divine talisman

Chapter 1817

Seeing the majestic power of Tuobachuan made all the disciples of the seminary excited.

Seeing this, even Gongsun Mu couldn't help but secretly nodded, thinking that Tuoba Chuan's dispatch would be enough to suppress Chen Xi and restore the previous slump.

The reactions of the members of the Shentu Clan at this moment were very complicated. They were amazed at the terrifying combat power Chen Xi had displayed before, but also unwilling to watch him continue to be insolent.

The emotions are ambivalent and difficult to describe concretely.

Only Shentu Mingda, Shentu Xing and his son were more excited. They wished that Tuoba Chuan would defeat Chen Xi in one fell swoop and completely suppress him.

In this way, not only the face of the disciples of the seminary is preserved, but also the obstacle of Chen Xi can be removed, so that the cooperation between the Shentu clan and the seminary can proceed smoothly.


All of a sudden, it was as if a thunder had struck on the battlefield of the Demon Fighting, which made everyone's ears ring and suppressed all the noise.

Tuoba Chuan, who had a simple appearance and was as calm as a mountain, had sharp eyes, and suddenly two red beams of light burst out from his pupils, which evolved into two thunderbolts, and charged towards Chen Xizhen with a monstrous killing aura.

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't expect the battle to break out without saying a word.

At this moment, Tuoba Chuan was like a god who controlled the way of thunder. Just opening and closing his eyes created this terrifying vision. There was a raging blue thunderstorm in his pupils, which was really amazing.

"The Supreme Inheritance of the Divine Academy--The Great Formless Green Nightmare Lightning Lightning Destroying the World Law!"

Someone was amazed.

Everyone present immediately understood that Chen Xi had met an extremely terrifying person. This Tuoba Chuan had actually integrated the power of a divine academy's supreme method into his eyes. This is not something that ordinary people can do!


The void was torn apart, and the cyan thunder gang was filled with the power to destroy the world, shooting nine heavens and ten earths, and Ruo Yao frightened the dragon, seeming to disturb the yin and yang universe.

Chen Xi also pointed out that if the sword's edge stabs forward, and two streams of sword energy pierce through time and space, it is extremely dazzling, it is the Xuanxin swordsmanship to untie the cow, fierce and chilling, and there are strands of crystal clear secret power of the heart overflowing, Mysterious and obscure, it smashed the vast blue thunder in one fell swoop.

The sword energy remained undiminished, piercing towards Tuoba Chuan's eyes.


In front of Tuoba Chuan, a dense cyan waterfall of thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, which evolved into a Thunder Dao Talisman, which contained supreme thunder power, and the two sword qis were blocked by a shock of lightning, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

"Brother Tuoba, kill him!"

Many disciples of the seminary shouted.

"Destroy the Abyss!"

In the next moment, there was a bang, and Tuoba Chuan activated the "Great Formless Green Nightmare Lightning World Destroyer Method", stretched his arms, and moved through time and space, with dazzling lightning and thunderous thunder, he swooped towards Chen Xi. matchless!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, everyone held their breath, and all the hustle and bustle stopped abruptly.

Because this blow is too terrifying, earth-shattering!

Even those dignitaries in the Monarch Realm were terrified in their hearts and focused on the battlefield nervously. Even they did not expect that Tuobachuan's fighting style would be so fierce. As soon as he made a move, he would be thunderous and extremely dazzling.

The well-known "Great Formless Green Nightmare Ganglei Annihilation Method" in the temple, at this time, bloomed with power enough to shock the ages, with a full blow, it shook the Nine Heavens Galaxy!

On the other side, Chen Xi also charged forward, with overwhelming divine power, and suddenly transformed into a Kunpeng, shaking the world, engulfed in the majestic power of the divine way, as if it was going to squeeze that piece of void.

Looking from a distance, it seems to see a Kunpeng flying in the galaxy, which has the power to roar the universe and swallow the mountains and rivers.

Kunpeng Taoism!

Is this son a descendant of the Kunpeng clan?

Many people recognized this valve, and all of them shrank their pupils in disbelief.


Before they could react, the two had already collided. If the sun and the moon collided, a hundred thousand volcanoes would erupt, and the divine power would shatter everywhere, spreading in all directions and shaking the surrounding fields.

People only felt the pain in their eyes and couldn't open them. Some people were even more angry and bloody, their minds were shocked, and their bodies trembled. This time the confrontation was too fierce.

The cyan thunderstorm rolled over, overwhelming the sky!

Kunpeng soars in the sky and roams the avenue!

The fight between Tuoba Chuan and Chen Xi produced various terrifying visions, gods and demons roared, the avenue wept blood, thunderstorms lifted the sky, and everything collapsed...

That terrifying scene seems to bring people back to the era of the beginning of chaos. At that time, the gods fought for hegemony, and many ancient alien species were rampant. They fought the world, tore apart the universe, and swept across starry sky after starry sky.


There was a loud noise, and amidst the splash of light and rain, the two figures separated, each standing on one side, they were evenly divided, and neither could do anything to the other.

"How could this kid be so strong that even Tuoba Chuan couldn't suppress him in one fell swoop?"

The members of the Shentu clan were astonished, a little inconceivable, and they felt that Chen Xi was unfathomable and unfathomable.

Those disciples of the seminary also kept their mouths shut and were in shock. Even if they didn't want to admit it, the facts in front of them all proved that that kid actually had the ability to compete with Senior Brother Tuoba!

Gongsun Mu narrowed his eyes, his expression became more and more indifferent, and he just said: "The battle has just begun, keep watching."

On the arena of fighting demons, Tuoba Chuan's expression became slightly dignified, but his aura was more intense than before.


Nine thunderbolts resounded like the sound of the avenue in succession, and nine lightning roulettes appeared behind Tuobachuan, which were gorgeous and blazing, releasing strange power.

Each lightning roulette contains terrifying thunder gangs, just like a kingdom of thunder and lightning. The nine roulettes are superimposed together, as if constructing a thunder and lightning universe, deriving infinite visions.

This is the power of good fortune contained in the "Great Formless Green Nightmare Thunder Gang Annihilation Method", which has the supreme power to interpret the world and build everything.

But in just a moment, the nine lightning roulettes changed from brilliant to gray, with a depressing aura of destruction and death, which was extremely frightening.


In the next moment, nine lightning roulettes flew into the sky, like rounds of black scorching sun, crushing time and space, and violently killing down.


Chen Xi reached out and grabbed it, and an ancient sword condensed by the laws of the divine way appeared in the void. With a leap, he slashed lightly in the void.

Does not contain a hint of smoke.

Full of simplicity and primitiveness, the rhyme of Taoism is natural, giving people a sense of extreme tranquility and leisure, as if witnessing the skyline of the avenue, one can't help but be intoxicated by it.

There is great beauty in the world without words!


The sword energy reflects the sky, and the roulette shines nine days.

The two collided in an instant, as if the heaven and the earth had just opened, and the chaos erupted, producing horrible visions such as the roar of gods and demons, and the chanting of saints, etc., constantly appearing between the two of them, and the unparalleled order of the divine way was like wanton chaos. The hurricane keeps rumbling and clashing!

One is bathed in thunder and lightning, like a god who controls the way of thunder, and the other is the incarnation of Kunpeng, traveling to the eight extremes, and controlling the unparalleled swordsmanship. They fight together and fight in the battlefield of fighting demons.

That kind of scene can be said to be shocking, rare in the world, and everyone outside the battlefield was dazzled for a while, and almost forgot to breathe.

Both of them are in the Ancestral God Realm, but their combat power has reached the terrifying heights of the Ancestral God Realm. In the same realm, both of them can be said to be astonishing and brilliant!

"Yan Ran, that kid could be...he?"

Outside the battlefield, at some time, Shentu Bao had come to Shentu Yanran, looking at the latter thoughtfully.


Shentu Yanran was clear in her heart, but she was pretending to be confused.

"You girl, do you want to hide even your third uncle? Tell me quickly, is it that kid?"

Shen Tubao smiled wryly.

Shentu Yanran was about to answer, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of not only Shentu Mingda, but also her own father looking at her, she immediately changed her tune, "You can ask yourself later."

Shentubao's expression froze for a moment, and finally he shook his head helplessly.

However, in his mind, he had already roughly judged that the young man who was fighting Tuoba Chuan in the Demon Fighting Battlefield at this moment was probably that kid from Shenyan Mountain.

There was only one reason for him to make this judgment, whether it was defeating the three of Xiao Tianqi, or fighting against Tuoba Chuan at this moment, looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, it is rare to be able to achieve this step!

And as far as he knew, among the friends Shentu Yanran had made, it seemed that the only one who could possess such combat power was the direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain whom he had met at the Burying God Sea a few years ago.

Thinking of this, Shen Tubao couldn't help but quickly began to weigh in his mind, one was Shenyan Mountain, the other was the God Academy... Perhaps, the appearance of this kid is also a good opportunity?


"Unexpectedly, you are a real person who doesn't show your face, but if you only have this kind of combat power, you will definitely lose today!"

In the battlefield of fighting demons, Tuoba Chuan, who was fighting fiercely, suddenly spoke, with a hint of Ling Ran in his deep voice.

This was the first time he spoke since he started the war, but his words were not friendly, full of contempt and oppression.

While speaking, Tuoba Chuan roared all over his body, and the color of the nine lightning roulettes changed again, becoming as black as ink, and thick electric arcs flowed out of it like chains of gods, as if they wanted to imprison and suppress the world. Full of destruction.


When the roulette was in the air, the thunder and lightning god chain slashed out, pulverizing time and space, and shaking every inch of space, presenting a terrifying scene like a doomsday disaster.

"Brother Tuoba doesn't need to be polite to that bastard, end this battle quickly!"

"Yes! After suppressing him, let's see how he can continue to be arrogant!"

Seeing this scene, all the disciples of the seminary shouted excitedly, cheering for Tuoba Chuan.

"I didn't expect that Junior Brother Tuoba's control over the Great Formless Green Nightmare Thunder Gang's World-Destruction Technique has reached such a level. It seems that he has been hiding a lot of strength from me..."

There was also a gleam in Gongsun Mu's eyes, as if he was a little surprised by the power of Tuoba Chuan.

"Is it sure to be defeated? You can't talk too much."

Chen Xi spoke indifferently, his words were understated, and he did not intend to be aggressive. It was a kind of response to that Tuoba Chuan.

At this moment, every inch of his skin was suddenly sprayed with divine radiance, very radiant, as if bathed in the divine radiance of the Great Dao, and he kept fighting against Tuoba Chuan, without any signs of being overwhelmed, on the contrary he seemed to be able to handle it with ease.


ps: The second update is around 10:12, and the third update is around [-]:[-] am. Please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass. To be honest, the monthly pass can really stimulate the power of code words.


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