divine talisman

Chapter 1832 Discussion Quota


The sky-shaking roar resounded, and under the gazes of all the astonished eyes, Chen Xi's seemingly understated palm easily pierced through hundreds of millions of golden runes, and he never encountered any obstacles from the beginning to the end.

In the end, the palm landed on Tumon's fist.

In an instant, Tumeng felt as if struck by lightning, but his burly body like a majestic mountain flew backward like a kite with a broken string.


Tu Meng fell more than ten feet away, and his figure staggered. Although he didn't fall to the ground, the impact he suffered seemed too terrifying. His body kicked and kicked back seven or eight steps before he stood still.

It's just that at this moment, his eyes like copper bells are wide open, his complexion is changing, he is panting heavily from his mouth and nose, and he looks overly frightened.

How can this be?

Tu Meng was shocked, he couldn't believe it, the opponent was clearly motionless, just slapped him, but he defeated him in one fell swoop!

Even, I don't even have room to struggle!

How on earth did he do it?

Tumon froze there.

"He actually defeated Tumon with one move!"

"It's simply unbelievable. Have you seen the method that Master Uncle used?"

"No, but from this point, it can be seen that Master Uncle's attainments in the Ancestral God Realm may have reached an unprecedented height!"

Those third-generation disciples of the Ancestral God Realm were amazed, and their faces were full of shock. With a single blow, they defeated Tu Meng, who was the top three in combat among their three generations of disciples. This was something they never thought of before.

Wen Chongshan and other emperors were also very moved.

Tu Meng was a powerhouse ranked No. 13 in the Ancestral God Realm on the Conferred God List, and his combat power was astonishing, but now he lost to Chen Xi in one blow. Such a result made them somewhat unexpected.

"Have you taken it?"

Chen Xi asked with a smile.

At this moment, his image in the eyes of everyone has changed.


Tu Meng hesitated to speak, and after a while he curled his lips and said, "Master Uncle, I didn't use all my strength just now."

"So, are you dissatisfied?"

Chen Xi said.

"No, I accept!"

Tu Meng hurriedly said, "Although I'm stupid, I can see that you didn't use your full strength just now, Master Uncle. Otherwise, I, Man Niu, might not even be able to stand up now."

In the end, there was already a hint of admiration in his voice.

Obviously, he really recognized Chen Xi's strength and was convinced.

Chen Xi glanced at him in surprise, and said with a smile, "I don't think you're stupid at all."

Tumon chuckled and scratched his head.

This guy is able to enter Shenyan Mountain, and he has cultivated himself to such a level that he is firmly in the top three among his peers. How can he be a heartless idiot.

It's just that he speaks directly and never wants to hide his little thoughts in front of his own people.

"Okay, junior brother, you come with me, and it's time for you to understand the Dao Discussion Competition."

Wu Xuechan said with a smile.

When the others saw this, they all took their leave and left.

"Master Uncle, can I have the courage to ask you a question?"

Tumon couldn't help asking before leaving.


Hearing that the bull was actually humbled, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing, and said, "Just say it."

"Which step has your strength reached?"

As soon as Tuman said this, many disciples who hadn't left all pricked up their ears.

But before Chen Xi could answer, Wu Xuechan said meaningfully: "Back then, when your little master uncle was still in the middle stage of the ancestor god, he once killed an existence of the emperor realm. As for how strong he is now, we will wait for you to discuss the Dao In time, you will understand."

One stone shocked a thousand waves!

Those disciples who hadn't left Qiqi were shocked and gasped, did the ancestor god kill the existence of the emperor in the middle stage?

The fighting power of this little martial uncle (junior martial uncle) is too heaven-defying!

Tu Meng was so shocked that his eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to say something, but his master Wen Chongshan forcibly took him away with his clothes.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help smiling.

"Junior brother, in a month's time, the Dao Discussion Competition will begin."

Wu Xuechan's expression became serious, and he began to talk about the Dao Discussion Competition, "This Dao Discussion Competition is led by the Taoist Academy, and the venue is chosen to be the 'Central Holy Court' where the Taoist Academy is entrenched."

"At that time, Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, Taoist Temple, and God Academy will all send the most outstanding ancestral gods from their sects to participate."

"After discussing with my two senior uncles, Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen, we at Shenyan Mountain decided to send ten disciples to participate in the event, including you naturally. The other nine disciples are three generations of disciples from the same lineage of the third uncle. You'll see them when you set off."

Chen Xi asked in a daze, "Ten people?"

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "Yes, ten people, according to my calculations, if three disciples can finally get the quota to enter the chaotic ruins, it will be enough."

"Then how many ancestor gods have been sent by the other four major forces to participate?"

Chen Xi pondered.

"It should be much more than our Shenyan Mountain."

Wu Xuechan said casually, "You also know that among the four major forces, they have a huge number of disciples, which is completely different from the situation in our Shenyan Mountain."

After a pause, he continued: "However, the so-called soldier is the most valuable. The number of disciples participating in the Dao Discussion Competition does not determine the final result. Everything depends on their own strength."

Chen Xi nodded, he understood this truth.

"What's more, there are only 25 places that can enter the chaotic ruins this time, and [-] of them are prepared for the five poles of the emperor's domain. However, how many places can be obtained by each force depends on the disciples of their respective sects. performance."

Wu Xuechan said slowly.

The meaning is very simple, there are only 25 places, but they will not be shared evenly. If you want to get the places, you need to rely on the strength of your disciples to compete for them.

It can be foreseen that this competition must be extremely fierce, and it can even be called the highest level of ancestral god realm powerhouse confrontation in the entire ancient gods!

After all, in this Dao Discussion Competition, the most outstanding disciples of Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao, Taoist Temple, and Divine Academy...these five supreme forces all participated in it. The comparison of specifications is unprecedented, and it can be called the crown of today.

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Eldest senior brother, besides these 25 places, who are the other five places prepared for?"

Wu Xuechan smiled, and said: "I forgot to tell you that the participants in the Dao Discussion Competition this time are not only the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain, but also the Ancestral God Realm experts from other major forces. These five places are reserved for them." Prepare.

"This is also to take care of the feelings of the cultivators all over the world. Otherwise, if only our disciples from the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain enter the Chaotic Remains, I'm afraid the cultivators all over the world will criticize this."

Chen Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded, and said, "That is to say, it's enough for us to only consider taking those 25 places?"

Wu Xuechan smiled and said, "It's natural."

Chen Xi thought for a while, and asked the last question: "Elder brother, what are the rules for this Dao Discussion Competition?"

Wu Xuechan shook his head: "It depends on how the Taoist temple arranges, but you can rest assured that if the Taoist temple cannot be fair and just, neither our Shenyan Mountain nor the other three major forces will agree."

Chen Xi smiled and said, "This is the best."

Wu Xuechan patted Chen Xi's shoulder, and said, "Junior Junior Brother, you must seize this opportunity, otherwise it will be difficult for you to have the opportunity to open up a new domain and become a domain master in the future."

"For other people, it doesn't seem to matter whether they can become domain masters, because this goal is too far away from them, so far away that they don't even have the heart to fight for it."

"But to you, junior, whether you can become a domain master is very important, because your path...is different from others."

Speaking of the last sentence, Wu Xuechan's eyes showed a rare seriousness.

"Elder brother, don't worry, I understand."

Chen Xi was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes, looked at Wu Xuechan, and replied in a serious and solemn tone.

His path is indeed different from others.

"It's good that you understand, let's go, let's meet those disciples who are going to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition with you."

Wu Xuechan smiled, and led Chen Xi down towards the top of the mountain.


Gu Yan, with a thin figure, thick black hair, and taciturn, is a disciple of three generations of Shenyan Mountain, a strong Ancestral God, and ranked No. 9 in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of Conferred Gods.

Hua Yan, with a handsome face and a reserved and shy personality, is a disciple of three generations of Shenyan Mountain, a strong person at the peak of the Ancestral God Realm, and ranks No. 11 in the Ancestral God Realm on the list of gods.


Zhong Xiuyuan...

In front of an ancient palace on the side of a mountain, Chen Xi saw the nine disciples who were going to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition with him.

Six men and three women, all of them are the peak existence of the ancestor god Dzogchen Realm.

The one who practiced in Shenyan Mountain for the longest time, more than 1 years, is Gu Yan. Similarly, he is also No.[-] among the three generations of disciples.

The person who has practiced for the shortest time in Shenyan Mountain is more than [-] years. That person is Hua Yan. Although he has practiced in the sect for a short time, his strength is obvious to all. Now he is ranked No. [-] among the three generations of disciples two.

Chen Xi still remembered that when he entered the Kaiyuan Pagoda for cultivation five years ago, some disciples mistook him for this "Hua Yan".

And at that time, he also saw the three sword marks left by Hua Yan on one of the avenue stars, and he knew that this shy and introverted man had already possessed the swordsmanship of the second heaven of the Sword Emperor, which was enough to be called Amazing.

As for the third-ranked Tumon, Chen Xi had already met him.

Apart from Gu Yan, Hua Yan, and Tu Meng, the other disciples were also all gifted, and they definitely belonged to the kind of peerless generation that was unique.

This made Chen Xi, who was a teacher-uncle, couldn't help but sigh with emotion in his heart. In the outside world, how could he see so many shocking and extraordinary people all at once?

Only in the Supreme Sect with such an ancient and long history as Shenyan Mountain, such a scene will appear.

And what surprised Chen Xi was that besides these nine third-generation disciples, there were many other disciples who were not inferior.

But it is a pity that there are only ten places to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition this time, and the others have no chance to participate.


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