divine talisman

Chapter 1827 Brand of Will

Thank you brother Ren Huanyu for your support~



The starlight flows like ripples and tides, magnificent and brilliant.

It looks beautiful, but those stars are all transformed by the aura of the Dao, full of terrifying oppressive power.

Chen Xi's walking figure just stagnated for a moment, and continued to move forward like a fish swimming through an undercurrent.

These auras of the Dao are very special, pure, heavy, and primitive, and have incredible uses for comprehending the Dao.

Practicing in it is like sitting in the Dao. Whether it is the body and mind, or the five sense organs and six senses, you can clearly observe the breath, rhythm, changes, and even its core mysteries of the Dao.

However, it is accompanied by the natural coercion of Dao Qi!

The more pure and primitive the Dao Qi is, the stronger the oppressive power it possesses, not only oppressing the body, but also greatly deterring the soul and Dao heart of the ascetic.

The Kaiyuan Pagoda is covered with three thousand miles of Daoist stars, and each star is refined by the Qi of the Dao. The deeper you go, the purer the Qi of the Dao contained in the stars, and the coercion generated will naturally increase. stronger.

As Di Shun, the second patriarch of Shenyan Mountain, said, you can indeed gain incredible benefits from practicing here, and the deeper you go, the greater the benefits you will get, but it depends on how much you have the ability to resist the coercion of the Dao .



As it went deeper, the coercion of the Great Dao released in the star field became stronger and stronger, like a surging tide, it began to continuously impact Chen Xi.

His body, mind, and soul were suppressed to a certain extent, and he felt a kind of pressure.

But Chen Xi's speed did not decrease at all, and he continued to fly forward.

It's just that he has already started to use the power of his body to resist and resolve the oppressive force from all directions.

Three hundred miles.

Five hundred miles.

A thousand miles.


Along the way, Chen Xi's divine power circulated surgingly around his body, releasing wisps of dao light, which evolved into obscure runes, guarding his body from top to bottom, with an aura soaring to the sky.

Looking from a distance, his whole body is like a ray of bright streamer, cutting through time and space, crushing the tide of the avenue, and the scene is very spectacular.

At this moment, in order to resist the pressure from the Dao that is constantly coming, the power he is using, if used for fighting, is enough to easily suppress a top-level Ancestral God Realm powerhouse!


"Which senior brother came to Kaiyuan Pagoda to practice again?"

"What a frightening speed, there is no sign of decay, could it be Brother Hua Yan?"

"No, Senior Brother Huayan just left not long ago. If he wants to re-enter the Kaiyuan Pagoda, he will have to wait at least another thousand years."

"It's not Senior Brother Huayan, he... Who is he? Among the three generations of disciples of Shenyan Mountain, there seems to be no such person."

When Chen Xi arrived at the [-]-kilometer star field, he heard a wave of thoughts from afar.

With a sweep of his gaze, Chen Xi saw sporadic figures sitting cross-legged on a nearby patch of stars, about a dozen of them, both men and women, and each of them had the cultivation of the Ancestral God Realm.

Obviously, they should be the three generations of disciples of the third ancestor of Shenyan Mountain, Wen Daozhen.

When they saw Chen Xi, they all stopped cultivating at the moment, and looked over in surprise, but none of them could guess the origin of Chen Xi's identity.

For this, Chen Xi just smiled, without delay, and continued to plunder towards the deeper part of the star field in a flash.

Seeing this, those disciples were all more astonished, but they knew very well that not far away, there was a land of two thousand miles in this star field.

Just like a watershed, the land of two thousand miles is also a threshold. After arriving there, the oppressive power of the Dao will suddenly double. , is destined to be shaken back severely.

Seeing that Chen Xi seemed to be completely unaware of this, and continued to move forward, many disciples were astonished, and couldn't help but feel a little spectator, as if they wanted to see how much embarrassment Chen Xi would encounter.

Sure enough, as they expected, in their field of vision, Chen Xi's figure suddenly froze when he was in that two thousand li area, as if he had fallen into a quagmire, and his speed became sluggish.

This made them all laugh. When they first came here, they had also experienced this kind of hardship. They knew that not everyone could step into the two thousand miles deeper star field.

But their smiles only appeared for a moment, and then froze on their faces.

Because in the blink of an eye, there was a sudden roar in their ears, and the next moment, Chen Xi's figure rushed into the star field two thousand miles away like an arrow from the string.

This made those disciples stunned and unbelievable.

"Where did this guy come from? With the strength of the ancestor god in the later stage, he was able to rush into the star field two thousand miles away. This strength is really amazing."

Someone was amazed.

"Senior brother, dare to ask your real name, and which senior in the sect is a disciple? Why have I never seen you before?"

There were also people who couldn't help but spread the sound transmission far away, wanting to know Chen Xi's origin.

"My name is Chen Xi. This is the first time I have returned to the sect. After all, you should call me Grand Master Uncle. Cultivate with peace of mind. Don't be distracted by it."

When Chen Xi's indifferent voice came through, all the disciples froze.

"Chen Xi? Who is he? How dare he pretend to be a master uncle in front of us?"

"Stupid! Have you forgotten that Zen Master Wu Xue's uncle mentioned this Grand Master Chen Xi's uncle a while ago, saying that he will return to the sect in the near future, but he did not expect that this Grand Master Chen Xi's uncle had already returned."

"Ah! Is he that little master uncle?"

"It's just...how could his cultivation be only at the late stage of the ancestor god?"

"You don't understand this. This little master uncle is from the Three Realms, and he has only cultivated for more than a thousand years."

"It took thousands of years to reach the late stage of the ancestor god? This, this... the cultivation qualifications are too heaven-defying! Looking at the entire ancient gods, I am afraid that there are few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with our little master uncle of!"

After knowing Chen Xi's origin, all three generations of disciples were shocked.

"Cultivate with peace of mind! Didn't you hear what my uncle said just now? How can you be so surprised? With your Taoism, when will you be able to reach the height of your uncle?"

Someone scolded in a deep voice, and immediately suppressed all voices, which made many disciples feel ashamed, stopped talking, collected their minds, and began to meditate again.


"Oh, I forgot, this little guy's fate is unpredictable, and his true strength cannot be measured by common sense."

At the entrance of the Kaiyuan Pagoda, the Second Patriarch Di Shun, sitting cross-legged on the green lotus in the starry sky, gazed into the distance, with a strange look on his resolute and dignified face.

He had previously suggested that Chen Xi should choose a star to cultivate within a star field within two thousand miles, but Chen Xi's current performance obviously surprised him a bit.


Two thousand one hundred miles.

Two thousand three hundred miles.

Chen Xi's forward speed gradually slowed down, until later, it was no different from walking slowly.

At this time, his face was serious and dignified, he had already activated all his cultivation bases, his whole body was full of divine brilliance, and his whole body was like a scorching sun slowly passing through the starry sky.

Too much pressure!

The aura of the Great Dao is omnipresent, immeasurably majestic, constantly squeezed in, and the power it produces is dozens of times more difficult than fighting Tuoba Chuan, the palm print disciple of the God Academy!

"Back then, your senior brother Wu Xuechan once set foot on a star in a land of [-] miles in the great consummation of the ancestral god realm, and advanced to the emperor realm in one fell swoop..."

At this moment, the words of the Second Patriarch Di Shun sounded in Chen Xi's heart inexplicably.

Immediately, he remembered that when he came to the Kaiyuan Pagoda, the big brother Wu Xuechan once said with a smile that when he practiced in the Kaiyuan Pagoda, he had left a mark of the Great Dao.

"In any case, I must go to see the place where the senior brother practiced. If he can do it, I can naturally!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath and continued walking.

Not long after, a star suddenly caught Chen Xi's attention. The whole body of that star was black, like a big iron ball, releasing a divine brilliance that was as cold as metal.

This was nothing, but what made Chen Xi dumbfounded was that he actually felt a familiar aura from that star, which seemed to be exactly the same as that of third senior brother Tie Yunhai.

"Could it be that this is the place where the third senior brother practiced?"

Chen Xi was thoughtful, and he stepped over, and sure enough, he saw a line of big characters painted with iron and silver hooks branded on a mountain of this star: "The firmness of the Tao is indestructible! The benefit of the Tao is unstoppable!"

There is also a signature below - Tie Yunhai, the third disciple of Fuxi's ancestor.

"Sure enough."

Chen Xi stared at that line of handwriting, but his heart was greatly touched, because there was a strong imprint of will in that handwriting. If you observe carefully, you can even comprehend many magical rhymes from it!

"This should be some of the insights that the third senior brother has come to realize after retreating here. In terms of value, it is no less than a peerless inheritance..."

Chen Xi stared at it for a moment, then turned around and walked on.

Not long after, a purple-golden star caught Chen Xi's attention again. It was located within [-] miles of this star field, and it was extremely special. Looking from afar, a vast purple energy rose from the star into the sky. Release the golden glow like rain, truly magnificent.

On it stands a stone tablet with "three sword marks" branded on the stone tablet, and each sword mark contains a compelling "power of Tao".

The first sword, like ghosts and gods, penetrates the universe.

The second sword is like a mysterious mystery, illusory and ethereal.

The third sword was plain and unremarkable, with no rules at all, but when he looked at it, it made Chen Xi's heart tremble. This power clearly possesses the charm of the second level of Sword Emperor!

The inscription is——Hua Yan, a three-generation disciple of Wen Daozhen's ancestor.

"I didn't expect that among the third generation disciples of the sect, there are people who have reached this level of swordsmanship. It's really amazing."

Chen Xi felt emotional in his heart, and found that among the descendants of Shenyan Mountain, no matter which lineage they were in, it was almost impossible to find a genius in the ordinary sense.

Because they are almost like monsters, incredibly powerful!

And this, perhaps, is the real foundation of Shenyan Mountain. Although there are few disciples, each of them possesses the power of the heaven and the earth, and the astonishing demeanor of the world!


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