divine talisman

Chapter 1814 Unbearable

The copybook was shattered and turned into debris.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became dead silent, only the cold and slightly angry voice of the disciple of the God Academy echoed.

Many members of the Shentu clan frowned, but they didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised. This is the main hall of the Shentu Clan, but this disciple of the God Academy dared to be so presumptuous, which shows how arrogant he was in the past.

However, obviously, due to their status as disciples of the temple, the members of the Shentu clan chose to endure such excessive actions.

This made Chen Xi also have to sigh with emotion. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the signboard of the temple alone seem to have great deterrent power.

However, hearing that person dared to scold Shentu Yanran for "not knowing what to do" still made Chen Xi frowned, and his eyes became cold.

The Shentu family is afraid of the Divine Academy, but he, Chen Xi, will not be afraid!

"Brothers from the temple, please calm down, Yan Ran has always been upright, please allow me to persuade you again."

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Shentu Xing hurriedly made a sound to smooth things over.

When he was speaking, his eyes fell on Shentu Yanran, with a look of hatred for iron, he said: "Yanran, don't mess around anymore! Hurry up and apologize to the Taoist brothers in the temple, so as not to embarrass everyone."

Chen Xi almost suspected that he had heard wrongly. How could he help outsiders bully his clansmen like this?

What a jerk this guy is!

Chen Xi couldn't help but glanced at Shentu Qingyuan who was sitting on the first seat in the center, but he saw that the latter had no expression on his face, showing no trace of emotion at all.

This made Chen Xi feel a little disappointed. Shentu Yanran is your daughter, and it is a bit unreasonable for her to act like a cold-eyed spectator under such circumstances.

"Hehe, it's really funny. I just don't want to join the seminary, so I'm forced to apologize? How can there be such absurd and shameless things in this world!"

This time, Shentu Yanran also seemed to be aroused into anger, her eyes were as clear as ice, and she said coldly, "I repeat, I, Shentu Yanran, don't care to be some kind of palm print disciple!"

Every word was paused, sonorous and forceful, which made all the members of the Shentu clan present stare at each other in disbelief.

"How dare you!"

"It seems that the Shentu clan doesn't intend to cooperate with our temple anymore."

"This attitude is really bad, Senior Brother Gongsun, it seems that our trip was wasted this time."

All the disciples of the seminary sank and sneered, extremely dissatisfied with Shentu Yanran's attitude.

"Yan Ran!"

Seeing this, Shentu Mingda's heart skipped a beat, a little anxious, and he immediately scolded, "Do you really want to disregard our Shentu clan's interests and chill the hearts of all the clan?"

There was an undisguised anger in his voice.

Shentu Yanran pursed her cherry lips, hesitated to speak, obviously, she was also under an unspeakable pressure.

"Since Yanran is unwilling, it's better not to force it. Whether or not she joins the seminary doesn't seem to have much impact on the cooperation between the entire Shentu clan and the seminary."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help sighing in his heart, and finally spoke out.

As soon as these words came out, not only the members of the Shentu clan were taken aback, but even the disciples of the God Academy couldn't help being a little surprised, who is this guy?What qualifications do you have to speak at this moment?

"This fellow Taoist is very strange, sorry for my stupid eyesight, may I ask who is the most sacred?"

Gongsun Mu glanced at Chen Xi, and spoke indifferently.

"This is my friend..."

Before Shentu Yanran finished speaking, she was interrupted by Shentu Xing: "At this moment, how can an outsider interrupt, it's just nonsense!"

As he said that, he glanced at Chen Xi, and said slightly threateningly: "My friend, please respect yourself, this is an internal matter of my Shentu clan, and it's not something that just anyone can talk about!"

As soon as the words fell, a disciple of the seminary couldn't help but sneered: "Hehe, I thought it was He Fangsheng, but it turned out to be just a nosy person."

"If Yanran wasn't involved in this matter, I really wouldn't bother to pay attention to you guys."

Regarding these scolding and disdain, Chen Xi just narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said calmly, "But since Yanran regards me as a friend, I will naturally not stand by and watch this matter."

This sentence was an understatement, but it fell into the ears of everyone in the hall, but it seemed very arrogant and harsh.

Whether it was the clansmen of the Shentu clan or the disciples of the divine academy, they couldn't help but feel a little unbelievable. They never thought that a guy with an ordinary appearance and temperament would dare to challenge them at such a moment.

Is this guy crazy?

Didn't he know that this is the clan hall of the Shentu clan?What they have to face is the successor from the temple?

"Where did Yanran make this kind of friend, she is simply a strange thing!"

Someone couldn't help but sneer, causing a burst of laughter.

"It's indeed a strange thing. If you leave it to the outside world, I'm afraid you don't even know how to die."

A disciple of the seminary also laughed out loud, laughing endlessly, as if he regarded Chen Xi as a reckless and brainless person.

Hearing these various slander and humiliation of Chen Xi, Shentu Yanran couldn't help becoming more and more annoyed, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Chen Xi.

"Don't worry about them, that would be too boring."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the disciples in the God Academy turned cold.

The disciple of the seminary who had ridiculed Chen Xi before stood up abruptly, stared at Chen Xi with aggressive eyes and said, "Hehe, it seems that this friend has a lot of opinions on my seminary?"

He wore a silver robe with a fair face, wide sleeves and wide belts, and a dignified appearance, but his words were extremely compelling, giving people a strong offensive.

"I can't talk about opinions, it's just that I can't get used to it."

Chen Xi said casually, with a calm expression.

At this moment, even many members of the Shentu clan were a little startled by Chen Xi's actions. Where did this young man get the courage to confront the disciples of the Divine Academy so tit for tat?

"Hehe, it's really courageous. Since this is the case, does this friend dare to compete with me?"

The man in the silver robe from the temple laughed angrily, and a terrifying power was radiating from his whole body.

The atmosphere suddenly became chilling and tense.

"Brother Dao, calm down, brother Dao, calm down, let this person be dealt with by my subordinates."

Seeing that a battle was about to break out, Shentu Xing hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him. When he spoke, he already had a gloomy face, stared at Chen Xi coldly, and scolded: "My friend, please leave now, otherwise don't Blame me for driving you out!"

"you dare!"

Shentu Yanran attacked the case.

"Yan Ran, if you mess around again, you will be dealt with according to the clan rules!"

Shentu Xing gritted his teeth angrily.

"Okay, everyone, please listen to me."

Suddenly, Gongsun Mu, who had been watching coldly, spoke, suppressed all voices, and attracted all eyes in the hall to him.

But his gaze was leisurely looking at Chen Xi, and his voice was indifferent and calm, and he said, "My friend, do you think you can't get used to my God Academy?"

A few words changed the atmosphere in the hall for no reason, the air seemed to be frozen, and the oppression was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe.

Chen Xi didn't seem to realize it, and said casually, "Could it be that you didn't hear clearly just now, and you want me to repeat it a second time?"

At this moment, even the father and son Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. They vaguely felt that something was wrong with Chen Xi's reaction, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

And Shentu Qingyuan, the head of the clan, has not said a word until now, his eyes are slightly squinted, and his right index finger tapped the back of the chair one after another, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart.

Hearing Chen Xi's reply, Gongsun Mu suddenly smiled, but there was no emotion in the smile: "There must be a reason, right? Or, are you fighting for Miss Yanran?"

"You're right. Yanran is my friend. I can't stand by and watch her affairs."

Chen Xi said indifferently.

"In that case, then I would like to ask, what qualifications do you have to do this? Do you think that my status as a palm print disciple in the God Academy is not worthy of Miss Yanran?"

Gongsun Mu's voice suddenly sank, with a hint of chill.

"What is difficult for others is not good after all."

Chen Xi replied very flatly, "I can't take care of other people's affairs, but I, as a friend, must take care of Yanran's affairs."

"Are you in charge?"

The man in the silver robe from the temple couldn't help but sneer.

Chen Xi directly ignored him, not even bothering to argue with him.

Seeing this, Gongsun Mu was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "It's about the honor of our seminary, it seems that this matter must be resolved."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of all the members of the Shentu clan in the hall trembled.

The development of the situation to this point made them very clear that even if they intervened again, nothing could be changed at all.

It's just that they still wonder to this day, where did this friend of Yan Ran get the confidence? Could it be that he really doesn't know what it means to offend the God Academy?

"Want to start?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows.

"What do you think?"

Gongsun Mu asked back.

"It seems that I can't do it even if I don't agree."

Chen Xi said indifferently, originally Shentu Yanran wanted to say something, but he stopped him. The continuous ridicule and ridicule by these guys from the God Academy made him already aroused a little bit of anger.

The clay figurine still had three parts earthy nature, and Chen Xi was not a heartless person, so he couldn't bear the slander of him by the disciples of the seminary.

If it was normal, he wouldn't bother to argue with the other party.

But now it is different, because he is a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, whether it is for his own reputation or to maintain the prestige of Shenyan Mountain, he must respond to this.

"Hehe, this kid still has some backbone, Senior Brother Gongsun, if that's the case, let me learn from this friend's clever tricks!"

The silver-robed man couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately stepped out when he saw this, his eyes were like lightning, and he locked on Chen Xi coldly, the corners of his lips were full of disdain and coldness.

Seeing this, everyone immediately understood that this battle was imminent and had to be waged!

All of a sudden, all eyes were on the silver-robed man and Chen Xi, and the atmosphere was tense.


ps: Happy birthday to Xiaoqi’s children’s shoes. Xiaoqi is the administrator of the second group. He silently helps Jinyu share a lot of things. He is a good boy~~ I would like to say thank you to Xiaoqi here.

In addition, on the first day of the month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass. The ranking is extremely bleak, and it makes me worry. Please everyone~


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