divine talisman

Chapter 1807 The Mountain of Conferred Gods

In the blink of an eye, Yechen and Xue Qingge disappeared.

Standing on the treasure ship, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he saw all this happening. Who could have imagined that this world-renowned descendant of the Emperor Ye clan would be so embarrassing and bitter to be chased by a woman?

Soon, Chen Xi shook his head and returned to the cabin.

This chance encounter did not cause any disturbance, but what Ye Chen said before leaving made Chen Xi a little curious.

On Dao Dao?

What kind of event is this?

The so-called five poles of the Imperial Domain represent the five oldest orthodox traditions in the Imperial Domain, namely Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Supreme Sect, Taoist Temple, and Divine Academy.

The Dao Discussion event organized by them is of an unprecedented grand scale, which is enough to attract the attention of all ascetics in the entire Ancient God Realm.

However, what is the purpose of having this Dao Contest?

Inadvertently, Chen Xi suddenly remembered what he had talked with that empress during the Absolute Beginning View.

At that time, the empress once said that if you want to become a domain master after advancing to the emperor realm, you must have "the power of the domain"!

But looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, only the mysterious "Chaotic Remains" can still open up a new realm.

However, the "Chaos Remains" is surrounded by forbidden power, even if the Dao Master Realm exists, it is difficult to break into it.

Like the original "Kunpeng Taoist Lord", he was plagued by calamity because he accidentally entered the "Relic of Chaos", and finally fell to the world.

And according to that empress, after more than [-] million years, the power of forbidden roads covering the "land of chaos" has begun to weaken. Without accidents, it will not take many years to open a passage with external force. into it.

However, Niangniang also said that whether it is Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, Daoyuan, or Shenyuan, it is absolutely impossible for any of their forces to make such a move.

According to her speculation, by that time, the five forces might unite and work together to open up this path to the chaotic ruins.

It was precisely based on the above cognition that Chen Xi suddenly realized that the purpose of this Dao Discussion Competition jointly held by the "Five Poles of the Emperor's Domain" might not be to prepare for the opening of the passage to the "Land of Chaos" Bar?

It's really possible!

After all, according to Chen Xi's understanding, the relationship between Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Sect is incompatible with each other, but it must be because of something that allows them to temporarily put aside their previous suspicions and work together to hold a Dao Discussion Competition A consensus was reached.

In other words, the reason why these five major forces can cooperate together must be to achieve a common thing!

Obviously, opening up the passage to the "Relic of Chaos" is of great significance, and it is indeed enough for these five major forces to cooperate temporarily.

Soon, Chen Xi stopped thinking about it. If it was as he had speculated, as long as he arrived at Shenyan Mountain safely, the brothers and sisters of the sect would automatically notify him to participate in this Dao Discussion Competition.


The treasure ship continued to move forward, and soon disappeared into the vast starry sky.


ten days later.

Chen Xi stood on the bow of the boat, looking into the distance, an extremely shocking scene appeared in his vision.

Surrounded by billions of bright stars, it turns into a vast and blazing galaxy, flowing in the almost endless void.

Every star is filled with a substantive divine brilliance, or it is as blazing as fire, or as blue as the sea, or as silvery as white as snow, or as dark as ink...the colors are colorful and reflect each other, making it a magnificent sight.

It is the aura of the Great Dao, pure, vast, and seems to come from the origin of chaos, covering every inch of this starry sky, releasing an ancient vicissitudes of life.

Looking from a distance, it looks like an eternal kingdom of gods, standing up to now, not afraid of the erosion of years and winds, it has existed forever since ancient times, and it is shocking.

Emperor domain!

Almost without thinking, Chen Xi immediately judged that the starry sky was where the Emperor's Domain was located!

The Ancient God Realm has thousands of realms and almost countless universes, and the most prestigious one is the Emperor Realm, which is located at the central hub of the Ancient God Realm.

This is an eternal area, which has existed forever since ancient times, and is the oldest. In this boundless time, there have been many amazing and brilliant people born, and many legendary giants who have been able to sing and cry.

Here, there are one after another ancient and incomparable orthodoxy. They were born before the endless years, and they have stood up to this day in the years, possessing indescribable power.

Here, it is also the sacred place in the hearts of all ascetics in the entire ancient gods, attracting an unknown number of ascetics to come to pilgrimage every year.

A long time ago, Chen Xi had heard that a single imperial domain encompassed eight thousand universes, and there were countless ancient orthodoxy and clan forces distributed in it!

However, among them, there are only a small part of them that can be called top forces, such as the Emperor Yu Ye Clan, Luo Clan, Gongye Clan, Yu Clan and so on.

And forces like Sanqing Dao, Fozong, Lingbao Temple, Qixia Mountain, Fortune Heavenly Palace, and Jinchan God Island, which have stood for countless years, can be called ancient orthodox traditions.

On top of the top forces and the ancient orthodoxy, the five major forces that can truly be called the supreme orthodoxy are Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, Taoist Temple, and Divine Academy, also known as the "Emperor Domain". Five poles"!

With so many terrifying backgrounds and powerful forces entrenched in one domain, one can imagine how detached and extraordinary this imperial domain is.

Now, Chen Xi has gone through a big chase, and traveled in the vast starry sky day and night for more than ten days, and finally arrived at the edge of the imperial domain. Seeing such a shocking picture of the starry sky, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

This is the imperial domain!

And he, Chen Xi, finally stepped into this legendary realm of eternity today!



After standing and gazing for a long time, Chen Xi let out a long breath and regained his composure.

He took out the jade slips presented by his elder brother, checked the route again, and then urged the treasure ship, pierced through time and space, and fled towards the distant emperor's domain.

Whether in the Three Realms or in this ancient God's Domain, the location of the sect of Shenyan Mountain has always been extremely mysterious, and few people know its exact location.

In fact, not only the Shenyan Mountain, but also the places where the Nuwa Palace, the Supreme Sect and other sects are entrenched, very few people know.

Like Chen Xi, he is a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, but if he hadn't met his senior brother Wu Xuechan, he might still not be able to figure out where Shenyan Mountain occupies in the Emperor's Domain.

But now, Chen Xi was no longer troubled by this problem.

Because the route back to the sect has already been marked in the jade slips left by the senior brother Wu Xuechan.

Chen Xi's immediate goal is to reach the "Infinity Universe" which is one of the eight thousand universes covered in the Emperor's Domain!

As long as they arrive there, with the jade slip in their hands, they can open up a space-time tunnel and directly reach the location of the sect of Shenyan Mountain.

The closer he was to the Emperor's Domain, the more Chen Xi felt that the power of the heavenly law covered in this piece of starry sky was extremely pure and majestic, like a substance, permeating every inch of space.

And this also makes the aura of the Dao that fills the heaven and the earth appear extremely thick and abundant. When practicing here, one can absorb the purest source of divine power without even having to resort to divine crystals!

"It's no wonder that everyone in the world regards the Emperor's Domain as a holy place for cultivating Taoism. The divine power that fills this world alone cannot be compared with other domains..."

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, he had traveled to many places over the years, but when compared with the Emperor's Domain before him, the gap was immediately apparent.

Along the way, Chen Xi summoned Ye Yan.

Ye Yan was born in the Ye family of the Eternal Family in the Imperial Domain, and was an elder in the Supreme Sect in the past. He is quite familiar with the situation in the Imperial Domain. If someone guides the way along the way, it will be better than Chen Xi groping alone. Too much.

"The Promise Universe? That place is a bit far away."

Ye Yan heard that the destination this time was Wuji Zhouyu, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Even if you keep on going, it will take at least a month to reach Wuji Zhouyu."

"More than a month?"

Chen Xi thought for a while, and said, "It's fine, as long as there are no accidents on the road."

Ye Yan nodded, and then she seemed to think of something, and sighed: "Unfortunately, I can't return to the clan now, otherwise I can use the 'Transportation Array' developed by the clan to reach the infinite universe within a day." .”

"Teleportation Array?"

Chen Xi thought deeply, "Is this kind of divine formation very rare?"

"It is indeed very rare. This kind of divine formation runs through all directions of the imperial domain and connects eight thousand universes. As far as I know, it is only possessed by those top powers with extremely ancient backgrounds."

Ye Yan explained that when she was speaking, she didn't even notice that the expression of Chen Xi next to him suddenly changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly looked towards the starry sky far away on one side.

"That is……"

Chen Xi's figure was dignified, and in his field of vision, the outline of a sacred mountain emerged, reflected in the depths of the starry sky, as if it was out of reach, exuding an aura of supreme majesty, making one unable to resist looking at it from a distance. There was a feeling of horror and awe in my heart.

Ye Yan was startled, looked over, and immediately there was a rare look of awe on that incomparably charming and fair face.

"That is the Mountain of Conferred Gods, which existed at the beginning of the birth of the entire Ancient God Realm. Standing on it is the Conferred God Platform, where the rumored list of Conferred Gods is hidden. It's all covered."

There was a strange sense of piety in Ye Yan's voice.

"Since ancient times, there has been a forbidden area, representing the supreme majesty of the way of heaven, and only those who exist in the Taoist realm can set foot on it to understand the real secret of conferring gods. As for ordinary people, they can never get close to it. of……"

The Mountain of Conferred Gods!

The hiding place of the list of gods!

Chen Xi's heart trembled violently, and the emotion that was originally calm suddenly had a slight ripple.

Before, he noticed that the fragments of the river chart that had been silent in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly fluctuated, as if he was loathing and resisting some kind of force, but now he finally understood that all of this came from the distant starry sky. The sacred mountain that represents the supreme majesty of heaven!


ps: It’s gone tonight. I’m not satisfied with the preset plot. I’ve overthrown and redesigned it all.


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