divine talisman

Chapter 1805 What is he?


The purple divine glow is like a curtain hanging from the sky, and it descends, crushing all the stars, time and space within a radius of ten thousand li, and the scene is terrifying.

This is an attack from a nine-star peak emperor, how powerful is it?

Even if the five spirits and gods of the Taishang sect used all their strength to dodge, under the cover of this blow, they would still suffer heavy injuries. If they were crushed by the sacred mountain, their bodies would be thrown out violently, with blood spurting from their mouths and noses, and screaming in pain endlessly.

This scene is particularly shocking, these are five emperors, but they can't resist Dong Bowen's blow at all!

When Chen Xi and the others witnessed this scene, they couldn't help being shocked. This was the difference between a one-star emperor and a nine-star emperor. One was like an eagle in the sky, while the other was like a vulnerable ant. The difference between them was too great.


The roar of horror resounded, and the blow was thwarted. The Taishangjiao Wuxingling general was shocked and angry, and suddenly realized the danger, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, and subconsciously fled in panic.

Seeing this, Dong Bowen did not chase after him, but looked at Chen Xi and the others, and said, "With me around, no one will stop you."

The voice was still calm and gentle.

"Hehe, we didn't ask you to take action."

Lao Bai sneered, it would not appreciate it.

Dong Bowen smiled, his expression calm, as if he didn't care.

"Let's go."

Chen Xi glanced at Dong Bowen, but he sighed in his heart, turned around and took Lao Bai and the others away.

"Actually, this guy's attitude is not bad. As a nine-star emperor, he not only sacrificed himself for atonement, but also sent us all the way here, which is very rare."

Lao Bai thought thoughtfully, "Could it be that this guy is worried that your elder brother will make trouble for him?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Chen Xi replied indifferently that he had already decided to draw a line with Dong Bowen, and even if the other party helped him resolve a crisis just now, it would not be able to change his mind.

"It's just a pity that this guy actually watched the five spirits and gods of the Supreme Master escape. It's a bit dishonest to help."

Old Bai pouted.

"Perhaps, he is afraid of the Supreme Master."

Ye Yan added something.

Chen Xi frowned, somewhat unwilling to discuss matters related to Dong Bowen.

He was about to interrupt this topic, but at this moment, Dong Bowen's voice came from far behind——

"Fellow daoists, the Supreme Five Spiritual God Generals have retreated, and you still plan to continue to persist in your obsession?" The voice was indifferent, revealing a coercive power.

Chen Xi and the others were shocked in their hearts. These words were obviously not meant for them.

Turning their heads and looking around, Chen Xi and the others suddenly discovered that at some time, a group of people had already appeared behind them, and the leader was Emperor Taijing!

Looking carefully, there are seven or eight of them in total, and each of them has an imposing manner that is astounding through the ages, looking down at the shore with arrogance, and possessing unrivaled majesty, they are unexpectedly great figures of emperors and monarchs!

Apparently, the existence of those emperors was all helped by the Taijing emperors.

What made Chen Xi and the others secretly heave a sigh of relief was that Dong Bowen had blocked in front of Emperor Taijing and his party at some point.

In other words, if it wasn't for Dong Bowen, Chen Xi and the others might have already been ambushed by Emperor Taijing's group!

After witnessing this scene, Chen Xi and the others finally understood why Dong Bowen didn't go after and kill the five spirit generals of the Supreme Master Sect. It turned out that he had already noticed the existence of Emperor Taijing and his party!

"Hurry up and leave these guys to me. When you return to Shenyan Mountain, please send my greetings to Mister Da."

Dong Bowen's voice came from afar.

In a word, Chen Xi and the others had complicated emotions.

If Dong Bowen hadn't had evil thoughts in his heart back then, perhaps...the relationship between them wouldn't have become so rigid, right?

"This time, even if I don't want to have any more contact with him, I have to owe a favor..."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, and suddenly said, "Thank you, I will pass on your greetings to Elder Brother."

After all, he no longer hesitated, and led Lao Bai and the others to use the method of teleportation to go away at full speed.




There was a terrifying sound of battle and collision behind him, and the stars burst into pieces one by one, and the entire star field was affected, the divine splendor spread, and they fell into chaos.

It was a confrontation between emperors and emperors. It was shocking and shocking, enough to reverse the chaos of the universe and destroy everything in the world!

Not only that, this undead galaxy is still in a state of constant destruction, making this already extremely fierce battle even more chaotic.

Chen Xi and his group had fled far away, and it was not clear which side would win this battle.

But they all understood that no matter how unbearable Dong Bowen's attitude towards them was when he was in the burial ground of Taoist Zulong, but now he has compensated them with actions, and the price of compensation was beyond imagination.

They must also recognize this kindness.

In fact, if you think about the cause and effect of all this carefully, it is only caused by an "evil thought"...

It may seem absurd, but in fact both parties involved knew that if this "evil idea" had not been contained at that time, the consequences would have been absolutely unimaginable.

Therefore, Chen Xi resolutely chose to draw a line with Dong Bowen.

As for Dong Bowen, he gave his arm for this, and even gave all his actions to compensate Chen Xi and the others. What he was looking for was no longer to restore the relationship with Chen Xi and the others, but a kind of state of mind. Consummation.

After a few hours.

Chen Xi and his party finally left this undead galaxy. The journey was uneventful and they never encountered any disturbances.

This made them all feel a lot easier.

In order to avoid further accidents on the road ahead, Chen Xi hid Lao Bai, Xiao Bao, and Ye Yan in the universe inside his body, and then changed his appearance, using the forbidden path secret patterns to cover his aura.

After finishing all this, he sacrificed a treasure ship, sat cross-legged on it, and began to fly back and forth in the vast starry sky.

When leaving the Temple of Absolute Beginning, senior brother Wu Xuechan once gave Chen Xi a jade slip that recorded the map leading to Shenyan Mountain, so that he would not lose his way when he went to the Emperor's Domain.

However, according to Chen Xi's calculations, after leaving the undead galaxy, it will take at least half a month before arriving in the imperial domain.

Now he only hopes that there will be no more disturbances on the road ahead.




In the boundless starry sky, the treasure ship travels through time and space, constantly flying forward.

In the treasure ship, Chen Xi was quietly cultivating with his eyes closed.

After going through this unprecedented chase, Chen Xi's cultivation has also been significantly improved, from the middle stage of the ancestor god to the late stage of the ancestor god, and he is approaching the realm of great perfection.

All of this happened in just a few months, which can be described as rapid progress, and can even be described as appalling.

After all, it is extremely difficult for the existence of the gods to make further progress in cultivation, and the accumulation of time has long been able to make up for it.

This is the beauty of chance. Once obtained, it is enough to completely change the strength of a monk!

Why are today's ascetics willing to take great risks for an illusory opportunity?That's why.

The three of them, Lao Bai, Xiao Bao, and Ye Yan, respectively obtained the dragon heart, dragon blood, and dragon source left by the ancestral dragon Taoist. After they thoroughly refined their respective opportunities, their own cultivation bases are bound to There will also be astonishing metamorphosis, there is no doubt about it.

And at this time, Chen Xi's combat strength was indeed no longer comparable to before.

In terms of Qi refining cultivation, he has reached the late-stage state of ancestor gods.

In terms of Dao Xin cultivation, he has reached the second forging of the "Original Heart Sutra", and his heart is as innocent as a young boy, which allows him to fully exert the full power of the sword emperor's second level of heaven!

In terms of the realm of enlightenment, Chen Xi has also transformed from a small to a great accomplishment.

If Chen Xi's supreme potential of an emperor-level ancestor god is also counted, the current Chen Xi is enough to dominate in the realm of ancestor gods, crushing most of his peers!

Of course, Chen Xi would even dare to fight an ordinary one-star emperor if he used the Qi Explosive Killing God Technique desperately.

For example, the "Emperor Nandu" of the Eternal Family Ye's was a one-star emperor, but in the end he was killed by Chen Xi and Xiaobao together!

If such a glorious record is introduced to the Ancient God Realm, one can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause.

In short, the current Chen Xi is displaying the might of an emperor-level ancestor god. When he reaches the perfection of an ancestor god and completely releases the potential of an emperor-level ancestor god, he will definitely be able to dominate the crowd and look down upon anyone in his generation!

At that time, I am afraid that even the top [-] beings in the Ancestral God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods will only be overshadowed and cannot be compared with Chen Xi.

This is the beauty of obtaining the emperor-level dao root. The so-called emperor means uniqueness, which means crowning the world!

However, Chen Xi will not become complacent because of this. In this big chase, his opponents are too strong, and many of them are from the emperor realm. Compared with it, it seems a bit unsatisfactory.

Therefore, Chen Xi couldn't be complacent at all. In fact, after being chased and killed by beings in the Monarch Realm one after another, any ancestor god might have the same state of mind as Chen Xi.

"The top priority is to seize the time to reach the perfect state of ancestor gods. Once you reach this point, you can go to find the "chaotic land" that the empress said, open up a realm, and prepare for the impact on the emperor's realm... ..."

In the treasure ship, while Chen Xi was meditating, he silently deduced the plan in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed.

On this day, Chen Xi felt a turmoil in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the treasure ship——

"Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry to bother you. I want to borrow a precious boat to hide from a person. After the matter is completed, I will give you a reward as a reward. I hope Haihan can do it."

There was a hint of anxiety in the voice, and before Chen Xi could agree, a figure broke into the treasure ship like a flash of light, and suddenly came to the cabin.

This made Chen Xi frowned, and felt even more awe-inspiring in his heart. Although this treasure ship was not a treasure, it was surrounded by dense restrictions, and it was really astonishing that this figure could break in so casually.

However, when Chen Xi saw clearly the appearance of the person who came, he couldn't help being slightly startled, why is it him?


ps: Sorry, there is no third update tonight. Kawen is amazing and will make up what is owed.


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