divine talisman

Chapter 1802 The Road Against Heaven

The discussion begins.

Ripples of silver divine light appeared on the surface of the bronze coffin, covering Dong Bowen and the figures branded with the will of the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon".

With Chen Xi and the others' abilities, they couldn't hear the voices of the two discussing Dao so far, so they could only watch from afar.

"Damn it! This guy took the lead!"

The golden-eyed macaque Xiaobao was indignant.

"What should we do? If that Dong Bowen really succeeds, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

Ye Yan was a little anxious.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but frowned and murmured endlessly.

"Don't worry, this is the law of fate. If you work hard, if you fail to get what you want, then we should miss this chance."

At this moment, Lao Bai seemed to be looking away, but Chen Xi could keenly sense that Lao Bai seemed to be saying it easily, but in fact he was also worried.

This is also normal, after all, this opportunity is related to Lao Bai's advancement, even if he has survived for countless years, facing such an opportunity is inevitable.

"If it doesn't work, we will take action to forcibly destroy this discussion!"

There was a ruthless look in Chen Xi's eyes. Dong Bowen's previous attitude had already made him completely judge that the other party even did not hesitate to deal with them for this opportunity. ?

"No, if you do this, I'm afraid it will cause the reaction of the will mark left by the Taoist ancestor dragon."

Lao Bai shook his head, flatly denying Chen Xi's idea.

"This Dong Bowen is simply ambitious and ungrateful. Mr. Da shouldn't have taught him how to practice!"

Ye Yan was furious, "Could it be that he forgot that the reason he was able to arrive here wasn't because of the Big Luotian and Longyuan Qianling Orbs in your hands, Chen Xi?"

Chen Xi shook his head and said, "You can't say that. We couldn't break through the second restricted zone without his help."

For this, Chen Xi was indeed very open, and did not have much resentment.

As he said before, before arriving here, the other party should not have the intention of occupying this opportunity alone, nor the idea of ​​murdering them.

Otherwise, as early as when he broke through the second restricted area, with Dong Bowen's power, he could have killed them in advance and snatched away Da Luotian and Longyuan Qianling Orb, so that he could break through the level and arrive here alone without As for waiting until now.

"That's right. Compared with those people with sinister and ruthless thoughts, this Dong Bowen can already be regarded as a gentleman. It's just a pity that he couldn't resist the temptation of this chance in the end, and he has evil thoughts towards us."

Lao Bai sighed, his expression was a bit complicated, people died for money, birds died for food, the ancients did not deceive themselves.

"Then what shall we do next?"

Ye Yan couldn't help asking.


Chen Xi replied without hesitation, "As long as the discussion has not ended, it means we still have a chance."

"But what if Dong Bowen succeeds?"

Ye Yan was worried.

"That proves that this opportunity is not for us, just leave."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, before speaking.



After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi suddenly noticed that the obscure fluctuations pervading the bronze coffin suddenly violently rolled over.

However, Dong Bowen, who was sitting cross-legged quietly, suddenly trembled, and his calm face became agitated.

What's going on here?

Chen Xi's heart shuddered.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Before Chen Xi could react, Dong Bowen's roar suddenly sounded in this world. His voice was filled with extreme panic and unwillingness, as if he had encountered something terrible.

And judging by his expression, it is changing violently at this moment, his breathing is rapid, and he looks almost crazy, how can there be a trace of the bearing and demeanor of the Nine Star Emperor?

"If you don't stop, everything will be empty!"

The deep and sonorous voice of the Ancestral Dragon Taoist Lord resounded, shaking the whole field.

In an instant, as if struck by lightning, Dong Bowen's voice stopped abruptly, his whole body was stiff and his face was dull.

This seemed extremely unbelievable, a nine-star emperor, whose state of mind had already been honed to a firm level, seemed to be unable to control himself at this time.

"Haha, this guy seems to have failed in his theory, and he might not even be able to obtain that wisp of dragon soul.

Xiaobao gloated endlessly.

"This theory is so powerful that even the Nine Star Emperor can't resist it. If it were us..."

Ye Yan was a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's just a discussion, not a battle. If Dong Bowen can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it, Patriarch!"

Lao Bai was very excited and full of confidence. He had the title of "Teacher of All Souls".

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

"Wrong, I was wrong..."

Dong Bowen's sigh suddenly sounded in the distance, as if he felt relieved, as if he had broken a knot in his heart, his expression became calm again.


To the surprise of Chen Xi and the others, the next moment, Dong Bowen tore off his left arm, dripping with blood.

But he didn't seem to feel the pain at all, and said calmly: "The mind is not right, distracting thoughts arise, and greed haunts and blinds my heart. After this tempering, I will swear by this arm. If I violate this precept again in my practice in the future, Suffer the punishment of Heavenly Dao!"

The words are sonorous, revealing a solemn and pious power, like the sound of the avenue reverberating between heaven and earth.

"Fellow daoists, I had evil thoughts in my heart before, and I couldn't get rid of the demon barrier immediately. This arm is the price I paid."

While speaking, Dong Bowen got up, and suddenly looked at Chen Xi and the others from afar, with a trace of guilt on his face, he was actually repenting for his previous behavior!

Chen Xi and the others were all shocked and deeply moved.

"Dust is born in the heart of the Tao, just brush it away. If you don't do this, you are doomed not to get this dragon soul. Take it!"

The figure transformed by the will of the ancestor dragon Taoist opened his mouth, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, a golden dragon phantom suddenly rose into the air, and poured into Dong Bowen's body in a flash!

Obviously, it must be a wisp of dragon soul left behind by the Taoist ancestor dragon!

This not only surprised Chen Xi and the others, even Dong Bowen himself didn't seem to have thought of it. After being slightly taken aback, he suddenly showed a complicated look, and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, he left the bronze coffin, sat cross-legged in the starry sky, and began to meditate with his eyes closed, ignoring everything else.

"Hmph, I didn't expect this guy to be a blessing in disguise."

Lao Bai snorted coldly.

"Such a result may also be an experience for him."

Chen Xi said thoughtfully.

"So, are you going to forgive him?"

Xiao Bao said angrily.

"He has already let go, so why can't we let him go?" Chen Xi sighed, "It's good for us to draw a boundary with him in the future, and there is no need to mention the past grievances."

Chen Xi knew very well that even if Dong Bowen didn't apologize and make amends, they would have nothing to do with each other. The current result has undoubtedly brought an end to the grievances between them.

"That's all, you guys chat first, I'm going to have a discussion with that guy, Patriarch!"

Lao Bai soared into the air, and rushed towards the bronze coffin impatiently.

"I was envied by the heavens, and I fell into a catastrophe against the heavens. I didn't expect there to be a spiritual being like you who knows all kinds of laws in this world. If you can pass the test of this seat, the dragon heart will belong to you. "

"Taoist Ancestral Dragon" seemed to have seen Lao Bai's origin at a glance, and there was a hint of surprise between his words.

"Then let's get started!"

Lao Bai was not polite and said carelessly.

"as you wish."

"Ancestral Dragon Taoist" waved his sleeve robe, and an obscure wave covered the bronze coffin again, completely covering his and Lao Bai's figures.

Seeing this, Chen Xi and the others stopped talking immediately, and looked over with unison.



An hour later.

From the bronze coffin in the distance, Lao Bai suddenly screamed sharply: "Absurd! The realm of the Taoist master is a realm without rules. He is shoulder to shoulder with the sky, fearless of all dharmas, and builds the ultimate foundation, integrating all dao into himself. , enough to live forever through the ages, your fall is nothing more than an unfathomable catastrophe!"

"The unfathomable catastrophe is the heavenly catastrophe. The way of heaven is unpredictable, and no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with it. You can't understand this truth."

"Taoist Ancestral Dragon" replied calmly.

"Joke, I am familiar with the things of the ages, and I have seen all the laws of the world. How can there be things in this world that I don't understand?"

Lao Bai looked a little irritable.

"Because you know all kinds of dharmas, but you are not a Taoist master, and you have never encountered such a catastrophe, so what you know is nothing more than just talking on paper."

Every word of "Ancestral Dragon Taoist" pauses, revealing a force that reaches people's hearts.

With just a few words, Lao Bai's whole body froze immediately, and he froze there.

Chen Xi and the others were all startled when they saw this, they didn't expect that Lao Bai was not discussing the Dao with the other party, but was discussing some almost obscure and inscrutable mysteries of the Dao of Heaven!

"Indeed, I am not a Daoist, nor have I encountered such a catastrophe, but one day I will understand all this."

After a long time, Lao Bai spoke hoarsely, with a hint of determination in his voice.

"The road against the sky...is not easy."

"Master Ancestral Dragon" waved his hand after saying this, "I've given you what you want, let's go."

"Thank you."

At this moment, Lao Bai became extremely polite. After saying that, he spread his wings and flew back from the bronze coffin.

"How about it?"

Chen Xi hurriedly asked.

"Fortunately, it finally succeeded."

Lao Bai didn't show much joy, he gave a vague answer, then changed the subject and said, "Chen Xi, you guys also act quickly, don't delay this opportunity."

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't ask any more questions, nodded, and then ordered Xiaobao and Ye Yan to discuss with that "Ancestral Dragon Taoist" one after another.

"Why don't you go?"

Lao Bai glanced at Chen Xi in surprise.

"I want to wait a little longer."

Chen Xi said casually, but his eyes were on the bronze coffin, his expression was calm, even Lao Bai didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Lao Bai couldn't help asking: "Are you worried about the failure of the discussion?"

Chen Xi shook his head: "Discussion on Dao is not important to me, even if I miss this opportunity, it is not important."

After a pause, he took a deep breath and said, "I just want to know how an existence like Taoist Zulong fell in those days!"

Lao Bai was stunned for a moment.


ps: before 12 o'clock in the morning of the third update.


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