divine talisman

Chapter 1822

The boy transformed from that green lotus is named Yunping, and the boy transformed from that purple cloud is named Lingke. Both boys are spirit bodies born between heaven and earth, with pure and excellent roots.

This made Chen Xi uncontrollably curious, and asked, "Are you all disciples of Shenyan Mountain?"


The two teenagers shook their heads in unison, speaking in unison.

"But we hope that one day we can worship under Senior Xingzhen."

Yun Ping said, with hope in his eyes.

"Yes, Senior Xingzhen is very kind. He often goes down the mountain to teach us how to practice. Most of the spiritual bodies like us who were born in this mountain have been taught by Senior Xingzhen. He helped us open up our spiritual wisdom and taught us the magic method of cultivation. In my heart, I feel like a reborn parent."

Ling Ke also spoke, his voice full of admiration and respect from the bottom of his heart.

"Really? Is he a disciple of Shenyan Mountain?"

Chen Xi asked.

"Yes, he is the disciple of Senior Wen Ting."

Yunping nodded.

Chen Xi was startled, and became more and more confused: "Who is this senior Wen Ting?"

"You don't know Senior Wen Ting? She is a master with superb cultivation and profound Taoism."

Yun Ping was a little surprised, it seemed that Chen Xi had never even heard of Senior Wen Ting.

"I really don't know who she is."

Chen Xi groaned. Originally, he thought that besides himself, there were only senior brother Wu Xuechan, third senior brother Tie Yunhai, fourth senior brother old and poor, fifth senior brother Li Fuyao, sixth senior brother Cang Tu, seventh senior sister Gu Liangqin, etc. in Shenyan Mountain. disciple.

Who would have thought that when he actually arrived at the sect of Shenyan Mountain, he found that the situation seemed to be different from what he knew.

Xingzhen, Wen Ting... who are they?

"Fellow Daoist, you don't recognize Senior Wen Ting, you should recognize Senior Tang Xian, right?"

Ling Ke couldn't help but speak.

"Tang Xian?"

Chen Xi suddenly smiled wryly. He didn't know him yet, so he couldn't help but ask, "Who is this Tang Xian?"

Ling Ke and Yun Ping looked at each other, and they both stopped talking. They hadn't worshiped Shenyan Mountain yet, so they knew very little. They only saw the senior Xingzhen, and occasionally heard about Wen Ting and Tang Xian from Xingzhen. No matter how many names there are, they will not know.

Seeing this, Chen Xi knew that he couldn't figure out why, and said, "Then you guys continue to discuss the Dao, so I'll take my leave first."

With that said, Chen Xi resumed his actions and walked up the mountain road.

Immediately, he couldn't help stamping his feet again, raised his eyebrows, turned his head and asked, "You two little brothers, don't you wonder who I am?"

In fact, what Chen Xi said was that you are not surprised to see a stranger like me appearing in Shenyan Mountain?Even seeing me climbing up the mountain, how could I interrogate me without stopping me a little bit?Don't you worry that I'm a bad person?

However, it was obvious that neither Yun Ping nor Ling Ke realized the deep meaning of Chen Xi's words.

Both of them let out an ah, showing shame on their faces, and Yun Ping saluted: "Sorry, sorry, the two of us have never gone down the mountain, and I don't know much about worldly etiquette. How dare you ask Youzun's name?"

Seeing this, Chen Xi immediately sighed in his heart, and said, "My name is Chen Xi."

After all, he no longer hesitated and walked up the mountain road.

"Chen Xi?"

Not long after Chen Xi left, Yun Ping seemed to remember something, scratched his head in doubt and said, "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere."

There was a slap, but it was Ling Ke who slapped his forehead suddenly, and shouted: "I remembered, Senior Xingzhen mentioned it occasionally a few years ago, saying that he has a little master uncle who will return in a few years. "

"That's right, that's right, that little master-uncle Senior Xingzhen is talking about is Chen Xi!"

Yun Ping also reacted, suddenly realized.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I got advice from senior Chen Xi before. This is my luck, Lingke!"

Ling Ke said happily.

"Sigh, I regret why I only realized it now. If I had known it was Senior Chen Xi, I should have taken the opportunity to ask him for some secrets of cultivation."

Yun Ping beat his chest and stamped his feet, regretting very much, "It's a good thing now, I missed this opportunity, and I don't know if I can meet Senior Chen Xi again in the future."

Both teenagers turned their eyes to the mountain road, with a look of regret on their faces.

They are only spirit bodies born on Shenyan Mountain, not disciples of Shenyan Mountain, so they have no chance to set foot on the Shenshan Mountain.


It didn't take long to come to a lush and green pine forest in the mountains. The white mist in the forest is full of rare birds and animals.

At this moment, there was a young man in brown sitting cross-legged in the pine forest. He had a straight waist, a handsome face, and a mysterious flame tattoo between his eyebrows.

At this time, he was frowning, his eyes were fixed on the ground in front of him, as if he was concentrating on deducing something, and he was still muttering incessantly.

"Wood is the source of vitality, so it is endless, but it is in conflict with fire, and it is restrained by gold. If you want to merge into one, to achieve the point where the five elements are born together, and go round and round, what should I do..."

"Communicate with the heavens and the earth, unite with the gods and spirits, and blend with the Dao, but there is only one lack of potential, after all, it lacks a charm."

This passage fell into Chen Xi's ears, but it gave him a sense of familiarity. He couldn't help stepping forward. After sweeping his eyes, he found that there were densely carved lines on the ground in front of the brown-clothed youth. Obscure oracle pattern.

There are five in total, presenting the momentum of the five elements, sitting in five directions, turning into a round image, forming a large array of five elements.

Those five sacred talismans are the sacred talismans of the Qing Emperor Wood Emperor, the White Emperor Golden Emperor talisman, the Red Emperor Fire Emperor talisman, the Black Emperor Water Emperor talisman, and the Yellow Emperor Earth Emperor talisman!

Chen Xi knew these five divine talismans like the back of his hand, and he had mastered them as early as in the Three Realms, so how could he not recognize them?

However, with his current gaze, he can see that although the five elements deduced by the young man in brown clothes seem to be complete and complete, they cannot be perfectly integrated with each other, forming a general trend of circulation.

Come to think of it, this was also the problem that the brown-clothed youth was struggling with.

"It seems that this person should be a disciple in the sect."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, and he could tell at a glance that the brown-clothed youth was actually transformed by a spirit body, and his body was a ray of "divine flame" born between heaven and earth. , with outstanding qualifications.

And the foundation of Taoism is extremely solid, and he already has the cultivation base of the ancestor god in the middle stage.

"Everyone in the world knows the power of the five-element cycle, but these five-element talismans all possess the highest and wonderful truth of the Talisman, and it is really difficult to integrate them. However, the method taught by the master is not wrong. Could it be that I am enlightened? Can't do it right?"

The brown-clothed man frowned, thought hard, and muttered in his lips, but he didn't notice Chen Xi's arrival at all.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but said: "Although the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, they can be integrated into the Dao of Talismans and used by the power of Dao Talismans. Perhaps you can try to comprehend the mysteries of the runes of these five divine talismans one by one. If you understand it thoroughly, you will naturally know how to control the five elements, so that they can regenerate and regenerate each other.”

The brown-clothed youth froze as if struck by lightning. He was stunned for a long time, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"That's right! Why did I ignore the beauty of the Talisman derivation?"

The young man in brown slapped his thigh, ecstatic.

But immediately, he seemed to realize something, reacted suddenly, and then noticed Chen Xi's existence, and quickly stood up, saying: "Thank you for your guidance, fellow daoist, but... dare to ask me?"

Chen Xi smiled and said, "I'm next, Chen Xi."

"So it's fellow Taoist Chen Xi... huh? Wait, you said you're Chen Xi?"

The young man in brown clothes was talking, when he suddenly remembered something, his eyes widened suddenly, with an incredulous expression on his face.

Chen Xi nodded, but wondered in his heart, could it be that his appearance was surprising?

Immediately, he saw the brown-clothed young man take a deep breath, bowed and saluted, and said: "My disciple is true, and I pay my respects to Master Uncle!"

Master Uncle!

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment. A guy in the middle stage of the Ancestor God actually called himself Master Uncle?

If he hadn't been sure that this was Shenyan Mountain, Chen Xi would have almost suspected that this guy had mistaken him.

And this claim also made Chen Xi more certain that the situation in Shenyan Mountain seemed to be different from what he knew.

In fact, it's right to think about it. He has practiced so far, and he only knows about his senior brother Wu Xuechan and his thirteen senior brothers and sisters.

As for other situations, nothing is known.

"Are you serious?"

Chen Xi calmed himself down for a while before speaking.

"Master uncle has heard of the disciple?"

Xing Zhen was surprised.

"When I went up the mountain before, I heard the two little guys mention you."

Chen Xi smiled, but he was thinking in his heart, this profession really calls himself a master uncle, so if it is true that Master Wen Ting has to call himself a master uncle?

My seniority... seems to have become too high all of a sudden, right?

"It turns out that Master Uncle was talking about the two little guys, Yun Ping and Ling Ke."

Xingzhen came to a sudden, and immediately he said with a little excitement, "Before, I would like to thank my uncle for his guidance, and solved a difficult problem that my disciple couldn't understand."

"It's nothing, even without my guidance, with your knowledge of talismans, you will definitely be able to comprehend this in a short time."

Chen Xi casually said that what he said was the truth. He had begun to comprehend the Five Elements Divine Talisman as early as in the human world, but at that time he only knew how to carve the runes in the Divine Talisman, and he was unable to display even one ten-thousandth of the Five Elements Divine Talisman. power.

It was also after arriving in the Immortal Realm that he realized some deep-seated mysteries of the Five Elements Divine Talisman, and finally understood all the wonderful meanings of the various Divine Talismans.

However, Chen Xi was only able to fully display the power of the Five Elements Divine Talisman only after he became an existence in the divine realm.

In comparison, it is pretty good if the action in front of you can really comprehend this step on the Talisman Dao.

Of course, after all, Xingzhen is an existence in the state of an ancestor god, and his attainments in talisman and dao are far inferior to Chen Xi's.

"By the way, how could I have forgotten that this is the first time you have returned to the sect, Master Uncle Chen Xi. A few years ago, Master Wu Xue's uncle told you that if you arrive at Shenyan Mountain, he will take you to see Grand Master Tie Yunhai. Uncle Shi will arrange everything for you."

Xingzhen suddenly remembered something and said with a smile.

"Brother Tie Yunhai?"

Hearing this familiar name, some doubts in Chen Xi's heart were also swept away, and he said with a smile, "Then please help me lead the way."

Xingzhen hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Master uncle, don't be so polite, this is what a disciple should do."


ps: The second update is at 10 o'clock, and the third update is before 12 o'clock.Dear friends, please vote for the monthly pass in your hand, the ranking has been unable to enter the top 20, so as to discourage the enthusiasm of goldfish~


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