divine talisman

Chapter 1803

After a stick of incense.

Xiaobao came back from discussing the Tao and brought back a jar of dragon's blood.

After inquiring by Chen Xi, he finally understood that Xiaobao's theory was different from Dong Bowen's and Lao Bai's, it was about fighting.

The opponent is yourself!

When it reached the bronze coffin, its mind fell into a mysterious space, and there was an opponent exactly like Xiaobao in that space, which was its "true form".

For Chen Xi and the others, the time has only passed by for a stick of incense, but for Xiaobao who is fighting with the "true ego", it seems as long as endless years have passed.

Because this battle was too fierce, Xiaobao wants to defeat his "self", just like he wants to defeat another self.

Its every move, and even every thought will be reflected on the "opponent" during the battle, making it impossible for him to defeat the opponent the more he wants to.

It was not until later that he finally realized the wonderful meaning of "non-self" in the battle, and finally defeated the "opponent", that is, defeated his own "self".

After this battle, Chen Xi clearly felt that Little Treasure's state of mind cultivation had been honed and sublimated, which would definitely be of great benefit to his future cultivation.

Not long after Xiaobao came back, Ye Yan also returned one after another, and also brought back a dragon source, which can be regarded as a success in the discussion.

According to what Ye Yan said, she never said a word from the beginning to the end, she just sat there cross-legged, as if she had a dream, and when she woke up, the discussion was over.

As for what kind of dream she had, even she herself couldn't remember it anymore, it seemed extremely weird and mysterious.

But there is no doubt that all of this is the method of the "Ancestral Dragon Taoist". Since he handed over the dragon source to Ye Yan, it proves that Ye Yan has obtained his approval.

So far, Dong Bowen has obtained a dragon soul, Lao Bai has obtained a dragon heart, Xiaobao has obtained a jar of dragon blood, and Ye Yan has obtained a dragon source.

This supreme opportunity seemed to have been completely divided up, and it had nothing to do with Chen Xi.

But Chen Xi didn't think so, because in his eyes, the opportunities he needed were different from these.



Without hesitation, Chen Xi was the last one to arrive at the bronze coffin.

As soon as he arrived, he felt the difference in this bronze coffin. Standing on it, it was like standing in a chaos. Looking around, there were misty charms and wisps of light everywhere, which seemed extremely mysterious.

Even in a trance, Chen Xi had a strange feeling of returning to the origin of the Dao.

The figure imprinted by the Taoist Ancestral Dragon's will sat there cross-legged, and at this moment, Chen Xi finally saw the other party's face clearly.

His face is pale, his beard and hair are gray and white, and his pair of eyes are as deep as a door leading to the depths of the Nine Abyss, which seems to be able to swallow people's souls!

From the appearance alone, it is impossible to tell that this is an innate ancestral dragon born in the chaos. Instead, it looks like a wise old man who has lived for an unknown number of years. .

When Chen Xi was sizing up the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon", the latter was also sizing him up, his pair of extremely deep eyes were full of wisdom.

After a long time, "Taoist Ancestral Dragon" said: "Fate is so unpredictable, what an interesting little guy."

After a pause, he suddenly sighed: "You go, you can only go your own way, and all the opportunities left by me have been given away, and there is nothing to teach you."

Hearing this, Chen Xi's expression was calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised. Instead, he sat down cross-legged, looked at "Taoist Ancestral Dragon", and said, "Senior has probably seen my origin, to be honest, I'm here this time I don’t expect any chance.”


The corners of the lips of "Ancestral Dragon Taoist" pulled out a meaningful arc, "Then what do you want to get from me?"

"I just want to know how the senior fell."

Chen Xi said frankly, "Everyone is looking for success, but I know that a Taoist master's experience of failure may be more worthy of attention."

As soon as these words came out, the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon" immediately restrained his expression, and the radiance in his eyes was transpiring, shining with an incomparably intimidating luster.

He stared quietly at Chen Xi for a long time, then suddenly burst out laughing. There was a touch of sadness in his voice, and there was even a touch of indescribable emotion. It seemed to be emotional, but also sad, and it seemed extremely complicated.

"I didn't expect that you, a little guy in the later stage of the ancestor god, would actually start planning the road of being a Taoist master. If it were someone else, I would definitely scoff and reprimand you for being so ambitious, but you... are obviously different."

After a while, the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon" said slowly, "Because you are a Hetu Taoist, it is reasonable to consider this step."

Chen Xi smiled, looked at the other party quietly, and did not deny it.

"I still remember that the fifth enlightener of Hetu was Gu Changsheng, the 'Lord of Nine Nethers', the seventh enlightenment was Xuan, the master of Manggu, and the eighth enlightenment was Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain. You... are probably Hetu's ninth enlightened person?"

"Taoist Ancestral Dragon" said with great interest, although he is just a brand of will, he seems to have supreme wisdom, and his speech and behavior seem to be no different from a living person.

This finally made Chen Xi a little moved, because it was also the first time he knew that the fifth Hetu enlightener before Xuan was actually the "Lord of the Nine Serenity" Gu Changsheng!

He had never heard of this name.


After a while, Chen Xi nodded.

"No wonder, if you are the first person to come to discuss the Dao, maybe this seat will give you all the opportunities without hesitation. Unfortunately, it is a pity that good luck tricks people."

"Master Ancestral Dragon" shook his head regretfully, "But it's normal. With the inheritance of Hetu, I don't care about the relics left by me. What's more, I am a loser in the way of heaven after all. , the things of the failed people are not so precious to you."

On the contrary, Chen Xi was a little stunned by these words, and after a while he smiled wryly and said, "Senior is a little self-deprecating, the reason why he came last is because the junior is different from what they want, and there is absolutely no neglect The heart of contempt."

"Master Ancestral Dragon" laughed loudly, and said: "What a different person! There are many people who seek success in this world, but you are the only one who asks for a failure. Based on this alone, I will be like you!" wish!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly changed the subject, looked at Chen Xi with a solemn expression, and said, "Little guy, before this, I would like to ask you, what do you think of this way of heaven?"

Chen Xi was startled, was he asking about his knowledge of the Dao of Heaven?

For a moment, Chen Xi fell into silence, and it took a long time before he said, "Sorry, I can't describe it."

"Taoist Ancestral Dragon" seemed a little disappointed.

However, just when he was about to speak, he heard Chen Xi say: "But in my opinion, if one day, the way of heaven blocks my way, then that is my enemy. As long as I don't die, I will eventually defeat him and make me a success." way!"

If these words were heard by other cultivators, they would have to be reprimanded!It's outrageous!

That is the way of heaven, the most supreme and unpredictable!

Who in this world would dare to falsely say that Heaven is an enemy and want to defeat it?

It is even more arrogant to use one's own way to surpass the way of heaven. For any ascetic, if he dares to speak such nonsense, he will even be punished by heaven!

At this moment, upon hearing Chen Xi's words, the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon" became silent as well, his expression fluctuated, and he could no longer maintain his calm.

It took him a long time before he threw his head back into the sky and laughed out loud, with a hint of madness in his voice.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I have practiced for countless years, and I have stepped into the realm of the Taoist leader early, but I never figured it out until I was dying, but now you, a little guy, figured it out a long time ago, no wonder This seat will be robbed and unable to break free, no wonder..."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and vaguely guessed something.

What he said before was his true inner thoughts, and he did not hide anything, but normally he would never say it out, if that were the case, he would have to be regarded as a madman.

But obviously, it was precisely because of these words that it seemed to resonate with the "Taoist Ancestral Dragon".

"If you can realize this point today, you will be free after all, and you will have no regrets..."

"Taoist Ancestral Dragon" suddenly stood up, his eyes were shining brightly, his long gray hair fluttered, and his whole body exuded a sense of relief and detachment.

"Little guy, with your current cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible to see the real reason for the fall of this seat, but this is not important. As long as you stick to your heart, one day, you may really be able to do what this seat cannot do." reached that step."

While speaking, the "Taoist Ancestor Dragon" waved his sleeve robe, and there was a bang, and the bronze coffin under his feet suddenly made a shocking sound.

In the next moment, the entire bronze coffin lying across the starry sky suddenly glowed with incomparably blazing radiance. In just a moment, it shrunk countless times, and finally turned into a piece of bronze jade, which fell into the " Daoist Ancestral Dragon" in the hands.

"The things you want are hidden in it, and when you reach the realm of the Taoist master, you can open it and get what you want."

"Taoist Ancestral Dragon" smiled slightly, and handed this bronze coffin that looked like a jade slip to Chen Xi through the air.

"Thank you for the gift, senior."

Chen Xi quickly took it, and bowed his hands in salute.

"Go, when you are dying, I can see such an interesting little guy like you, and I can smile at Jiuquan."

"Ancestral Dragon Taoist" looked up to the sky and laughed endlessly.

Accompanied by the sound, his entire figure turned into wisps of light and rain, which slowly drifted away, and soon disappeared.

"Senior take care."

Chen Xi bowed his hands again, he knew that from now on, there would be no trace of the "Ancestral Dragon Taoist" in this world...

The movement here also alarmed Lao Bai, Xiao Bao, Ye Yan and others, all of them looked at each other with shocked expressions on their faces, not knowing why such a change happened.


ps: I finally finished writing this plot, the next step is to point the sword at the imperial domain!Ask for a monthly ticket to encourage~~


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