divine talisman

Chapter 1820

From Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing's father and son pointing the finger at Chen Xi, to now the father and son have even threatened to capture Chen Xi and hand it over to the Divine Academy for disposal, in order to restore the cooperation with the Divine Academy. During this process, most of the Everyone in the Shentu clan remained silent.

Obviously, they are also hesitating and undecided.

Only Shentubao has a clear attitude and expressed strong opposition to this, but it also seems that there are not many voices of support.

Seeing this, even Shentu Yanran frowned, sullen in her heart, couldn't bear to watch anymore, said coldly: "I want to see, who dares to do that!"

As soon as these words came out, Shentu Mingda's face darkened: "Yanran, because of your nonsense before, you have completely offended the envoy of the God Academy. Are you going to continue to go on nonsense now?"

"Yan Ran, there is nothing wrong with you caring about the friendship of your friends, but if you don't set boundaries with such friends, it will not only be you alone, but our entire Shentu clan that will be harmed in the end! Can you bear the responsibility for this? "

Shentu Xing was also unhappy and scolded, and wanted Shentu Yanran and Chen Xi to draw a line.

"I only know that if it wasn't for Chen Xi just now, I'm afraid I would have been forced by you to join the God Academy!"

Shentu Yanran's face was frosty, she did not flinch, she argued with the opponent, her voice was also full of incomparable anger.

Her beautiful and beautiful cheeks were flushed, her almond eyes were wide open, and she was indeed pissed off. She never expected that Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing would act so shamelessly at this time, and actually wanted to capture Chen Xi to save her. The understanding of the temple is too much.

"Chen Xi?"

Shen Tubao suddenly looked stunned.

"Chen Xi..."

At this moment, Shentu Qingyuan, the lord of the Shentu Clan who had been silent all this time, suddenly had a complicated expression on the corner of his lips, as if he was relieved from a heavy burden.

"Chen Xi!"

Many members of the Shentu clan also heard the word "Chen Xi" in Shentu Yanran's words, and couldn't help but froze, as if they couldn't believe it.

Seeing that Shentu Yanran was so stubborn, Shentu Mingda couldn't help shouting in anger, "Whoever Chen Xi is, he must be killed today..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly seemed to realize something, his whole body froze, and he said in surprise, "Chen Xi? Which Chen Xi?"

"Chen Xi? Could it be that Shenyan Mountain's direct disciple?"

Shentu Xing was also shocked and said in disbelief.

For a moment, the audience was silent, only the voices of the father and son, full of surprise, echoed in the sky and the earth.

At the same time, almost all eyes were focused on Chen Xi who was standing on the battlefield of the Demon Fighting until now.

Everyone has different expressions, surprise, shock, stunned, suspicious...the list goes on.

"Aside from him, who else would dare to confront the God Academy like this?"

Seeing this scene, Shentu Yanran immediately understood that there was no need to hide anymore. She looked at Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing and his son with a slight sarcasm, and said, "Even Gongsun Mu thinks that Tuoba Chuan is not Chen Xi's opponent, so he surrendered and left. But some people are not reconciled, which is really ridiculous.”

In a word, they not only recognized Chen Xi's identity, but also made a mockery of Shentu Mingda and the other two, which caused the expressions of all members of the Shentu clan to be complicated and unpredictable.

Who would have thought that this guy was actually a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain?

Especially that Shentu Mingda and Shentu Xing, their complexions turned blue and white, as if they were struck by lightning, they froze there.

Shentu Qingyuan announced shocking news one after another when the envoy Gongsun Mu and his party had not arrived at the clan hall.

And those news are all related to Chen Xi.

For example, beheading Ye Feng, a descendant of the Ye family of the Eternal Family, beheading Nandu Emperor and his party...

Even Emperor Ziwei, such an immeasurably powerful figure, did not hesitate to go out brazenly in order to repay his kindness, suppressing and killing that Emperor Taijing and his party and the five spirit generals of the Supreme Sect. Everything they did was to protect Chen Xi's safety. .

Until the end, they even heard that Wu Xuechan, the master of Shenyan Mountain University, made a move and killed the Supreme Sacred Priest Mo Lin in one fell swoop!

At that time, when they heard this series of news, Shentu Mingda, Shentu Xing and his son were also shocked, and they clicked their tongues.

But who would have thought that the young man they were hating so much now and wanted to capture was actually Chen Xi!

For a moment, the father and son felt as if someone had knocked a sap in the back, their heads were a little dazed, and their whole body was not well.

Chen Xi, the direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain!

Mr. Wu Xuechan's younger brother!

How could they dare to offend such a character?

At this moment, not to mention capturing Chen Xi, Shentu Mingda and his son wished they could find a crack in the ground to sneak in. There was no other way, the situation was too embarrassing, and they were speechless, but they couldn't help feeling a little bit in their hearts. panic.

Thinking of offending Shenyanshan's direct disciples in order to please the disciples of the seminary, both father and son felt like crying without tears.

"Hey, big brother, big brother, you are shooting yourself in the foot with a rock."

Shen Tubao sighed, but there was some yin and yang in his voice.

Shentu Mingda looked embarrassed, but he couldn't refute at all.

"Brother, you go down first."

In the end, it was Shentu Qingyuan who spoke, and he couldn't bear to see Shentu Mingda and his son continue to be embarrassed.


Shentu Mingda spoke hoarsely, but hesitated to speak, finally he sighed, turned around and took Shentu Xing away.

In the eyes of everyone, his back at the moment looks a little sad, and people can't help feeling sympathetic.

For this, Chen Xi didn't pursue it, and he couldn't pursue it. In the final analysis, Shentu Mingda was a member of the Shentu clan after all, and he was Shentu Yanran's uncle, so he couldn't care too much about it.

Being able to watch the father and son go away in embarrassment now is equivalent to acquiescing to a mistake, which seems a bit commendable.



Next, Shentu Qingyuan put away the Demon Fighting Battlefield, returned to the clan hall, and ordered all the clansmen to retreat, leaving only a few people such as Chen Xi, Shentu Yanran, and Shentu Bao.

"Hehe, it's amazing, he really deserves to be a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain."

Shentu Qingyuan was no longer the taciturn person he was before, looking at Chen Xi who was sitting next to his daughter in the main hall, he unabashedly admired him.

"Senior is wrong."

Chen Xi smiled.

"To be honest, the old man had vaguely guessed your identity as nephew before, but he was too late to be sure, so I neglected you a little bit. I hope you will forgive me."

At this moment, Shentu Qingyuan appeared very frank, and he took the initiative to admit that the reason why he stood on the sidelines before was also because he could not determine Chen Xi's identity.


However, Chen Xi knew very well that the change in Shentu Qingyuan's attitude was due to the fact that he had a good relationship with Shentu Yanran, but more importantly, it was because of his status as a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain.

"Well, I am a little ashamed. What happened today is definitely not what I want to see. Fortunately, my virtuous nephew is here to help my Shentu family resolve a crisis. Otherwise, I really don't know how to reject the seminary." This request."

Shentu Qingyuan sighed.

Chen Xi was startled, and suddenly realized that Shentu Qingyuan had already made a decision, and he didn't have any intention of cooperating with the God Academy.

And being able to make him, the patriarch of the Shentu Clan, so difficult also shows how much pressure the existence of the Divine Academy has put on him.

"Father, now that the matter has been resolved, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

Seeing Shentu Qingyuan sighing and sighing, Shentu Yanran, a daughter, couldn't help but feel a little bit unbearable.

"The matter was indeed resolved, but because of this matter, Chen Xi was allowed to act as a shield for our Shentu clan, and invisibly offended those disciples of the seminary. I really felt a little sorry."

Shentu Qingyuan frowned.

Chen Xi thought to himself, this Shentu Qingyuan was quite able to distinguish right from wrong, and it was worthwhile for him to attack those disciples of the opponent's seminary before.

Of course, the reason why he did this before was to help Shentu Yanran stand out, and he didn't care at all whether he offended Gongsun Mu and his party.

"Since that's the case, then you promise Chen Xi one thing, and take it as compensation for the guilt in your heart."

Shen Tu Yanran pursed his lips and smiled.

"Oh? What's the matter, tell me quickly, as long as I can do it, there is absolutely no reason not to refuse."

Shentu Qingyuan's eyes lit up, and he readily agreed.

At that moment, Shentu Yanran fully revealed Chen Xi's purpose for coming to the Shentu Clan.

"Go to the infinite world with the help of the teleportation array? This is quite simple."

After hearing all this, Shentu Qingyuan couldn't help giving Shentu Yanran a strange look, but immediately agreed without hesitation.

Shentu Yanran's heart trembled for no reason when she saw her father's strange eyes, but she didn't know what it meant, so she couldn't help being puzzled.

"Then thank you senior."

Seeing that this matter was resolved, Chen Xi also heaved a sigh of relief, smiled and cupped his hands in thanks.

"Nephew, you are being polite. Since you are Yanran's friend, then you are not an outsider. You should call me uncle from now on, haha."

Shentu Qingyuan laughed loudly.

"Respect is worse than obedience."

Chen Xi also laughed.

Seeing this, Shentu Yanran couldn't help but feel joy in her heart. Seeing that Chen Xi was able to gain her father's approval, she was naturally quite happy too.

"By the way, Chen Xi, when do you plan to leave?"

Shentubao on the side asked.

"If it's possible, this junior can leave now if he wants to."

Chen Xi pondered.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Shentu Yanran's heart tightened.

"I have offended many people along the way, and now they are probably chasing and killing me all over the world, so it is really inappropriate to stay here for a long time."

Chen Xi didn't hide anything, and replied truthfully, "Only by returning to the sect, maybe all this will be resolved completely."

Seeing this, no matter whether it was Shentu Yanran, Shentu Qingyuan, or Shentu Bao, they stopped trying to persuade them, because they knew that compared to Chen Xi's enemies, their Shentu clan's power really couldn't protect Chen Xi's security.

"Since this is the case, the old man will not keep him anymore, nephew, and please come with the old man."

At that moment, Shentu Qingyuan stood up and led Chen Xi towards the clan hall, intending to personally activate the teleportation array for him and send him away.

Shentu Yanran bit her cherry lips, and also chased after her.


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