divine talisman

Chapter 1821 Qinghe Ziyun


Suddenly, there was a strange and obscure fluctuation in the teleportation array, like a fierce beast that had been silent for countless years quietly waking up.

The dense dao pattern lights up around the divine formation, and strands of blazing divine brilliance evaporate, which is mysterious and vast.

Indistinctly, there were even gods chanting scriptures, and the voices of sages admiring curled up from the divine formation, echoing nine heavens and ten earths.

As Ye Yan introduced before, this kind of teleportation array is different from ordinary ones. It can span multiple time and space and penetrate eight thousand universes in the imperial domain. It is mysterious and unimaginable.

Only among the top powers in the imperial domain with incomparably rich foundations like the Shentu clan can they open up such a teleportation array.

"Thank you."

Standing in the divine formation, Chen Xi cupped his hands in thanks.

"Nephew, you are welcome. If you have free time in the future, you can come and hang around. The old man will definitely wait for you by sweeping the couch."

Outside the divine formation, Shentu Qingyuan laughed heartily.

"It's natural."

Chen Xi smiled. When he was speaking, he looked at Shentu Yanran and said, "Miss Yanran, we will meet later, take care."

"When you go to participate in the Dao Discussion Grand Competition held by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain, I will definitely go to watch the ceremony and cheer for you."

Shentu Yanran said seriously, her eyes were as clear as water, and there was a sincere smile on her beautiful face, her words were full of blessings.

Chen Xi smiled, nodded and said nothing.

"Nephew, take care."

Shentu Qingyuan laughed loudly and activated the teleportation array.


The next moment, the divine brilliance burst into the sky, and the entire divine formation let out a shocking roar. When everything fell silent, there was no longer any trace of Chen Xi in the arena.


Shentu Yanran murmured, a trace of reluctance clearly appeared in her clear eyes.

"Yan Ran, what is your relationship with that Chen Xi?"

Seeing this, Shentu Qingyuan couldn't help asking.

"What's the matter, father, what did you say?"

Shentu Yanran was startled, a rare embarrassment could not help appearing in his expression, and he pretended to speak easily.


Shentu Qingyuan took a deep look at Shentu Yanran.

Immediately he sighed softly, and said hesitantly, "When I was in the clan hall before, I thought that Chen Xi's visit to our Shentu clan this time was to propose a marriage. It seems that I, an old man, was just worrying about it. "

Shentu Yanran was suddenly ashamed, Xiafei's cheeks flushed, and she said angrily: "Father!" She looked like a shy little girl.

"Hahaha, I'm joking."

Shentu Qingyuan laughed, and strode away with his hands behind his back, muttering in his mouth as he walked, "But having said that, wouldn't it be better if you could become Taoist companions with the disciples of Shenyan Mountain?"

They gradually walked away, but the voice fell into Shentu Yanran's ears, which made her ears blush, but inadvertently recalled Chen Xi's figure in her mind, and recalled the various deeds that she had experienced together in the ancient ruins... …

She couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

It took a long time before Shentu Yanran came back to her senses, sighed inexplicably, laughed at herself, and shook her head endlessly.

It's good, but it's a pity, that guy's thoughts have never been on the love of his children.


Time and space flow, stars move, and a series of strange and distorted scenes continue to emerge in the field of vision, just like a fleeting image.

After a cup of tea time.

All of this disappeared suddenly, Chen Xi only felt a shock all over his body, and the next moment he came to an extremely strange starry sky.

"This should be the infinite universe..."

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help letting out a long breath, and felt relaxed all over his body.

Less than half a year has passed since he left Taichu Guan, but during this half year, he has been hunted down again and again, and his body and mind have always been in a state of tension.

It is only now that he has reached Wuji Zhouyu, and he has completely relaxed. Although he has not yet reached the Shenyan Mountain sect, his heart has become more at ease and stable.

Without hesitation, Chen Xi took out the jade slip presented by his senior brother Wu Xuechan, and gently pinched it.

With a bang, the jade was reduced to light and rain flying, and a deep passage like a whirlpool was suddenly outlined in the void.

"It's amazing, this should be a method of space communication in Talisman."

Chen Xi smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and stepped into the passage.


Shenyan Mountain, one of the five extremes of the Imperial Domain.

Looking at the entire Ancient God Realm, it seems like a supreme existence that can only be looked up to.

However, compared to Nuwa Palace, Supreme Sect, Taoist Temple, and Divine Academy, Shenyan Mountain can definitely be regarded as the most mysterious and low-key sect.

From ancient times to the present, in the entire Ancient God Realm, it is rare to even see the descendants of Shenyan Mountain appearing in the world. This undoubtedly casts a veil of mystery on Shenyan Mountain.

But there is no doubt that in the boundless years that the ancient gods have existed to this day, whenever there are shocking changes in the world, the figure of Shenyan Mountain will inevitably be seen.

It is also because of this that the prestige of Shenyan Mountain can be spread all over the world, and it is well known by the living beings in the world.

Of course, they only know the name of Shenyan Mountain. About the inheritance of Shenyan Mountain, and even the location of its sect, only a very few people know how many disciples it has.

In other words, the vast majority of cultivators in the world still don't know how deep the true foundation of Shenyan Mountain is!


As if countless years had passed, and as if it had only passed for a moment, Chen Xi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he had already arrived in front of a mountain.

This mountain is majestic and beautiful, standing in the sky, straight up to the sky, surrounded by mist, the sun is transpiring, and thousands of auspicious clouds are falling.

It is so tall, it seems to be inserted into the sky, standing in front of it, making people feel as small as an ant.

Even Chen Xi, when he saw this scene, couldn't help feeling a little shocked in his heart.

After reaching his level, one can see at a glance that there is a general trend of "air luck" up and down this mountain, which seems to gather here the secrets of heaven and the rhyme of Taoism, producing the words "heaven and earth become Tao, and Tao transforms nature". Grand sight.

"Is this the location of Shenyan Mountain's sect in the Ancient God Realm?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and keenly noticed that it seemed to be just a mountain, but it was comparable to a world, and it seemed to have an infinite space.

This place is very similar to the "Xuanzhu Ancestral Temple" and "Taichu Divine Garden" that Chen Xi has seen, both of which are isolated from the world and detached from the outside world.

But it is different from them, because here, the aura of "Tao" can be clearly perceived everywhere.

If you practice Taoism here, it is even easier than the outside world, as if you are in a land of the source of Dao, it is extremely miraculous, even a little unbelievable.

And being able to open up such a place is definitely called a supernatural workmanship, possessing the power of supreme good fortune.

There is no doubt that this is Shenyan Mountain!

A sacred mountain bearing countless legends, a sacred place of monasticism revered by the world!

After standing still for a long time, Chen Xi finally withdrew his gaze, and his mood regained a little calm.

Not far in front of you is a winding path. On both sides of the path, there are luxuriant ancient trees and moss. Plants of rare magic medicine grow in it, spraying spirits and fragrance like rain.

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xi raised his feet and walked up the path. Along the way, he could see green cypresses entrenched, green pines standing tall, waterfalls and springs, clear streams gurgling, dotted with exotic flowers and herbs, wild fruits and rare treasures scattered here and there, It is picturesque, quiet and distant.

Walking in it, you will feel a sense of tranquility unconsciously, as if you are detached from the world, freed from the shackles of the world, as if you want to ride the wind and go with the avenue.

It's really extraordinary here.

Just like the place where the ancient innate gods lived, you can see the luck of the Dao everywhere!

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Xi was walking up the mountain road when suddenly a voice came from far away on the mountain.

"Don't talk about the Dao, just ask the original heart. I have now realized the wonderful truth of tempering the Taoist heart. It will not take long before I will be recognized by Senior Xingzhen and accept me as a disciple."

"Lingke, you have something in your heart, and you have already fallen into the lower realm, and you still want to be recognized by senior Xingzhen. This is the Taoist heart you have now? It's a bit ridiculous."

"Yunping, you don't understand. If you have attachments in your heart, you will stick to it as one. If you have no attachments, you will be like duckweed in running water, and you can only follow the flow. This is what Senior Xingzhen said personally."

Chen Xi was stunned, someone was talking about it?

He walked forward, and saw a cliff flat on one side of the mountainside. On the cliff flat, ancient rocks were piled up, green bamboos were swirling, and a waterfall hung down like a white dragon, splashing pearl-like water, all of which poured into a pool of green water. .

On the side of the bitan, stood two figures, both young men with long hair, one was dressed in gray, with a green lotus leaf on his head, thick eyebrows and big eyes, his figure was high and hidden, and he exuded a compelling aura.

The other has her head tied in a bun, her lips are red and her teeth are white, her face is clear and strange, and there are wisps of purple mist all over her body, and her temperament is also exquisite and extraordinary.

With a glance, Chen Xi saw through the bodies of the two young men. The former was transformed from a green lotus plant, while the body of the latter was a purple cloud.

In other words, these two teenagers are actually two spiritual beings born between heaven and earth!

"It's interesting that a green lotus and a purple cloud are discussing here."

Chen Xi couldn't help but laugh. He recognized that these two young men had just cultivated the divine way and transformed into human beings. Their cultivation bases were not very strong. What was rare and precious was that their bones were all pure and clear, not stained with dust, and their talents were quite outstanding.

From the outside world, it can be said that it is a good seedling with excellent talent and one in a million.

"This fellow Taoist, why are you laughing, did I say something wrong?"

The young man with his hair in a bun and red lips and white teeth opened his mouth. Obviously he also noticed Chen Xi, but he didn't seem surprised that Chen Xi appeared here.

"You're right. Only when the heart is attached can it become a weapon, but what is attached is the heart of the original self, not delusions."

Chen Xi casually dialed something.

"What this fellow Taoist said is very true. The wonderful truth that Lingke has realized has obviously fallen behind."

The young man transformed from a green lotus laughed heartily.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, it seems that I was wrong, thank you fellow daoist for your guidance."

The young man named Ling Ke showed embarrassment, and thanked Chen Xi with his fists cupped, looking very polite.

He knew his mistake and admitted his mistake, without any intention of getting angry, but accepted it readily, which made Chen Xi a little surprised, this young man's temperament is really rare.


ps: 3 updates tomorrow.


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