divine talisman

Chapter 1798

The purple divine radiance was transpiring, engulfing the power of Wushenjun, and collided fiercely with that one of the sky-shrouding dragon claws, producing a deafening explosion, and the divine radiance splashed and spread in all directions.

This kind of confrontation can be called earth-shattering, making Chen Xi almost unable to react, let alone take any action.

No way, whether it was the figure transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist, or the nine-star emperor Dong Bowen who shot at this time, they were all too powerful, and Chen Xi, who was in the middle stage of the ancestor god, was destined not to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.


Wan Zhang's figure seemed to be in pain, and let out an angry cold snort, which shook the world like thunder.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dong Bowen grabbed Chen Xi and brought him back to the top of the first sacred mountain.

"Okay, it's safe now. Although that guy is powerful, as long as he doesn't set foot in the second restricted zone, he won't take the initiative to attack."

Dong Bowen breathed a sigh of relief.

"what are you going to do?"

Although Chen Xi was puzzled, his expression remained calm. He didn't understand why Dong Bowen wanted to help him.

Is it for Da Luotian?

Or is it for the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb?

"Don't worry, if it were someone else, I would have already snatched these two treasures, but I won't force you."

Dong Bowen looked at Chen Xi and said, a smile appeared on that stern and indifferent face, and he said with emotion, "Actually, I should have guessed that a person as beautiful as you can be cultivated in this world. , and only Shenyan Mountain exists.”

Chen Xi wasn't surprised that the other party recognized his origin, he just didn't understand Dong Bowen's attitude towards him.

"Are you... the disciple of Mr. Wu Xuechan?"

Suddenly, Dong Bowen asked.

Chen Xi shook his head, which made Dong Bowen startled, but what Chen Xi said next made his eyes widen suddenly.

"Wu Xuechan is my senior brother." Chen Xi replied very flatly.

"Big Brother..."

Dong Bowen repeated it on his lips, and his expression suddenly became weird, astonished, unbelievable, and finally turned into a complicated expression, "I never expected that you are the direct disciple of the Lord of Shenyan Mountain..."

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, a friendly smile appeared on his handsome face, and said: "You don't have to be nervous, since you are Mr. Da's junior, then you are not an outsider."

This actually made Chen Xi startled, and asked in surprise, "How do you say that?"

Dong Bowen said: "Back then I wanted to worship Shenyan Mountain as my teacher, but I failed to do so. I have always regretted it in my heart. However, although I failed to become a member of Shenyan Mountain, I got a lot of advice from Mr. Da. Thanks to this, I was able to successfully enter the Emperor Realm and practice all the way to this day."

After a pause, he continued: "So, although Mr. Da and I do not have the status of mentors and apprentices, we have a friendship. Since you are Mr. Da's junior, we are naturally not outsiders."

Hearing all of this, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised. How could he have thought that the Nine Star Emperor in front of him was actually instructed by his senior brother Wu Xuechan back then?

"I see."

After a long time, Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Although Mr. Da has always refused to accept me as an apprentice, in my heart, he is no different from the master. According to this seniority, I have to call you little uncle."

Dong Bowen smiled casually.

As a Nine Star Emperor, he actually said such words, even at the expense of calling himself a junior. If the outside world knew about this, his jaw would drop in shock.

If this seniority is really determined, it would be too jaw-dropping. Who would dare to imagine a nine-star emperor calling a young man in the mid-stage of the ancestor god a junior uncle?

But Chen Xi didn't think so. He was very clear that the reason why Dong Bowen said that was entirely because of his elder brother Wu Xuechan, not because of how much face he had.

"Don't dare to be so, please call me Chen Xi."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.


Dong Bowen nodded with a smile.

"Okay, can you stop talking nonsense, okay? Since we are our own people, let's go to the second restricted zone together, so as to save night and dream."

Seeing this, Lao Bai, who had never spoken a word, couldn't help but speak out.

When Chen Xi heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Dong Bowen.

Dong Bowen smiled and said: "That's right, since I'm one of my own people, I will try my best to help you get through this place. Before doing it, I might not dare to say such big words, but with the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb and Da Luo God, if you want to do this step, you must be sure."

Lao Bai seemed a little nervous, and said vigilantly: "I said, friend, we didn't ask you for help. If you really broke through this second restricted zone and found the opportunity left by the ancestor dragon Taoist, you can't do it." Grab it with us."

When Chen Xi heard this, he couldn't help but glared at Lao Bai, but the latter ignored him and just kept his gaze fixed on Dong Bowen.

Seeing this, Dong Bowen was silent for a moment, then said straightforwardly: "Okay, I promise I won't do that."

The words are plain, but there is a firm and sonorous taste.

He has been waiting here for 8000 years, and has been patiently not leaving, just to get that chance, so that he can get a chance to advance to the Taoist realm.

But now, just because Chen Xi is Wu Xuechan's junior, he resolutely gave up this opportunity, which made Chen Xi feel a little surprised.

"Since we are acting together, you should have a share in this opportunity." Chen Xi took a deep breath and said slowly.

Lao Bai was startled, and looked at Chen Xi, seeing that the latter's attitude had been decided, so he still didn't say anything in the end.


This time, Dong Bowen was a little surprised by Chen Xi's decision.

He was about to say something when Chen Xi interrupted him with a smile: "That's the decision. If you don't agree, then we won't let you help."

Dong Bowen restrained his smile, took a deep look at Chen Xi, and suddenly said with a smile: "As expected, every disciple of Shenyan Mountain is comparable to ordinary people, I agree!"

"Then act quickly, the old guy will catch up in a short time."

Laobai said anxiously. When he spoke, he glanced behind him. In the first restricted area, Emperor Taijing was about to approach.

"How about I take the shot and get rid of that guy first?"

Dong Bowen was thoughtful, and looked at the Taijing Emperor in the distance.

This proposal immediately moved both Chen Xi and Lao Bai. If Dong Bowen, the nine-star emperor, could take action and completely solve the big trouble of Emperor Taijing, that would be great.

Seeing this, Dong Bowen immediately understood, and said with a smile, "Leave it to me."

However, to the surprise of Chen Xi, Lao Bai, and the others, before Dong Bowen could make a move, the Emperor Tai Jing seemed to have noticed something in the distance. The posture of retreating away.

Obviously, Emperor Taijing recognized Dong Bowen's identity, and when he saw Dong Bowen mixed with Chen Xi, he immediately realized that something was wrong, and decisively chose to retreat.

"This old thing is quick to see the opportunity."

Lao Bai sneered and mocked.

"Forget it, don't pay attention to him, let's start to act."

Chen Xi frowned, and finally decided to ignore that Emperor Taijing for now.

"That's all it takes."

Dong Bowen sighed.

He has the confidence to kill Emperor Tai Jing, but it is definitely not in such a situation. After all, the opponent is also an emperor, and he is in the first forbidden zone covered by Longyan Tribulation Thunder. Now he chooses to retreat, wanting to There is not much hope for killing the other party completely.



"Emperor Ziwei Dong Bowen! How could it be him? Didn't he have retreated 8000 years ago, how could he appear here?"

"What's the relationship between him and that kid?"

Hastily exiting the first restricted zone, Emperor Taijing's face turned livid and gloomy. He never thought that he was just chasing and killing a young man in the mid-stage of the ancestor god, how could it be so twists and turns.

"Damn, it's really hateful!"

Emperor Taijing was so angry that his teeth were about to be gritted, his face was changing, and he felt that his actions along the way were too unsmooth and unlucky.

"No, I can't just let this one go! Although Dong Bowen is powerful, I don't believe that you will never be separated!"

After struggling in his heart for a long time, Emperor Taijing finally gritted his teeth, turned around and returned along the original road. He wanted to tell the clan what happened here before making a decision.

In Emperor Taijing's view, as long as Chen Xi doesn't leave this undead galaxy, then their Shaohao clan still have a chance to completely kill each other!

It was Dong Bowen who really made Emperor Tai Jing feel troubled. If not, how could he come back in a mess?




Under the sky, Dong Bowen's whole body was like a steaming purple glow, confronting the mighty figure transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist.

All of a sudden, this piece of heaven and earth was in chaos, time and space collapsed, everything reversed, and the scene was horrifying to the extreme.

Looking carefully, although the mighty figure was still extremely terrifying in combat power, its whole body was restrained by Da Luotian, making it look like a target, and Dong Bowen repeatedly repelled it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi who was standing in the distance sacrificed the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb, and threw it viciously.


In just a split second, the Longyuan Qianling Orb rushed into the body of the ten thousand-foot figure, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Compared with before, with the addition of Nine Star Emperor Dong Bowen, the situation has obviously become smoother.

Chen Xi couldn't help but heave a long sigh of relief.

What has to be done has been done, and the next thing is to see how long the mighty figure can persist.

At this moment, Chen Xi could clearly sense that the Long Yuan Qianling Orb was continuously absorbing the power of the tall figure, but the tall figure seemed to be unaware of it.

If this situation continues, even if Dong Bowen can't kill the opponent in the end, with the power of the Longyuan Qianling Orb, he can destroy him!

This is the method taught by Lao Bai. Although the Longyuan Qianling Orb has been damaged before, it is a treasure that comes from the same vein as the original power of the Dragon Clan. It can play an incredible role in dealing with this lofty figure.

If he can absorb the original power contained in the body of this mighty figure, not only can the Longyuan Qianling Orb be repaired, but it will even be more powerful than before!


ps: It's a bit of a calvin, the second update is around 10:12, and the third update is after [-]:[-] am.


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