divine talisman

Chapter 1804

With a long laugh, "Ancestral Dragon Taoist" passed away in relief, disappearing between heaven and earth.

The bronze coffin that stretched across the starry sky turned into a small object like a jade slip and fell into Chen Xi's hands.

Although the dragon soul, dragon heart, dragon blood, and dragon source obtained by others are of great benefit to practice, it records the experience left by the ancestor dragon Taoist when he failed in the calamity!

In comparison, this may appear to be more precious, and it can be said that it is hard to find in the world.

On the day when Chen Xi reaches the realm of the Daoist Master, he may be able to gain the experience he needs to step onto his own path against the heavens, so that he won't have to follow the path of failure of the Daoist Ancestral Dragon.


Seeing Chen Xi return, Lao Bai, Xiao Bao, and Ye Yan couldn't help asking subconsciously. What happened just now had greatly shocked them.

Chen Xi nodded, and didn't say much about it.


Before they could continue their conversation, the vast starry sky suddenly fluctuated violently, making a booming sound, and faintly showing signs of collapse.

"Not good, without the power of the 'Ancestral Dragon Taoist' will imprint, this area will be completely destroyed, hurry up!"

Lao Bai was startled, and made a deep voice.


Just before Lao Bai's voice fell, he could clearly see that the star dome in the extreme distance was like a piece of paper, smashed and sunk piece by piece, turning into a violent black hole of time and space, spreading and spreading.

Those scenes were like the outbreak of the doomsday catastrophe.

All of this happened so quickly that Chen Xi and the others suddenly became vigilant, subconsciously wanting to flee towards Lu Fei.

"I have a flying shuttle here, which can carry you out of here safely."

Suddenly, Dong Bowen, who was originally meditating, got up and spoke to Chen Xi and the others with a gentle and calm expression.

"No need."

Chen Xi directly refused without even thinking about it. He didn't want to have anything to do with Dong Bowen anymore.


While speaking, Chen Xi's figure flashed, and he led Lao Bai and the others away quickly without looking back, and soon disappeared.

"What a stubborn young man..."

Watching Chen Xi and the others leave, Dong Bowen had a complicated expression on his face. He knew that he had completely disappointed Chen Xi and the others because of his own mistake before, no matter how hard it was to undo it.

"No matter what, we still have to make up for it."

Sighing deeply, Dong Bowen left without hesitation, with a flash of his figure.




One after another, horrible explosions resounded through the heaven and earth, as if the doomsday disaster had come, the heaven and the earth collapsed, and all things perished.

One after another, the sacred mountains that stood here for an unknown number of years collapsed and annihilated.

The bone tunnel also collapsed inch by inch.

In such a terrifying scene like a catastrophe, Chen Xi and the others fled at full speed without any hesitation.

Fortunately, perhaps because of the annihilation of the will mark of the "Taoist Ancestor Dragon", they did not encounter any obstacles along the way.

Along the way, the densely packed dragon skeletons covered in the "Wanlong Mausoleum" have long since crumbled into powder and disappeared into the sky and the earth.

The "Mirage Dragon Realm" also ceased to exist, and turned into a dead and empty land.

When Chen Xi and the others returned, they couldn't even find a trace of the existence of "Zhenlong Daoyu".

Everything seems to have disappeared with the disappearance of the brand of the will of the "Ancestral Dragon Taoist Master"...

Chen Xi and the others couldn't care less about feeling emotional, and they didn't have time to feel emotional, because this world was in the midst of continuous destruction, and if they were involved in it, the consequences would be unimaginable.



But Chen Xi and the others still underestimated the horror of this destruction.

When they successfully left and returned along the original star road, they found that the stars, meteorites, dust, light they saw along the way... everything was collapsing and dying!

Those kinds of scenes are simply shocking, enough to chill anyone's heart.

Just imagine, this is a galaxy, how vast and vast it is, with countless starry skies, but now, they are all in the process of being destroyed!

Flying into it, it's like witnessing one big world after another disintegrating and completely annihilated behind him, with a shocking impact.

Everything collapsed.

Stars fall.

Space-time annihilation.

Heaven and earth turned into nothingness!

The destructive aura erupting in the depths of the undead galaxy is spreading at an incredible speed.

Along the way, there is only a dead silence and nothingness left!



The edge of the undead galaxy.

The five spirits and gods of the Taishang Sect have been waiting here for a long time.

They were waiting for a piece of news, if Emperor Taijing and his party succeeded in killing Chen Xi, they would be happy to see it succeed.

And if Emperor Tai Jing and his party fail, they will deal a fatal blow to Chen Xi right here!

Unfortunately, just a few days ago, they had confirmed that Taijing Emperor and his party had failed. Except for Taijing Emperor alone, those powerful ancestors from the Shaohao clan had all been wiped out.

This result is particularly shocking, at least not even the five spirit generals of the Taishang Sect have ever thought of such a result.

Especially when they saw Emperor Taijing leaving in a hurry with a livid expression, they felt something was wrong.

What happened in the depths of the undead galaxy?

Just dealing with a young man in the mid-stage of the Ancestor God, how could people like Emperor Tai Jing lose their troops and even retreat in defeat?

The Five Spirits and Gods would not be able to guess or speculate, but their state of mind has changed, and they have become more cautious than before, and they no longer dare to have any contempt.

And when this day came, when that destructive power began to erupt from the depths of the undead galaxy and continued to spread, it also completely alarmed these five generals from the Supreme Sect.

"This is a sign of the Great Destruction. It won't take long, and even the entire undead galaxy will be wiped out of the world!"

"Damn it! What the hell happened?"

"The most urgent task is to confirm whether that kid Chen Xi has already died in it."

"How can we confirm? If we don't leave again, this disaster may affect us!"

The five spirit generals looked ugly and talked a lot.

The root cause of their dispatch this time was Ye Yan's betrayal, which was absolutely intolerable to the Supreme Master.

But later they discovered that Ye Yan's betrayal was actually related to Chen Xi, so they pointed the finger at Chen Xi, thinking that as long as they captured Chen Xi, they would be able to find out Ye Yan's whereabouts.

They even wanted to take back the fallen copper coins and snatch the fragments of the river map.

But they never expected that this chase would take so long, let alone that the situation would develop to this point!

Especially when it was confirmed that this undead galaxy would completely collapse in a short time, this result immediately caught them off guard.

How to do?

At this moment, they couldn't help but hesitate.

"Huh? Look, it's that kid!"

Suddenly, the enchanting and charming Huo Ling's eyes lit up, and he let out a surprise.

Following her gaze, she saw that in the starry sky far away, a group of people was moving at full speed. The leader was wearing a green shirt and had a handsome face. It was Chen Xi.

"He came back alive..."

"Oh, he's going to die soon."

"Be prepared, we will kill this son with all our strength later, and we must not let him escape!"

The other generals spoke murderously, their eyes full of coldness and sternness.



At this moment, Chen Xi and the others also noticed the existence of the Five Spirit God Generals, and they couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Because in Chen Xi's deduction, it has been roughly guessed along the way that Emperor Taijing will definitely not leave willingly, but he never thought that when he returned, he did not meet Emperor Taijing, but ran into other people. a group of people.

Judging from their appearance, it is obvious that they have been waiting here for a long time.

"The Supreme Master teaches the five spirits and generals! How could it be them?"

Ye Yan's complexion suddenly sank, revealing a rare dignified face. At this moment, she also realized that because of her betrayal, the Supreme Master had already taken action!

The five spirits and generals of the Taishang Sect are obviously here to capture and kill himself, a "traitor"!

"Five spirit generals?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, this was the first time he had heard the names of these five people.

"They are spirit bodies born from the innate origin of the five elements. Later, they were brought back to the religion by the Supreme Leader, and they personally taught them to practice. Even though they only have the cultivation level of a one-star emperor, if the five of them join forces, their combat power can even be suppressed. A strong man in the Monarch Realm!"

Ye Yan quickly sent a voice transmission, and told Chen Xi and the others everything about the five spirit generals one by one.

"Five one-star emperors? This is a little troublesome."

Lao Bai's voice was a bit dignified. He knew very well that these five spirit bodies born in the innate five elements seemed to have only a one-star emperor's cultivation, but they belonged to the same five elements, and their strengths blended with each other. Together, they can explode Far beyond the power of imagination.

"It seems that if we want to leave, we can only deal with them first. If this is the case, then prepare to do it!"

Chen Xi's eyes were cold and deep.

Now that his cultivation base has already broken through to the late stage of the Ancestral God Realm, if he uses explosive energy to kill the gods, and then uses the means of terminating the Taoist will to destroy the innate spirit treasure to face the enemy, he will not be afraid of the opponent.

It's just that the price paid is a bit heavy.

"It's really hateful. I was chased and killed by them everywhere along the way. This time, I must kill it to my heart's content!"

Xiaobao gritted his teeth, releasing a monstrous and violent fighting breath from his whole body.


However, to the surprise of Chen Xi and the others, before they could take any action, a brilliant and dazzling purple glow suddenly descended on the distant sky, steaming and boiling, fiercely killing the five spirit god generals!

This scene happened so abruptly, not only Chen Xi and the others didn't expect it, but even the five spirit generals of the Grand Priest Sect never expected such a change to happen, and their expressions all changed suddenly.

"not good!"

"Quickly open!"

"This aura is too terrifying, it's actually a Nine Star Emperor who made the move!"

"Damn! How could this be?"

Their eyes were tearing apart, they roared sharply, releasing all kinds of blazing divine brilliance from their bodies, almost exhausting all their cultivation, and crazily dodged to one side.

And at this moment, Chen Xi and the others finally saw clearly that the person who did it was actually that Dong Bowen!


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