divine talisman

Chapter 1800 Star Dome Copper Coffin

Without delay, a group of people, led by Dong Bowen, walked through the void and arrived in front of the second sacred mountain.


When they sensed their arrival, a tall figure appeared between the heaven and the earth, like a dragon, straight up to the sky, very similar to the previous "Dragon Origin Soul" transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist, but the breath was even stronger powerful.

Regarding this, Chen Xi and his party had already prepared for it. Dong Bowen would still forcefully challenge the opponent head-on, while Chen Xi would use the Da Luotian and Longyuan Qianling Orbs to carry out a sneak attack on one side.

An hour later.

After the battle was over, Chen Xi and his group obtained some light clusters transformed by the original power of the Taoist Ancestral Dragon again, and after dividing them up, they each started to refine them.



A month later.

Chen Xi and his group stepped into the ninth sacred mountain in the second forbidden area of ​​Longchao Mountain!

In this process, Dong Bowen, the nine-star emperor, acted as the main force and played an extremely important role.

Of course, if it weren't for the Da Luotian and Longyuan Qianling Orbs in Chen Xi's hands, Dong Bowen would never have been able to defeat powerful and terrifying opponents so easily one after another.

At the same time, every time they defeated an opponent, they also obtained a lot of light groups transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist, which were refined by them, so that their cultivation bases were also improved in this short month. Improving constantly.

Although the improvement is very small, it is definitely more significant than the thousands of years of retreat and penance, and it can even be called a super speed!

Just like Chen Xi, when he reached the ninth sacred mountain, his own cultivation was only a hair away, and he could enter the later stage of the ancestor god!

And all these changes only happened within a month. If this speed of cultivation was known to outside practitioners, it would be unbelievable at all.

The only thing that surprised Chen Xi was that no matter whether it was Lao Bai or Xiao Bao, although they had gained a lot of benefits from the light group, there was no sign of advancement.

From this, we can know how perverted the talents of these two guys are, and they can't be measured at all.

As for Ye Yan, because she has already reached the level of the Great Consummation of the Ancestral God, no matter how many light clusters she gets, it is useless because she has not caught the opportunity to advance to the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, she completely gave up the plan of refining the light group, but kept them all in storage, and waited to use them again when she could really hit the emperor's realm one day.

Dong Bowen also gained a lot of benefits, but his cultivation had already reached the peak level of the Nine-Star Emperor, and compared to Chen Xi and the others, his progress in cultivation seemed extremely small.

But even so, it was enough to satisfy him. He knew very well that if he wanted to achieve this kind of progress in an ordinary way, it would be impossible to achieve it without the precipitation of tens of thousands of years.



What made Chen Xi and his group vigilant was that starting from the ninth sacred mountain, the strength of the opponents they encountered began to become stronger and stronger. Even Dong Bowen was barely able to parry when he was dispatched, and danger abounded.

Fortunately, the rare treasure of Longyuan Qianling Orb began to play a vital role. With it constantly absorbing the opponent's original strength, Dong Bowen only needed to persist undefeated, and he was enough to consume the opponent to death.



Three months later.

Chen Xi and his party went through many dangers and finally arrived at No. 18 holy mountain in the second forbidden place!

"There is only one last opponent left."

When Dong Bowen spoke, his voice was hoarse, he was panting, and there was an undisguised exhaustion between his brows.

In the past three months, he kept fighting with his opponents, and he was able to hold on at first, but later he fell into a situation where he was completely suppressed, he was constantly suppressed, and his body was also injured again and again.

The reason why he was able to defeat his opponent in the end was entirely thanks to the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb.

This treasure can continuously absorb the opponent's strength without being noticed by the opponent. It is precisely because of this consumption that the opponent's strength continues to weaken, and it is finally defeated by Dong Bowen.

"I can't hold on anymore, I have to repair it this time."

Lao Bai said solemnly, although it didn't help much along the way, it has witnessed the whole battle process, and it is very clear that Dong Bowen's current state is a bit bad.

Don't look at him as the Nine Star Emperor, but he has suffered too many injuries along the way, and if he persists, he may even encounter accidents.

"That's right, we are only one step away from stepping out of this second restricted zone, so we don't need to rush forward anymore."

Chen Xi nodded. He also consumed a lot in the past three months. Not only did he have to control Da Luotian, but he also sacrificed the Dragon Yuan Qianling Orb from time to time. Although he had never encountered any danger, he was mentally enduring an incomparably huge burden. pressure.


Dong Bowen took a deep breath, sat down cross-legged, and began to meditate.

"Xiaobao, Ye Yan, and Lao Bai, you are on one side to protect the law."

Chen Xi gave instructions, and then began to meditate.

In the past three months, his cultivation base has already entered the late stage of the ancestor god, and now he is approaching the great perfection of the ancestor god.

"Thinking about it carefully, without the help of this old man this time, I'm afraid we really wouldn't be able to reach this place."

Seeing that Chen Xi and Dong Bowen entered into cultivation one after another, Lao Bai couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Ye Yan and Xiaobao deeply believed it. Indeed, if there was no Nine Star Emperor Dong Bowen to restrain the opponent head-on, their group alone, even with Da Luotian and Longyuan Qianling Orb, would never be able to make it this far.

After all, the killings and catastrophes in this second restricted zone are too terrifying, and the opponents transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist are all stronger than each other, even the nine-star emperor Dong Bowen is completely Being suppressed, one can imagine how dangerous this second restricted area is.

It's no wonder that for countless years, the ascetics who came to this undead galaxy in search of opportunities failed one by one, and no one has succeeded so far.This second restricted area alone is enough to make most ascetics dare not go one step further.

"However, without the help of the Da Luotian and the Longyuan Qianling Orb in Chen Xi's hands this time, it is doomed not to be able to reach here just by this old man's ability."

Old Bai changed the subject and said, "This is called mutual benefit, no one owes anyone, we don't need to be grateful to him."

Both Ye Yan and Xiaobao laughed and said, "It's only natural."



ten days later.

Chen Xi woke up from meditation.

On the fifth day after Chen Xi woke up, Dong Bowen also completely recovered.

"Go, start to act!"

Dong Bowen's eyes were as bright as lightning, and there was a touch of coercive power, "As long as we pass this last hurdle, we can see the real burial place of the ancestor dragon Taoist!"

In a word, Chen Xi and the others were all excited and looked forward to it.

Seeing this, Lao Bai couldn't help but feel a little worried. Dong Bowen's power is too strong. If he really finds the opportunity left by the Taoist Ancestor Dragon, if the other party is greedy and wants to occupy it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Don't worry, if he dares to have evil thoughts, even if he tries his best to destroy all the innate spiritual treasures on his body, he will not be able to get his wish."

Chen Xi seemed to see the worry in Lao Bai's heart, and quickly sent a voice transmission, "What's more, I don't think this Dong Bowen is a person with sinister thoughts, so such a situation should not happen."

"I hope so."

Lao Bai sighed and replied, it has no way not to worry, since ancient times, wealth touches people's hearts, let alone a supreme opportunity left by the Taoist ancestor dragon?

In the face of such incomparable temptations, anything can happen.



To everyone's surprise, the last opponent in front of the No. 18 holy mountain in the second restricted zone was surprisingly powerful.

Even though Dong Bowen used all his methods, he was completely powerless to fight back. As soon as the battle started, he was defeated and seriously injured by the opponent!

Even, if Chen Xi and the others hadn't dodged in time, they would have been affected and died!

The only good thing is that the Longyuan Qianling Orb has penetrated into the opponent's body and is continuously absorbing its power.

After Chen Xi and his group retreated back to the mountain peak, the Long Yuan Qianling Orb was like a parasite, still continuously absorbing the power to devour the opponent.

This made Chen Xi and the others secretly heave a sigh of relief, this is good, there is no need to let Dong Bowen go out, as long as he waits quietly, sooner or later the opponent's strength will be exhausted.

Only in this way, they can no longer obtain the original power left by their opponents.

However, Chen Xi and the others couldn't care less about these things anymore, as long as they could kill their opponents and leave this second restricted area smoothly, that would be enough.

"Hey, that's not bad. This Dong Bowen has been seriously injured. If you try your best, you can use the power to kill the gods and use the method of self-destructing the innate spirit treasure to fight him. And Xiaobao's strength has been skyrocketing these days. It can also play a role.”

In the process of waiting, Lao Bai couldn't help but proudly transmitted the sound to Chen Xi, "Under such circumstances, I hope this guy doesn't have any evil thoughts in his heart, otherwise, it's not yet known who will win."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, but didn't say much.

Two days later.

With a bang, the "Longyuan Soul" transformed by the original power of the ancestor dragon Taoist suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and dust, and disappeared in place.

Only one brilliant and incomparable bead was left floating in the air.

Compared with the past, today's Longyuan Qianling Orb is extremely dazzling. Not only has it been restored to its original state, but it is more than twice as powerful as before!

And all of this is thanks to the original power of the ancestral dragon Taoist master.

When Chen Xi put away the Longyuan Qianling Orb, the scene in the distance suddenly began to change, the stars moved, and the sky and the earth changed.

The force field in the second restricted zone disappeared without a sound, and the eighteen sacred mountains also gradually became blurred, disappearing like phantoms.

In just a few breaths, Chen Xi and the others' visions blurred, and when their field of vision became clear, they saw that they had already stood in a vast and boundless starry sky!

Immediately, they saw a shocking picture——

A bronze coffin lay in the depths of the starry sky, surrounded by densely packed brilliant stars, floating quietly, releasing an ancient, long-lasting, and extremely mysterious aura, covering the entire starry sky!


ps: The third update is here, please ask for a monthly pass~~


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