divine talisman

Chapter 1815 Unmatched

The silver-robed man's name is Xiao Tianqi, and he is a Daoist disciple of the God Academy. His status is higher than that of law-executing disciples and lower than that of palm print disciples.

The so-called "walking the way" means walking the way for the sky.

As the elite force of the monastery, the disciples of Xingdao are also of outstanding talents, far exceeding ordinary peers.

For Xiao Tianqi to be able to follow that Gongsun Mu, his cultivation and combat power are naturally unusual.

Seeing him take the initiative to invite the battle at this moment, everyone in the hall was even a little surprised, feeling a little overkill.

In other words, in their eyes, Chen Xi had an ordinary appearance, ordinary aptitude, and an appearance of ignorance, so he was not worthy to fight against the disciples of the divine academy.

"Forget it, there's no need to persuade me any more. It's better to let the envoy of the God Academy fix this rampant and rude guy, so that he won't be arrogant and reckless."

Shentu Mingda sneered, and told Shentu Xing to stop interfering.

"Boy, that's exactly what I mean. Yanran's friend, I think this guy thinks he's hugging Yanran's thigh, so he's so complacent, he's supercilious."

Shentu Xing also sneered again and again, looking like he was watching the excitement.

There are many people who have the same thoughts as the father and son, and they all think that Chen Xi is too arrogant, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, and he doesn't know good from bad.

All of a sudden, none of the great figures of the Shentu Clan intervened in this upcoming battle.

As for those disciples of the Divine Academy, it is becoming more and more impossible to stop all of this. Before Chen Xi had repeatedly opposed them, this was simply the greatest provocation to their Divine Academy!

They really didn't expect that a guy who came out of nowhere would dare to confront their temple.

If this was left to the outside world, they might have already killed each other, so how could they wait until now?

Now, Xiao Tianqi took the initiative to invite a fight, and it was right in their arms. They all wished that Xiao Tianqi would suppress this arrogant and ignorant guy in one fell swoop, and let out a good breath of anger.

Among those present, Shentu Yanran was the only one who remained silent. If one looked carefully, it was not difficult to find that there was a hint of gratitude in her gaze towards Chen Xi, which seemed a bit strange.

As for Shentu Qingyuan, the head of the clan, he still had that silent expression that made it impossible to guess what was going on in his heart, and he remained silent from beginning to end.

The atmosphere at this moment became more and more silent, and the sword was on the verge of breaking out.

All eyes fell on Chen Xi and Xiao Tianqi.


In this silence, Chen Xi made a sound, only glanced at Xiao Tianqi, then shook his head and said, "You can't do it, let someone else do the sparring."

His words were plain and casual, without any sarcasm, but in the ears of everyone in the hall, he seemed extremely arrogant and rampant.

Many people are frowning, does this guy really want to court death?

Especially that Xiao Tianqi, the corners of his lips twitched violently when he heard those words, this damn thing is really crazy!

He laughed extremely angrily, and said calmly: "Just to say this to you, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy today, my lord will never forgive you!"


Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his white palm and pinched it into a seal out of thin air, filled with bright white light, violently suppressed and killed it, the void collapsed, and the divine voice of the Great Dao rang in his ears endlessly.

At this moment, Xiao Tianqi seemed to be transformed into a god of the Nine Heavens, with a majestic appearance, a majestic aura, and an invincible aura.

"The Supreme Inheritance of the Divine Academy——The Seal of Judgment!"

Someone screamed, recognized this kind of method at a glance, was shocked for a while, sighed secretly that the temple is really amazing, as soon as he made a move, he had already used the world-shocking supreme method with killing power.

However, it can also be judged from this that at this moment Xiao Tianqi has been really angry, and wants to suppress Chen Xi in one fell swoop, in order to vent the anger in his heart.

"This method is not bad, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant."

Chen Xi squinted his eyes, this Xiao Tianqi really had the ability, this blow alone could indeed suppress most people in the same realm.

However, Chen Xi didn't care about it, he had even killed the emperor, so naturally he wouldn't be afraid of it.

However, he also admitted that if he didn't use some real abilities, this battle would definitely take a lot of trouble. After all, the opponent was a disciple of the God Academy, and his combat power was extraordinary.


Suddenly, the breath in Chen Xi's body soared, like a peerless beast awakened in his body, and then was born!

In an instant, his momentum changed suddenly, the divine brilliance all over his body transformed into wisps of divine rainbows, his eyes were chilling and staring, and his stalwart figure released a sharp and threatening edge.


With a swipe of his palm, he made the sound of a sword piercing through gold and cracking stones, and a wisp of sword energy burst out from the pointing point.

This time and space vibrates, the surrounding fields are vast, and the universe is crushed, collapsed, and collapsed by this sword energy, presenting a terrifying scene of annihilation of everything.

The means Chen Xi showed at this moment, even if he went shopping for the Supreme in the same realm, was completely enough.

Obviously, he also wants to determine the result within this move!


A deafening explosion sounded, rumbling, time and space exploded into powder, and light and rain splashed and spread.

To the astonishment of everyone present, the next moment, the magic seal condensed by Xiao Tianqi suddenly exploded, his palm seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, blood spattered, bones broke, his whole body shook violently, and screamed.

With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he grabbed the opponent and held him in his hands. After leaving an afterimage, he quickly returned to the original place.

"I said you can't do it, but you want to be brave. I also said that you won't let me go even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, so just kneel down!"

In the calm and calm voice, with a bang, Chen Xi slammed Xiao Tianqi onto the ground, kneeling on both knees, his knees were directly smashed, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Everyone was shocked, dumbfounded, and almost couldn't believe their eyes.

All of this happened too fast, and the curtain was over in the blink of an eye, so that they had no time to react, and Xiao Tianqi was defeated on his knees!

This is too shocking.

In their eyes, Xiao Tianqi is a Taoist disciple of the God Academy, even if he is not as good as that Gongsun Mu, but his fighting power is stronger than most people in the same realm.

As for Chen Xi, no one knows where he came from. He looks ordinary and has an ordinary temperament, but his tone is extremely arrogant. He looks like a vulgar person who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. How could he be the son of a genius like Xiao Tianqi opponent?

But now...Xiao Tianqi was defeated in one blow!And being suppressed and knelt down by the opponent in one fell swoop, there is no room for struggle!

Who would have believed that such a scene would happen before?

Not to mention those members of the Shentu clan, even those big figures in the emperor realm never expected such a shocking reversal to happen.

Even the disciples of the God Academy froze, their pupils constricted, and they couldn't believe it.

"Oh no!"

Xiao Tianqi couldn't help screaming anymore, he fell to his knees, his hair was disheveled, his knees were shattered, his palms were torn apart, his bones were broken, and in front of everyone, he suffered such a shameful humiliation, it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

This roar completely woke up the disciples from the shock.

"court death!"

A golden-robed woman screamed, and rushed out, her sleeves waved, splashing out billions of golden lights, covering Chen Xi head-on.

"Out of control."

Chen Xi glanced at her coldly, then raised his palm and slapped her casually.


The divine splendor shook, and the billions of golden awns were like paper paste, easily broken apart by Chen Xi's palm.


A very crisp sound came out, and the golden robed woman didn't even have time to dodge, half of her delicate face was already red and swollen, blood spurted from her mouth, she flew out and fell to the ground.

It was because they came and went quickly, they were not the enemy of Chen Xi with a single blow, so they were crushed to the ground by a slap.

The audience was silent.

This is the heir of the God Academy!How could it be so unbearable?

Everyone was stunned for a while.

In their eyes, the Chen Xi at this moment was completely different from before. He was filled with an indescribable look of contempt, full of intimidation.

They also finally realized that Yanran's friend is not an ordinary person, but a peerless figure in the realm of the ancestors!

If it wasn't so, how could it be possible to suppress Xiao Tianqi to his knees in an understatement, and then slap the golden robed woman away?

"how can that be?"

Shentu Xing exclaimed, unbelievable.

Shentu Mingda opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. He was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

It's not just the two of them, the big figures of the Shentu clan present here are also gasping for breath.

"Is it him?"

Shen Tubao vaguely guessed something, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

As for Shentu Qingyuan, who was sitting in the first seat in the center, there was also a strange color in the depths of his eyes at this moment, which was fleeting.

As for Shentu Yanran, she seemed very calm. She had heard too much news about Chen Xi before, so when Chen Xi made it this far, she was not too surprised, and even thought it was a matter of course.

However, all of this was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the disciples of the seminary, causing their complexions to change suddenly.

"Bastard, how dare you humiliate me like this!?"

The woman in the golden robe screamed, the slap hit her face, the pain was burning, her cheeks were red and swollen, and she was extremely angry.

Chen Xi took a step forward, his eyes fixed on the past coldly, as if he was about to strike again.

"You... who killed him for me!"

The golden-robed woman trembled all over. She was frightened by Chen Xi's murderous intent and was about to lose her mind. As a descendant of a prominent person in the temple, she had never suffered such a crime. She was shocked, angry and terrified.


The void vibrated, like a god and demon beating a big drum, shattering this piece of time and space, and the blood of many people near the shock twitched in horror.

At this moment, a disciple of the divine academy once again made a move, holding a handle of purple gold jade wishful, radiant with brilliance, releasing a thousand paths of Ruixia, with incomparable power, it directly burst open the void, and smashed at Chen Xi.

There is no doubt that this Zijinyu Ruyi is a powerful innate spiritual treasure, capable of blasting and killing gods and demons.

As soon as he made a move, the Purple Gold Jade Ruyi sent out a terrifying ripple, causing the Shentu Clan Hall to vibrate violently, as if it was about to collapse.

This alarmed all the great figures of the Shentu Clan, Shentu Qingyuan could no longer remain silent at this moment, and shouted in a deep voice: "Activate the magic formation!"


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