divine talisman

Chapter 1830 After 5 Years

As we all know, the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain" represent the five supreme ancient orthodoxy in the Emperor's Domain. Looking at the entire Ancient God's Domain, there is no existence that can compare with these five great forces.

Now, the "Five Poles of the Imperial Domain" actually released news at the same time that they would jointly hold a Dao Discussion Competition. As soon as this news came out, it could be called a shocking storm, which spread throughout the world at an incredible speed. The entire Ancient God Realm caused an unprecedented commotion.

All of a sudden, the discussion about the Dao Contest seemed to become the most concerned topic in the entire Ancient God Realm.

"A Dao Discussion event of this scale is simply unprecedented, unprecedented, and it is enough to leave a strong mark in the history of the Ancient God Realm!"

Many people were amazed and shocked by the greatness of the five poles of the emperor's domain.

"This matter is not simple. You must know that the two major forces of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace have been at odds with the two major forces of the Supreme Sect and the Temple since ancient times. Let go of grievances and work together, there must be something mysterious in it."

Many people were surprised, thinking that this Dao Discussion Competition was a bit unusual.

"I heard that this cooperation is led by the Taoist Academy, which has always maintained a neutral position in the five extremes of the imperial domain. The ultimate goal is to select a group of top disciples of the ancestor gods and go to the chaotic ruins to open up a new domain. boundary."

There are also well-informed people who have explained this Dao Discussion Competition.

"A new realm! It's been so many years, and there hasn't been a new realm in the ancient gods. No wonder the Wuji of the Emperor's Domain can reach a cooperation this time. It turns out that all of this is to open up a new realm!"

"From this point of view, the participants in the Dao Discussion Competition this time must be the most outstanding group of Ancestral God Realm powerhouses under the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain?"

"It's more than that, I'm afraid that once this Dao Discussion Competition is held, it will be enough to attract all the top [-] powerhouses in the Ancestral God Realm to participate in it!"

"That's really a gathering of wind and clouds, a gathering of heroes, no matter what, I'm full of expectations for this Dao Discussion Competition!"

Discussions like this happened in almost every realm of the Ancient God Realm. It can be seen how influential the news released by the five poles of the Emperor's Realm was.

And some ascetics who want to find out and watch this Dao Discussion Competition have already set off and gathered from all directions towards the Emperor's Domain.

It can be predicted that on the day when this Dao Discussion Competition kicks off, it is destined to attract a large number of ascetics to watch it together.


In the Kaiyuan Tower.

This is already the fifth year of Chen Xi's closed-door practice.

He didn't know that the Emperor's Realm was already in shock, and the eyes of the entire Ancient God's Realm were also attracted by the Dao Discussion Competition that was about to begin.

At this moment, Chen Xi was still immersed in his cultivation, unaware of the passage of time.

In the past five years, almost all of his Qi-refining cultivation base, Dao enlightenment realm, Dao Xin cultivation base, and Sword Dao realm have undergone a qualitative transformation.

And this also means that his comprehensive combat power has made rapid progress again and again in the past five years!

Yes, it is continuous improvement, not just once!

Cultivation to advance to the Great Perfection Realm of the Ancestor God made his Dao foundation and life level leap forward. Compared with the past, his combat effectiveness has been significantly improved by a large margin.

The realm of enlightenment has reached the point of great success, which has once again increased its power in battle.

And if coupled with the transformation of Dao Xin cultivation base, the improvement of the realm of swordsmanship, and the power of the soul, how could its combat effectiveness be stagnant?

The addition of all these improvements and transformations has made Chen Xi's comprehensive strength have already reached an unbelievable and world-shocking level!

As for how strong Chen Xi is today, perhaps even he himself is not sure.

After all, this promotion is too extraordinary and different from the past. It is not just a breakthrough in cultivation, but a comprehensive improvement of all the powers he controls!

And Chen Xi was able to achieve this step, but it was not luck or luck.

On the one hand, it is because his own foundation is too thick and solid, and all the power he controls has already been tempered to an extremely perfect level, and he has already reached the edge of advancing to the breaking point.

On the other hand, it is also inseparable from the help of the ten rare wines given by the big brother Wu Xuechan.

But the most important thing is this Kaiyuan Pagoda!

This treasure stands in the important place of the Shenyan Mountain sect, and it was opened by Fuxi himself, and now there is Emperor Shun sitting there. This alone is enough to prove how extraordinary the Kaiyuan Tower is, and it is by no means an innate spiritual treasure in the ordinary sense. comparable.

And Chen Xi entered it, went through many difficulties and obstacles all the way, and finally arrived at a star at the end of the three thousand miles of the star field, and obtained the blessing of the heavens. This kind of practice place has only been obtained by him so far, and the benefits he has obtained It is immeasurable.

This can be seen from the extremely moved attitude of Patriarch Di Shun before.

In short, Chen Xi's overall transformation in the past five years may have had an element of chance, but there is absolutely no chance at all.

"Little Junior Brother."

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded, waking up Chen Xi who was immersed in his cultivation, senior brother?

"The Dao Contest is about to start, are you well prepared?"

"You can leave anytime."

Chen Xi replied.

"Okay then, you can leave the Kaiyuan Tower now."

The voice of the eldest brother Wu Xuechan disappeared.

Chen Xi immediately stood up, glanced around, and suddenly reached out to grab a rock, and with his fingers like knives, he carved and sketched on the rock's surface.

In the blink of an eye, a stone tablet resembling a sword rune appeared, and he thrust it into the ground with his hands.


The next moment, with a shake of his green shirt, he disappeared in place.

Unlike when he came here, at this moment when Chen Xi returned along the original road, he did not encounter any pressure. In just a moment, he came to the entrance of the Kaiyuan Pagoda.

As soon as Chen Xi arrived at the entrance, Patriarch Emperor Shun, who had been sitting cross-legged on the green lotus in the starry sky and meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, staring at Chen Xi like the sun and moon shining through the ages.

The current Chen Xi's aura seemed indifferent, a natural and calm aura, nothing special about it, but Patriarch Di Shun knew that it was just an aura on the surface.

All the transformations that took place in Chen Xi during the past five years were all in his eyes. He naturally knew that the current Chen Xi had already reached an unprecedented height in the realm of the ancestral gods. , even Emperor Shun, the ancestor god, was somewhat unable to determine just how tyrannical Chen Xi had become today.

After a while, a satisfied smile appeared on the lips of Patriarch Di Shun.

"Five years, a flick of a finger, but you little guy...hehe, you are completely different from five years ago."

"Uncle Master is absurd."

Chen Xi cupped his hands.

"Go, don't keep your senior brother waiting."

Patriarch Di Shun waved his hand.

"When the disciple returns from the outside world, come and listen to the teacher's uncle's teaching."

Chen Xi saluted and said goodbye, then turned around and left.

"Is this the power and power possessed by the emperor-level Daogen? It is indeed unique in the world, so that this child also has the power and power of the ancestor god emperor. The painstaking efforts left behind have not been buried and wasted..."

Looking at the back of Chen Xi's departure, Patriarch Di Shun couldn't help but feel a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

Characters like him are naturally clear that both Xuan, the Lord of the Wilderness, and Fuxi, were once enlightened by the river map.

And the current Chen Xi is not only a Hetu enlightener, he has already inherited Fuxi's inheritance, and also obtained the mantle left by Xuan, as well as the emperor-level Taoist root. It has already surpassed the vast majority of people in the same realm in ancient and modern times!

"Perhaps, and only in this way, can this son continue the past and open up a supreme road that completely surpasses the past?"

Patriarch Di Shun was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his eyes, and looked at a star at the end of the three thousand miles of the star field.

During these five years, Chen Xi practiced on this star.

Now he has left, leaving only a stone tablet shaped like a sword rune.

A line of handwriting was engraved on the stone tablet with the fingertips - "It will surely surpass the heavens one day!"

One stroke at a time, simple and calm, but revealing a firm and sonorous, indescribable grandeur and great will!

"One day, it will surpass the heavens!"

Patriarch Di Shun repeated this sentence in his mouth, recalling in his mind everything he had witnessed in the past five years about Chen Xi, and his state of mind, which had not had a single ripple in so many years, could not be restrained at this moment. Produce a touch.

Can't recover for a long time.

Suddenly, Patriarch Di Shun waved his sleeves, and on the star three thousand miles away, an invisible force covered the stone tablet shaped like a sharp sword rune, and the stone tablet disappeared under the ground.

"This kid."

Patriarch Di Shun smiled meaningfully and murmured, "He probably doesn't know. If God finds out, he will be robbed... But he really doesn't need to care about these things."


Outside the Kaiyuan Tower.

"Big Brother."

When Chen Xi stepped out, he saw his senior brother Wu Xuechan was already waiting there.

"Not bad."

Wu Xuechan looked Chen Xi up and down, and couldn't help laughing, "I'm much better than me back then."

Chen Xi rubbed his nose and smiled wryly, "Master Uncle Di Shun has already praised me a lot just now, senior brother, please don't do this again, otherwise you will definitely torture me."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Xuechan was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Uncle Di Shun actually praised you?"

Chen Xi was stunned and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Wu Xuechan said with emotion: "You don't know that Master Shun has never praised anyone since he was in the Kaiyuan Pagoda. You are the first one to be praised by his old man."

Chen Xi suddenly smiled wryly again: "Eldest senior brother, let's stop talking about these things."

"Alright, don't keep the others waiting."

Wu Xuechan smiled, and with a wave of her sleeve, she led Chen Xi and disappeared in place.


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