divine talisman

Chapter 1812 The Death of the Taoist Lord

Ziwei Emperor Dong Bowen, a legendary unrivaled emperor, has a high status in the ancient gods, enough to be on a par with Zhenwu Emperor and Gouchen Emperor.

In the world of practice, there are many legendary experiences about Dong Bowen. For example, there are rumors that his body is a ray of spirit body born in the "Chaos Zixia", and his talent is transcendent and unparalleled.

There are also rumors that Dong Bowen is the most promising one among all the nine-star emperors in the world today to advance to the Taoist realm.

But no matter what the rumors are, the strength of Emperor Ziwei Dong Bowen is undoubtedly strong, and no one dares to question this.

It's just that at this time, when I learned that Dong Bowen, who has always been erratic, like a wild crane, suddenly made a ruthless attack and killed Emperor Taijing and his party and the five spirit generals of the Taishang Sect half a month ago. The great figures of the Shentu Clan were finally completely shocked, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

Whether it is Emperor Taijing or the five spirit generals of the Supreme Sect, they are not ordinary people, but Dong Bowen actually killed them. Doesn't this mean that he completely offended the Shaohao family and the Supreme Sect?

It is true that Dong Bowen ranks at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm, which is enough to disdain most people in the world, but don't forget that the Shaohao family is an eternal family, and its clan has an old antique in the Dao Master Realm.

As for the Taishangjiao...it is even more terrifying, it is one of the five extremes of the imperial domain, and its actions are ruthless, its methods are ruthless, offending such a powerful force, even if it is Dong Bowen's existence, I am afraid it has to be weighed Consequences?

But by chance, Dong Bowen did this, and why did he... do such a thing?

For a moment, there was silence in the hall, and everyone was shocked by this news.

"Have you ever heard that many years ago, Dong Bowen wanted to enter Shenyan Mountain to seek the way to advance to the emperor's realm, although he was rejected by the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, but he got the guidance of the great gentleman Wu Xuechan by chance. "

In the silence, Shentu Qingyuan spoke slowly, telling a secret from a long time ago, "It is also because of this guidance that Dong Bowen was able to successfully advance to the Emperor Realm."

Everyone was startled, and soon many people vaguely guessed something, and all of them focused their eyes, and their faces showed sudden expressions.

"So, Emperor Ziwei took action this time to protect that Chen Xi?"

"It must be so, no matter Emperor Taijing and his party, or the five spirit generals of the Taishangjiao, they were all for the purpose of chasing and killing Chen Xi, the descendant of Shenyan Mountain, but now they all died in the hands of Emperor Ziwei, plus Ziwei The relationship between the emperor and Mr. Wu Xuechan of Shenyan Mountain University clearly shows that Emperor Ziwei did all this to save the life of Chen Xi!"

"No wonder, no wonder Emperor Ziwei dared to do this. It turned out that it was to repay the kindness of Mr. Wu Xuechan for his guidance."

Everyone discussed, mixed with amazement.

Only Chen Xi knew exactly why Emperor Ziwei did this, and it was definitely not as simple as repaying the kindness of his elder brother Wu Xuechan for his guidance.

"If you analyze it this way, when these news spread to the entire Imperial Domain, it would indeed be enough to cause an uproar."

Shen Tubao sighed with emotion, he had met Chen Xi before, and knew how extraordinary that young man's talent was, but he never imagined that the other party had already done so many things that were shocking to the world after only seeing him for a few years matter.

As soon as this remark came out, it received a lot of recognition.

However, Shentu Qingyuan shook his head and said: "If that's the case, it's not worth paying too much attention to. Unfortunately, there are no such simple things in this world."

Everyone was stunned, what does this mean?Is there any more exciting news than this?

Not only them, even Chen Xi couldn't help being startled, a little confused about what Shentu Qingyuan wanted to say.

Soon, Shentu Qingyuan revealed the answer: "Just three days ago, there was news from Mole's realm that the Supreme Sect's priest 'Molin' was suppressed and killed by Mr. Shenyan Shanda in one fell swoop, and his soul was broken into the abyss of Jiuqu, completely die!"


Everyone in the hall was completely stunned as if struck by lightning, and their hearts suffered an unprecedented strong shock.

Mo Lin, the priest of the Supreme Sect!

This is a Daoist Realm existence, almost indestructible, eternal, and possesses the supreme means to reach the sky!

But now, such a big man has actually fallen...

This is simply too appalling and unimaginable.

After all, looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, there are only a handful of people whose strength can reach the level of Taoist masters, and they can be counted on the fingers.

It can be called the existence at the top of the pyramid in the ancient gods, which can be described as rare.

And in the memory of everyone, there has been no example of the fall of a Taoist master for too long, and tens of millions of years have passed since the latest fall of a Taoist master.

The Taoist who fell was the Taoist Kunpeng from the Kunpeng clan, but he suffered a catastrophe from the heavens and died, which is completely different from the death of the Taishangsheng priest Molin who was suppressed and killed.

Therefore, the shock caused is also different.

At this moment, even Chen Xi couldn't help being amazed, but unlike the others, his mood at this moment was relaxed and joyful.

As early as when he left Taichu Guan, he knew that his senior brother Wu Xuechan was fighting against the Taishang Sect priest Mo Lin, and this battle even lasted for several years.

It's just that even he didn't expect that the elder brother had already won the battle when he first arrived in the imperial domain.

"How many years have passed, yet another Daoist has fallen again! What is Shenyan Mountain going to do? Is it really planning to completely start a war with the Supreme Master?"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Da has been hidden from the world for so many years, and his cultivation base has become more and more terrifying. Even Daoist Mo Lin died at his hands. Such a method is simply unimaginable."

"This time, the original peaceful situation in the Imperial Region is bound to be broken!"

"The fall of the Taoist master, the shock produced does not know what kind of disaster it will cause."

"Shenyan Mountain! It's Shenyan Mountain again. Whether it's that Mr. Wu Xuechan or that Chen Xi, they shouldn't have already discussed to do these things, right?"

"It's really possible. After all, in my opinion, Shenyan Mountain will definitely not stand idly by for the cooperation between the three major forces of the Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Taishang Sect. And Mr. Dao Wu Xuechan beheaded the Taoist master Mo Lin. It is undoubtedly a counterattack to their cooperation!"

The silent atmosphere was quickly broken, and the discussions erupted. Everyone was analyzing the possible impact on the Emperor's Domain after the death of the holy priest, Mo Lin.

Hearing these comments, Chen Xi felt a little dumbfounded in his heart, but he knew very well that the elder brother beheaded the Taoist Master Mo Lin, and it was not at all a retaliation for the Supreme Master.

It was because when he was at the sea of ​​burying gods, the eldest brother killed the three red-robed high priests of the Taishang Sect, which aroused Mo Lin's anger, so he came after him.

If it wasn't for this, Chen Xi would have already returned to Shenyan Mountain with his senior brother, and there was no need to make a detour to the Absolute Beginning Temple.

However, he couldn't explain this reason, and he could only acquiesce to the wild speculations of everyone in the hall.

"I didn't expect that your elder brother is so powerful."

Shentu Yanran also expressed emotion, and sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi, "Of course, you are not bad, you are only at the Ancestor God Realm, and you can cross the realm to kill the Nandu Emperor. If you wait until you reach the Dao Master realm, then you will pay it back." have to?"

"I'm not as powerful as you think. It was a coincidence that I was able to kill Emperor Nandu back then, and it was mostly luck."

Chen Xi smiled wryly.


Shentu Yanran glared at him, but her pair of starry eyes were full of brilliance, and she didn't know what was thinking in her heart.

"Leaving aside the impact of this matter on the situation in the entire Imperial Region, everyone is now aware that the Supreme Sect wants to cooperate with the Ye family and the Shaohao family and stand in the same camp, but it has been strongly opposed by Shenyan Mountain. Fight back, under such circumstances, do you think that if our Shentu clan cooperates with the temple, will similar things happen?"

Suddenly, Shentu Qingyuan uttered a voice, suppressing all the noisy voices with one word, making everyone's hearts tremble, and the atmosphere became silent.

"Don't forget, the relationship between Shenyan Mountain and the temple is also very tense." Shentu Qingyuan added.

A few words, combined with the news I heard just now, made the faces of many people in the hall change slightly.

"Fourth brother, you are a bit alarmist. Now because of the fall of Taoist Master Molin, Shenyan Mountain has been completely torn apart from the Supreme Sect. Under such circumstances, how dare Shenyan Mountain be established again? Another formidable enemy?"

Shentu Mingda smiled, disapproving of it.

"Brother, don't be afraid of [-], just in case. I feel that in such a situation, our Shentu clan should remain neutral and take a wait-and-see attitude."

Shen Tubao spoke in a deep voice.

"Third brother, you have also seen that once Taoist Master Molin dies, the situation in the entire imperial domain will undergo a major change. If you don't make a choice under such circumstances, it will be too late to regret it in the future!"

Shentu Mingda frowned displeased.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, a voice suddenly came from outside the hall: "Report to the patriarch, the envoy from the temple will arrive in a while!"

In a word, the dispute in the hall suddenly disappeared and became silent.

But immediately, Shentu Mingda snorted coldly, and said slightly threateningly: "Third brother, you must not say the wrong thing later, otherwise you will offend the envoy of the God Academy, and it will have a bad influence on our Shentu clan!"


Shen Tubao snorted coldly, but stopped talking.

"Okay, it's not too late to make a decision after the envoy of the seminary comes to discuss it in detail."

Shentu Qingyuan waved his hand.

When speaking, he looked at Shentu Yanran and said, "Yanran, no matter what you think in your heart, don't be rude later."

Shentu Yanran bit her cherry lips, and finally nodded.

Seeing this, Chen Xi just looked at Shentu Yanran, and didn't say much.

"Gongsun Mu, the palm seal disciple of the Divine Academy, and Tuoba Chuan, a descendant of the Qingyan God Clan, came to meet the seniors of the Shentu clan!"

A moment later, an indifferent and calm business suddenly sounded outside the hall.


ps: 1, I wish Xingzhenzi and Daoyao children's shoes a happy birthday~~~

2. Thank you brother Ming Qiyang for your support~~ In addition, today is the end of the month. I counted and updated 16 words this month, which is much less than before. Goldfish is ashamed and will work hard next month.

3. The monthly ticket list is also the first time in the first half of this year that it fell out of the top [-]. All this is due to the lack of strength of the goldfish. Let's see the performance of the goldfish next month.


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