divine talisman

Chapter 1810 The Ins and Outs

As soon as the middle-aged man in black left, Shentu Yanran immediately stopped hiding her emotions, showing a hint of anger.

Chen Xi saw all this in his eyes, and couldn't help asking at this moment: "Why, you don't want to join the God Academy, and the other party dares to use force?"

Shentu shook his head sweetly, and said: "This matter is not as simple as you imagined. If it is just to enter the seminary to practice, I would not be so resistant, but the purpose of the seminary is more than that."


Chen Xi raised his eyebrows, "How do you say that?"

"In short, it is that the Divine Academy wants to take this opportunity to bring me, the Shentu family, into its camp and become its vassal."

Shentu Yanran sorted out her thoughts, and said slowly, "That is to say, if I really join the seminary, it doesn't seem to matter, but to the outside world, it means that I, the Shentu family, have agreed to stand with the seminary. It's the same camp."

Only now did Chen Xi understand, and he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Then how do you big men from the Shentu Clan think about this matter?"

Shen Tu Yanran sneered and said: "They? They are naturally eager to cooperate with the God Academy. After all, the God Academy is one of the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain. With the God Academy as a backer, they are naturally happy to see it succeed."

Chen Xi was stunned: "If it's out of the interest of the clan, it seems not bad to do so."

Shentu Yanran glared at him, and said: "Are you really ignorant, or are you just pretending to be confused? Among the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain, if it comes to acting the most ruthless and cruel, it is undoubtedly the Supreme Master, but compared to it Well, the God Academy doesn’t give in too much, and cooperating with them is undoubtedly playing tricks on tigers.”

After a pause, she continued: "Of course, this is just my opinion. Everyone has a different opinion on whether the Divine Academy is good or bad. Just like your Shenyan Mountain, the relationship between the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy is very different. Extremely nervous, like an irreconcilable enemy."

At the end, she couldn't help laughing, feeling that it would be a little weird to tell a disciple of Shenyan Mountain about their Shenyan Mountain.

But Chen Xi didn't laugh, because he really didn't know about this before.

When he thought that Shenyan Mountain was not only hostile to the Supreme Sect, but even had an incompatible relationship with the Divine Academy, Chen Xi was surprised, and he couldn't help drawing a clear line between himself and the Divine Academy.

As a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, he would naturally choose to look at things from the standpoint of Shenyan Mountain without hesitation, there is no doubt about it.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chen Xi couldn't help asking.


Shentu Yanran sighed, and immediately revealed a look of determination, "They will cooperate if they want to, but if they want me to join the seminary, I will never agree."

Chen Xi nodded, he was very clear that this matter was too important, it was the cooperation between two major forces, and Shentu Yanran's weight in the clan was still too light, so it was absolutely impossible for this matter to be carried out according to her will And change.

"Will your father and the others agree with you making such a decision?"

Chen Xi asked.

This is what really troubled Shentu Yanran. Hearing this, she couldn't help sighing, "I can only take one step at a time."

As she said that, she took a deep breath, then turned her head to look at Chen Xi with a smile, and said, "But these are trivial things, let's go, let's go to the clan hall to meet my father together, and we'll talk about your matter first."

Is it trivial?

Chen Xi glanced at Shentu Yanran, and didn't say much.



Shentu clan clan hall.

When Chen Xi arrived under the leadership of Shentu Yanran, he saw many figures gathered in the spacious and magnificent ancient hall.

In the first seat in the center of the main hall, sat a middle-aged man in a purple shirt, with a handsome and majestic face, his eyes were like lightning, and his eyes were shining brightly.

Obviously, this person is the lord of the Shentu Clan——Shentu Qingyuan, an overlord of the Emperor Realm with considerable prestige in the entire Imperial Domain!

Although Chen Xi had never met him before, when he came to the Shentu Clan before, he had been instructed by Ye Yan, and he knew that the lord of the Shentu Clan possessed the cultivation of an eight-star emperor, had a tenacious mind, and a wrist that was as good as the sky. He was absolutely not to be underestimated Looked down.

Below Shentu Qingyuan, there are seven or eight men and women sitting in a row, some old and some young, each of them has a vast aura and mighty power, and they are actually the existence of an emperor!

In addition, there are still some figures standing on both sides of the hall, looking around, there are many figures of ancestor god powerhouses.

This is the background of being a top power in the imperial realm. In other realms, it was extremely difficult to meet a big man in the imperial realm in the past, but in the top powers such as the Shentu clan, it is not uncommon. .

Even Chen Xi, when he saw this scene at this moment, couldn't help being a little bit surprised in his heart, and finally understood how terrifying the might of the top power in the Imperial Domain was.

The atmosphere in the hall was very relaxed. When Chen Xi and Shentu Yanran arrived, there were even a lot of lively laughter in the hall.

However, when they saw Chen Xi appearing at the entrance of the main hall accompanied by Shentu Yanran, the lively atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and all eyes turned towards him.

It's a pity that Chen Xi's face and aura are ordinary at this moment, so he didn't attract much attention. Those eyes only lingered on him for a while, and then withdrew them.

"Yan Ran, you are here."

A gentle laugh sounded, but it was Shentu Qingyuan, the chief of the Shentu clan, who spoke.

"Father, this is my friend..."

Shentu Yanran brought Chen Xi into the hall, and was about to introduce Chen Xi's identity when she was interrupted by a tepid voice.

"Yan Ran, it's good that you are here. The envoy from the temple will arrive later. Are you ready?"

The person who spoke was sitting at the bottom of Shentu Qingyuan, with a thin face, sunken cheekbones, and a pair of eyes as cold as a falcon.

"This person is my uncle Shentu Mingda, that is, Shentu Xing's father. The two of them have been arguing to cooperate with the seminary. In order to achieve their goals, they wish to send me to the seminary as soon as possible."

Being interrupted by Shentu Mingda, Shentu Yanran couldn't help but frowned slightly, and quickly transmitted the voice to Chen Xi, there was already a hint of displeasure in the voice.

What made her particularly displeased was that she had brought Chen Xi here by herself, but from the beginning to the end, no one paid any attention to Chen Xi, and even directly ignored his existence, which made her look a little dull.

"Uncle, don't you know what's on my mind?"

Putting down such a neutral sentence, Shentu Yanran took Chen Xi to sit down on one side of the vacant seat, and then sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi, "Don't mind, these guys in the temple are all focused on cooperating with the temple In one matter, I have neglected you a bit."

"No problem."

Chen Xi smiled. He originally came here with a different appearance, but now that he can not reveal his identity, it is more pleasing to him.

As for those ignoring gazes, he didn't take them to heart.

Hearing Shentu Yanran's words, Shentu Mingda's expression froze for a moment, and immediately recovered, he laughed dumbly and said: "You girl, at what point are you still so self-willed."

After a pause, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "But it's different now, the envoy from the temple has arrived in our clan, Yan Ran, you can't do your own way anymore."


Shentu Yanran let out a absent-minded oh, as if she was too lazy to talk to Shentu Mingda, which made the latter's expression darken slightly, and his face was a little uneasy.

"Okay, it's not too late to discuss this matter later."

Shentu Qingyuan who was sitting on the first seat saw this and immediately stopped it.

"Fourth brother, what time is it? If you are not sure about this matter, I'm afraid it will be difficult when the envoys from the divine academy come."

Shentu Mingda frowned.

Although Shentu Qingyuan is the patriarch of the Shentu clan, but when it comes to seniority, he ranks fourth among his peers, so Shentu Mingda directly calls him "fourth younger brother".

"Brother, such a major matter involves the interests of our entire Shentu clan, and a decision cannot be made in a moment. Don't be impatient. It is still unknown whether you will be able to cooperate with the God Academy in the end."

Before Shentu Qingyuan could speak, there was a rough and bold voice, which made Shentu Mingda's expression darken.

Chen Xi looked up, and immediately recognized the person who spoke. His figure was as majestic as a mountain, and his eyebrows were as thick as ink. He was that Shentu Leopard!

He was the one who came to meet Shentu Yanran when he returned from the ruins of Manggu to the shore of the Sea of ​​Burial God.

If Chen Xi remembered correctly, this Shentu Bao was Shentu Yanran's third uncle, and he doted on her quite a lot.

"Third brother, cooperating with the God Academy has a lot of benefits but no harm. If you don't seize this opportunity, it will never happen again in the future."

Shentu Mingda took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "You are blindly resisting this matter, but you are somewhat disregarding the overall situation, and regard the interests of the family as a trifling matter!"

These words already carried a taste of scolding, which made the atmosphere in the hall suddenly tense.

At this moment, Chen Xi could also see that in the matter of cooperating with the God Academy, the entire Shentu Clan's senior management had not yet reached a consensus.

For example, the Great Elder Shentu Mingda represents the forces in the Shentu clan that advocate cooperation with the temple, while Shentu Bao represents the forces that oppose cooperation.

As for the patriarch Shentu Qingyuan... just judging from his current attitude, it is somewhat unpredictable.

Shen Tubao stared, and was about to say something.

Shentu Qingyuan, who was sitting at the first seat in the center, suddenly burst out laughing, and waved his hands: "Okay, I know you are all thinking of our family, don't argue any longer."

"The fourth brother, what do you mean?"

Shentu Mingda asked in a deep voice.

Shen Tubao also looked over.

"It's not too late to make a decision after the envoys from the Holy Academy arrive."

Shentu Qingyuan said indifferently.

Speaking of this, he suddenly took out a jade slip and said with emotion, "This is the news I just got, and the content of the news can be said to be shocking. If this news spreads to the entire Imperial Domain, I'm afraid that the peaceful situation that has been formed since the endless years , it will be broken!"

Seeing that Shentu Qingyuan directly changed the topic and avoided talking about the cooperation with the God Academy, both Shentu Mingda and Shentu Bao couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

Until now, they haven't figured out what kind of attitude their fourth younger brother has in cooperating with the seminary.

But no matter what, what Shentu Qingyuan said before successfully attracted the curiosity of everyone present.


To break the calm situation in the imperial domain?

What the hell is that news?


ps: I was trapped in the countryside in the heavy rain today, and I didn’t return home until dark, which caused the update to be a bit late, sorry~


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