divine talisman

Chapter 1806

This man was dressed in black, with a tall and handsome figure, long black hair shawl, crystal clear and fair skin, and sharp facial contours, as if carved with an ax chisel, extremely handsome.

Especially that pair of eyes, like the eternal night, gives people a sense of tranquility, remoteness, and indifference.

He didn't have much world-shattering aura, he was plain and simple, and his whole body was filled with the charm of simplicity.

Chen Xi remembered the other party, and he still had a deep impression on him. It was in Linlang Treasure City. Chen Xi took a fancy to a piece of Jinlan Divine Stone at a stall, but later sold it to this black-clothed man.

Chen Xi never thought that he would run into each other again in this vast starry sky at this time.

And looking at his appearance, he seemed to be quite embarrassed, as if he was avoiding something.

"Fellow Daoist recognize me?"

The man in black keenly noticed the change in Chen Xi's expression, and couldn't help being slightly startled, a strange dark black ripple suddenly appeared in his pair of eyes, as if a piece of eternal night was reflected in it.

Immediately, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, it's you! It's true that we never meet again in life. I said goodbye to fellow Taoists in a hurry back then. Who would have thought that we would meet at this moment? Things in this world are really amazing." Wonderful, beyond words."

Chen Xi's heart shuddered. He had changed his appearance, and even covered his whole body with the power of the forbidden path secret pattern. Who would have thought that the other party could see through his true face at a glance!

This has never happened before.

Obviously, the other party must have some kind of supreme secret technique, which is enough to see through all disguises!

"It's really a coincidence."

Chen Xi quickly regained his composure, nodded his head indifferently, and then suddenly said, "Are you being hunted down now?"

The man in black immediately suppressed the smile on his face, and sighed distressedly: "It's not about chasing me, it's just a crazy woman who is pestering me, and I can't get away even if I beat you, and I can't get away if you scold me. , it's really a headache."

Chen Xi was startled, but he didn't expect the other party to give such a reason.

However, the man in black seemed to have found someone to confide in, and he complained loudly to Chen Xi: "Daoist friend, the so-called love between a man and a woman is nothing more than talking about your love and my willingness, but that crazy woman is good enough to make a promise to her elders." Her marriage contract is regarded as the golden rule, and she has been obsessing about getting married with me, but I have no intention of getting married in this life, but she doesn't listen to it, and insists on fulfilling the marriage contract, it's simply... an unreasonable lunatic!"

Chen Xi was stunned. It was another engagement, but judging from the situation, the guy in front of him seemed to be forced to run away from marriage...

"Even, in order to marry me, this woman actually chased me all the way to my house. She looks like she won't give up until she achieves her goal. It really pissed me off."

The more he said, the more annoyed the man in black became, and his voice was full of helplessness.


Chen Xi couldn't help but said.

"Then I can only run away. There is no other way. Even my family members agree with this mad woman's approach. If I don't want to run away, I have to make cooked rice out of raw rice."

The man in black shrugged, looking extremely depressed.

Speaking of this, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he had sensed something, his complexion suddenly turned pale, he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, this crazy woman is chasing after me again! Fellow Daoist, you have to help me, if that woman chases after me later Come on, just pretend you don't know what to do, and let's have a good talk together after you escape this calamity."

He spoke extremely fast, and his movements were not slow. When he spoke, his figure flashed, and his whole body turned into strands of night-like light, which suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, even Chen Xi was unable to perceive the existence of the other party, as if all traces and aura of his entire person in the world were erased and evaporated out of thin air.

This kind of method of stealth and disappearance can be called amazing!

But fortunately, in just a split second, Chen Xi's secret pattern of the forbidden path caught an extremely imperceptible and obscure fluctuation in the empty space on one side of his body. It was obviously the man in black.

This made Chen Xi secretly heave a sigh of relief. If this guy wanted to harm him, at least he wouldn't be caught off guard by this method of stealth.

Suddenly, there was a burst of ice-clear, faint musk-like fragrance floating in the air, refreshing the soul.

Chen Xi's heart suddenly trembled.

At this moment, a cold and deep voice came from outside the treasure ship——

"Fellow Taoist, have you ever seen a man in black pass by?"

Accompanied by the sound, a graceful and slender figure stepped on the treasure ship, and came straight to the cabin. From the beginning to the end, he came without Chen Xi's consent at all.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but frowned again, and when he looked up, he saw that the woman had an elegant aura and her white skirt was fluttering, as if she was about to escape and sink into the nine heavens.

Her face is extremely clear and beautiful, her blue hair is like a waterfall, her lips are rosy, her brows and eyes are ethereal and clear like a painting, without any trace of worldly fireworks, her unrivaled grace, peerless elegance, has an incomparably stunning and shocking power.

Even Chen Xi had to admit that this woman was very beautiful, and had a unique and transcendent aura, which made it hard for anyone to feel a little bit of blasphemy.

But very soon, Chen Xi squinted his eyes, and noticed that the aura exuded by this woman's gestures was unfathomably deep, extremely obscure and powerful!

Chen Xi was sure that the other party's cultivation was at the Emperor Realm, and she was able to possess such a powerful aura, so she was also an extraordinary and stunning person.

In fact, no matter whether it is the man in black before or the woman in front of him with peerless elegance, they all have an unrivaled appearance, which is rare in the world. Compared with them, the strong men in the ancestral god realm that Chen Xi has seen in the past are not at the same level at all. exist.

After a brief silence, Chen Xi suddenly smiled, and said, "Girl, it's a bit impolite to come here without an invitation."

"It's compensation."

The white-clothed woman's incomparably beautiful face was calm, and with a wave of her plain hand, she threw a storage bag to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was stunned. He picked up the storage bag and took a look. It actually contained 10 yuan of divine crystals. This is definitely not a small amount of wealth. At least he could buy a mid-level sixth-grade Houtian Divine Treasure!

And this is just compensation for an "uninvited person", which makes this woman more and more extraordinary.

But Chen Xi knew that the reason why this woman did this was not because she was rich and powerful, but because she was too lazy to argue and apologize to him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing again, pointed to one side of the void, and said seriously: "I don't welcome uninvited guests, so take your fiancé and hurry away now, the farther you go, the more it is good."

As soon as these words came out, the woman in white couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and immediately a stern gleam appeared in her clear eyes, and she raised her white, jade-like hands.


Wisps of brilliant golden arcs were intertwined, dazzling and dazzling, overflowing between her palms and fingers, and suddenly pressed fiercely towards the position Chen Xi was pointing at.

This blow seemed to be taken lightly, but it had a peerless and invincible posture, and the power it caused made Chen Xi's eyes narrow.


However, just before the white-clothed woman made a move, a shadow that was as empty as the night suddenly appeared out of thin air, rushing out of the cabin in a flash.

"Chen Xi, some god-breaking crystals just bought you off, you have disappointed me so much!"

The voice of the man in black came from outside the treasure ship with a slightly exasperated voice.

This guy actually recognizes himself?

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, and he immediately smiled and said, "I'm sorry, you are being pursued for marriage, but I am being pursued to kill, so as not to affect you, I can only do this."

"You... were hunted down?"

The man in black seemed a little surprised.

"Yechen, at this point, you still have the mind to care about other people's affairs? This time, I want to see how long you can hide!"

Before Chen Xi could answer, the woman in white had already flashed her figure, rushing out of the treasure ship like a startled rainbow.

"Xue Qingge! You crazy woman is simply stubborn. How can you force a marriage like this in this world! Damn it, it's really hateful!"

"Orders from parents, words from matchmakers, if you are a man, come back with me!"

"It's a joke! Whether I am a man or not is up to you?"

"In my opinion, the moment you evade this marriage contract, you are no longer worthy of the word man."

"you you you……"

The sound of fierce disputes sounded in the starry sky, and accompanied by the deafening battle sound, the scene seemed very chaotic.

When Chen Xi stepped out of the treasure ship, he saw this man and woman chasing and fighting freely in the starry sky. They looked like life and death enemies, and Chen Xi clicked his tongue when he saw it.

"No wonder, it turns out that this guy is Yechen..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, Ye Chen, the unrivaled arrogance who was ranked No. 1 in the Spiritual God Realm in the list of gods back then, and a descendant of the Ye clan in the imperial domain, is like the No. [-] of the younger generation in the imperial domain!

When he was in Linlangbao City in the early years, Chen Xi heard that Yechen and another peerless figure, Yu Jiuyue, advanced together in one day, and stepped into the realm of ancestor gods in one fell swoop, and even caused a huge commotion during the promotion. The vision of heaven and earth suddenly became a topic of great interest in the entire ancient God Realm.

It's just that Chen Xi never expected that this Yechen was the black-clothed man in front of him who was running away from marriage, so he couldn't help feeling a little absurd in his heart.

As for the woman named Xue Qingge, he had never heard of it, but seeing that she was able to chase Ye Chen to such a mess, she was obviously an extremely extraordinary existence.

"Ahhh, I can't take it anymore!"

Suddenly, Ye Chen, who was fighting in the distant starry sky, let out a cry of incomparable grief and indignation, and immediately dodged and fled towards the distance.

"Chen Xi, it won't be long before the Dao Discussion Contest initiated by the 'Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain' will kick off, you despicable guy, don't refuse to participate! You must remember that this young master was born a long time ago. I want to fight with you, I hope you don't let me down!"

The voice came from afar, and Chen Xi couldn't help being startled. A Dao Discussion Competition initiated by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain?

"It's really abominable that you still think about these things! If you don't fulfill the marriage contract, don't think about all this!"

Xue Qingge's icy voice came, and her people had already disappeared into the starry sky after chasing Yechen who had fled far away.


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