divine talisman

Chapter 1797

Hesitation means that there is some kind of worry.

What worried Chen Xi was not just taking the risk of breaking through the second level of restriction with Da Luotian, but also the fact that there was a Nine-Star Monarch occupying the top of the sacred mountain in the distance!

Although the other party didn't show any malice, Chen Xi didn't dare to be negligent.

What's more, there is still a Tai Jing Emperor constantly approaching from behind, which makes Chen Xi more and more vigilant.

"Are you worried about that Nine Star Emperor?"

Lao Bai seemed to see what Chen Xi was thinking, and he couldn't help but said via voice transmission, "Don't worry, that guy is trapped there and is struggling, if he wants to take the opportunity to attack us, he must first be able to resist the original power of the Taoist master that is full of that restricted area. "

After a pause, it continued: "As long as we get into the second restricted area ahead of time by surprise, he is destined to do nothing to us."

Chen Xi frowned and said, "How can I catch you by surprise?"

Lao Bai couldn't help laughing triumphantly: "Didn't you see that this guy obviously thinks that we can't break through the second restricted area. Under such circumstances, as a junior, he won't do anything to you, a junior. On the contrary, he We will even stand on the sidelines and see what means we will use to break into the second penalty area, and this is our opportunity."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.



Soon, Chen Xi and the others arrived at the top of the first sacred mountain.

"Heh, do you really want to break into this second restricted area?"

Dong Bowen, who was dressed in purple, opened his eyes from his meditation, glanced at Chen Xi and the others who were thousands of feet away from him, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Why, are you worried that if we break through, you, the Nine Star Emperor, will look too incompetent?"

Lao Bai spoke sarcastically, without fear of the other party.

"You have a vicious mouth, that's all. I don't care about you. Since you want to die, please do it."

Dong Bowen looked very graceful, just shook his head and smiled, and didn't bother to argue with Lao Bai any more.

Laobai smiled smugly, this is what it wanted, and it would be unimaginable if Dong Bowen stopped them at all costs.

And from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi didn't pay much attention to all of this. After he came to this mountain top, he carefully looked at everything in the distance.

The sacred mountain at their feet soared into the sky, and it was the first sacred mountain in the second restricted area. Looking from here, there were seventeen sacred mountains standing in the distance.

Every sacred mountain is ancient and majestic, filled with a dreadful aura, obscure and mysterious, as if there is an endless abyss that can swallow all outsiders.

This is the second restricted area of ​​Longchao Mountain, and it is also the last hurdle leading to the corpse of the Ancestral Dragon Taoist Lord. Since ancient times, how many shocking figures in the world have stopped here to drink their hatred!

"Are you ready?"

Old Bai's voice came from beside his ears.

Chen Xi nodded, then took a deep breath, and according to Lao Bai's instructions, he hid the golden-eyed macaque Little Treasure beside him. This was done to avoid any accidents to Little Treasure during the process of breaking through the level.

After doing all of this, Chen Xi's eyes were filled with determination, and he said, "Let's begin."

As he spoke, he took a step forward, stepping on the void to move forward.


The moment he stepped out from the top of the first sacred mountain, an old, mysterious, and grand fluctuation suddenly spread from the sky and the earth, causing the sky and the earth to change color, and everything was distorted at this moment.

The sky became pitch black, as if sinking into eternal night!

Such a scene is like the doomsday coming, and everything will be wiped out, which is extremely horrifying.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar resounded throughout, and Chen Xi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a figure appeared in the distant sky.

That figure is ten thousand feet tall, with the sky above its head, its feet on the earth, standing between the sky and the earth, it seems that it has stood for hundreds of millions of years, and has never moved.

Almost at the same time, an ancient, vast and long-lasting aura suddenly radiated from the tall figure, and in the next instant, streaks of dazzling golden light emerged, overflowing every inch of the skin of the tall figure.


The aura of this figure is too frightening, too immeasurable, just standing there, the aura around him is like a great avenue, and the mantra resounds and fluctuates like a chanting.

At this moment, the world seems to be filled with that stalwart figure, with billions of golden lights and boundless mana, like an innate god who wakes up from silence, making people unconsciously feel small and boundless.

"This is……"

Chen Xi's heart trembled violently, and he took a deep breath. Even though he already knew that the second forbidden zone was extremely terrifying, when he saw such a tall and ancient figure appearing, he still couldn't help but feel a wave of shock and smell a fatal smell. dangerous atmosphere.

"Don't panic, this is the original power left by the Taoist ancestor dragon. Although it is terrifying, it has no wisdom. You just act according to my previous instructions."

Lao Bai’s expression was also surprisingly dignified, and he quickly reminded Chen Xi.

Chen Xi nodded, and was about to do something when he heard Dong Bowen in the distance suddenly say, "That guy is the 'Dragon Source Soul' left when the Patriarch of the Dragons fell, I will fight against it For 8000 years, all kinds of methods have been used, but they have not been subdued, you...are you really going to seek death?"

Chen Xi's footsteps paused, but in the end he still ignored it.


Chen Xi sacrificed the Dragon Yuan Latent Spirit Orb, floating in mid-air drippingly, releasing waves of ancient dragon power waves.

Then, he stepped forward.

"What a stubborn little guy, since he is looking for death blindly, don't blame me for not reminding you..."

Seeing this, Dong Bowen couldn't help shaking his head. He originally planned to close his eyes and meditate, but in the end he couldn't hold back and looked over.

He is also curious, who is only a young man in the mid-stage of the ancestor god, who gave him such confidence that he dared to venture alone in this forbidden area that even half-step road masters find extremely difficult.




At the moment Chen Xi stepped forward, that majestic figure suddenly turned his head, and a pair of eyes like the scorching sun shone down. Those eyes were actually real, piercing through time and space, and instantly locked onto Chen Xi.

In an instant, Chen Xi felt his soul tremble, his liver and gallbladder were about to burst, all the pores of his body stood upside down, and his whole body froze there.


In mid-air, the Long Yuan Qianling Orb glowed, filled with ancient dragon power, enveloped Chen Xi's whole body, and actually dispelled the deterrence he suffered bit by bit.


A muffled and obscure voice sounded like thunder from that tall figure, and he seemed to be a little puzzled.

"Sure enough, this guy is transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist, and the power of the Longyuan Qianling Orb comes from the same vein. Under such circumstances, it will not attack you for a while."

Lao Bai cheered up suddenly, and quickly sent a voice transmission, "Hurry up, sacrifice Da Luotian, and bind this guy in one fell swoop!"

"But in this way, wouldn't it be offended and make a move?"

Chen Xi frowned.

"Even if you don't do it, do you think it will watch you cross this restricted area?"

Lao Bai was not in a good mood.

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, finally gritted his teeth, raised his hand abruptly and threw it away, a mass of clear star-like light spread out, and suddenly transformed into a large sheet in mid-air, and he unexpectedly effortlessly wiped that ray of light Wanzhang's figure was wrapped around him.


Almost at the same time, Dong Bowen's exclamation came from behind, "Da Luotian! So you are the descendant of Shenyan Mountain?!"

Lao Bai secretly let out a bad cry, and yelled violently: "Chen Xi, what are you still doing in a daze, act quickly!"

There was no need to remind him at all, Chen Xi had already realized the urgency of the situation, and immediately activated all his cultivation bases, releasing billions of divine radiance from his body, and with a loud roar, he threw the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb viciously.

The target is the Wanzhang figure bound in the Daluotian!

However, although he moved quickly, the figure transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist reacted faster. When it was restrained by Da Luotian, it snorted coldly, and raised its hand lightly, and it would be grand in the sky. The belly on the body was grabbed and lifted!

What is shocking is that its hand is a dragon claw densely covered with green lins, sharp and filled with many mysterious and noble textures!

The power released by this dragon claw was even more terrifying, Da Luotian was like a flimsy catkin, easily grabbed by it, and tore violently, as if to crush it.

"not good!"

Both Chen Xi and Lao Bai's expressions changed.

In their plan, they first used Da Luotian to restrain the stalwart figure transformed from the original power of the ancestral dragon Taoist master, and then sacrificed the Long Yuan Qianling Orb to absorb the power of that stalwart figure.

After all, both the Longyuan Qianling Orb and the original power of the Ancestral Dragon Daoist are the innate power of the dragon clan, originating from the same vein, as long as the Longyuan Qianling Orb enters the body of the ten thousand-foot figure, it will definitely not cause the other party to resist up.

In this way, Chen Xi can control the Longyuan Qianling Orb to absorb its power, thus achieving the goal of killing the opponent.

But what Chen Xi and Lao Bai never imagined was that the power of that towering figure would be so terrifying. Under its attack, even such a peerless divine treasure as Da Luotian was so unbearable, and it immediately caught them off guard. .

The most terrible thing was that although the ten thousand-foot figure had not destroyed Da Luotian, it suddenly protruded a dragon claw again, and came to kill Chen Xi and the others from the air.


That dragon's claws are densely covered with dark and noble dragon patterns, like a curtain covering the sky, suppressing and killing it, like the sky is collapsing, it is impossible to escape, there is no way to avoid it!


Old Bai screamed.

It knows that it still underestimated the original power of a Taoist master, which is why it made the situation so passive.


Almost at the same time, Chen Xi's expression darkened, he turned his head and planned to dodge, he never expected that as soon as he made a move, he would fall into such an extremely dangerous situation, and even Da Luotian might be lost!


However, at the moment Chen Xi was about to dodge back, a shimmering and blazing purple glow suddenly spread out, before he could beat the killing dragon claw with a forceful blow.

It was actually the Nine Star Emperor Dong Bowen who made the move!


ps: The update is a little late. I haven’t coded well for a while, and I can’t find the status. In addition, starting from tomorrow, Chapter 3 will start until the end of the month~


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