divine talisman

Chapter 1808

Back then when he was in the Conferred Gods Domain of the Three Realms, Chen Xi had set foot on the Conferred Gods Platform, and with the help of fragments of the River Map, defeated the suppression of the "Eye of Heaven's Punishment", and finally witnessed the true face of the Conferred Gods List.

It's a pity, but it was a glimpse.

Later, when Chen Xi advanced to the realm of Dongguang Spiritual God, he caused a vision from the sky, and the power of the Conferred God List appeared in Zhouyu within his body, but it was also obliterated by the power of the fragments of the river diagram in just an instant.

And from then on, Chen Xi's name could no longer be found in the rankings on the list of gods of the ancient gods.

Until now, when they arrived at the Emperor's Domain and saw the seemingly unreachable "Mountain of Conferred Gods" in the distance, the fragments of the river map also fluctuated once again, revealing a strong feeling of disgust and hatred.

Chen Xi knew that what Ye Yan said was correct, the List of Conferred Gods must be hidden on the Mountain of Conferred Gods, otherwise the fragments of the River Map would definitely not be like this.

It's just that Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little turbulent when he thought that the Mountain of Conferred Gods actually existed before the birth of the Emperor's Domain.

what does this mean?

It means that since ancient times, the power of the list of gods has been covering the entire ancient gods, and it has not been destroyed so far!

Under such circumstances, the fragments of the river map had a faint "hostile" feeling to the list of gods, which made Chen Xi feel a little inexplicably heavy.

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Chen Xi remained silent for a long time, Ye Yan couldn't help but wondered.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking that only those who exist in the Taoist realm can set foot on the mountain of conferred gods, but it's really unbelievable."

Chen Xi said something casually.

"That's right, in this realm of imperial practice, the Mountain of Conferred Gods is like the supreme way of heaven, awe-inspiring to countless beings. It is rumored that as long as one can comprehend the secret of conferred gods that exists on it, one can truly stand shoulder to shoulder with the heavens and the earth. Keeping pace with the Dao, becoming an indelible and eternal existence, as for whether it is true or false, it is not for us to speculate."

Ye Yan sighed with emotion, and there was a hint of awe and longing in his clear eyes, "Unfortunately, unless one attains the realm of Taoist master, no matter who it is, it will definitely be difficult to ascend the mountain of conferred gods in its entire life."

"Stand shoulder to shoulder with heaven and earth, keep pace with the avenue?"

Chen Xi suddenly remembered what his empress had said.

What is true eternal life?

It is a thousand calamities added to the body, but I am immortal.

It is the heavens that perish, but I am immortal.

It is the great way that collapses, but I live forever.

This is the ultimate goal pursued by ascetics!

This also means that the eternity of lifespan does not mean true immortality, just like many powerful people in this world who almost have endless lifespan, but they will also be robbed and killed If you die, you will die!

But in the eyes of the powerful in the realm of the empress, the true meaning of "eternal life" is a kind of true eternity, immortality, and immortality, which cannot be erased after any catastrophe, killing, or disaster!

Hearing Ye Yan's words at this moment, it made Chen Xi's heart move. Could the "Secret of Conferred Gods" existing on the Mountain of Conferred Gods be the so-called "Eternal Eternal Essence" in the Empress's mouth?

"One day, if you can set foot in the realm of Taoist masters, you should also go to the mountain of conferred gods to see if there is such a mystery of ending eternal life..."

After a while, Chen Xi took a deep breath, put away the distracting thoughts in his mind, stopped thinking about it, and continued to fly away in the distance while driving the treasure ship.

Ye Yan also looked back at the Mountain of Conferred Gods, stroked his thoughts, then pointed to the starry sky in the distance and said: "In front is the Zicheng Universe, which is located on the edge of the Emperor's Domain. There are three top forces entrenched, namely the Yunniling clan, the Guya clan and the Shentu clan."

After a pause, she continued: "However, only the Shentu family owns the eight thousand universe teleportation array across the imperial domain. It's a pity that my Ye family and the Shentu family have no intersection, otherwise we can Borrow Shentu's teleportation array..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xi showed a strange look on his face, and said, "The Shentu clan? But the clan that Shentu Yanran belongs to?"

"You also recognize Shentu Yanran?"

Ye Yan was a little surprised, and then asked himself and answered, "That's right, this girl is extremely talented, beautiful and intelligent, her appearance is overwhelming, her fame spreads all over the world, and she has a lot of admiration in the imperial domain." Follower, it makes sense that you have heard of her."

Chen Xi smiled, and said, "Not only do I recognize her, we are still friends."

Ye Yan was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't imagine that Chen Xi had never been to the Emperor's Domain, so how could he become friends with the heaven's proud daughter of the Shentu Clan of the Emperor's Domain.

Immediately, she smiled and said: "This is an opportunity. Since there is such a relationship, we can try to borrow Shentu's teleportation array."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "I think so too."

At that moment, the two did not hesitate. Under Ye Yan's guidance, after a few hours, the treasure ship quickly arrived at Zicheng Zhouyu, and came to a planet named "Guangji".

Guangji star is the place where the Shentu clan, the top power in the imperial domain, is entrenched, and it is also well-known in the entire Zicheng universe.

"How deep is your friendship with her?"

Ye Yan had been silent along the way, but at this moment she couldn't help but ask again. She was worried that if Chen Xi and Shentu Yanran didn't have a good relationship and came to her door so suddenly, it would be embarrassing if they got a bad nose. .

"It's okay, we once wandered through the ancient ruins together."

Chen Xi didn't take it seriously. Although he hadn't seen him for several years, he knew very well that he took the initiative to ask for help, and with Shentu Yanran's temperament, he definitely wouldn't refuse.

"That's good."

Ye Yan thought for a while and said, "But you'd better not get your hopes up too much. After all, Shentu Yanran is not the patriarch of the Shentu clan, and her authority is limited. If she can't do it, don't get angry."

Chen Xi was startled, then smiled and said, "You are right in reminding me."

As he spoke, he suddenly realized something, and said, "Aren't you going with me?"

Ye Yan shrugged, and a look of helplessness appeared on her beautiful and clear face: "If I go, wouldn't it mean that I have exposed you and me? You know, I am not only a traitor of the Supreme Master, but I am afraid that even Mrs. Ye has died. Can't stand me any longer..."

At the end of the voice, I couldn't help but feel a little low and depressed.

"Don't worry, other enemies won't tolerate you, but Shenyan Mountain will certainly be able to."

Chen Xi patted her on the shoulder to show comfort.

Ye Yan's heart warmed up, and he stared at Chen Xi with clear eyes for a long time, but in the end he didn't say much.


View Sea God Mountain.

This mountain covers an area of ​​[-] li, and it is the most blessed place on the Guangji star.It's just that a majestic city has been carved out of the mountain, called "Sea God City".

The Shentu clan is entrenched in this city.

After a stick of incense, Chen Xi arrived here alone. At this time, he was dressed in gray clothes, with an ordinary face and an ordinary temperament, and he was completely different from his previous image.

There is no way, although he has avoided the pursuit from the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Supreme Master, but in order to protect himself, it is still not appropriate to reveal his identity for the time being.

What's more, when he killed Luo Shaonong, Gongye Zhefu, Zhai Jun, Jin Qingyang, Yueruhuo, Pei Wen, and Kunwuqing in the ruins of Manggu, he completely offended the people behind them. power.

And because of Shentu Yanran's relationship, the Shentu family must have already known about his existence, Chen Xi. Under such circumstances, Chen Xi would not rashly reveal his true identity to others.

Guanhai Shencheng is located in the sacred mountain, and it is built magnificently and elegantly, with a majestic atmosphere. The city wall alone is poured from a rare snow-gold divine iron, exuding silver-like divine brilliance, extremely holy, and giving people an unshakable majesty. sense.

Chen Xi could tell at a glance that the city was covered in layers of restrictions in all directions, communicating with the heavens and the earth, creating a vision of "Heaven and man are one, and good luck is clear", and attracting the luck of heaven to gather here, it is very miraculous and extraordinary.

Just this point alone can show how profound the background of the Shentu clan, a top power, is.

"Please go and tell Miss Yanran that an old friend is visiting. This is a token."

Standing outside Guanhaishen City, Chen Xi handed a delicate and small jade tablet to a servant who was guarding in front of the city gate.

"Young master, wait a moment."

The servant didn't obstruct anything, and left in a hurry with the token to report the matter.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi couldn't help thinking to himself, if he could use the Shentu clan's teleportation array to leave this time, then within a day, he might be able to reach the Wuji universe, and when he arrived at the Wuji universe, he would have already returned to God Yanshan Sect is no different.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help but look forward to it. After so many years, how are the brothers and sisters doing?

"Step aside!"

Just when Chen Xi's thoughts were flying, suddenly, a terrifying force came from behind him. This force boiled like a sea and roared like a dragon. It first quietly appeared beside Chen Xi, and then suddenly burst out , This kind of means of manipulating divine power is simply perfect.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, his expression remained still, and a blade-sharp force gushed out from his body, dissecting this force from behind.

At this moment, he finally saw that the one who made the shot was a burly and strong man, who had obviously just moved in time and space from a distance.

After the burly man, followed by a huge and ferocious bronze chariot, crushing time and space, rumbling towards it.

"Young man, get out of the way!"

Seeing that Chen Xi had actually deflected his blow, the burly man couldn't help being slightly surprised, but his original intention was not to kill Chen Xi, but to push Chen Xi aside to make way for the bronze chariot behind him.

Chen Xi frowned, and his eyes were a little cold. He could see that this burly man was an existence at the peak level of an ancestor god. He didn't know what skills he had cultivated. The aura in his body was as deep as hell, majestic and thick. Looking at it from a distance It was like an active volcano that could erupt at any moment.

I don't know where such a powerful figure is, but now he is only acting as the trailblazer of a bronze chariot, which is really surprising.

However, it can also be judged from this that the identity of the owner of that bronze chariot must be extremely noble, otherwise he would definitely not be able to control such a burly and strong man to clear the way for him.


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