhouses nodded one after another.

"It's no accident, the dragon's nest mountain is in front of the passage, that kid must be trapped there now!"

There was a strong murderous intent in Taijing Emperor's eyes, without stopping, he stepped into the area at the end of the passage.

Seeing this, the other ancestor gods also hurriedly followed, gearing up, wishing they could swallow Chen Xi alive right now.

"This damned little thing, this time the old man wants to see if he can escape."

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry to kill him this time. A little thing like this can only be happy if it tortures him so much that he can't survive or die."

"Yes, when the time comes, the old man will have to make a good job of this son!"

While discussing, they followed Emperor Taijing to Longchao Mountain.


Before they could see the face of Longchao Mountain clearly, a shocking thunderbolt struck!

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen, Emperor Taijing narrowed his eyes, and subconsciously dodged to one side fiercely.

The expressions of the four ancestral god powerhouses beside him suddenly changed, and their souls almost flew out in horror. They also subconsciously wanted to dodge, but they were a little slower than the Emperor Taijing.


The Jielei struck down and forcibly landed on the body of a strong ancestor god. That person only had time to let out a scream before his whole body was blasted into flying ash, and his soul was wiped out on the spot.

Witnessing this scene, Tai Jing Emperor's heart also tightened, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes instantly saw like lightning, Chen Xi and his party were impressively standing in an area about a thousand feet away.

And the other three ancestor god powerhouses were so shocked by this scene that they trembled all over, and their liver and gallbladder were splitting. They were excitedly discussing how to deal with Chen Xi before, but in the blink of an eye, one of their companions completely disappeared from the world. Waiting for a strong gap, how can they accept it?

"It really is this kid!"

Emperor Taijing uttered a few words from his lips, and the voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, with endless murderous intent.


"This little bastard must be sneaking up on us!"

The other three Ancestral God powerhouses were startled, and they also woke up from the shock. When they saw Chen Xi in the distance, old and new grudges welled up in their hearts, and their faces suddenly became ashen and cold.

And at this time, Chen Xi and the others finally recognized Emperor Taijing and his party, and they couldn't help being slightly surprised, they didn't expect the other party to catch up so quickly.

But immediately they couldn't help laughing, it was a coincidence that it came so fast, it was too coincidental that a Longyan Tribulation Thunder that had been diverted accidentally killed a strong ancestor god of the opponent.

"Damn bastard, you still dare to laugh!"

An ancestral god powerhouse from the Shaohao Clan was furious and wanted to rush forward to kill Chen Xi.


But at this moment, a thunderbolt slammed down from the cloud-shrouded sky, frightening the strong ancestor god froze, and retreated to the side subconsciously.

But when he noticed that the tribulation thunder was attacking Chen Xi and the others, he couldn't help feeling ashamed and indignant, feeling that his dodging action just now was too embarrassing.

But just for a moment, he gloated, and when the thunder came, why didn't he kill that damned little bastard?


But what surprised him was that after the tribulation thunder came, he was restrained by the vortex transformed by the Longyuan Qianling Orb halfway, followed the vortex uncontrollably, completely deviated from the direction of attack.

Looking from a distance, it was as if that tribulation thunder had been controlled by Chen Xi with the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb.

At this moment, even Emperor Taijing and the others shrank their pupils, their hearts twitched violently, and they almost couldn't believe it.

That's Dragon Flame Tribulation Thunder!

How could it be controlled?


Before they could react, the tribulation thunder was thrown out by the vortex, and came towards them at a faster speed.

Immediately, Emperor Taijing was so startled by this scene that his expression changed again, and he hurriedly dodged, looking extremely embarrassed.

But even so, there was still a strong ancestor god who was rubbed into the body by the thunderbolt, and his left arm was instantly pulverized, turning into embers and flying away.


The man was in so much pain that he couldn't help but let out a scream.

This made Emperor Tai Jing and his party startled and angry, and finally realized that the tribulation thunder that wiped out their companions before was obviously also written by Chen Xi!


All of this was indeed written by Chen Xi, but the first tribulation thunder was not controlled by him, it was just a coincidence.

But it was precisely because of this coincidence that his heart suddenly moved, and he had a thought of manipulating the tribulation thunder, so he had this second tribulation thunder.

After testing, Chen Xi finally discovered that with the secret method taught by Lao Bai, and with the help of the Longyuan Qianling Orb in his hand, he can completely control the direction and trajectory of the robbery thunder. Although he is not directly controlled by himself, that level of power But it is definitely beyond imagination.

"Let's do it together and kill this son!"

"Yes, we can't go on like this, otherwise we are destined to suffer even more losses."

Emperor Taijing and his party reacted decisively and wanted to kill Chen Xi. Only in this way could the predicament be resolved.

Unfortunately, Chen Xi would not give them a chance.

The moment Emperor Taijing and the others moved, Chen Xi also moved, but he walked towards the area covered by the dragon flame tribulation thunder.


Sure enough, as the nine-star emperor Dong Bowen said, when he entered the first restricted area covered by the dragon flame robbery, the dragon flame robbery suddenly became violent and dense, and streams of silvery light streamed and killed Down.

With the experience of the previous two times, this time Chen Xi appeared to be extremely calm. He controlled the Dragon Yuan Latent Orb, cast secret techniques, and evolved into a space-time vortex, suspended in mid-air and twirling crazily.

And as soon as those slashing and powerful Dragon Flame Tribulation Lei Fu descended, they were restrained by that vortex without exception, shifted and deviated from the direction, and then according to Chen Xi's intentions, were ruthlessly thrown out and rushed towards that place. The Taijing emperor who came came to kill him.

"not good!"



Seeing this, Emperor Taijing and his party's complexion sank again, and they were shocked, angry and aggrieved. How could they have imagined that their dignified Shaohao family and an emperor would be in charge, but now they would be killed by a young man in the middle stage of an ancestor god? Playing between bloating?

But no matter how angry and aggrieved they were, in such a situation, they still didn't dare to be negligent, subconsciously evaded and resisted, and dared not face those Longyan Jielei head-on.


All of a sudden, this area was full of thunder and thunder. If meteorites fell from outside the domain, they would shatter time and space, crack the ground, and show signs of collapse, collapse, and chaos everywhere.

Taijing Dijun and his party were like clowns, forced to dodge frequently, extremely embarrassed.


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