divine talisman

Chapter 1831

The top of Shenyan Mountain.

In front of a grand and ancient palace, there are already many figures standing at this moment, there are men and women, although their appearances are different, they are all extremely powerful.

They gathered together to chat, as if waiting for something.


Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and two figures appeared, they were Wu Xuechan and Chen Xi.

"I have seen Big Brother."

"I have seen Master Uncle."

"I've seen Master Uncle."

Those men and women all stepped forward to salute Wu Xuechan, but they had three completely different titles.

Obviously, among those men and women, there are disciples of the first generation of Shenyan Mountain, and there are also disciples of the second and third generations.

Wu Xuechan nodded with a smile: "You don't have to stick to it."

At this time, everyone's eyes had already fallen on Chen Xi with curiosity.

"Master uncle, this is the little master uncle? But why does he only have the Ancestral God Realm?"

A burly and sturdy man in black clothes spoke in a low voice. He has a rough appearance, a thick beard, and a pair of big eyes with copper bells. He looks very powerful.

"Brave, don't be rude!"

An elegant middle-aged man in Confucian robes scolded.

"No problem."

Wu Xuechan smiled, and immediately introduced to everyone, "This is my little junior brother Chen Xi."

"I met Junior Brother Chen Xi."

"I met Master Chen Xi."

"I met Master Chen Xi's uncle."

All of a sudden, those men and women all saluted Chen Xi one after another, with the same three different titles, which seemed very unique.

Chen Xi also hastily returned the gift.

At this time, he had already seen clearly that among those men and women, there were at least ten emperor-level existences, and the remaining ten were also ancestor-god level existences.

This made Chen Xi secretly sigh with emotion. He remembered correctly that there were seven or eight emperors who called him Master Uncle when he saluted him just now!

Obviously, those are the existences among the second-generation disciples who have already stepped into the emperor's realm.

Specifically, the girls in front of him should all belong to the disciples of the third patriarch Wen Daozhen.

"Junior Brother, don't be surprised. These fellow sects all heard that you returned to the sect for the first time, and wanted to see your true face. Usually, they don't have the time to gather together. Only you have such a big face. It's all attracted."

Wu Xuechan laughed and teased, and after speaking, he began to introduce the identities of those men and women present to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was stunned, but a warm current welled up in his heart. He knew that the elder brother wanted to integrate himself into Shenyan Mountain faster through this method, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation when he met his fellow disciples and didn't know each other in the future.

Soon, the introduction is over.

Chen Xi also finally understood that the men and women in front of him were indeed disciples of the third uncle Wen Daozhen's lineage, but they were only some of them, and there were other disciples who were in closed-door training, and they didn't know the news of Chen Xi's return.

"Brave, where are you going?"

Suddenly, the elegant middle-aged man in the Confucian robe frowned.

Now Chen Xi knew that this elegant middle-aged man was named Wen Chongshan, he was a second-generation disciple of the third uncle Wen Daozhen's lineage, and he was also a seven-star emperor.

The wild bull in Wenchongshan Pass is named Tumeng, a descendant of the ancient fierce beast Kui Niu tribe with golden patterns. Later, he worshiped under Wenchongshan's gate and became a third-generation disciple of Shenyanshan.

At this time, everyone also saw that Tu Meng turned around and walked away without saying a word.

"Master, when I go back to practice, I originally thought that my little master uncle was such a great person. Who would have thought that his strength is as good as mine, which is really boring."

Tu Meng answered in a low voice, speaking bluntly, without hiding the disappointment in his heart, appearing very straightforward.

This made everyone dumbfounded.

But Wen Chongshan's face became gloomy, and he scolded: "You are a heartless brute, how dare you offend me, how can you be decent? You come back to me, and apologize to Master Chen Xi immediately!"

"I don't!"

Tu Meng looked extremely stubborn, and shouted with his neck stuck, "Unless...unless Master Uncle can fight me, if he wins me, I will be convinced!"

As he spoke, he opened his big copper bell-like eyes, and looked at Chen Xi provocatively.

"You stupid cow, it's just..."

Wen Chongshan was so angry that he raised his hand to deal with his unworthy apprentice.

Seeing this, everyone quickly stopped him.

"Nephew Wen, don't you understand Tu Meng's temper? This kid is very stubborn, but his heart is very warm."

Wu Xuechan also said something with a smile.

Wen Chongshan smiled bitterly and said, "How can I not know, it's just that this guy is too short-sighted, he doesn't understand etiquette at all, and he dares to provoke Chen Xi's prestige, it's really annoying."

"Master, I'm not provocative. I'm just a little disappointed with the strength of my little master uncle. I can't hide my thoughts, so I speak out when I have something to say, but I don't have any intention of offending."

Tumon yelled in a rough voice.


Wen Chongshan's expression darkened again, and he felt a little regretful that he had brought Tu Meng to meet Chen Xi.

"Okay, since you're not convinced, let's... make gestures?"

Chen Xi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly laughed.

At such times, he can't act like he's staying out of it. After all, it's the first time he's meeting with the same sect of Shenyan Mountain. He must show his attitude in a timely manner so that he can better integrate into it.

Tumeng's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his fists and said, "It's good to be brave! Just say this to you, master uncle, and I won't let you lose too embarrassingly."

In a word, the corners of Wen Chongshan's mouth trembled with anger, there is no cure for this heartless stupid cow!

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

But there were also some third-generation disciples who couldn't help muttering in their hearts. Although this Tu Meng was outspoken and straightforward, his strength was undeniably powerful.

As early as decades ago, he had already possessed the strength to advance to the Emperor Realm, but his master Wen Chongshan had been suppressing him, preventing him from advancing, saying that the time had not yet come and the time was not ripe.

If it weren't for this, Turing would have already existed as an emperor.

From the fact that Tumena ranked No. 13 in the Ancestral God Realm on the Conferred God List, it can be seen how powerful he is.

Under such circumstances, if Chen Xi was defeated by Tu Meng, it would be a loss of face.

"Come on then."

Chen Xi couldn't help smiling, and stepped forward.

"Uncle, look..."

Seeing this, Wen Chongshan couldn't help feeling a little worried, and looked at Wu Xuechan.

"It's okay, let them compete together."

Wu Xuechan waved her hand and said with a smile, "Otherwise, Tu Meng will never be convinced. In that case, even if he is asked to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition with Junior Brother Chen Xi, he will feel uncomfortable."

It was only then that Chen Xi realized that Tu Meng was actually the same as himself, and wanted to participate in this Dao Discussion Competition.

Seeing this, Wen Chongshan stopped persuading him, but looked at Tumeng, and said with a slight warning: "Brute bull, be careful, don't be rude!"

"Don't worry, master, I'm sure I won't let my little master uncle lose too much face."

Tumon patted his chest, and said loudly.

In a word, instead of reassuring Wen Chongshan, on the contrary, he was so angry that he wished he could beat this heartless rascal.


"Little master uncle, let's do it, I will let you do three tricks first!"

Tu Meng let out a loud cry, his rough face was full of contempt and ferocity, and a forceful aura rose from that burly and majestic body.

In an instant, his whole body seemed to be transformed into an ancient god of war.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but feel helpless. Tu Meng's mouth is really annoying, even humility is justified by him.

Those who didn't know, thought he was humiliating Chen Xi.

"Three moves?"

Chen Xi smiled and said, "No need, how about we decide the outcome with one move?"

one move?

Everyone was stunned, and many of them had some doubts in their hearts. Could it be that Chen Xi was a little out of embarrassment and angered by that fellow Tu Meng?

Tu Meng was also stunned, and grinned: "Uncle Master, don't be angry."

"Don't you dare?"

Chen Xi said.

An understatement caused Tumon to shout immediately: "Why don't you dare? Since you said so, Master Uncle, then I will not be polite!"

When he was speaking, golden runes erupted from his body, covering his whole body, releasing a majestic and intimidating aura.

The sky and the earth were in chaos, the air flow was rumbling, and this space-time wailed, as if it couldn't bear the coercion from Tu Meng.

It can be vaguely seen that on the skin of Tumeng's whole body, mysterious totem tattoos emerged one after another, as if they were alive, making the sound of the gods and demons roaring, and the heaven and the earth mourning together, which is extremely frightening.

This is the power of the inheritance totem of the golden-patterned Kui Niu clan. After merging the inheritance of the talisman of Shenyan Mountain, its power has already surpassed blue, enough to arbitrarily rule the ages and swallow up the eight wastelands!

Obviously, because of the promise of one move, Tu Meng did not dare to be careless, and had already used all his strength to suppress Chen Xi in one fell swoop!

Seeing this, Wen Chongshan's eyelids twitched wildly, knowing that the bull was about to go mad, he opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Wu Xuechan with a smile.


At this moment, Tu Meng suddenly jumped up, shaped like a Kui ox treading on the moon, his arms as thick as rocks were lifted up, like swinging the sun and the moon, with hundreds of millions of golden runes wrapped in his palms, and headed towards Chen Xi. Chop off!

In an instant, a piece of time and space between Chen Xi and Tu Meng suddenly shattered, unable to withstand such terrifying power.

This blow was indeed too terrifying. If it was five years ago, Chen Xi might have felt a bit of pressure, but now...

He just smiled, and his figure stood still on the spot. He just stretched out a palm and patted it lightly, without a trace of fireworks.

Even, this palm seemed too calm, indifferent, and light, which made people feel a little worried and had a strong sense of unreliability.

"Master uncle, is he going to admit defeat..."

Those three generations of disciples all frowned.

They didn't notice at all that Wen Chongshan existed in the realm of emperors, and when they saw Chen Xi's palm, their eyes and pupils all shrank in unison!

Even Wu Xuechan couldn't help being slightly taken aback, as if a little surprised.


All of this is slow to say, but in fact, it all happened in the blink of an eye. When Chen Xi slapped this palm, Tu Meng's full-power blow had already killed them, and the golden rain of golden runes filled the sky, killing them both. The figures are drowned.


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