divine talisman

Chapter 1811 Indifferent

Even when Chen Xi heard these words, he couldn't help being aroused. What kind of news would be described by Shentu Qingyuan, the leader of the top power in the imperial domain, as "shocking the world"?

The atmosphere in the hall was slightly silent, and many people were waiting for Shentu Qingyuan to reveal the answer.

Seeing that the topic was successfully changed, which aroused everyone's curiosity, Shentu Qingyuan couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. In fact, he had been hesitating and unwilling to make an early decision on the matter of cooperating with the God Academy.

"You read it."

Shentu Qingyuan handed the jade slip to the attendant next to him.

The waiter hastily took the jade slips and glanced at them in a hurry. When he saw the contents clearly, his expression showed a stunned and stunned expression.

This scene happened to be captured by everyone in the hall, and they all couldn't help but become more curious.

"Five months ago, Ye Feng, a descendant of the Ye family from the Eternal Family, ranked No. 90 in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of gods, was killed in the Zilang Realm."

After a while, the waiter took a deep breath, and began to read out the news in the jade slip, "According to the reliable information we have received, Ye Feng was killed at the hands of Chen Xi, a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain!"

As soon as these words came out, many people present were slightly surprised, but more of them were puzzled. This news was indeed surprising, but it was far from shocking the world.

And many of the big shots here have already known about this, so they don't think there is anything special about it.

Then Chen Xi is a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain!What's so surprising about killing a descendant of the Ye family?

Among the audience, when Shentu Yanran heard the news, the corners of her moist lips couldn't help but feel strange, and she glanced at Chen Xi who was on the side indiscriminately.But he saw that the latter looked at his eyes, his nose, his nose and his heart, with an appearance that had nothing to do with him.

This made Shentu Yanran couldn't help laughing. If those old monsters in the hall knew that Chen Xi was sitting right under their noses, they wouldn't know how they would feel.

However, Shentu Yanran is also a little strange. He just killed Ye Feng. Although the Ye family is an eternal family, compared with Shenyan Mountain, it is still far behind. How could this news cause shock in the entire imperial domain? ?

"Don't be impatient, everyone. This news is just an introduction, and the next step is the key point."

Shentu Qingyuan opened his mouth and ordered the envoy to continue reading.

Only then did everyone understand, they all remained silent and listened quietly.

"Ye Feng's death caused the entire Ye family to be furious, and sent a force headed by Emperor Nandu to capture and kill Chen Xi."

The waiter's voice echoed in the empty hall, "Accordingly speaking, Chen Xi is a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, but because of Ye Feng, Ye Shi did not hesitate to react so fiercely in revenge, it is undoubtedly tantamount to starting a war with Shenyan Mountain, but Later, according to reliable sources, there is another mystery in this!"

Hearing this, the curiosity of everyone in the hall was aroused again, with a look of surprise on their faces.

What is the mystery that made Mrs. Ye dare to ruthlessly dispatch an emperor to capture and kill the disciples of Shenyan Mountain?

Soon, the waiter revealed the answer: "It turns out that all of this is related to a cooperation between the three major forces, the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Supreme Sect."

At that moment, the waiter told about the marriage contract between Shaohao Yu and Huicong, the process was tortuous and complicated.

Roughly in order to achieve cooperation, under the joint witness of the three major forces of the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Taishangjiao, a marriage contract was established, but this marriage contract was torn up. Yan, also completely betrayed the Supreme Master after the marriage contract was destroyed...

And a key person who caused all this to happen is Shenyan Mountain disciple Chen Xi!

In other words, it was precisely because of Chen Xi's appearance that not only ruined this marriage contract, but also caused Ye Yan, a descendant of the Ye family, and the elder of the Supreme Sect to completely betray him, making the Ye family and the Shaohao family The cooperation among the three parties, Taishangjiao, was destroyed.

Under such circumstances, the Ye family would be outraged, and sent Emperor Nandu and his party to take revenge.

After hearing all this, everyone in the hall couldn't help being moved, some were shocked, some couldn't believe it, some were shocked and uncertain, and so on.

How could they have thought that Ye Feng's death would involve so many things?It even involved a cooperation among the three major factions of the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Supreme Sect!

"No wonder Mrs. Ye is so furious. It turns out that all this involves the interests of the three major forces."

"The disciple of Shenyan Mountain, Chen Xi, is simply a troublemaker. When he was in the Manggu ruins, he completely offended the Luo family, the Gongye family, the Zhai family and other powerful forces, and now he has destroyed the Ye family, The cooperation between the three major forces of the Shaohao Clan and the Supreme Sect is truly daring."

"This news...is indeed shocking. If it spreads to the entire Emperor's Domain, it will definitely cause a huge commotion."

All the big figures in the hall discussed and were filled with emotion.

Back then, because of the grievance that happened by the sea of ​​burying the gods, Chen Xi's name was spread all over the world and became well-known to people.

It was also from then on that the entire Ancient God Realm knew that there was another direct disciple in Shenyan Mountain.

As one of the top powers in the Imperial Domain, the Shentu clan had naturally heard about this matter, and even because of Shentu Yanran's relationship, they knew more clearly about everything that happened at the bank of the God Burial Sea.

Therefore, at this time, when they learned that Ye Feng's death, Ye Yan's betrayal, and the cooperation among the three major factions of the Ye clan, the Shaohao clan, and the Supreme Sect had been destroyed...all of these were related to Chen Xi, they would only behave So shocking and emotional.

At this moment, even Shentu Yanran couldn't calm down for a long time. It was the first time she heard about this matter. After hearing all this, she even felt an unbelievable feeling.

"You...really did this?"

Shentu Yanran couldn't help but send a voice transmission to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi still had that indifferent and calm look, but he just hummed when he heard the words, and didn't say anything further.

After learning that the "shocking" news that Shentu Qingyuan had obtained was related to himself, he immediately lost interest.

It's just that I can't help but sigh in my heart, there really is no impenetrable wall in this world, and the news spread really fast enough.

With Chen Xi's confirmation, Shentu Yanran couldn't believe it.

She clearly remembered that when they parted by the Sea of ​​Burying Gods back then, Chen Xi's cultivation was only at the peak level of the Spiritual God, but it has only been so many years since his cultivation has not only advanced to the late stage of the Ancestor God in succession, he has even done so many earth-shattering things. This is a major event, which is too shocking.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate environment, Shentu Yanran almost couldn't help but want to ask Chen Xi how he managed to achieve this step.

The discussion in the hall didn't last long, and the waiter's next announcement attracted attention again.

"For this hunt, not only the Ye family took action, but the Shaohao family and the Supreme Master also responded to it."

"But according to the news that Nandu Emperor and his party were wiped out, all of them fell into the hands of Shenyan Mountain disciple Chen Xi!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell silent.

Everyone shrank their pupils, and there was a look of disbelief on their faces. That Chen Xi... actually killed an emperor?

how can that be!

They clearly remembered that when Chen Xi appeared in people's field of vision for the first time a few years ago, he was just an existence in the spirit realm.

But how many years have passed, no matter how fast his cultivation base advances, at best he can only possess the power of the Ancestral God Realm, how can he cross the realm and kill an emperor?

Looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, such a shocking thing has never happened since ancient times!

"how can that be?"

"Nonsense, this news must be false!"

Many big figures spoke out, denouncing the news as exaggerated.

"As the news said, Emperor Nandu was indeed killed by Chen Xi. This matter...has even been confirmed by Mrs. Ye herself."

At this moment, Shentu Qingyuan uttered a few words, which made the uproar in the hall disappear immediately and became silent again.

It's actually true! ?

Everyone's expressions were a little frozen, and a turbulent wave couldn't be restrained in their hearts. They still couldn't imagine how Chen Xi managed to achieve this step.

Shentu Yanran glanced at Chen Xi beside her, her heart beating uncontrollably, she bit her cherry lips, and finally suppressed her curiosity and did not ask out loud.

"However, in the duel between Chen Xi and Emperor Nandu, it is impossible to determine whether someone will help. According to my deduction, Chen Xi alone, no matter how powerful his fighting power is, it is difficult to do so. One step away."

Shentu Qingyuan's next words caused many people to breathe a sigh of relief inexplicably.

Hearing this, Chen Xi, who was originally indifferent, couldn't help admiring Shentu Qingyuan's power of deduction. At that time, when he was confronting Emperor Nandu, without Xiaobao's help, it would have been very difficult for him to make it this far.

"Actually, that's not the point."

Shentu Qingyuan suddenly changed the subject and said, "Let me tell you the next news."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Is there any more shocking news than before that hasn't been announced?

"Now you also know that it's not just the Ye clan that is mobilizing this time, the Shaohao clan also sent Emperor Taijing and his party, and the Supreme Sect also sent the five spirits and generals."

Shentu Qingyuan said calmly: "It's just half a month ago, whether it was Emperor Taijing and his party, or the five spirits and generals, they all died in the undead galaxy. It is said that...the one who killed them was 8000 years ago. A great man who has disappeared."

Emperor Taijing of the Shaohao Clan and his party are dead!

The five spirits and generals of the Taishang Sect have also all fallen!

Upon hearing this news, there was another commotion in the hall, and the mind was swaying endlessly. They were all existences in the Emperor Realm in the Emperor Domain. They had stood up for an unknown number of years, but now they all disappeared!

"Who is that big man?"

Someone couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Emperor Ziwei, Dong Bowen."

Shentu Qingyuan uttered a few words lightly from his lips, resoundingly.


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