divine talisman

Chapter 1809

Seeing that Chen Xi seemed to be arguing with the other party, a group of ascetics rushed out of the gate of Sea God City and pulled Chen Xi aside.

"Fellow Daoist, please also invite Haihan, it's the car of Gongsun Mu, the third disciple of the God Academy's palm seal, and you must not offend him."

Someone whispered, which was both a reminder and a warning.


Chen Xi squinted his eyes, but didn't get angry, and let the burly man clear the way for that huge and hideous bronze chariot.


When the bronze chariot drove into the city gate, an indifferent and calm voice came from the chariot.


The burly man nodded respectfully, then took out a treasure bag and threw it to the leader of the guards.

"Thank you sir."

The leader of the guard clasped his hands, but his attitude was not humble.

It wasn't until he watched the bronze chariot leave that Chen Xi said, "This disciple of the God Academy is very impressive."

"Fellow Daoist, you probably don't know, but Gongsun Mu's background is not simple. He is the young master of the Gongsun Clan of the Imperial Realm. His talent is transcendent and unparalleled. He has practiced for more than 16 years, and now he is on the list of gods. No.[-], famous all over the world."

"Because of his outstanding performance, hundreds of years ago, he was exceptionally promoted to be a disciple of the palm seal by the big figures in the seminary. If there is no accident, when he advances to the emperor realm, he can directly become a teaching elder in the seminary. Possessing monstrous power and lofty status."

The leader of the guards spoke with a little emotion, and he also saw that Chen Xi had some real skills. The one of Gongsun Mu's followers who cleared the way was one of the well-known "God Deacons" of the Divine Academy. powerful.

And Chen Xi's ability to dissipate the power from a "God Deacon" also made the head of the guard understand that Chen Xi was not someone to be taken lightly.

"Oh I got it."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, but he had also heard that, as one of the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain", the Divine Academy had an extremely strict hierarchy in its orthodoxy.

His disciples are roughly divided into three levels: "disciples who enforce the law", "disciples who practice Taoism" and "disciples who practice palm prints".

Among them, the "disciples who enforce the law" are the cornerstone of the temple and have the largest audience.

"Xingdao disciples" are the elite among the disciples of the seminary, each of them is a leader who has gone through thousands of trials and then selected thousands of times.

And these "palm print disciples" represent the peak existence among the disciples. There are very few in number, but each of them is a stunning generation that can be proud of the ages, and their combat power is so strong that almost all of them can be ranked among the gods. Among the top [-] in the territory, it can be said that it is a dragon and a phoenix among people, a peerless arrogance.

You must know that most of the top [-] Ancestral Gods on the List of Conferred Gods are occupied by old monsters who have practiced for an unknown number of years, and the "Palmprint Disciples" of these temples can rank on top of them, so one can imagine their talents and fighting power How extraordinary.

Above the "Palmprint Disciples" of the temple is the "Elder of the Teaching", whose strength is unfathomable and possesses unimaginable authority and status.

As for the "God Deacon", it is a guard-like force cultivated by the temple, dedicated to serving the "Palmprint Disciples" and "Teaching Elders", each of them is loyal and has amazing killing power.

This is the general composition of the Taoist power of one of the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain", which is divided into extremely strict levels due to different powers.

Chen Xi had only heard about it before, but he did not expect that as soon as he arrived in the Emperor's Domain, he would meet a disciple of the seminary, and he would be that kind of "Palmprint Disciple" with a high status and great authority.

For a moment, he couldn't help wondering, why did Gongsun Mu come to Shentu clan here?

Chen Xi had never heard that the Shentu Clan, one of the top powers in the Imperial Domain, had an inseparable relationship with the Divine Academy.

"Then dare to ask you, what is the reason for the three disciples of the palm seal of the God Academy to come this time?"

Chen Xi probed.

"This... is not something I can know."

The guard leader answered vaguely, obviously he was a little uncertain about Chen Xi's origin, and he was unwilling to reveal the truth.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't ask any more questions.

"Miss is here!"

"I have seen Miss."

Suddenly, a burst of noise rang out, and all the guards in front of the gate of Guanhaishen City all looked solemn and bowed in salute.

Then, Chen Xi saw a graceful figure approaching from the depths of the city gate. She was wearing a light blue neon dress, her long hair was tied up in a bun, her face was fair and beautiful, her red lips were moist and full, and she exuded a compelling aura. The spirit of beauty.

It was Shentu Yanran!


Shentu Yanran seemed a little excited at first, her clear eyes were full of radiance, but when she saw the figure outside the city gate clearly, she couldn't help being slightly startled, the other person looked ordinary, had an ordinary temperament, completely different from the guy she knew man, what's going on?

"Miss Yanran, long time no see."

However, Chen Xi smiled, and spoke in a warm voice. Although his face had changed, his voice had not changed. As soon as he opened his mouth, Shentu Yanran suddenly understood.

"I didn't expect that you would come to the door on your own initiative. It really surprised me. Let's go in and catch up on the old days."

Shentu Yanran's clear eyes glowed with joy from the bottom of her heart, she stepped forward and pulled Chen Xi's arm without notice, and walked towards the city gate.

Chen Xi readily agreed.

But in the eyes of those city gate guards, they were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out. In the past, the eldest lady was so proud and lonely, so many young talents who came here who admired her were rejected. But now, How could she be so intimate with this man!

This is simply amazing!

Who is that guy?

With such an ordinary appearance and such an ordinary temperament, how could he be so favored by the eldest lady?

The guards stared wide-eyed, still in disbelief.



Inside Guanhai City is the place where the Shentu Clan is entrenched. Walking into it, one can only see ancient towering buildings everywhere, magnificent and majestic. Without the precipitation of countless years, there is no way to have the atmosphere in front of you.

"The arrival of you guy really surprised me."

On the way, Shentu Yanran spoke with a smile, and a pair of charming eyes sized Chen Xi up and down, as if to see how he had changed over the years.

It's a pity that Chen Xi had already changed his appearance, so she couldn't see any clues.

But being able to see Chen Xi coming to visit her already made Shentu Yanran very happy.

"To be honest, this is the first time for me to set foot in the Emperor's Domain, and this time I came to look for you, and I have something to ask for."

Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, but still spoke truthfully.

"So you didn't come to see me specially."

Shentu Yanran bit her shiny red lips, a trace of resentment appeared in her clear eyes, and suddenly, her whole demeanor became a little sad and pitiful, coupled with her incomparably beautiful face, it was enough Make any man in the world feel pity.

Chen Xi suddenly smiled wryly. Although he knew that the other party was joking, he still felt a little embarrassed. He rarely asked for help.

"Ha, don't take it seriously, I'm just kidding you."

Seeing a trace of embarrassment on Chen Xi's face, Shentu Yanran couldn't help bursting out laughing, like a hundred flowers blooming in an instant, especially bright and moving.

It has to be said that this woman does have a peerless appearance, with all kinds of charms, no matter what emotions she expresses, she has a different kind of beauty.

"By the way, what happened to you?"

Shentu Yanran asked.

Chen Xi didn't hide anything, and said bluntly, "I came here this time just to borrow your Shentu clan's divine teleportation formation."

"Teleportation Divine Formation? It's not that difficult. I'll ask my father later to agree to this matter."

Shentu Yanran almost didn't think about it, and agreed immediately.

"Thank you very much then."

Chen Xi said with a smile, after Ye Yan's explanation before, he now understands that this "Teleportation Array" seems to only have the magical function of teleportation, but every time it is opened, it will consume a huge amount of resources at every turn, even for the Shentu clan. The top powers, if there is no urgent matter, usually will not use the teleportation array at will.

As for Shentu Yanran's willingness to agree so readily, Chen Xi was naturally quite moved, knowing that although Shentu Yanran hadn't seen him for many years, Shentu Yanran hadn't changed her attitude towards him.

"Miss, the patriarch has an order, please go to the clan hall."

Just as Chen Xi was talking with Shentu Yanran, a middle-aged man in black suddenly rushed over from afar.

"Oh, it's a coincidence. I'm planning to see my father."

Shentu Yanran was startled, then smiled.

"But Miss..."

The middle-aged man in black hesitated to speak.

"Uncle Wen, what exactly do you want to say?"

Shentu Yanran frowned.

"Miss, I heard... I heard that the envoy sent by the temple has also arrived at our Shentu clan."

The middle-aged man in black spoke in a low voice and said something inexplicable.

But Shentu Yanran understood it all at once, her clear eyes froze immediately, her breath became obviously cold, and she seemed a little annoyed, and said: "How many times have I said that I will never join the seminary, why? Father still welcomes them in?"

Chen Xi heard a movement in his heart, that the third disciple of the God Academy, Gongsun Mu, must have come here for this, right?

"Miss, I heard that Young Master Xing was responsible for this, and the patriarch and other elders seem to be a little moved. You...you'd better go and see her, so as not to lose etiquette."

The middle-aged man in black said.

"Xing Shen Tu! It's this guy again!"

Shentu Yanran said bitterly, "He wished he could send me out early so that he could take the opportunity to seek the position of patriarch heir!"

The middle-aged man in black pursed his lips, he didn't dare to interrupt such a topic.

Shentu Yanran took a deep breath, regained her composure, and said, "So, the envoy of the God Academy is already in the clan hall at this moment?"

"That's not true. Now that they are placed in the welcome hall by Young Master Xing, maybe it won't be long before they will formally meet the patriarch."

The middle-aged man in black quickly said, "Miss, if you don't want to worship in the temple, you can take this time to express your heart to the patriarch. If you can get the patriarch's approval, the matter may be resolved easily."

Shentu Yanran nodded, and said: "You go first, I will come later."


The middle-aged man in black bowed his hands and led away.


ps: The following plot is roughly smoothed out, and more will be added tomorrow~


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