divine talisman

Chapter 1816 Tuoba River

The voice fell.

With a buzzing sound, the entire clan hall was filled with a layer of divine brilliance, surrounded by mysterious runes, covering every inch of space, and the signs that were about to collapse ended there, and became extremely stable.

This is an important place for the clan, and it is impossible to have no defense of the gods.

And at this moment, because of the shocking destructive power of the disciple of the God Academy, Shentu Qingyuan could only activate this divine prohibition in the end, otherwise, if this battle was allowed to break out, the clan hall that had stood for an unknown number of years would be destroyed in one fell swoop No.

This change did not affect the conduct of the battle.

The disciple of the divine academy who was holding the purple gold jade ruyi, under one blow, his divine light surged, time and space were broken, and boundless and gorgeous ripples spread from the jade ruyi, and they ruthlessly suppressed towards Chen Xi.

Compared to Xiao Tianqi and the golden-robed woman, the disciple of the God Academy who made the move at this moment is undoubtedly much stronger in combat power.

But regarding this, Chen Xi still had a calm and calm appearance, calm and indifferent.


Chen Xi uttered a few words lightly from his lips, causing everyone in the hall to tense up.


The next moment, under the horrified gazes of the crowd, Chen Xi broke through time and space in one step, and rushed straight towards the disciple of the God Academy.

His whole body is shining, like the scorching sun in the sky, it is extremely blazing, like bathing in the light of the Great Dao, covering the whole body, the purple gold jade oppresses him, it can't hurt him at all!

Those kinds of scenes, as if they were impenetrable by magic, shocked many people's hearts and made them unbelievable.


Before everyone could react, Chen Xi had reached out his hand and shook the Purple Gold Jade Ruyi away, and then with a wave of his sleeve, with a few blows, he forcibly crushed the disciple of the God Academy to the ground.


The disciple of the seminary coughed up blood, as if he was being suppressed by a sacred mountain, unable to struggle, the terrifying force even made him almost suffocate!

With a click, he only felt his chest bones break, and the boundless pain made his face contort, and he couldn't help but scream out.

All of this happened in an instant, too fast for people to react.

No one could have imagined that Chen Xi's fighting power would be so terrifying, and his wrists were even more powerful and domineering. From defeating that Xiao Tianqi and the golden-robed woman to now suppressing that disciple of the God Academy, everything was done with one blow. crush the opponent.

That kind of destructive fighting style, the ruthless attitude of looking down, as if entering the land of no one, is more than a strong and domineering person can describe?

That's right, the power displayed by Chen Xi at this moment was indeed too frightening, as if he was invincible.

And you know, his opponent is a disciple of the God Academy!

But Chen Xi can still defeat his opponent so easily, so how terrifying is his combat power?


If we say that in the eyes of everyone before, Chen Xi was just a young man who came out of nowhere.

So at this moment, he is like the unrivaled overlord in the ancestral god realm, possessing the majesty of ruling the world and the aura of swallowing mountains and rivers!

"How could this kid be so strong, how could..."

Shentu Xing murmured, lost in spirits, he had been scolding Chen Xi continuously before, and even wanted to expel him.

But who would have thought that this young man, whom he despised so much, would show such terrifying fighting power, how could he accept it?

"I missed it, I didn't expect this kid to be so unusual."

Shentu Mingda's face was gloomy, his eyes were flickering, and his heart was also ups and downs.


"You just watch these guys suffer?"

Chen Xi glanced at the three of Xiao Tianqi who had fallen to the ground and screamed, then suddenly turned around and looked at Gongsun Mu.

Gongsun Mu's face was expressionless, extremely indifferent.

He has witnessed all this happening, from the shock at the beginning to the indifference now, he has finally judged that this time the opponent is extraordinary and comparable.

He can even be sure that the combat power displayed by Chen Xi is enough to rank among the top [-] in the Ancestral God Realm on the Conferred God List, and the ranking is even higher!

This made Gongsun Mu furious, but he couldn't help being a little bit surprised, and couldn't figure out what Chen Xi's origin was.

For a young man who dared to confront the temple head-on, and showed such a high level of fighting power, this incident seemed a bit unusual.

It was because some of them couldn't figure it out that Gongsun Mucai didn't make a move for a long time.


"It's too rampant, don't you think that five people can control you!"

The disciples of the God Academy around Gongsun Mu shouted loudly, and they were also furious at being so provoked by Chen Xi.

Since when did their disciples from the seminary suffer such humiliation?

Regarding this, Chen Xi directly ignored it, and his eyes were fixed on Gongsun Mu all the time. Since the battle had already started, he didn't mind continuing it, and severely dampened the arrogance of these disciples of the God Academy, so that they would not be arrogant again.

At this moment, all eyes in the hall were on Gongsun Mu, as if to see how he would react.

"Chen Xi, why don't you just stop like this."

Seeing this, Shentu Yanran was a little worried. She sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi. Although she knew that Chen Xi was no longer what it used to be, she also knew that Gongsun Mu, as the third disciple of the palm print of the God Academy, had even more terrifying fighting power. He continued to fight, and it was really hard to predict who would win.

"no need to worry."

Chen Xi sent a voice transmission to indicate to Shentu Yanran that there is no need to say too much, he has his own measure.

"Junior Brother Tuoba."

Suddenly, Gongsun Mu who had been silent all this time spoke indifferently.


Tuobachuan Road on one side.

"Are you willing to fight?"

Gongsun Mudao, obviously he values ​​Tuoba Chuan very much, and when making a decision, he even has to consult the other party's mind.

The members of the Shentu Clan were not surprised by this. Tuoba Chuan was indeed a heavenly genius, and he was also a disciple of the God Academy. Although he ranked behind Gongsun Mu, there was not much difference in strength between the two.

In the temple, this Tuoba Chuan is even considered to have the strength not weaker than Gongsun Mu, but because he is low-key, taciturn, and he is not interested in anything other than cultivation, so the ranking is a bit dependent back.

"it is good!"

Tuoba Chuan nodded and stood up.

He was dressed in gray and had an ordinary face, but he had an intimidating solemn and majestic aura, like a stone on the cliff, unshakable.

However, when he got up at this moment, his whole aura suddenly changed, his eyes were like lightning, and the power of the divine way was transpiring all over his body, and he rushed straight to the sky, which was extremely compelling.

Shinto is like this, when restrained, the body and mind blend with the way of heaven, plain and natural, but once it explodes, it is like a divine sword coming out of the nine abyss, the sharpness is shocking, and it is extremely frightening.

This is a master!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and realized the strength of Tuoba Chuan. This person's appearance was simple, but the divine power inside him was billowing like wolf smoke, boiling like a vast sea, like a dormant real dragon, definitely not the kind of person The peerless figure.

"Senior Shentu, I heard that there is a 'Demon Fighting Battlefield' in the noble clan. I wonder if I can borrow it?"

Suddenly, Gongsun Mu looked at Shentu Qingyuan and said calmly.

"It's impossible."

Shentu Qingyuan smiled, and with a wave of his sleeves, a ray of radiance burst through the air and appeared in the center of the hall.


Then this ray of brilliance released a burst of strange and obscure fluctuations, and suddenly, hundreds of millions of divine lights were shot out, covering the world.

Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed, and they realized that they had come to a vast starry sky.

In this starry sky, stars hang one after another, forming a battle arena around the arch, which can be said to be immeasurably vast and magnificent.

Chen Xi raised his eyes and found that the arena was extremely miraculous, with a sense of desolation and antiquity in its magnificence. It was built with star stones, imprinted with many mysterious Dao patterns, and permeated with an incomparably surging aura of iron-blooded killing. .

Obviously, when fighting here, you don't have to worry about the ring being penetrated, and you don't have to worry about the place where the battle is too cramped, you can give it a go.

This is the Demon Fighting Battlefield, which was refined by an ancestor of the Shentu clan, and it is specially used to hone the disciples' fighting and killing power.

After all, if one's cultivation has reached the level of the Ancestral God Realm, once a move is made, the sky will collapse and everything will be destroyed, not to mention the city, even the stars, the sun and the moon will be destroyed. The destructive power is too amazing.

With this Demon Fighting Battlefield, there is no need to worry about such problems.

Apparently, Gongsun Mu said just now that there was only one purpose in asking Shentu Qingyuan to sacrifice this battlefield, and that was to let Tuoba Chuan fully demonstrate his combat power and defeat Chen Xi in one fell swoop, so that he would not be tied up because of the venue.


Tuoba Chuan didn't say a word, just moved his figure, and the next moment he appeared on the battlefield of fighting demons, his whole body stood like a divine rainbow, soaring into the sky, disturbing the nine heavens and ten earths!

"Is this the power and influence of the disciples of the temple?"

All the elders of the Shentu Clan in the Emperor Realm all focused their eyes, and they immediately noticed the power of Tuoba Chuan, and thought to themselves, even if they were in the Ancestral God Realm, they would definitely not be able to have such power as Tuoba Chuan .

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't show any fear. With one step, as if strolling in a garden, he came to the battlefield of fighting demons, and confronted Tuoba Chuan from afar.

"Brother Tuoba, please display your divine power and kill that guy quickly!"

"Hmph, with Senior Brother Tuoba on the scene, this kid is doomed to lose!"

"Senior Brother Tuoba is the palm print disciple of our God Academy, ranking No. 13. Looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, I am afraid that there are very few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him."

"That's right, don't forget, Senior Brother Tuoba is now the No. 30 Nineth Existence in the Ancestral God Realm on the List of Conferred Gods!"

Those disciples of the seminary were all excited and had strong confidence in Tuoba Chuan. From their point of view, no matter how arrogant Chen Xi was before, it was absolutely impossible for him to be Tuoba Chuan's opponent.

Many people even started to make some speculations, calculating exactly how many moves Tuoba Chuan would need to suppress Chen Xi.

And at this moment, Shentu Yanran, who was originally full of confidence in Chen Xi, couldn't help feeling worried.

That Tuoba Chuan is a disciple of the palm print in the temple, possessing the cultivation base of the peak level of the ancestor gods, and his combat power is even more terrifying.

Facing such an opponent, Chen Xi...can he do it?


ps: There is no need to doubt, there will definitely be more updates this month, and tomorrow will start to make up changes.


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