divine talisman

Chapter 1824 Zhenshen Brewing

When he continued to go up the mountain, the leader beside him had been replaced by a female emperor, and she kept calling herself uncle. It took Chen Xi a long time to get used to it, and he calmly accepted all of this.

In the outside world, perhaps he and Wen Ting could be called "dao friends", but in this sect, seniority etiquette must be followed, and no discrepancies can be tolerated.

Even if Wen Tinggui exists in the Emperor Realm, but in front of Chen Xi, he still has to consider himself a disciple.

What made Chen Xi speechless was that this Wen Ting was not an ordinary emperor, but a strong man who had already reached the eight-star emperor level, and was only a hair away from breaking through to the nine-star emperor level!

From the outside world, he is definitely a powerful figure.

And his master, Tang Xian, is a terrifying existence at the level of a Taoist master!

From this, we can know how frightening the power among the disciples of Shenyan Mountain is, they can be called hidden dragons and crouching tigers, capable people emerge in large numbers.

But think about it, in fact, this is normal.

The eldest brother Wu Xuechan is the master of Taoism, and Tang Xian, as the eldest disciple of the third patriarch Wen Daozhen, can reach the realm of Taoism master, which is also reasonable.

But back then, Emperor Ziwei was able to cross borders after being taught by his elder brother Wu Xuechan, and he had cultivated to this level. As Tang Xian's direct disciple, Wen Ting could not be any worse.

Along the way, Chen Xi also learned a lot from Wen Ting.

For example, Wen Dao Zhenlong has a total of nineteen direct disciples, and this Daoist Tang Xian is the most powerful one, and he has reached the realm of Daoist a long time ago.

Among the second-generation disciples of Wen Daozhen's lineage, that is, Wen Ting's disciples, there are a total of 37 people, and Wen Ting ranks third.

As for the three generations of disciples, there are more.

It is worth mentioning that although Wen Ting is the adopted daughter of the third patriarch Wen Daozhen, she worshiped Tang Xian as her teacher when she was in the sect.

It seems that it violates the difference of seniority, but this is Wen Daozhen's order. As for the reason, only Wen Daozhen himself knows.


He didn't know how long he had been walking, when suddenly an invisible oppressive force surged in like a tide, causing Chen Xi to suffocate.


With a wave of Wen Ting's sleeve robe, hundreds of millions of blazing runes evolved into a dazzling light, sweeping away, dispelling all the oppressive forces in an instant.

"Uncle, this is an important place in the mountain gate. Only disciples who have cultivated above the emperor level can set foot there, but you will definitely understand the beauty of the forbidden place in the mountain in the future, so don't worry about it."

Wen Ting explained, and then continued to lead Chen Xi forward.


Along the way, Chen Xi realized that Shenyan Mountain was indeed too steep, and the mountain road he walked was just one of them.

And along the way, he discovered more than one secret realm opened in the void. According to Wen Ting's explanation, those secret realms were all hidden cultivation places of some brothers of the same sect.

However, those orthodox disciples like Fuxi did not practice in these secret places, but in a pure land on the top of the mountain.

Now, the third senior brother Tie Yunhai is practicing in a pure land on the top of the mountain.

After a stick of incense.

The two finally reached the top of the mountain.

I saw the sea of ​​clouds tumbling, surrounded by stars, sprinkled with endless brilliance, rendering the mountain top sacred, vast and magnificent.

Standing here, you can see all the mountains and small mountains, and overlook the taste of the world.


A silver waterfall falls from the nine heavens, with a majestic momentum, that waterfall is transformed by the incomparably pure Dao Qi!

After falling from the sky, it transformed into wisps of divine radiance that diffused throughout the entire Shenyan Mountain, nourishing all things and nurturing vitality, appearing miraculous and extraordinary.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and felt Dao Qi pouring into his body, and the Qi machine in his body was seething and seething, as if he was about to float away and merge into the Dao, that feeling was indescribably vast and peaceful.

If you practice here, it will definitely have an incredible effect!

"Awesome, bringing together the Dao Qi of the Nine Heavens is already called a wonderful workmanship, borrowing the luck of the Dao of Heaven, if you want to achieve this step, you must at least be in the Dao Master Realm..."

Chen Xi was amazed and deeply moved.

From arriving at Shenyan Mountain to now climbing to the top of the mountain, everything he witnessed along the way made Chen Xi realize how transcendent and extraordinary the sect he was in was.

"Hahaha, junior brother, you are finally here!"

Suddenly, an incomparably heroic laughter came, shaking the clouds, and the voice was full of joy.

Before the voice fell, Chen Xi suddenly felt someone hugging his shoulders, and a big hand slapped his back fiercely a few times, causing Chen Xi to churn with qi and blood.

However, when he saw clearly the appearance of the person who came, Chen Xi immediately smiled too, an incomparably brilliant smile, and he had never been as happy as he thought he was at this moment in all these years.

I saw that man was tall and majestic, with bronze skin, beard and swallow jaw, as mighty as an iron tower, looking down on no one else, who else could it be if it was not the third senior brother Tie Yunhai?

"Three Senior Brothers!"

Chen Xi opened his mouth, and in just three words, he already expressed the excitement in his heart at the moment.

"Hahaha, it's good that An Ran comes back."

Tie Yunhai laughed, looked at Chen Xi with emotion, and said, "Originally, I planned to go to the outside world to pick you up, but I was taken a step ahead by the elder brother, but I didn't expect that even the elder brother would encounter some accidents when he dispatched. You have not arrived at the sect until now, these years... I have really wronged you."

"Third senior brother, I have been very happy these years, so there is no grievance."

Chen Xi laughed.

Seeing the two senior brothers chatting happily, Wen Ting couldn't help smiling, turned around quietly and left, not wanting to disturb the two senior brothers.

"Walk, go, senior brother has been waiting for you for a long time."

As Tie Yunhai said, he led Chen Xi towards the side of the mountain.

"Eldest brother is back?"

Chen Xi said in surprise.

"After he killed the old man Molina, on the way back, he was almost stopped by the Supreme Leader. Fortunately, Master Shun dispatched in time to avoid the catastrophe. I never thought that he actually killed Namolin."

Tie Yunhai said with emotion, "Even so, Eldest Senior Brother has already received quite a few injuries, which is considered lucky. If the Supreme Leader succeeds this time, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart. He never expected that such an incomparably thrilling thing would happen after his elder brother killed the Supreme Priest, Mo Lin.

Because of Mo Lin's death, even figures like the Taishang Sect Master were enraged and attacked. It is conceivable how great the impact of the fall of a Taoist Master is.

If this incident is introduced to the Ancient God Realm, it will inevitably cause a huge disturbance, and even make the situation in the entire Imperial Realm tense.

After all, the fall of the Supreme Priest Mo Lin, the injury of Wu Xuechan, the Grand Master of Shenyan Mountain, and the simultaneous actions of such supreme figures as the Master of the Supreme Sect and the Second Patriarch of Shenyan Mountain, Di Shun, will have an impact beyond imagination. up.

"Junior brother, you don't have to be nervous, the world is not in chaos yet."

Seeing Chen Xi's frowning expression, Tie Yunhai couldn't help but burst out laughing, "What's more, no matter how much the Supreme Master hates Eldest Senior Brother, he definitely wouldn't dare to come to our Shenyan Mountain to play wild."

Chen Xi suddenly burst into a wry smile. These things were too shocking, and he couldn't help but think wildly.

While talking, the two had come to a blessed place in the cave.

The end of this cave is extremely miraculous, entering it is like entering a big world.

The sky is vast and far away, the earth is murky, and Shenxiu mountains and peaks rise from the ground, dotted with streams and lakes. From time to time, divine birds with magnificent wings fly past and sprinkle a series of loud and clear cries, just like a piece of land isolated from the world. The pure land is filled with peace, tranquility and serenity everywhere.

On one of the blue lakes, there stands a green bamboo pavilion.

At this moment, Wu Xuechan, a senior with white hair like silver and a gentle complexion, is sitting in the bamboo pavilion, holding a fishing rod, and is fishing by the fence.


When Chen Xi and Tie Yunhai arrived, the fishing rod in Wu Xuechan's hand moved and shook lightly, and a dragon turtle with a snow-white body and about the size of a palm was fished out.

"Silver-scaled dragon turtle, this is an auspicious omen. Looking at it now, it turned out to be the blessing brought by you, junior brother."

Wu Xuechan smiled casually, threw the silver-scaled dragon turtle into the lake, and looked at Chen Xi with a smile.

"I have seen Big Brother."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"You're welcome, sit down with the third child."

Wu Xuechan waved her hand casually, and had set up a stone table in the bamboo pavilion, and took out a wine gourd, and filled a glass of wine for herself, Chen Xi, and Tie Yunhai.

"In the past, we have not been able to sit down and chat, but today we finally meet again, we should have a drink, come, the three of us brothers and sisters will have a drink first!"

Wu Xuechan raised her glass and said with a hearty smile.

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Tie Yunhai picked up the wine glass and said to Chen Xi, "Little brother, this is the 'Ten Treasures Wine' brewed by the senior brother himself. It has been sealed for an unknown number of years. Usually, I can't even take a sip. This time, it's thanks to you." what."

"Oh, then I'll have to try it out."

Chen Xi smiled, and also raised his wine glass.

At that moment, the three brothers raised their glasses and drank together. Before long, they had already downed more than ten glasses of wine, very hearty and dripping.

This "Ten Treasures Wine" is brewed from some kind of god. It tastes sweet and spicy, and it tastes like a fire dragon melting into ice and snow. It is extremely unique.

After drinking more than ten cups, Chen Xi felt hot all over his body, and the universe in his body was poured into by waves of boiling hot current, rumbled to the boil, constantly tempering Chen Xi's dao foundation, which made his cultivation base also gain. In order to be further stabilized, and there are even faint signs of breaking through the situation, even the soul seems to be cheering, and has received a great benefit.

Chen Xi hastily took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to be promoted. Now is not the best opportunity to advance to the Great Perfection Realm of the Ancestor God.

At this time, Wu Xuechan also put away the wine gourd, and said with a smile: "Little brother, don't be in a hurry to advance, this wine is strong enough to last for ten days, after the chat between our brothers and sisters is over, I will take you to a place , enough to allow you to make another breakthrough on the road.”


ps: Chapter 3 is here, continue to call for monthly tickets~~


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