divine talisman

Chapter 1796


Even after repeated dodges, there was still a strong ancestor god who was hit by a dragon flame tribulation lightning and was killed on the spot. His flesh and blood and spirit instantly turned into dust and disappeared from the world.

This scene shocked the Tai Jing Emperor and the others again, their expressions were cloudy and uncertain, and they became more and more furious, so angry that they were about to vomit blood.

A young man in the mid-stage of the Ancestral God, but with the help of the Dragon Flame Tribulation Thunder, he successively killed two experts in the Ancestral God Realm on their side. How could they accept this?


Emperor Taijing was furious and roared loudly.

But before he could make a move, there was a bang, and another series of thunderbolts struck, causing his voice to stop abruptly, and he had to dodge again in embarrassment.

If an outside cultivator sees that embarrassing, angry and aggrieved appearance, he will laugh his teeth out.

But the only remaining two ancestor god powerhouses beside Emperor Taijing were not so lucky, and they were wiped out one after another in the following time!

This is the frightening aspect of Longyan Tribulation Thunder. It comes from the first forbidden area of ​​Longchao Mountain. It was laid down when the ancestor dragon Taoist fell, and it contains all the power in it, which is not ordinary or comparable at all.


Emperor Taijing was already furious, and his eyes were about to burst.

As a powerful elder of the Shaohao Clan, and as an existence of the Monarch Realm with unrivaled divine power, since he practiced until now, how has he ever been so frustrated and humiliated?

Just chasing and killing a little-known young man, all the powerful ancestor gods he brought this time were wiped out and robbed. If it gets out, how will the whole world think of him?

And how...how should he explain to the clan?

Emperor Taijing was completely enraged, and even wanted to run wildly, his face became distorted and ferocious, like a furious ancient beast, releasing a terrifying aura all over his body.


The divine flames all over his body exploded, like an unrivaled demon god descending into the world, roaring loudly, and rushed towards the distance.

Although he lost a lot of his subordinates, but now he is the only one left, so he has no restraints anymore, and he no longer has to be distracted to protect others.

Under such circumstances, it actually allowed him to resist the thunderstorms of dragon flames, and began to approach the depths of Longchao Mountain.

However, compared to Chen Xi and his party, Emperor Taijing's speed was obviously much slower.

The reason is that the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb sacrificed by Chen Xi used the method of embezzlement to "blame" all the dragon flames and calamities on Emperor Taijing.

However, Emperor Taijing could only rely on his own strength to forcibly challenge him. Under such circumstances, it was simply impossible for him to catch up with Chen Xi immediately.

But Emperor Taijing couldn't care less about these things anymore, he only had one thought in his mind, to rush out of this restricted area, and kill Chen Xi no matter what!


"The Shaohao family, I didn't expect them to be made into such a look by this young man from the Jin family in the imperial domain. It can be said that they have lost all face."

On the top of the sacred mountain in the distance, Dong Bowen, who was dressed in purple and had a handsome face like a boy, had already recognized the identity of Emperor Taijing and his party. , he couldn't help shaking his head.

But immediately, a strange color appeared in Dong Bowen's eyes, "No, the Jin clan of the Imperial Region, like the Shaohao clan, both have a close relationship with the Supreme Sect, and these two clans shouldn't be so tit-for-tat It is."

"Could it be that the young man is not a descendant of the Jin family in the Imperial Region? If that is the case, the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb in his hand may not be what he should have..."

Before, because of the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, Dong Bowen subconsciously regarded Chen Xi as a descendant of the Jin family in the imperial domain, but at this moment he suddenly realized that his previous judgment was wrong.

"What a weird little guy, the ancestor god's mid-stage cultivation base, but he was able to break through many barriers, set foot in this dragon's nest mountain, followed by a golden boy macaque and a strange bird with a mysterious origin, and now he is even the emperor Yu Jin's congenital spirit treasure is also mastered by him, and all these add up, it seems too mysterious."

The more Dong Bowen thought about it, the more he felt Chen Xi's extraordinaryness, and couldn't help turning his gaze to Chen Xi's side again.

However, Chen Xi and his group were walking calmly and step-by-step through the first restricted zone, and they were already approaching this side.

And because of the control of the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, the dragon flames and thunder that kept slashing down from the sky couldn't hurt them at all.

"No wonder that strange bird dared to speak so arrogantly. With this treasure, it is really possible for them to reach this second forbidden place."

Before, Lao Bai had been confronting Dong Bowen with words, which made the latter feel faintly unhappy, but when he witnessed this scene, Dong Bowen couldn't help being a little moved, and put away a trace of contempt in his heart.

"Hmph, what are you looking at, do you regret that what you said just now was too absolute?"

As soon as Lao Bai raised his head, he saw Dong Bowen's gaze, couldn't help puffing out his chest proudly, and snorted coldly.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that you guys actually hold the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, but you can't talk too much. Although the first forbidden zone can be crossed by you, but this second forbidden zone..."

Dong Bowen's voice was understated, and at the end, he smiled and closed his eyes, not saying any more.

Obviously, he didn't think that Chen Xi and the others would be able to break through the second restricted area.

"Hey, Old Ancestor, I'm still saying the same thing as before. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean we can't do it. Let's wait and see!"

Lao Bai sneered again and again.

During this process, Chen Xi never said a word, and his mind was always on dissolving and controlling the Longyan Tribulation Thunder.

When he witnessed the killing of the powerful ancestor gods of the Shaohao clan beside Emperor Tai Jing, he couldn't help but feel extremely happy in his heart.

It was originally an operation to return to Shenyan Mountain, but these guys intercepted them halfway, and they seemed to want to capture and kill him completely, which made Chen Xi feel furious.

For this reason, Chen Xi was even forced to flee into this undead galaxy, and he continued to flee until at this moment, the situation had just begun to turn in his favor, so he was naturally extremely happy in his heart.

However, Chen Xi didn't dare to be careless, because until now, Emperor Taijing was still unscathed, and was slowly approaching!

Chen Xi had previously fought against Emperor Ye's Nandu Emperor, and he knew very well how difficult and dangerous it would be to kill an Emperor.

And according to his judgment, the strength of Emperor Taijing is much stronger than that of Nandu Emperor, so he dare not have any carelessness in his heart.

Under such circumstances, the only thing he has to do is to hurry up and cross this area full of dragon flames, tribulation and thunder, and constantly distance himself from Emperor Taijing, so as to avoid confrontation with him.



As time went by, one after another of dazzling dragon flame tribulation thunder continued to strike down, roaring and shaking the four fields, resounding in all directions, filled with the aura of destroying the world.

Chen Xi and his group were walking forward.

Dong Bowen on the sacred mountain in the distance has also closed his eyes and meditated, ignoring all this.

At this moment, even Emperor Taijing had recovered his composure, with a cold and stern look on his face, walking against the thunderstorms, lingering murderous intent all over his body, and radiating divine splendor, it was extremely frightening.

After a stick of incense.

With a bang, Chen Xi only felt his whole body lighten up, and when he escaped from the force field of the first restricted area, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally walked out of the first level area covering Longyan Tribulation Thunder!

"Sure enough, as Lao Bai said, the Longyuan Qianling Orb has suffered a lot of damage..."

Chen Xi looked at the treasure in his palm, and saw that its luster was dim, and its aura was no longer as smooth and perfect as before, like a bright pearl covered with mottled dust.

This is an innate spiritual treasure, if it is damaged in this way, its power will inevitably be weakened a lot, and other ascetics would feel distressed and bleed when they saw this.

But Chen Xi was already very satisfied, to be able to use this treasure to cross the first level of restricted area without any risk, it was definitely considered the best use of it.

Chen Xi glanced back and saw the figure of Emperor Taijing approaching from a very far away. Although the speed was slow, it would not take long for him to cross the first restricted area.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help frowning, and he quickly sent a voice transmission: "Old Bai, how should we deal with this second restricted zone?"

According to Na Dong Bowen, the second restricted area is the eighteen sacred mountains in front of him, which were transformed by the original power of the Taoist ancestor dragon when he fell. There is only a glimmer of hope to break through the existence of layers.

It is also because of this that even though Dong Bowen, as a nine-star emperor, has been able to break through here for 8000 years, he is still trapped here now, unable to take a step forward.

With this, we can know the horror of this second restricted area.

"My method is a bit risky, but you can give it a try."

Lao Bai was silent for a moment, and his expression became rare and serious, "The original power of the Taoist master is too strong, even if it is the power left after the disaster and fall, it is still enough to kill the existence below the Taoist master."

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he asked, "What is the method?"

Seeing this, Laobai smiled, and said: "Do you still remember what my ancestor said before, if this method is feasible, not only will it allow us to pass through the second restricted area, but it will also be able to unleash the hidden spirit of the Dragon Yuan?" The pearl has been completely repaired, and the power has become stronger than before!"

Chen Xi couldn't help frowning, and said angrily, "I'm asking you what method it is."

Lao Bai no longer concealed it this time, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi: "The original power of the Taoist master has been left to this day. It is invisible and intangible, but it is full of great murderous intentions. It is almost impossible to prevent and resist, but don't Forget, the big Luotian in your hand is enough to hunt any illusory power between the heavens and the earth..."

Before Lao Bai could finish speaking, Chen Xi interrupted: "Da Luotian is indeed extraordinary, but if I use my strength to sacrifice, I'm afraid there is no way to do this step at all."

Lao Bai said disapprovingly: "If you don't give it a try, how can you know it won't work? This is what I call risk, but wealth and wealth come from danger, how can there be a perfect and safe way in this world?"

Chen Xi immediately hesitated. After all... Do you want to give it a try?


ps: Chapter 210 around half past.


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