divine talisman

Chapter 1818 1 Gas Creation Furnace

Chen Xi and Tuoba Chuan fought for the front, fighting from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the heavens, entangled and fighting each other, and the divine brilliance continued to explode and spread.

Fortunately, the Demon Fighting Battlefield is extremely vast, like an endless starry sky, and the surroundings of the battlefield are branded with forbidden secret lines, covering the surroundings of the battlefield, preventing the leakage of battle fluctuations.

Otherwise, if this battle broke out among the Shentu clan, the destructive power would be unimaginable.


Tuoba Chuan is majestic and majestic, engulfed by thunder and lightning, constantly blasting and killing, with a fierce momentum, galloping like lightning, extremely dazzling.

It has to be said that this Tuoba Chuan's combat power is extremely terrifying, every move, there is no one without the power to destroy the world, it can definitely be regarded as the strongest opponent Chen Xi has encountered in the same realm since he advanced to the late stage of the Ancestor God.

Even Chen Xi had to admit that the "Great Formless Green Nightmare Thunder Gang Annihilation Technique" performed by Tuoba Chuan possessed incredible power.

Every attack is like a thunderstorm pouring into the air, smashing time and space, suppressing the Yin and Yang of the five elements, and being filled with the power of destruction and death if there is any substance, how many people can block such a world-shattering destructive power?

Ordinary ancestor god powerhouses will be killed immediately when they come up, and their souls will be smashed and annihilated, and they have no resistance at all.

But in the eyes of everyone outside the arena, it was Chen Xi's performance that shocked them the most.

They already knew very well that Tuoba Chuan, as a disciple of the God Academy's palm seal, was undoubtedly powerful in combat power, and he himself was a powerful existence ranked No.

Therefore, they were not surprised or shocked by the astonishing means displayed by Tuoba Chuan at this time.

But Chen Xi was different. In their eyes, the scene where he single-handedly defeated the three of Xiao Tianqi was still somewhat unacceptable to them. Now, in the battle with Tuoba Chuan, he was able to maintain an evenly matched situation. They almost couldn't believe their eyes.

This kid... is too strong, right?

Could it be that he is also an unrivaled figure among the Ancestral Gods on the List of Conferred Gods?

"Kunpeng Treasure Art, Sword Emperor Realm's swordsmanship cultivation base, when it comes to cultivation base, his ancestor god's late cultivation base is even inferior to Tuoba Chuan's, but now he can do this step, it's a bit impressive Unbelievable."

A dignitary of the Shentu family's emperor realm spoke, and there was a rare hint of admiration in his voice.

Apparently, through a series of previous performances, Chen Xi had unconsciously influenced and changed the opinion of this great emperor towards him.

In fact, not only this great emperor, but even the other members of the Shentu clan had to admit at this moment that Chen Xi was very strong and amazing. He was able to compete with a rare talent like Tuoba Chuan, so how could he be an ordinary person?

Only Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing's father and son's faces were ashen. How could they have imagined that even Tuoba Chuan had failed to win this battle until now?

Where the hell did that damn guy come from?

Both father and son felt anxious and hated.

The only thing that reassures them is that the battle is still going on. Although Tuoba Chuan has not won, he has not lost either.

Now they can only hope that in the next battle, Tuoba Chuan can turn the tide and decide the world in one fell swoop.

"How is it possible, how could that guy be so strong?"

"Senior brother Tuoba has preserved his strength?"

"This damn bastard, it's too difficult to deal with..."

The disciples of the seminary all frowned, feeling a little out of breath, and lost the excitement they had before.

It is true that at this time their senior brother Tuoba was not defeated.

However, when they saw that Chen Xi was able to fight evenly with their Momo senior brother, they couldn't accept it.

Just an arrogant guy who came out of nowhere, might he be on par with Senior Brother Tuoba in terms of combat power?

"Shut up and keep reading."

Gongsun Mu pursed his thin and sharply curved lips, and spoke in a deep voice, his expression was still as indifferent as before, except that there was a trace of gloom in his eyes that could not be shaken off.


After a while.

Suddenly someone screamed out: "Something is wrong."

As soon as these words came out, most people in the field were confused, unable to see what was wrong.

Only a small number of people with sharp eyes suddenly realized that something was wrong!

From this battle till now, Tuoba Chuan's aura kept rising, and his fighting power also kept getting stronger, but every time he wanted to defeat Chen Xi, he was always neutralized by the opponent without a trace.

This is a little too scary.

Tuoba Chuan's combat power is constantly improving, but he still has nothing to do with Chen Xi. Doesn't it mean that Chen Xi's combat power is also constantly being adjusted and improved during the battle?

And doesn't this mean that from the beginning to the end, Chen Xi never revealed his true combat power, and only when Tuoba Chuan continued to strengthen his attacks, would he release the means he reserved time and time again?

Thinking of this, even those beings in the Monarch Realm were shocked. This young man was too unfathomable.

Tuoba Chuan in the Demon Fighting Arena obviously also realized this, and that ordinary and simple face became more and more dignified.

At this moment, in his heart, he regarded Chen Xi as the number one enemy, and he didn't dare to show any neglect or contempt.

Even, Chen Xi's unobtrusive power made Tuoba Chuan unable to determine where his limit was!

This made Tuoba Chuan's heart tremble uncontrollably, knowing that what he was going to deal with this time was not a strong man in the usual sense, but an extremely terrifying opponent.


Tuoba Chuan didn't dare to hesitate, and sacrificed an ancient copper furnace, in which thunder and lightning were burning like lava, blazing brightly, illuminating the universe and the stars, and the power was dazzling to the extreme.

All in one Furnace!

An unpredictable congenital spiritual treasure, inherited from the God Academy, contains a ray of congenital thunder in the chaos.

"It forced Junior Brother Tuoba to use this treasure..."

Gongsun Mu's eyes froze suddenly, his indifferent expression could no longer keep calm at this moment, and he was very moved.


After sacrificing a good fortune furnace, the power of Tuobachuan suddenly rose again, just like a thunder emperor born in chaos, with killing power covering the world.

He controlled the copper furnace, broke through the sky, and came to kill Chen Xi.

"Is this going to tell the winner?"

Everyone was shocked, and realized that Tuoba Chuan's power had reached the extreme, with an unrivaled majestic demeanor.

Shentu Yanran quietly clenched her hands. No matter how confident she was in Chen Xi's fighting power, when she saw Tuoba Chuan's terrifying might, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

At this moment, everyone in the audience held their breath and concentrated, almost forgot to breathe. All eyes were fixed on the fighting demon battlefield, without blinking their eyes, lest they miss any detail.

Similarly, at this moment, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly burst into a cold and frightening luster, and there was a playful curve on the corner of his lips that quietly emerged.

"This is probably the limit of this guy..."

In the next moment, Chen Xi actually advanced instead of retreating, and rushed forward. A sword glow quietly appeared in his palm, which seemed to encompass a piece of the kingdom of swords, and he slammed fiercely at the copper furnace.


A deafening crash resounded.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and it was impossible to imagine that Chen Xi dared to take a blow with that Furnace with his bare hands!

And what shocked them was that in the face of Tuoba Chuan's full-strength strike, Chen Xi was not at all vulnerable!

how can that be!

Everyone's hearts were shaken, and their scalps were numb for a while.

Bare fists are enough to compete against Tuoba Chuan, who sacrificed his fortune furnace. Doesn't this mean that his combat power is far superior to Tuoba Chuan's?


At this moment, Chen Xi appeared to be extremely powerful and domineering. He leaped into the sky, one palm was fiercer than the other, and each palm was more domineering than the other. Few people are touched by heart.


Finally, Tuoba Chuan's body froze suddenly, and was so impacted by Chen Xi's palm force that he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his face quietly pale.

"Skills stop here?"

Chen Xi scolded lightly, his voice was like a reverberating sound, it shattered the void, and the power of his palm became even brighter, as if controlling two kingdoms of swords to attack and destroy nine heavens and ten earths!

not good!

Gongsun Mu stood up abruptly, his pupils dilated, overflowing with a frightening coldness.

At this moment, not only him, but even the great figures of the Emperor Realm of the Shentu clan could no longer sit still, and their faces changed suddenly.

As for the others, they had long been caught up in this duel, and they were so shocked that they couldn't get back to their senses, and they were stunned there.


Tuoba Chuan couldn't bear it any longer, and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again, which was extremely beautiful, dyed through the void, and his body shook for a while, as if he was about to die.


"This...how is it possible?"

"It's too strong!"

There was an uproar in the audience, with their mouths wide open, and they couldn't believe that Tuoba Chuan, a disciple of the God Academy and ranked No. 30 on the No. [-] list of gods, was showing signs of being suppressed and defeated at this moment!

This was beyond imagination and made them all unbelievable.

"This son...is amazing!"

Many powerful emperors of the Shentu clan sighed with emotion, and their hearts were still shaken. They never thought that in this peerless duel, Tuobachuan would lose in advance.

And the heaven-defying combat power displayed by Chen Xi was really too amazing, it was shocking and speechless.

"This guy is definitely not an unknown person!"

Gongsun Mu's face was gloomy, and he could no longer maintain his composure.

As for the disciples of the God Academy around him, their expressions were all changing, and they were extremely exciting.

"so far so good……"

Shentu Yanran let out a long sigh of relief in her heart, and a pair of rippling brilliance quietly appeared in her pair of clear eyes.

However, just when everyone thought that Tuoba Chuan was about to lose, suddenly, Tuoba Chuan's eyes became bloodshot and became extremely red.

Then, he roared at the sky, his hair stood on end, a halo of light overflowed from his body, and he suddenly turned into a ferocious beast!

His appearance has completely changed, which makes people jump in fear. His body is covered with blue fur. He looks like a tiger and leopard, but is as big as a mountain. His pair of eyes are like two bloody full moons, and there are a pair of huge horns on his head, which is fierce and powerful!

"Qingji!" Someone lost his voice.

"He actually displayed the power of life in his blood!"

People were in an uproar, and they were all shocked.


ps: Ordinary group 1 is full, those who want to join the group can enter group 2, a group of thousands of people, there are still some vacancies.


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