divine talisman

Chapter 1819


A kind of alien species known as the ancient evil, whose ancestor was born in chaos, is a true pure-blooded innate god and demon.

This beast is shaped like a tiger and leopard, with a body as big as a mountain, covered with blue fur, and has a single gray horn that contains the original power of Thunder Dao.

And Tuoba Chuan is a descendant of the Qingji clan!


After transforming into the body of Qingjiu, Tuoba Chuan raised his head to the sky and roared, unleashing unparalleled ferocity, as if he wanted to shatter the sun and the moon.

Suddenly, it rushed towards Chen Xi, the speed was so fast that it forcibly tore open a straight crack in time.

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, exerted strength with his palms and fingers, gathered an unparalleled and bright sword intent, and focused on slashing and killing this fierce and mighty descendant of the ancient alien species.


The terrifying Qingyan, whose fur was full of lightning arcs, actually knocked Chen Xi's attack away.

This was shocking, it was suppressed by Chen Xi before, but now it has the power to reverse the situation.


Qingji hissed loudly, the star vault trembled, and the entire Demon Fighting Battlefield trembled.

It seems to have gone mad, fully arousing the natal power in its blood, and possessing the ferocious power of destroying heaven and earth.

That terrifying roar actually shattered the eardrums of many strong people outside the battlefield, and almost passed out. This is because the battlefield is covered with defensive secret patterns, otherwise, the consequences would be even more serious than this.

The development of the situation to this point has shocked many people. They did not expect that Tuoba Chuan would have such a means of suppressing the bottom of the box.


Chen Xi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he was already planning to sacrifice the Banchen Sword to end this battle in one fell swoop, so as to avoid the opponent's further entanglement.

But before he could move, a voice suddenly resounded in the battlefield of Demon Fighting——

"Junior Brother Tuoba, come back."

The voice was indifferent and deep, but it was Gongsun Mu who spoke.

At this moment, his face was expressionless, and there was a cold light in his eyes. Although he stood there quietly, he had an unspeakable power.

This made everyone in the audience stunned. Under such circumstances, why did Gongsun Mu stop this battle? Could it be that he didn't like Tuoba Chuan?

This is too surprising.

Tuoba Chuan, who had turned into a green jiao, also stopped his movements at this moment, turned his head, and looked at Gongsun Mu with bloodshot eyes.

Gongsun Mu stopped talking and just looked at Tuoba Chuan quietly.

"it is good."

With a buzzing sound, Tuoba Chuan had recovered his human body, and without even looking at Chen Xi, he turned and left the demon fighting battlefield.

He restrained his whole body, and returned to his simple and ordinary appearance, without any trace of ferocity or murderous intent, if not for his pale expression, people would doubt whether the fierce and incomparable Qingyan just now was really him.

Watching Tuoba Chuan step by step back from the Demon Fighting Battlefield, both members of the Shentu clan and the disciples of the God Academy all had complicated expressions on their faces.

They knew that although Tuoba Chuan was not completely defeated, leaving the battle at this time was undoubtedly announcing that he was inferior to Chen Xi.

But they broke their heads and couldn't figure it out. As disciples of the seminary, how could they be willing to admit defeat?This is a bit self-defeating.

Not only them, but even the disciples of the seminary didn't understand why Gongsun Mu made such a decision at this moment.

Unfortunately, Gongsun Mu didn't explain anything about it.

When he saw that Tuoba Chuan obeyed his order and left the battlefield, he also seemed to secretly heave a sigh of relief, and immediately turned his gaze to Chen Xi who was standing in the battlefield.

"I have to admit that the fighting power you displayed today has exceeded my expectations, but all this is not over yet."

Gongsun Mu was silent for a moment, then spoke out slowly.

After all, he turned and left.

"let's go."

He left without looking back.

Seeing this, the disciples of the seminary were slightly taken aback, and then hurriedly followed.

"Why, why don't you come and compete with me?"

Who would have thought that Chen Xi would open his mouth indifferently and challenge that Gongsun Mu, and it seemed that he did not intend to stop just then.

"Don't worry, when the Dao Discussion Competition held by the 'Emperor's Five Extremes' starts, you and I will have the opportunity to learn from each other. At that time... I will give you a satisfactory answer."

After pausing, Gongsun Mu spoke indifferently, without looking back from the beginning to the end.


Before the voice fell, he had already led the group of disciples of the seminary through time and space.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, and fell silent.

The members of the Shentu Clan couldn't believe it, Gongsun Mu and the others just said to leave?

But when Shentu Mingda, Shentu Xing and his son saw this, their complexions suddenly became extremely gloomy, and they became extremely poor, and their chests heaved with anger.

That Gongsun Mu is the envoy sent by the temple this time!It is to cooperate with Shentu's Dacheng!But now someone has ruined all of this!

How did they stand it?



"Senior Brother Gongsun, let's... just leave like this?"

After leaving the Shentu Clan, Xiao Tianqi couldn't help but speak, with extreme unwillingness in his voice.

He was suppressed by Chen Xi before and knelt down on the ground, and he was humiliated in front of everyone, so he was unwilling to leave like this.

Gongsun Mu said nothing, as if he was deep in thought.

"Senior Brother Gongsun, or do you think that Senior Brother Tuoba is not that guy's match?"

Seeing this, Xiao Tianqi couldn't help asking further questions.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of other disciples of the seminary were immediately attracted, and they were also puzzled in their hearts.

It seemed a bit too embarrassing to leave in such a hurry. If it spread, it would not only damage Tuoba Chuan's prestige, but also deal a big blow to the reputation of their disciples and even the entire temple.

This is intolerable to them.

"It's pointless to fight any longer."

Gongsun Mu frowned, finally sighed, and said, "Don't forget, that guy didn't use any treasures from the beginning to the end."

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they suddenly understood vaguely. They thought that the combat power of Senior Brother Tuoba after incarnating as Qingjiu would be enough to turn the situation around, but they ignored that if Chen Xi fully displayed his power and used some kind of treasure, his combat power would also change. Get stronger!

From the beginning to the end, Tuoba Chuan remained silent and did not refute Gongsun Mu's words, obviously he also admitted this.

But such a result is still unacceptable to those disciples of the seminary.

"Then Senior Brother Gongsun, how about you make a move?"

someone asked.

"Hard to say."

Gongsun Mu pondered for a long time before saying indifferently, "If you try your best, you may be sure of defeating the opponent, but I have not been able to confirm how much strength that guy has retained. Under such circumstances, it is better not to fight."

Seeing that Gongsun Mu said so, the disciples of the seminary were completely speechless, and they were silent like eggplants beaten by frost.

A guy who came out of nowhere, even Gongsun Mu can't understand the opponent's ability, this is too shocking.

They are disciples of the God Academy!Where have you ever suffered such a blow?

What made their hearts bitter was that until now, they didn't even know who Chen Xi was...

"He should be Shenyan Mountain Chen Xi."

Suddenly, Tuoba Chuan, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

In a word, those disciples of the God Academy were shocked, Chen Xi!It's that guy?

"I think so."

Gongsun Mu looked very calm, and obviously already guessed this point, "However, regardless of whether he is Chen Xi or not, a person like him will definitely participate in the Dao Discussion Competition held together by the five poles of the Emperor's Domain , at that time, I will fight against it myself!"

Everyone was stunned, and their hearts were filled with ups and downs. Of course, they had heard of Chen Xi's name, because the other party was a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, and a junior junior brother of Mr. Wu Xuechan!

As soon as it appeared a few years ago, it attracted the attention of all major forces. As the disciples of the God Academy, one of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, they naturally also heard about it.

It's just that none of them thought that this Chen Xi was actually much stronger than the rumors...

"Then this cooperation with the Shentu family?"

Tuoba Chuan frowned and opened his mouth.

"Let's just let it go. You should have noticed that the old man Shentu Qingyuan has been slow to express his opinion. This is not normal. Now that there is another guy who is very likely to be Chen Xi. Even if we try to force it, it will be useless."

Speaking of this, Gongsun Mu's brows were full of concern, "However, I hope that Shen Tu will not regret it in the future!"

In the voice, there was already a touch of cruelty that could not be restrained.




Not long after Gongsun Mu left, Shentu Xing could no longer restrain the anger in his heart, and shouted, "It was a good cooperation, but now it was destroyed by an outsider. It's simply that I, Shentu, don't take it seriously!"

The spearhead pointed directly at Chen Xi in an instant!

"Things have already happened, and it is useless to complain about this matter."

Shen Tubao frowned.

"The matter is indeed irreparable, but even if there is no hope of cooperating with the God Academy this time, the person who destroyed the matter must pay the price as a warning to others. Otherwise, if the God Academy blames it in the future, who will be responsible for the consequences?" Can you afford it?"

Shentu Mingda was also so irritated by the stimulation, he couldn't help shouting loudly, and looked at Chen Xi with cold eyes, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.

As soon as these words came out, many members of the Shentu clan agreed. It is true that Chen Xi stood up for Shentu Yanran before, and his combat power was also amazing, which proved his extraordinary.

But it was because of him that the envoys of the Holy Academy left in a huff and completely destroyed the cooperation between their Shentu clan and the Holy Academy, which made them quite dissatisfied.

Chen Xi did not expect that under such circumstances, the father and son Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing would take the opportunity to go crazy and point everything at him.

This made him speechless for a while, and he couldn't help feeling a trace of disgust in his heart.

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

Shen Tubao frowned more and more.

"Catch him and hand it over to the God Academy for disposal. If you can win back the God Academy's understanding, that would be the best."

Shentu Mingda seemed to have been waiting for this sentence, and said without hesitation.

"Yes, it must be done."

Shentu Xing was on the sidelines to help his father echo him endlessly.

It was at this moment that the father and son were still thinking about the matter of cooperating with the God Academy, which really made Chen Xi feel absurd and ridiculous.


ps: The third update is here, please encourage the monthly ticket~ There are so few friends who voted for the monthly ticket, have you all been to the summer vacation?


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