divine talisman

Chapter 1825 Wheel of Fortune

Hearing what the elder brother said, Chen Xi immediately took another deep breath, and severely suppressed the power that was about to move in his body.

Immediately, he clicked his tongue and said, "This wine is really powerful."

The third senior brother Tie Yunhai laughed loudly: "This is the unique divine wine in the world, it is only natural that the wine is more powerful."

Senior brother Wu Xuechan smiled, and suddenly asked: "Junior brother, you returned to the sect a little later than I expected, but what happened on the way?"

Chen Xi suppressed his smile, nodded and said, "Eldest brother is right."

As he said that, he told the whole story of being hunted down along the way, and he didn't hide anything even when he entered the burial place of Taoist Zulong.

"The Ye family, the Shaohao family, and the Supreme Master? Hehe, it seems that they also realized that the big changes in the imperial domain are coming, and started to plan the layout."

Tie Yunhai sneered, his eyes full of coldness, "However, their cooperation is cooperation, but they dared to provoke you, little junior brother, for no reason. I really think that there is no one in our Shenyan Mountain. I will go down the mountain another day to clean it up." them."

Wu Xuechan waved his hand and said: "Don't be too impulsive, the situation is not clear now, going down the mountain now will undoubtedly make the situation in the Imperial Region more complicated."

After a pause, he continued: "What's more, I killed Namolin Daoist before, I'm afraid the Taishang Hierarch is so hateful that he wants to go crazy, if you go down the mountain at this time, if you are targeted by him, the consequences will be disastrous." Some serious."

Tie Yunhai smiled and said disapprovingly: "It's just killing Mo Lin, he is the Supreme Priest, not just this holy priest."

Chen Xi couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart. He felt that the third senior brother was really domineering. He didn't even pay attention to the holy priests of the Supreme Sect. That was a Dao Master Realm existence!

Wu Xuechan directly ignored Tie Yunhai's words, and thoughtfully said: "This Emperor Ziwei is not bad, it's not in vain for me to teach him to practice."

"This person...is really good."

Chen Xi pondered for a long time, and finally admitted that no matter whether Emperor Ziwei had evil thoughts towards him when he was in the Land of the Ancestral Dragon Daoist, he had helped him resolve many difficulties after all, and the merits outweighed the faults.

"According to my estimate, after the emperor Ziwei obtained the ray of dragon soul, it may still be difficult for him to step into the realm of the Taoist master. After all, this level involves the magic of fate. The background is still a little worse."

Wu Xuechan pondered, "Little brother, do you think it is feasible for me to recruit Emperor Ziwei into the sect?"

Chen Xi was startled, he never expected that senior brother would talk about such an important matter with him.

He thought for a while, and then said: "Eldest brother, you can make up your own mind, and junior brother, I don't have any opinions."


Wu Xuechan smiled and stopped mentioning this topic.

But Chen Xi vaguely understood that the senior brother asked this because he was worried that he would have a grudge and would not be able to forgive that Emperor Ziwei.

He even knew that if he disagreed, the elder brother would definitely take care of his feelings, so he gave up this idea.

However, he, Chen Xi, is not a narrow-minded person who cares about every detail, so how could he make it difficult for the elder brother?

Since Eldest Senior Brother considered including Emperor Ziwei into the sect, he must have already planned it. Chen Xi would not destroy Eldest Senior Senior's layout because of his own selfishness under such circumstances.


"Junior Brother, you should have heard of the Dao Discussion Competition organized by the 'Diyu Wuji'?"

While chatting, Wu Xuechan changed the topic as soon as the subject changed.

"heard about it."

Chen Xi nodded.

"That's good. Calculate the time. In about five years, this Dao Discussion Competition will be held. At that time, I will arrange for you to participate."

Wu Xuechan smiled and said, "We at Shenyan Mountain must not miss this opportunity. If it succeeds, junior brother, you will be promoted to the rank of domain masters in the future, and it will no longer be a problem to step into the realm of Taoist masters."

"Eldest brother, how do you say this?"

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat.

"Didn't the Guanzhu in the early days tell you that there has been no new realm in this ancient god realm for a long, long time, and this also means that for future ascetics who want to advance to the emperor realm, it is necessary to have the position of realm master?" It's going to get harder, almost hopeless."

Senior brother Wu Xuechan said with a serious face, "Up until now, only in the chaotic ruins can a new domain be opened up. If you don't seize this opportunity, in the future... you want to become the domain master. But it's hard to say."

Chen Xi's heart was shaken, and he suddenly remembered his previous speculation about this Dao Discussion Competition, and he immediately understood that the Dao Discussion Competition held by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain this time must have something to do with the Chaotic Remains.

Sure enough, the next moment Wu Xuechan said: "The ultimate goal of the Dao Contest is to select a group of disciples from the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain, enter the Chaos Relic, and open up a new realm, so this time, junior brother, you Be sure to catch it."

After a pause, he laughed again, "Of course, you're not the only one participating in Shenyan Mountain, and you can just listen to my arrangements."

Chen Xi nodded.

He knew very well that advancing to the Emperor Realm and becoming a Domain Master were two completely different concepts.

As early as in Taichu Guan, that empress said that only after advancing to the Emperor Realm can one have the opportunity to seek the position of Domain Master, but seeking the position of Domain Master is not something that every Emperor Realm can do.

The reason lies in a "power of the domain"!

Only one who has the "power of the domain" can be said to be a real domain master, but there are only two ways to achieve this power.

The first is to seize the "power of the domain" from other domain masters in the ancient gods, but this method is the most inferior, not only is it difficult to do, but even if you can get the "power of the domain", The effect is also unsatisfactory.

Therefore, this method was ruled out by Chen Xi very early on.

And the second way is to open up a new domain alone!

However, this method also has a problem, that is, so far, looking at the entire ancient gods, the places that can open up new realms have already been carved up, and only one area is left, the Chaos Remains.

But the key point is that this chaotic land is a place of great evil, surrounded by the secret power of the forbidden path. Since ancient times, no one has dared to step over the thunder pool. A fate of death.

Fortunately, in recent years, the secret power of the forbidden path covered in the chaotic ruins has weakened a lot, and it is entirely possible to use external force to open a way to enter it.

And this is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to open up a new field.

Chen Xi now fully understands that the purpose of the Dao Discussion Grand Competition to be held by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain this time is to select a group of disciples to enter the chaotic ruins, to seek a battle to open up the domain and become the domain master. Great opportunity for the column.

"Senior brother, this time you killed the Daoist Namo Lin, I'm worried that the Supreme Master will not let it go in the Dao Discussion Competition five years later."

Tie Yunhai suddenly said.

"Don't worry, without our Shenyan Mountain, it is absolutely difficult for them to open up the road to enter the chaotic ruins based on the forces of the Supreme Sect, the God Academy, the Nuwa Palace, and the Taoist Temple. , the Supreme Master is determined not to do anything wrong."

Wu Xuechan seemed to have considered this point long ago, and said without hesitation, "Of course, you can't be on the defensive. It's enough for us to make more preparations when the time comes."

Tie Yunhai said: "Since senior brother has already made arrangements, it would be the best."


In the ensuing chat, Chen Xi also learned that the fourth senior brother is old and poor, and the fifth senior brother Li Fuyao is still retreating to attack the emperor's realm.

Chen Xi was actually quite puzzled. Senior brother Wu Xuechan clearly possessed the cultivation base of the Taoist realm, but compared to other senior brothers and sisters, their cultivation was too far behind. This seemed a bit too strange.

You know, even Wen Ting, the second-generation disciple of the third patriarch Wen Daozhen's lineage, now has the cultivation level of the eight-star emperor!

Could it be that the fourth senior brother is old and poor, they are not even as good as a second-generation disciple?

For this, Wu Xuechan gave a very reasonable explanation. Back then, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain only accepted two disciples in the Ancient God Realm, and that was Wu Xuechan and Li Fuyao.

Apart from Wu Xuechan and Li Fuyao, the long-gone second disciple Ji Taoist, third disciple Tie Yunhai, fourth disciple Lao Qiongsan and others were all apprentices that Fuxi later accepted in the Three Realms.

The reason why Li Fuyao is ranked fifth is because he went to the Three Realms because of a lack of way back then, reincarnated in reincarnation, and re-hardened his way.

When Li Fuyao re-entered the mountain gate, he got rid of the karmic obstacles of his previous life, like a phoenix nirvana, no longer connected with his previous life, so he ranked fifth.

After learning all this, Chen Xi finally understood.

But what he couldn't figure out was why Fuxi, the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, returned to the Three Realms, and even accepted a group of disciples?

Not only that, even Nuwa Dao Palace and Taishangjiao have established sects in the Three Realms, which is really strange.

Chen Xi still remembered that the Lord of Shenyan Mountain had discussed the Dao with the third Emperor Youming for several years. He also knew that his father, Chen Lingjun, had been reincarnated back then, and had become the teacher of the Supreme Leader in the Three Realms as a Tailing. As Taoist Ji, he became the second disciple of Shenyan Mountain.

Thinking about all of this now, Chen Xi felt a sense of dread.

Regarding this question, Wu Xuechan did not answer directly, but simply said: "All of this is related to reincarnation. When you reach the Taoist realm and start to understand the Dao of Destiny, you will understand all of this."



Three realms!

Chen Xi's heart was ups and downs, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He already knew from the mouth of the lady who watched in the early days that looking at the world, only in the Three Realms can there be reincarnation.

But how could Chen Xi have thought that the creation of sects in the Three Realms by Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and the Supreme Sect was actually related to the so-called reincarnation?


Mentioning this mysterious word caused Chen Xi to have extremely complicated emotions.

Because the three avenues of the other side, sinking, and ending that he has mastered are the core of the power of reincarnation!


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