divine talisman

Chapter 1828 Surprised the Patriarch

Without too much emotion, Chen Xi continued to move forward.

He seems to be leisurely at the moment, but he is actually enduring the incomparable oppression of the Dao, which can be seen from his stern expression and slow pace.


The coercion generated by Dao Qi became more and more terrifying, and it actually produced a thunderous booming sound, which resounded through the surrounding fields.

With a bang, Chen Xi felt his whole body tremble, as if being pushed horizontally by a hundred thousand gods, his whole body staggered, and almost flew backwards from the shock.

"It's getting harder and harder..."

Chen Xi's eyes flickered with divine light, he stared at the depths of the star field for a moment, gritted his teeth suddenly, and walked forward again.

The pressure was increasing, and both the soul and the Dao heart were under extreme oppression, making Chen Xi almost feel as if he was drowning and suffocating.

At this moment, he has tried his best, but his forward movement is getting slower and slower, and it is getting more and more difficult...

Two thousand five hundred miles.

When he arrived at this moment, all the bones in Chen Xi's body could not bear the burden of rubbing against each other. The divine radiance permeating every inch of his pores fluctuated violently, and his expression became extremely serious.

At this moment, he once again saw a star exuding the branded breath of will.

In fact, he has seen stars like this more than once along the way. There are three senior brothers Tie Yunhai, there are Hua Yan, the third generation disciple of Wen Daozhen Patriarch, and there are also marks of will left by other disciples.

But all of these are incomparable to the imprint of will on the star in front of him.

The whole body of this star is like ice and snow, crystal clear, and it emits a dazzling icy air. Just looking at it, Chen Xi's whole body feels a bone-piercing cold feeling, making it extremely frightening.

On this star, there is a blue lake covered with ice and snow. A palm-sized black paper boat floats in the lake, swaying in the ice and snow, looking inconspicuous.

But Chen Xi's eyes were suddenly attracted by this black boat.

It is too special, its whole body is as dark as an eternal night, and it seems incomparably small, but anyone who takes a look at it will be able to feel a magnificent and vast aura.

It's as if as long as this black paper boat is willing, it can carry the heavens and everything!

"Retreat for 18 years, every year is different, laughing and lamenting the number of Taoism, impermanence is like a floating boat."

Seeing this black paper boat, a sigh resounded quietly in Chen Xi's mind, with a sense of satisfaction.

Tang Xian!

Almost without hesitation, Chen Xi immediately judged that this black paper boat was left behind by Tang Xian, the current disciple of Wen Daozhen's lineage.

"When he was in the Ancestral God Realm, he realized the mystery of the impermanence of the Dao. This Senior Brother Tang Xian is also a remarkable person."

Chen Xi's heart was touched.


The way of heaven is impermanent, so it is indescribable and indescribable.

Back then, Tang Xian obviously possessed a super-high level of comprehension on the road that was hard for the world to reach. Therefore, he was able to comprehend the principle of impermanence and break through the realm of emperor in one fell swoop when he was in retreat here.

Now, Tang Xian is already a Daoist Realm existence. This iron-like fact is enough to prove how transcendent his ancient and talent is.

At this moment, Chen Xi stared at the black paper boat, and a lot of insights arose in his heart. If he gained something, it was indescribable.


An indescribably pure and thick heat flow quietly spread from the universe in his body, causing Chen Xi's spirit to be lifted immediately.

Originally, he had been oppressed by the ubiquitous and terrifying power of the Great Dao, making it impossible to move even an inch, and his bones were overwhelmed.

But at this time, a lively force reappeared in his body, which greatly relieved the pressure on his body and mind, and made him feel relaxed for a while.

"Ten treasures!"

Chen Xi immediately realized that this power was the ten rare wines he had drunk before. According to his senior brother Wu Xuechan, the power contained in this divine wine was enough to benefit him greatly in his cultivation.

What happened now is an excellent proof of this point.

Chen Xi vaguely guessed that his senior brother Wu Xuechan had already considered the situation he would encounter after entering the Kaiyuan Pagoda, so he had prepared ten rare wines for himself early on.

It could be said that they were well-intentioned and considered meticulously, which caused a warm current to flow in Chen Xi's heart.

Without hesitation, he continued on.

Along the way, the oppressive power of the Great Dao encountered was also getting bigger and bigger, but the greater the pressure, the more the power of the ten precious brews in the body was released, and it kept gushing out, tempering the whole body, providing Chen Xi with a steady stream of energy. Constant strength.

This power is different from the divine power gushing out from the Cangwu Sacred Tree. It is not only as simple as condensing the Dao Foundation, but also has a great benefit to the firmness of the Dao Heart and the nourishment of the soul.

Two thousand six hundred miles.

Two thousand seven hundred miles.

When Chen Xi arrived at this place, his entire body was burning like a furnace, his energy was completely boiling, and his entire state had reached an unprecedented peak level.

Even, the opportunity to advance to the next level began to move around again, and it intensified.

This made Chen Xi very clear that even if he stopped now, he could immediately set out to attack the Great Perfection Realm of the Ancestor God!

But in the end, he still held back.

Because at this moment, he saw a brand of will again!

This aura rose from a blue star, like a stream of water, shining brightly and flowing endlessly.

There is a bluestone case in the stars. On the surface of the case, there is a line of simple and clumsy handwriting-"Supreme goodness is like water, it is everywhere, attack, the enemy does not know what it is defending, defend, the enemy does not know what it is attacking, so attacking is invincible, defending is invincible!"

Signed by Wu Xuechan, a great disciple of Fuxi's lineage!

In other words, this star is the place where Wu Xuechan practiced and enlightened back then.

"Supreme goodness is like water, omnipresent, invincible in attack, invincible in defense..."

Chen Xi muttered, repeating these words on his lips, and various indescribable realizations welled up in his heart.

After a long time, Chen Xi suddenly shook his head, discarded all his comprehension, stopped looking at that star, and continued to walk forward.

This is the Dao of big brother Wu Xuechan, not his Dao. You can observe it and understand it, but you can't force yourself to own it.

Because Chen Xi also has his own way!


"Looking at the Dao and keeping one's own heart, grasping the truth and sticking to one's own way, this kid is not much worse than Wu Xuechan and Tang Xian back then."

At the entrance of Kaiyuan Pagoda, Patriarch Di Shun let out a sigh of emotion.

Obviously, he has been observing Chen Xi's movements.


Suddenly, Emperor Shun narrowed his eyes, and his divine light suddenly appeared, "This kid is in the late stage of the ancestor god, and he has traveled all the way to the depths of the avenue and stars, and now he has already surpassed the place where Tang Xian and Wu Xuechan practiced back then. This is not the latter two back then. comparable."

He was silent for a moment, then got up suddenly, and stood on the green lotus in the starry sky with his hands behind his back. His eyes opened and closed like the sun and the moon rotating, releasing a deep divine light, and looked far into the depths of the star field.

In the eyes of Emperor Shun, Chen Xi at this moment is like a snail that is constantly moving forward, moving slowly, and so small.

But from the beginning to the end, he didn't see him take a step back!

After a few hours.

Chen Xi arrived at a place [-] miles away.

This made Emperor Shun's majestic and clumsy face finally moved a little.

He has been sitting here for an unknown number of years, as long as the disciples of the sect come to practice, all of them have been guided by him.

Similarly, he also witnessed all the conditions of these disciples practicing here.

In his memory, Wu Xuechan at that time should be regarded as the most outstanding disciple so far. With a supreme will, he finally reached the [-] miles of the Dao Starfield.

This record has been maintained for a long time, and no one has surpassed it so far.

But obviously, everything that happened right now showed that the record that Wu Xuechan created back then has already been surpassed by Chen Xi!

Patriarch Di Shun has long put his rankings aside, but there is no doubt that through this comparison, he clearly realized that there are too many inconceivable things about this little guy who returned to the sect for the first time.

The power, talent, and even the will and mind he displayed all exceeded the estimation of Patriarch Di Shun.

Until now, even Patriarch Di Shun couldn't see through Chen Xi.

If this spread, it would be unbelievable to the world. After all, Patriarch Di Shun was a figure of the same period as Fuxi. He could be called an old antique of the living fossil level and possessed supreme power.

Even people like him are surprised by Chen Xi's performance, and even a little bit confused, how can this not be shocking?

In fact, what really caused all of this was because Chen Xi's fate was covered up and obscured, making it difficult for people like Patriarch Emperor Shun to peep into its depth.

"Huh? Will he continue walking?"

Suddenly, Patriarch Di Shun frowned, and saw that after Chen Xi reached the [-]-mile star field, he still did not stop and continued to move forward.

It's just that compared to before, every time Chen Xi took a step, he seemed to exert all his strength, and his figure was staggering with great effort.

"This little guy is really stubborn. I told him not to be brave and choose a star suitable for his own practice, but he just didn't listen..."

Patriarch Di Shun frowned more and more, but he couldn't help but began to worry about Chen Xi in his heart, and he was even ready to rescue him.

He was very clear that, in Chen Xi's current state, once a downward trend appeared, he would definitely suffer unimaginable backlash.

If this happens, if you don't help in time, you may even go crazy!

Another few hours passed.

To the surprise of Patriarch Di Shun, Chen Xi was clearly in a state of shaky and unable to hold on, but he persevered every time, it was simply inconceivably tenacious.

"This kid doesn't want to set foot on the end of the three-thousand-mile star field, does he?"

Patriarch Di Shun narrowed his eyes. At this moment, even he couldn't help admiring Chen Xi's will and spirit.


ps: The third update is around 12 o'clock in the morning.


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