divine talisman

Chapter 1823 Shen Yan 3 Lords

The mountain road twists and turns and winds up.

On the way, Chen Xi also learned about the specific situation of Shenyan Mountain from Xingzhen, and finally resolved the doubts in his heart.

It turns out that Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain, has two other juniors. Since Fuxi left in the air many years ago, these two old antiques have been sitting in Shenyan Mountain.

They are "Emperor Shun" and "Wen Daozhen", with unfathomable cultivation, they existed at the same time as Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, and they can be called living fossil-level antiques.

Fuxi, Emperor Shun, and Wen Daozhen are also known as the "Three Masters of Shenyan".

Over the years, because of these two being in charge, no one dared to underestimate Shenyan Mountain even if Fuxi, the lord of Shenyan Mountain, drifted away without a trace.

However, these two old antiques have been retreating all the time, and in the state of reaching the limit of comprehension, unless there is a shocking accident, they will definitely not appear easily.

Xiang Xingzhen belongs to the lineage of the third patriarch Wen Daozhen.

Xingzhen's master is named Wen Ting, Wen Ting's master is named Tang Xian, and Tang Xian's master is Wen Daozhen, the third patriarch.

In other words, this Xingzhen is the third generation disciple of Wen Daozhen's lineage.

This is also the reason why Xingzhen called Chen Xi his master's uncle, because in terms of seniority, Chen Xi can be regarded as the first generation of direct disciple of Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain.

It is worth mentioning that in the entire Shenyan Mountain, Fuxi's lineage, including Chen Xi, has only fourteen direct disciples so far, and there are no intergenerational disciples.

As for Emperor Shun's lineage, they have not accepted any disciples so far, so naturally they do not have any successors.

Only Wen Daozhen's lineage not only has three generations of disciples, but each generation has quite a few disciples, it can be called the lineage with the largest number of disciples in Shenyan Mountain.

And according to the strict orthodox inheritance, only Chen Xi and his 14 senior brothers can be regarded as the direct descendants of Shenyan Mountain.

The vein like Wen Daozhen can only be regarded as a side branch.

After understanding all this, Chen Xi finally understood that Shenyan Mountain was not as simple as he imagined.

It is also finally clear why Shenyan Mountain is honored as one of the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain". It turns out that there are living fossil-level antiques such as Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen sitting in the gate of the mountain!

Not only that, there are also many more disciples in the mountain gate than expected, which naturally means that Shenyan Mountain does not lack the peak power in every realm!

All of this was something Chen Xi had never known before.

Similarly, knowing all of this also allowed Chen Xi to further understand the background of Shenyan Mountain.

In fact, this is normal. Like the Supreme Master, there are disciples, true disciples, elders, red-robed priests, and holy priests. It can be called a giant.

Like the temple, it is divided into levels such as discipline disciples, Taoist disciples, palm seal disciples, teaching elders, etc., which are also strictly hierarchical.

Compared with these two major forces, it is reasonable for Shenyan Mountain to have such a power system. Otherwise, there are only 14 brothers and sisters, and Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain who has disappeared without a trace, what is there to do? The four poles of the other imperial domains competed.

Of course, in comparison, the power of Shenyan Mountain still seems to be a little weak, and it cannot be compared with the giants like the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy with countless disciples.

But Chen Xi was clear that the number of disciples he had had absolutely no influence on the strength of one side.

Just like a sect with tens of thousands of disciples of Dongguang Lingshen, it is absolutely no match for a sect with ten disciples of the Ancestral God Realm.

As for the giants like Shenyan Mountain, Taishangjiao, and Shenyuan, which can be said to be the supreme forces in the entire ancient gods, it is impossible to compare the number of disciples to compare which one is better.

In short, although the number of disciples in Shenyan Mountain is small, the power of each disciple is absolutely beyond imagination.

The so-called "soldiers are more expensive than fine", this is the case.


"Master Uncle, further up is the important place of the mountain gate. I can't enter it with my current cultivation, but I will ask Master later, and she will take you to meet Master Uncle Tie Yunhai."

After a stick of incense, Xingzhen suddenly stopped and said in a low voice.


Chen Xi nodded. Having traveled so far, he also keenly noticed that as the mountain rose, an obscure restraining force quietly emerged, filling every inch of the void.

It seems invisible and qualityless, and it is silent, but one can walk in it, but it makes people feel an indescribable pressure physically and mentally.

According to Chen Xi's deduction, even with his current power, he might not be able to withstand this kind of power in the near future.

Xing Zhen took Chen Xi to continue walking, and not long after, he came to a cliff flat.

This cliff flat covers an area of ​​less than a thousand feet, among which old trees are intertwined, green grass is green, purple vines hang down, gorgeous bees and butterflies are flying in it, and an ancient thatched cottage is built on one side.

In front of the thatched cottage is a winding clear stream. At this moment, there is a big colorful tiger lazily lying on the bank of the clear stream, teasing a colorful butterfly with its tail, very leisurely.

In front of the hut, there is a stone table on display, with one person sitting on each side of the stone table, drinking tea and talking.

On the left side of the stone table is a woman in Tsing Yi, with black hair hanging down her waist, her face is beautiful and elegant, and her every move has a natural and simple meaning.

But from a distance, there seems to be an invisible stalwart power on her body, which makes people palpitate.

Sitting opposite to the woman in Tsing Yi was a short, fat old man with a childlike face and white hair, and a fairy demeanor. He sat down casually, like an emperor overlooking the world, and his aura was extremely frightening.

"That's my master Wen Ting. Master, she has no father or mother since she was a child. She was an orphan. Later, she was adopted by the third patriarch. The name was given by the third patriarch himself."

From a distance, Xing Zhen looked at the woman in Tsing Yi, with a look of awe and admiration from the heart, and whispered to Chen Xi.

"As for the other one, the disciple doesn't recognize him. He presumably is a friend who came to visit Master."

Chen Xi nodded his head, but he was secretly astonished in his heart. He could tell at a glance that Wen Ting was actually an existence of the Emperor Realm!

"Xingzhen, aren't you deducing and delving into the Five Elements Divine Talisman, why are you here at this time?"

Suddenly, the woman in Tsing Wen turned her head, glanced at Xingzhen indifferently, and asked softly.

"Fellow Taoist Wen Ting, this is your disciple Xingzhen? Sure enough, he is a good root. I heard that he was born in the abyss of the Northern Darkness as a ray of 'innate five-color divine flame', and now he is following Practicing by your side, the future path will be limitless."

Before the pedestrian could open his mouth, the short and fat old man with immortal demeanor had already expressed his admiration.

Seeing this, Xingzhen immediately bowed and said: "Senior, you are absurdly praised."

When Xing really wanted to introduce Chen Xi's identity, the short and fat old man said in amazement, "Hey, who is this little guy? His fate is hidden by heaven's secrets. It's really rare in the world!"

His gaze was overflowing with radiance, and he stared at Chen Xi for a long time, with a look of surprise on his brows.

That Wen Ting couldn't help being startled, and looked at Chen Xi, but found that his face was strange, and he had never seen it before.

"Really, who is this little friend?"

Wen Ting asked.

"Master, this is Chen Xi, the grand uncle who has never returned to the sect these years."

Xingzhen hurriedly introduced.

Chen Xi!

Wen Ting's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly got up, staring carefully at Chen Xi for a long time with a little bit of surprise, finally took a deep breath, bowed and said, "Disciple Wen Ting, I have seen Master Uncle."

An emperor exists, but at this moment, he salutes Chen Xi, the ancestral god, and calls him "Little Martial Uncle"!

Seeing this scene, the short and fat old man froze in shock. With a puff, he sprayed out the tea from his mouth. Immediately, he stood up with a little embarrassment, and cupped his hands at Chen Xi, "Sorry, I was rude earlier."

He was apologizing for calling Chen Xi a "little guy" before.

"No problem."

Chen Xi smiled, and couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous in his heart. He didn't expect that he would have an extra female nephew at the Emperor level...

"The disciple doesn't know that the uncle is returning today, and he is far away to welcome him. I still hope that the uncle is Haihan."

Wen Ting salutes, but it looks like it should be done, without any coyness or conflict. It is really rare for a being in the emperor realm to do this.

"You're welcome."

Chen Xi couldn't help but wryly smiled, feeling a bit uncomfortable when speaking in this seniority.

Seeing this, Wen Ting nodded and said, "Master Uncle, this is Feng Rongxun, the Taoist elder, named 'Emperor Rongxun'."

As he said that, Wen Ting introduced to the short and fat old man again: "Fellow Taoist Rong Xun, this is my uncle Chen Xi, the number 14 direct disciple of my uncle Fuxi."

"I have seen..."

Emperor Rongxun was waiting to be greeted, but he found out embarrassingly that, if counted according to his seniority, as Wen Ting's friend, he even had to call Chen Xi, a young man in the Ancestral God Realm, a senior.

This made him a little speechless.

"It turns out that you are an expert in the Taoist academy, so you don't have to stick to your seniority. You and I should be called friends."

Chen Xi laughed, but he understood the other party's slightly embarrassed state of mind.

Even so, it seems to be a bit of an advantage to have a relationship with an emperor of the same generation.

Of course, Emperor Rongxun didn't think so, and he finally understood at this moment that the young man in front of him was actually the No. 14 personal disciple accepted by the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, and he was really shocked in his heart.

Seeing that Chen Xi didn't have any arrogance, he also heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "It's the best, it's the best."

As he spoke, he bid farewell to Wen Ting, but Wen Ting did not hold back.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Xi, if there is an opportunity, I hope you can come to the Taoist Academy as a guest."

Before leaving, Emperor Rongxun also bid farewell to Chen Xi with a smile.


Chen Xi also cupped his hands and smiled.

Wen Ting smiled at Chen Xi until he watched Emperor Rongxun leave, "Uncle, our sect has been waiting for your return all these years."

Chen Xi was stunned, and he couldn't help feeling a warm current in his heart. Only when he returned to Shenyan Mountain, would everyone treat him as one of his own. This kind of feeling was indeed something he couldn't experience normally.

Immediately, Chen Xi ordered Wen Ting to take him to meet third senior brother Tie Yunhai.

"Uncle, come with me."

Wen Ting did not delay, and immediately led Chen Xi towards a higher place in Shenyan Mountain.

As for Xingzhen, he has already returned to the foot of the mountain.


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