divine talisman

Chapter 1799 The origin of refining

As time went by, the aura of that towering figure also gradually weakened.


Half a quarter of an hour later, Dong Bowen exerted force with his palms and fingers, condensed the myriad of purple glows, and defeated the tall figure in one fell swoop, turning it into pieces of shattered light clusters.

The light group was so blazing, releasing the majestic power of the Taoist master, like a group of chaotic scorching suns, it was about to collapse between the heaven and the earth.

In the past years, Dong Bowen has also defeated his opponent more than once. He knows very well that the opponent has not been crushed just yet. It won't be long before the original power that has turned into a light group will be re-integrated and revived again!

He has no way to stop it, because those original forces cannot be obliterated at all.

It is also because of this that he has been trapped here for 8000 years, unable to cross this place for a long time.

But obviously, the situation this time is different from the previous ones, because there is an extra Da Luotian in the field that is enough to hunt for the fate of heaven and luck!


Almost at the moment when the tall figure collapsed into pieces of light, Da Luotian turned into a clear starlight, restraining all these light groups so that they could no longer break free.

"Hurry up, this is the original power left by a Taoist master, and it is the purest ancestral dragon power in the world! If you can refine them, it will be of great help to your own cultivation!"

Lao Bai's breathing became short of breath, and he screamed loudly.

While speaking, it flapped its wings and rushed over, grabbed a ball of light with its claws and stuffed it into its mouth.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't be more polite, and immediately jumped forward, and began to divide up the spoils.

The power of the light group is extremely pure and majestic. If it is not bound by Da Luotian, it will re-condense in a short while and turn into a "Dragon Origin Soul" that is as tall as ten thousand feet.

But now, the power of these light clusters is doomed to be irreversible. They are imprisoned by Da Luotian, and they are imprisoned one by one, like fruits hanging on the branches and leaves, which can only be taken away by others.

"These are yours."

Chen Xi controls Da Luotian, and divides one-third of the light group to Dong Bowen.

"Then I'm welcome."

Dong Bowen smiled casually, reached out his hand, took out the balls of light, opened his mouth and swallowed them into his body, then he sat cross-legged and began to refine in meditation.

This is the original power left by a Taoist master when he fell, and it also has a lot of benefits for a nine-star emperor like him.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't delay, and called Xiaobao and Ye Yan out again, and began to divide up the remaining light cluster with Lao Bai.

Xiao Bao was surprised: "What is this?"

While refining the light ball excitedly, Lao Bai quickly said: "The original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist."

Little Treasure was surprised: "Oh dear, is it true or not?"

Lao Bai glared at Xiao Bao angrily: "What are you doing with so much nonsense, hurry up and refine it!"


Xiaobao shut up immediately, and began to refine those light clusters happily.

As for Ye Yan, when she entered the undead galaxy, she had been staying in Chen Xi's body, and she didn't know everything that happened these days, but she didn't ask too much. After hearing Chen Xi's explanation, she immediately Seize the opportunity, pick up a light ball and start refining.

Don't look at the majestic and tall figure, but there are only a dozen of these light clusters left after its collapse.

After distributing them to Dong Bowen, Lao Bai, Xiao Bao, and Ye Yan, there were only two left for Chen Xi.

However, Chen Xi was already very satisfied. The one who contributed the most this time was Dong Bowen, so it was only natural to give him one-third of the spoils.



Chen Xi also didn't waste time, opened his mouth to swallow the two balls of light into his body, and began to refine them with all his strength.


The power of this light group is extremely majestic and vast, filled with the incomparably pure original power of the Taoist master, and as soon as it entered Chen Xi's body, it turned into a torrent that roared loudly.

When he was in the Land of Doom, Chen Xi had obtained the power left by Taoist Kunpeng in the habitat of the Primordial Fungi.

Now, when he began to refine the original power left by the Taoist ancestor dragon, he was very familiar with it and did not encounter any obstacles.

For a moment, both Chen Xi and Lao Bai were immersed in cultivation, trying their best to refine the original power from the Taoist Ancestral Dragon, and the atmosphere seemed very quiet.



Three hours later, Dong Bowen was the first to wake up from meditation. He was the Nine Star Emperor. Although he had benefited a lot from refining the original power of the Ancestral Dragon Daoist this time, it was not significant. promote.

But he is already very satisfied. An existence like him has already stepped into the ranks of the peak of the Emperor Realm. If you want to take a step forward on the road, it is more difficult than climbing to the sky. It is impossible to achieve this step based on the accumulation of practice time alone.

In other words, Dong Bowen's current practice, if he wants to continue to advance, not only depends on his own efforts, but on chance, luck, and opportunity!

Like the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist just obtained, it is regarded as a chance, although it seems very small, it can be regarded as a kind of benefit after all.

"I didn't expect that this time I was able to break through the predicament and take a step forward, thanks to the help of Mr. Da's junior."

Dong Bowen looked at Chen Xi who was meditating on one side, and couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

He has been trapped here for 8000 years, and has been unable to move an inch, helpless, but because of Chen Xi's appearance, the situation unexpectedly turned around. How could this not make him feel emotional?

Another day passed.

Lao Bai was actually the second one to wake up from cultivation, and he murmured regretfully: "It's a pity, the strength is still not enough..."

This made Dong Bowen a little surprised, he couldn't see through this strange bird even more. It was obviously only cultivated in the spiritual realm, but there seemed to be a bottomless pit in his body. After refining the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist , unexpectedly did not advance!

This is too weird...

You know, if you were in the ordinary spiritual realm and refined this level of power, you might have already broken through and advanced!

"Which ethnic group do you... come from?"

Dong Bowen couldn't help asking.

"Old Ancestor, I have a mysterious origin, so I advise you not to inquire about it."

Lao Bai squinted at the other party, and said proudly.

Dong Bowen couldn't help being dumb, but he knew clearly in his heart that the origin of this strange bird was probably as extraordinary as it said.


Not long after, a shocking sound resounded through the sky, and the golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao woke up from his meditation, a pair of eyes overflowed with dazzling golden light, and his whole body's aura was significantly improved compared to before.

Obviously, Xiaobao also gained a lot of benefits from it.

"Hey, the master is right, just the improvement of strength will not allow me to advance to the emperor realm..."

Xiaobao had a sad face.

It is a golden-eyed macaque. The road of practice is mainly to sharpen the state of mind. If the state of mind does not change, it is extremely difficult to advance.

"Hmph, be content, have you ever seen a cultivator in the Dzogchen realm of the ancestor god in this world who can continuously improve his strength like you?"

Lao Bai smiled and said, "Having such a heaven-defying talent, your path to promotion is destined to be extremely difficult. Of course, you can't compare with my ancestor's path to promotion..."

When it came to the end, Lao Bai was proud and sad at the same time, with a complicated and contradictory appearance.

For Xiaobao's evaluation, Dong Bowen agrees very much. The innate power of the golden-eyed macaque is indeed against the sky. Its combat power is astonishing and fierce. Follow its path to promotion.

But even so, Dong Bowen knew very well in his heart that as long as this monkey continues to practice, his future path is destined to be limitless.

"It's really interesting. A strange bird with a mysterious origin, and a golden-eyed macaque with a heaven-defying talent. Where did Chen Xi find these two helpers?"

Dong Bowen couldn't help thinking.

After a few hours.

Chen Xi also woke up from meditation, and his aura was obviously much stronger than before.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After refining the original power of these ancestral dragon Taoist masters, his cultivation has finally reached the consummation of the ancestor gods in the middle stage, and he began to approach the ancestor gods in the late stage. Very solid.

"I didn't expect to get such a chance before arriving at the burial place of the ancestor dragon Taoist. It can be regarded as an unexpected harvest."

Sensing the changes in the breath in his body, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile.

"Next, in this second restricted zone, there are still seventeen sacred mountains, which means that there are still seventeen checkpoints lying on our way, but as long as we cooperate properly, not only can we pass through smoothly, we can even pass through them like Just like that, once again gain some original power of the Ancestral Dragon Daoist!"

Lao Bai shouted a little excitedly, looking as if he was gearing up and ready to fight.


Xiaobao was also very happy.

Dong Bowen couldn't help smiling, as if infected, he was suddenly full of anticipation for the next action.

"Let's talk about it after Ye Yan wakes up."

Chen Xi looked very calm, and looked at Ye Yan, who was cultivating cross-legged on one side.


At this moment, Ye Yan's beautiful face suddenly turned pale, and the next moment, he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

This made Chen Xi startled, what happened?


Dong Bowen seemed to be aware of something, and suddenly let out a sound from his lips, which resounded in Ye Yan's ears. The latter trembled all over, and woke up from meditation like a dream.

It's just that at this moment, she looks terrified, as if she has experienced something terrible just now.

"It's not good to break through forcibly. The emperor's realm is not as simple as you think. If the time is not up, forcefully rushing will only make you go mad, which is extremely dangerous."

Dong Bowen explained Ye Yan's actions just now, and Chen Xi suddenly understood that Ye Yan was actually taking the opportunity to attack the emperor's realm!

Ye Yan nodded, and said bitterly: "Thank you senior for saving me, I was indeed a little impatient before."

"As long as you are fine, there will be opportunities in the future."

Chen Xi comforted him from the side.

"Okay, since it's okay, let's act quickly."

Lao Bai couldn't wait to say.


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