divine talisman

Chapter 1829

A lot of pressure!

Chen Xi only felt that every inch of skin in his body seemed to be suppressed like a mountain of gods, and was about to be squeezed to pieces.

But every time he was about to be unable to resist and stop, a warm current gushed out of his body, which helped him relieve part of the pressure, and thus he had a little strength to move on.

In this way, he continued to move forward, although the movement was slow and difficult, but he never stopped.

The number of stars along the way gradually becomes scarce, and sometimes there is not even a single star to be seen for a long distance.

But Chen Xi didn't pay attention to these.

At this moment, his mind is all focused on moving forward, even he himself is a little strange, why he is so firm and persistent.

It's just a promotion, where can't this step be done?

But every time he wanted to stop, he couldn't help but feel a strong unwillingness in his heart. It was this unwillingness that prompted him to persevere.

Perhaps, it was also Chen Xi's persistent nature that allowed him to have the achievements he has achieved today, and it also allowed him to have a combat power that was difficult for others to match among his peers.


After an unknown amount of time, just when Chen Xi felt that he was only a hair away from collapse, he suddenly realized that there was no way ahead.

There is only one star.

In this piece of starry sky, there is only this one star. It is completely round, and its surface is full of clear luster.

Looking through that layer of clear luster, one can suddenly see that there are incomparably thick chains wrapped around the ground of the stars!

Densely packed, like a spider, covering the entire star!

That is the Dao God Chain, each of which represents a law of the Dao, and contains the original essence of the Dao.

It is really hard to imagine that under the surface of the stars, there will be such a shocking picture.

Looking from a distance, it seems that the entire star is imprisoned by the god chain of the avenue. The dense aura of the avenue and the colorful aura of the avenue are intertwined together, creating a rare spectacle in the world.

Anyone who sees this scene will feel a sense of mystery and awe.

Chen Xi was no exception.

He doesn't know what this star is called, but he is very clear that this star is different from the ones he saw on the road!

It's so special, unique, and has an awe-inspiring air about it.

Chen Xi finally stopped walking at this moment.

Because this is the end of the three-thousand-mile star field of Kaiyuan Pagoda Avenue!

That unique and mysterious star naturally became Chen Xi's only target, and he had no choice.


When Chen Xi moved his body and finally arrived at that star at an incomparably slow speed, an indescribably terrifying aura of the avenue suppressed him head-on.

With a plop, Chen Xi couldn't bear it any longer, and fell to the ground, coughing up a mouthful of blood from his lips.

But he has no time to take care of these at the moment, and he does not hesitate to use his whole body to cultivate, cut out the distracting thoughts in his mind, and enter a kind of practice in an instant.


At this moment, the opportunity to advance, which was already on the verge of being unstoppable in his body, finally got a kind of catharsis, and the whole body's energy mechanism produced a thunderous rumble, spreading all over his body.

At this moment, the divine power in the universe in his body, the many gods he controlled, the heart baby entrenched in his heart...

It is rare for all the power to operate at the same time!

It can be clearly seen that at this moment, Chen Xi's whole body is on fire, releasing majestic divine brilliance like a storm, illuminating the starry sky.

But in just a few breaths, suddenly one after another of radiant chains gushed out from this star, like vines, covering Chen Xi's whole body in it, and also covering the visions around him. .


The densely packed divine chains continued to spread, entwine, and release the misty and radiant charm of the divine way, continuously rushing towards the place where Chen Xi practiced cross-legged, the scene seemed extremely inconceivable.

Soon, even the movement of these divine chains became silent, and there was no more movement, it seemed that even Chen Xi had disappeared into the stars and could not be found.


"The road is three thousand miles, and now, a disciple has finally taken this step!"

Above the green lotus in the starry sky, Patriarch Emperor Shun with his hands on his back sighed softly, his eyes full of emotion.

The Kaiyuan Pagoda was originally an innate spiritual treasure born in the ancient primordial chaos, and was later obtained by Fuxi, the master of Shenyan Mountain.

The special thing about this treasure is that it is filled with the power of three thousand great ways, which has an incredible magical effect on the practice of enlightenment.

However, if it is the most mysterious, it must be a star at the end of the Kaiyuan Pagoda's three-thousand-mile starfield.

This star covers the Dao of the heavens and evolves infinite Dao rhymes. Being in it is like being in the origin of chaos, and one can comprehend the most primitive and complete essence of Dao!

At this moment, the place where Chen Xi is cultivating is that star!

Similarly, he was also the first among the disciples of Shenyan Mountain who entered the Kaiyuan Pagoda for cultivation over the years, and was the first to set foot on it.

Therefore, when Patriarch Di Shun witnessed this scene, with his transcendent state of mind, he couldn't help but feel deeply moved at this moment.

It is true that just breaking through the Great Perfection realm of the ancestor gods does not seem to be of great significance when it comes to it, but Patriarch Di Shun is very clear that after this practice, it will definitely have an immeasurable benefit to Chen Xi's future path!

This is the key.


Chen Xi felt an unprecedented shock from the inside out.

In his perception, time seems to be stagnant, but his own power is constantly changing, as if he has broken the barrier of time and transcended it.

And his whole body seemed to be submerged by the heavens and myriad ways, wandering in the vast ocean of the avenues, and he could feel the wonderful meaning of all the avenues very clearly.


Chen Xi felt that all the power he possessed this time was undergoing an indescribable transformation.

At this moment, he seemed to be returning to the origin of chaos, reshaping and sublimating himself.

The way of cultivating the Tao is a kind of continuous evolution and transformation, so that one's life can achieve a qualitative leap, so as to jump out of various shackles and shackles, compete with the heavens and the earth, compete with the sun and the moon, compete with the great way, and compete with the eternal life, thus To achieve true immortality and eternal existence.

This is the ultimate goal of ascetics, known as the ultimate road!


The divine chains derived from the Dao after another were like bright waterfalls, wrapping around the whole body, and the aura contained on them permeated into Chen Xi's body, turning into surging divine power, which was continuously deduced and condensed in his body.

This is the transformation of his realm of enlightenment. The universe within his body and the myriad ways of the heavens outside his body echo each other and compare with each other, thus making Chen Xi's control over him more and more perfect.

The realm of the Dao of God is divided into five levels: first glimpse, small success, great success, peak, and consummation. Each level is like an incomparable threshold to reach the sky, so every step is extremely difficult and difficult. Without great will , Great opportunity, no further progress.

Now, Chen Xi has reached the level of Dao enlightenment, and he can be regarded as a top performer among his peers.

After all, generally speaking, most of the enlightened realms of the ancestor gods hover around the level of Xiaocheng.

Only those peerless and amazing people can have the Dao enlightenment state of Dao in the state of ancestor gods.

But Chen Xi was different from them all.

The Divine Dao he controls is a way of cultivation with Talisman Dao as the controlling power and with more than ten kinds of Supreme Dao Mysteries as the core.

These avenues include five elements, yin and yang, wind and thunder, stars, sinking, annihilation, light, darkness, the other shore, good fortune, immortality, swallowing... and so on.

This point alone is enough to make other ascetics pale in comparison, lacking brilliance, and unable to stand shoulder to shoulder with Chen Xi.

However, because of this, it is more difficult and difficult for Chen Xi to improve his realm of enlightenment than other cultivators.

Otherwise, with his super high comprehension and talent, coupled with the many chances he has experienced, it is absolutely impossible to only have the realm of enlightenment at the level of great achievement.

But it was also because of this that Chen Xi walked more steadily on the path, and his path was broader and farther than others.

The most important thing is to allow him to display a combat power far superior to his peers in battle!

Now, at the end of the three thousand miles of the Kaiyuan Pagoda star field, on this star that encompasses the mysteries of the Dao of the heavens, Chen Xi's realm of enlightenment has been tempered first, and he is undergoing an obvious transformation. This result , even he himself did not expect it.

At this moment, he has a clear mind, clear thoughts, no desires, no desires, and he is trying to figure out and feel the changes in the laws of his divine way with all his heart.

Those avenue chains wrapped around him and reflected in his mind, made him clearly feel the most essential, primitive, and simple secret of the avenue.

This is the most essential power between heaven and earth, but when it is presented to the eyes of the world, it appears complicated, dense, and extremely obscure.

The reason is that they are ever-changing and can be continuously reorganized to evolve into wind, cloud, thunder and lightning, earth fire, yin and yang, even mountains, rivers and lakes, and everything.

But as long as you really understand them clearly, you will find that their essential powers are the most basic and the most primitive and ancient!

At this moment, what appeared in Chen Xi's heart was the most essential face of Dao, that simple and primitive Dao rhyme, which even made him intoxicated.

Time passed quietly in this kind of selfless enlightenment.

In the first year of cultivation, Chen Xi's realm of enlightenment changed, and finally reached the stage of great perfection.Also in the same year, his cultivation was promoted to a breakthrough, and he reached the state of the great perfection of the ancestral god realm.

In the third year of practice, Chen Xi's cultivation of Taoism broke through the third stage of the "Primitive Heart Sutra". The "heart baby" who was originally as innocent as a child has grown into a young man who is just showing signs of excellence.

In the fifth year of practice, Chen Xi's control over the sword has reached the level of the Sword Emperor's third heaven, and his combat power has once again made a breakthrough.

It was also in this year that the news that the "Five Poles of the Emperor's Domain" was about to hold a Dao Discussion Competition swept across the world like a hurricane, attracting the attention of the entire Ancient God's Domain.

All of a sudden, news about the Dao Contest became the hottest topic of discussion among various forces.


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