divine talisman

Chapter 1826 Kaiyuan Tower


This kind of power seems to be illusory, too obscure and difficult to understand.

But when Chen Xi thought about it carefully, it seemed that from the beginning of his cultivation, as early as in the southern border of the Great Chu Dynasty, he had already had a slight connection with "Reincarnation".

The only reason falls on the Nether Record and the Xie Xie Pen.

And the opportunity for these two Netherworld treasures to fall into Chen Xi's hands is also extremely ridiculous, because they were obtained from him when he cooperated with Ling Bai to kill a descendant of the Su family in the southern border.

In the whole process, there is no predestined relationship at all.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is God's will in the dark.

Combined with these years of experience, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a little trance, reincarnation, what kind of power is this?

Why can one understand its true mystery only after reaching the realm of Taoism and comprehending the Dao of Destiny?

If I completely comprehend the meaning of the end now, and integrate it with the two profound meanings of the other side and the sinking, will I be able to build the core strength of the power of reincarnation?

As for the third Emperor Youming, was he also suppressed and killed by the great figures of the heavens because of the power of reincarnation?

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a strong impulse in his heart, but in the end he forcibly held it back.

He is very clear that things are definitely not as simple as he imagined, and if he tries rashly at this time, it may cause serious consequences.


"Junior brother, let's go. I'll take you to a place of subterfuge. In this five-year period, your strength may undergo another significant transformation."

Seeing Chen Xi's distracted look, Wu Xuechan seemed to see something, and stood up to speak.

"Oh, where are you going?"

Chen Xi suddenly came back to his senses.

"You will know when you go."

Wu Xuechan smiled mysteriously.

"Hahaha, then you guys go, I've had enough of that ghostly place, I don't want to set foot any more."

Seeing this, Tie Yunhai laughed out loud as if gloating at his misfortune.

This made Chen Xi raise his eyebrows. Could it be that there is something mysterious in it?


Before he could react, Wu Xuechan waved his sleeve robe, and a majestic force enveloped Chen Xi. The next moment, he and Wu Xuechan both disappeared in place.


An ancient stone pagoda stands tall, covered with mottled traces of the years, as if it has experienced the baptism of endless wind and rain, solemn and majestic.

It stands in the vast sea of ​​clouds, a round of scorching sun transformed by the golden crow hangs in the sky, sprinkles golden luster, and dyes the ancient stone pagoda with a glorious and sacred atmosphere.

When Chen Xi regained his vision, he came to this sea of ​​clouds and saw this stone pagoda.

"The name of this tower is Kaiyuan. It was opened by the master himself in the past, and it was specially prepared for the disciples in the sect to practice."

Wu Xuechan stood on one side and said with a little emotion, "When I was in the Ancestral God Realm like you, I used to practice here. This time you enter it, maybe you can still see the avenue I left behind in it. brand."

Open the sky tower!

Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in his heart.

"Junior Brother, this Kaiyuan Pagoda can only be set foot in it by us descendants of Shenyan Mountain."

Wu Xuechan suddenly spoke.

Chen Xi immediately came to his senses, patted his forehead, and said with a smile, "If it wasn't for the elder brother's reminder, I almost forgot about it."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe, and the radiance filled the air, and Ye Yan, Lao Bai, and Xiao Bao suddenly appeared.

"This is where?"

All three of them were puzzled and perplexed.

"Naturally, Shenyan Mountain."

Chen Xi smiled, and quickly explained the situation, only then did Ye Yan and the others come to their senses.

"I met Mr. Big."

Ye Yan saluted Wu Xuechan respectfully.

Xiao Bao grinned grinningly, as a courtesy.

As for Lao Bai, with both wings on his back, he looked like an old god, as if he didn't want to bow his head in front of Wu Xuechan.

Wu Xuechan nodded with a smile, and immediately said to Chen Xi, "There's still one left."

Chen Xi was startled, a little puzzled.

Wu Xuechan pointed to Chen Xi's ear.

Chen Xi's expression froze suddenly, how could he forget that there was her!

Holding his ears in his hands, he carefully took out a little beauty who was only about an inch tall, with a delicate and refined face, his eyes closed, as if in a deep sleep.

This is the little princess A Liang of the Archaean tribe!

Back then, when he was going from the Realm of Doom to the Realm of Snow and Ink, because of helping Chen Xi, Ah Liang forcibly blocked Ye Yan's full blow. Although he survived in the end, he fell into a coma and has never woken up until now.

Seeing Ah Liang, Ye Yan was stunned, and his expression suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. She was the chief culprit of all this.


Ye Yan opened his mouth to speak.

Chen Xi waved his hand, "The previous things are over, so there is no need to mention them."

"Give her to me."

Wu Xuechan smiled gently, took A Liang from Chen Xi's hands, looked it over a little, and then said with a little surprise: "I didn't expect that this little girl actually got the true inheritance of the Primordial Fungus 'Nine Deaths and Hundred Refinements', wait for her When I wake up, I am afraid that my cultivation will undergo an astonishing transformation."

Speaking of this, he said to Chen Xi: "Don't worry, little brother, this little girl got a blessing in disguise, so there is no serious problem."

Chen Xi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, feeling ashamed and relaxed in his heart. He has been busy with his own affairs these years, so he almost forgot about Ah Liang. It really shouldn't be.

"Okay, you can enter the Kaiyuan Pagoda right now. Uncle Emperor Shun will sit in it, and he will teach you how to cultivate. As for you friends, you can live in Shenyan Mountain temporarily, and you don't have to worry about anything. "

Wu Xuechan instructed with a smile.

"Then there will be Senior Brother Lao."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Go, I will come to inform you when the Dao Discussion Competition starts."

After Wu Xuechan finished speaking, she waved her sleeves and left with Ye Yan, Lao Bai, Xiao Bao and A Liang, and disappeared.


Chen Xi didn't hesitate, his figure flashed, and he pushed the door and entered the Kaiyuan Pagoda.

What surprised Chen Xi was that inside the Kaiyuan Pagoda was actually a starry sky!

The stars are listed one after another, but they are still, and each star releases a completely different aura of the Dao.

What shocked Chen Xi in particular was that the aura of the Great Dao was like its substance, presenting red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple...etc magnificent and colorful colors.

"You are Chen Xi?"

An indifferent voice sounded like water.

Chen Xi turned his head, and saw a blue lotus blooming on the side of the starry sky, and a slender and tall figure was sitting cross-legged in it.

He is wearing a gray robe and a purple gold feather crown, his waist is like a pillar of support, his shoulders seem to lie across the mountains, his face is strange and clumsy, full of fortitude and calmness.

Looking from a distance, it seems that what you see is not a person, but a Creator sitting in the mountains and rivers, immeasurably imposing and vast!

With just one glance, Chen Xi's heart trembled, and a sense of awe and reverence arose spontaneously, and he even had an urge to worship devoutly.

He knew very well that this was due to the fact that his cultivation base was too far from the opponent's, and his mind was captured by the opponent's aura unconsciously.

And you have to know that Chen Xi had never been so deeply shocked even in the face of the existence of Dao Master Realm like senior brother Wu Xuechan!

Undoubtedly, this old man with a majestic and resolute face and an imposing manner like a god of fortune is the second patriarch of Shenyan Mountain——Di Shun!

"Disciple Chen Xi, pay respects to Master Uncle."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and bowed in salute.

"Don't be too polite."

Emperor Shun's eyes were like the sun and the moon, and there was a deep dao rhyme. He stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and a smile could not help but appear on the corners of his lips, "You are a very good guy, no wonder you can get the inheritance of the cave from Senior Brother Fuxi. About your Regarding the matter, Master Xue’s nephew has already told me that since he has returned to the Zongmen, he can practice the Tao with peace of mind and don’t need to worry about external worldly matters anymore.”

"What the uncle taught is."

Although Chen Xi tried his best to keep himself calm, but when facing such a living fossil-level old antique, he was still unavoidably a little restrained.

There is no way to do this, the opponent's aura seems invisible, but it reaches people's hearts, making it hard to resist.

"In this Kaiyuan Pagoda, every star is refined from a kind of Dao. If you practice on it, you can get incredible magical effects."

Emperor Shun didn't talk too much nonsense, and said bluntly, "However, if you want to cultivate on it, you must endure the pain of the Dao. The more oppressive you can bear, the more benefits you will gain during cultivation."

"I see."

It was only then that Chen Xi realized that this practice was not as simple as he imagined.

"Look, the Kaiyuan Pagoda is covered with stars and stars for three thousand miles. The deeper you go, the greater the oppression of the Dao. You enter it and find a star suitable for your own practice. You must not be brave, otherwise It will only do harm.”

Emperor Shun looked at the starry sky in the distance, "Back then, your senior brother Wu Xuechan once set foot on a star [-] miles away to practice on a star in a land of [-] miles in the form of the Great Consummation of the Ancestral God Realm. Achieve the position of domain master."

"Your senior brother Tang Xian, when he set foot on a star [-] miles away to practice cultivation, when he broke through and came out, he also became an emperor."

"You are only at the late stage of the ancestor god, and you must have come here to advance to the great perfection of the ancestor god. Remember not to be greedy for merit. I suggest that you can choose to practice on a star within two thousand miles."

Emperor Shun's words were flat, and he narrated everything in the Kaiyuan Pagoda.

"Thank you uncle for your pointer."

Chen Xi cupped his hands again.

"Go, don't waste time, this road of the divine way seems to have boundless life energy to spend, but if you want to set foot on the end of the road and compete with the sky, if you take a slow step, you will be slow, and you are bound to miss a lot of opportunities .”

Emperor Shun reminded, "It's like the chaotic ruins. If you are only in the spiritual realm now, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter it this time. If you can't enter it, it means that you will be promoted to the emperor's realm in the future." At that time, if you want to open up the power of the domain and achieve the position of domain master, you will have no chance."

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he said with firm eyes: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will go all out on the road and do his best."

After that, he took a deep breath, turned around and walked towards the area densely covered with avenues of stars.


ps: There will be 3 updates tomorrow, no surprises, this week's updates will be in the rhythm of 2, 3, 2, 3, that is, 2 updates a day, and 3 updates a day, so that the goldfish will not be too tired.


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