divine talisman

Chapter 1801 On the Tao

The starry sky is deep and boundless, and the bronze coffin is stretched across it, surrounded by stars, releasing an ancient and vast aura, making it look extremely grand.

It was hard to imagine that a coffin could be so huge.

The world was silent, standing in the starry sky, Chen Xi and his party looked at all this before them, and they couldn't help but feel a bit of shock in their hearts.

Undoubtedly, this must be the burial place of the legendary Taoist ancestor dragon!

Since the boundless ages, this galaxy of undead has been regarded as a forbidden place. Almost all the ascetics who came to seek opportunities were on the way, and no one succeeded.

Now, Chen Xi and the others have crossed many dangerous areas, trekked thousands of miles of star roads, and gone through the tests of "Zhenlong Daoyu", "Dragon Realm", "Ten Thousand Dragon Mausoleum", "Skeleton Passage", etc., and broke through the dragon's nest in one fell swoop. The forbidden zone at the top of the mountain finally arrived here, and finally saw the rumored burial place of the Taoist ancestor dragon, and I was filled with emotion, unable to calm down for a long time.

They didn't even think that they were just chased and killed by the enemy, but they came here by mistake. The tricks of good fortune and the impermanence of the world can be seen from this.

"Finally arrived here..."

After an unknown amount of time, Dong Bowen's sigh suddenly sounded in the silent atmosphere.

He was dressed in purple, and his face was as handsome as a boy's, but in those bright eyes, there was endless emotion and vicissitudes.

He was trapped here for 8000 years in order to attack the Taoist realm, and now he finally saw a ray of light, and he couldn't calm down.

"That supreme opportunity must be hidden in it!"

Lao Bai also became excited, his eyes were burning, and his eyebrows were beaming.

It was born in the chaos, born with a nine-aperture exquisite mind, and with a little practice, it can learn from the past, know the world's affairs, and discern the world's laws. It is known as the teacher of all spirits.

But it is precisely because of this kind of talent that is too against the sky that it suffers from the jealousy of the sky, and it is bound to encounter some disasters during the practice. If it cannot survive, it will die and disappear!

Otherwise, its cultivation would not have survived the baptism of endless years, and it would still remain in the realm of spirits and gods.

However, if this opportunity can be obtained this time, it may be able to resist the catastrophe from the heavens when it advances to the realm!

Therefore, when he finally arrived at the burial place of the ancestor dragon Taoist, one can imagine how excited Lao Bai was.

Both Dong Bowen and Lao Bai were determined to win the supreme opportunity that existed here. At this moment, the two expressed their emotions one after another, making the atmosphere suddenly become subtle.

Dong Bowen narrowed his eyes and fell into silence.

Lao Bai glanced at Dong Bowen's figure, his expression restrained a little bit, showing a hint of vigilance.

Chen Xi, Xiaobao, and Ye Yan also noticed this at the first time, and their hearts all shuddered.

Seeing that the opportunity was within reach, under such circumstances, if Dong Bowen suddenly attacked them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The atmosphere became silent, no one spoke, and no one acted.

Although they didn't say a word, both Chen Xi and the others, as well as Dong Bowen, probably knew in their hearts that their cooperation along the way would probably come to an end at this very moment!

As for whether it will be an enemy or a friend next, it is completely in Dong Bowen's mind.

At this moment, Chen Xi realized that Lao Bai's previous worries were completely correct. Facing such a supreme opportunity, he could indeed make anyone feel bad.

The so-called one must not have the intention of harming others, one must not have the intention of guarding against others, even though Chen Xi did not think that Dong Bowen would do despicable things like crossing rivers and tearing down bridges, but he dared not take precautions.

As time passed, the atmosphere became more and more dead silent, and the air was filled with a faint smell of swords being drawn and a storm about to come.

Looking at Dong Bowen's motionless figure in the distance, Chen Xi's eyes gradually narrowed. He had already made preparations. If something unexpected happened, he would immediately use the Qi Explosive Killing God Art, and then use the ending dao will to decimate some of the things he didn't need. All the innate treasures blew themselves up!

The reason why he fought so hard was that Dong Bowen was not comparable to an ordinary emperor, but a nine-star peak emperor. Even though he was seriously injured now, the power he controlled was still far from what Chen Xi and the others could match.

Xiao Bao also became vigilant, a pair of pupils flashed with golden light.

Ye Yan quietly pursed her cherry lips, and there was a trace of murderous determination in her clear eyes.

At the moment when the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, Dong Bowen suddenly let out a long breath, turned around, and swept Chen Xi and the others with his eyes one by one.

At this moment, his expression was calm, indifferent, and stern, without any emotional fluctuations, making it hard to tell what was going on in his heart.

But when Chen Xi and the others met Dong Bowen's gaze, there was a icy coldness in their hearts for no reason.

Dong Bowen opened his mouth, as if he was going to say something, or after a period of silence, he had already made a certain decision and planned to do something.

But at this moment, he suddenly shut up, turned around abruptly, his eyes suddenly burst into a ray of cold lightning, and looked far away at the bronze coffin deep in the starry sky.

This scene was so abrupt that Chen Xi and the others, who were already extremely alert, were slightly taken aback.

But immediately, they also noticed a slight change!




I don't know when, the surface of the Xingdome copper coffin quietly appeared an obscure fluctuation like a tide, glowing brightly.

That aura is extremely mysterious, full of indescribable power and power, which makes people irresistible and feels awe in their hearts!

In just a moment, there was a buzzing sound, like a dragon singing out of an abyss, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths, making the starry sky tremble.

In the next instant, under the horrified gazes of Chen Xi and the others, a figure quietly appeared on top of the bronze coffin!

He was thin and old, sitting cross-legged on the bronze coffin, his whole body was shrouded in a layer of faint silver starlight, making his face unclear.

But its aura is like an abyss like a prison, it seems to be connected to the sky, blended with the earth, and merged with all things, possessing a terrifying power to control all ways and dominate ups and downs.

Looking from a distance, it is like witnessing the arrival of a supreme creator!

This is horrible!

Who could have imagined that such an unfathomable figure would appear on the bronze coffin where the Taoist ancestor dragon is buried?

Who is he?

And why did it appear here?

At this moment, Chen Xi also finally understood why Dong Bowen suddenly changed his attitude and shifted all his attention to the bronze coffin.

Because compared to them, it was obvious that Dong Bowen paid more attention to this sudden appearance, and he had to concentrate all his attention on it!

"When this seat fell, I already guessed that someone would come to search for it one day, and being able to get here through many killings proves that you are all extraordinary people."

Suddenly, that figure spoke, the voice was deep, sonorous, and filled with pride.

"Of course, it's not from the lineage of my ancestral dragon. If you want to get the opportunity left by me, you should be recognized by me!"

As soon as these words came out, it was no less than thunder on the ground, making Chen Xi and the others finally understand that the figure in front of them was actually the Ancestral Dragon Taoist who fell back then!

In other words, the other party is very likely to be a brand of will left by the Taoist ancestor dragon!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi and the others felt another shock in their hearts. It was really unimaginable that the boundless years had passed, and now they were still lucky enough to witness the true face of this ancestor dragon Taoist.

"How to approve?"

Dong Bowen suddenly made a sound.

Chen Xi and the others tightened their hearts, and they didn't dare to think wildly. They realized that Dong Bowen had already started to take action to seek this opportunity.

"On the Road."

The figure of "Ancestral Dragon Taoist" spoke.

"On what?"

Dong Bowen asked.

"If you want to advance to the realm of the Taoist master, it is natural to talk about the way to become a Taoist master."

The voice of "Ancestral Dragon Daoist" was deep and calm.

But these words fell into the ears of Chen Xi and the others, and they were all shocked. This Daoist Ancestor Dragon, who had been lost for an unknown number of years, seemed to have discovered Dong Bowen's purpose for coming here!

"Okay, I'll come and discuss with you!"

Dong Bowen was silent for a moment, then he suddenly jumped forward, stepped forward, and in an instant, he came to the bronze coffin, and sat facing the brand of the will of the ancestor dragon Taoist.

"This seat has a strand of dragon soul, a pot of dragon blood, a share of dragon source, and a piece of dragon heart. If you can get this seat's approval, this strand of dragon soul will be yours."

"Ancestral Dragon Taoist" said in a deep voice.

In one sentence, everything about this supreme opportunity was revealed!

"Heart of the Ancestor Dragon, this is what I need, Ancestor!"

When Lao Bai heard this, his breathing became short of breath and he was very excited.

Chen Xi and the others didn't know how shocking and mystical the so-called dragon soul, dragon blood, dragon source, and dragon heart possessed, but there was no doubt that this was the supreme opportunity that had attracted many ascetics to seek it out for countless years.

"What if I want to get everything including Dragon Soul, Dragon Blood, Dragon Source, and Dragon Heart?"

Dong Bowen asked suddenly.

In one sentence, Chen Xi and the others felt their hearts sink, and their faces were a little ugly. They finally dared to be sure that this Dong Bowen had indeed made a decision long ago, intending to seize all of this supreme opportunity.

They even suspected that if it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of the brand of will of the ancestor dragon Taoist, Dong Bowen might have already done something to them!

Why do it?

It's too simple, for him to seize this opportunity alone!

Xiao Bao was furious, his eyes tearing apart: "This damn guy is really ambitious!"

Ye Yan looked disgusted: "I didn't expect him to be this kind of person."

However, Chen Xi seemed very calm, and said, "Knowing people and faces but not heart, maybe he was indeed sincerely cooperating with us before, but when faced with the temptation of this supreme opportunity, his mind has unconsciously changed."

"If you can satisfy this seat, you might as well get all of this."

At this time, the figure imprinted with the will of the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon" spoke, "However, it is not so easy to move to this step."

"No matter what, you have to give it a try!"

Dong Bowen looked extremely calm and composed at this moment, his eyes were determined, obviously determined to win this opportunity.


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