divine talisman

Chapter 1833 Past and Present

In front of the ancient palace, three generations of disciples including Gu Yan and Hua Yan were also looking at Chen Xi curiously. Among them, only Tu Meng had seen Chen Xi before.

However, they knew just now that Tu Meng was defeated by this master uncle who had just returned to the sect less than five years ago.

Therefore, when facing Chen Xi at this moment, they all respected them quite a bit, and did not dare to act rashly.

"When you go to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition this time, Wen Tinglai will lead the team and be responsible for all your matters in the Dao Discussion Competition."

Wu Xuechan instructed from the side.


Chen Xi not only had a delicate and quiet figure appear in his mind, he had met him once when he returned to Shenyan Mountain five years ago, and he knew that the other party was an eight-star peak emperor who was only one step away from reaching the nine-star level. The ranks of emperors.

However, Chen Xi noticed at this moment that when they heard that Wen Ting was leading the team, Gu Yan and the other nine disciples all froze, and there was an uncontrollable strange look on their faces, which seemed to be jealous, but also seemed to be admired. Very complicated.

This made Chen Xi startled slightly.

"Master Uncle, Junior Uncle."

At this moment, a quiet voice sounded, Wen Ting, dressed in green, with long hair shawl, and a delicate and clean face, paced from a distance.

"Wen Ting, you're here."

Wu Xuechan smiled.

"Uncle, can we go now?"

Wen Ting asked.

Wu Xuechan looked at Chen Xi, and said, "Junior brother, do you have other things?"

Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, pulled Wu Xuechan aside, and said in a low voice: "Eldest senior brother, Ye Yan and Lao Bai..."

Before finishing speaking, Wu Xuechan said with a smile: "Don't worry, they all got a chance from Taoist Ancestral Dragon, and now they are self-retreating, and I will take care of them for you."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "Then there will be Senior Brother Lao."

Wu Xuechan patted him on the shoulder and said: "Junior Brother, although there is no danger of danger in this trip, but the world is impermanent, you must be careful, especially beware of the Taishangjiao, and you must not take it lightly."

Chen Xi smiled and said, "I understand."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, but still said: "Eldest senior brother, I have one more request for junior brother."

Wu Xuechan said casually: "But it's okay to say."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and said, "When I was in the Immortal Realm, my father Chen Lingjun brought my mother to this ancient God Realm quietly, but until now, I have never heard any news about them, so I would like to ask you to come forward and help me Find out about them."

This matter has been suppressed in his heart all these years, but now he can't help but ask it out.

After Wu Xuechan listened carefully, she fell into a rare silence.

After a long time, he said: "Little brother, leave this matter to me. When you return from the land of chaos, I will give you an explanation."

Wu Xuechan's silence made Chen Xi acutely aware that something was unusual, but when he heard that Wu Xuechan agreed, Chen Xi was secretly relieved.

He stopped thinking about it, cupped his fists and saluted, "Brother, thank you very much!"

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "You are being too polite, but when it comes to this matter, I remembered that among the ascetics who accompanied your three senior brothers from the fairyland to the ancient gods, there were also a few from the Nuwa Dao Palace. Little guy."

Chen Xi was startled, and immediately remembered that what the senior brother was talking about was Shi Yu, Xiang Liuli, and the Nuwa Palace Four Spirit Palace Masters Yuan Che, Kong Lin, Yuchi Wan, and Yun Su.

Not only that, Chen Xi suddenly remembered that those who followed the three brothers back then were Meng Xinghe, Hua Jiankong, Zhao Taici, the patriarch of the Huang Clan, Ao Jiuhui, the patriarch of the Dragon Realm, and the elder of the Daohuang Academy. Chi Cangsheng.

Apart from them, even Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuobei, the three Immortal King Realm existences of the Xuanyuan Clan, also came to the Ancient God Realm.

Thinking of this, Chen Xi couldn't help being in a daze for a while.

Before he could inquire, Wu Xuechan seemed to have seen what he was thinking, and said in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, after arriving at the ancient temple, except for Meng Xinghe and Hua Jiankong who stayed in our Shenyan Mountain to practice, everyone else is doing their own thing. With their own opportunities, they entered different practice holy places to practice."

According to Wu Xuechan, Zhao Taici, the Patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, went to the Yuhuahuang Palace, the ancient Taoist tradition of the Imperial Domain, to practice.

Immortal King Weiyang entered Taixu Temple to practice little by little.

Ao Jiuhui, the patriarch of the dragon world, was accepted by the Canglong clan in the imperial domain.

As for the others like Xuanyuan Shao, Xuanyuan Fengchen, and Xuanyuan Tuo, they were all stepped forward by Wu Xuechan and placed in the ancient orthodox good luck mountain of the imperial domain to practice.

Only Chi Cangsheng was a little special, he didn't want to join any sect, he drifted away alone, and went to practice alone.

Hua Jiankong is a disciple of Meng Xinghe, and Meng Xinghe was the dean of Daohuang Academy back then, and his inheritance comes from Ji Yu's lineage.

Although Ji Yu is the mount of Fuxi, the lord of Shenyan Mountain, in the eyes of Wu Xuechan and his disciples, he is like a "uncle master" and respects him a lot.

Therefore, Meng Xinghe and Hua Jiankong also stayed in Shenyan Mountain to cultivate, but they are currently in retreat and unable to meet Chen Xi.

Knowing this, Chen Xi was completely relieved, and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I really can't wait to see them."

Wu Xuechan smiled and said: "There will be opportunities in the future, but then again, when you go to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition this time, you may be able to meet one or two old friends."

Chen Xi's eyes lit up, old friend?

"Hurry up, don't make them wait for a long time. Although there is still a month before the start of the Dao Discussion Competition, it will take a lot of time on the way from Shenyan Mountain to the Central Holy Court."

Wu Xuechan smiled and urged Chen Xi.

Chen Xi turned his head, and sure enough, he saw Wen Ting and the nine third-generation disciples looking towards him.

Immediately, he didn't dare to delay any longer, cupped his hands and said, "That's it, senior brother, take your leave."



On this day, Shenyan Mountain opened the teleportation array, moved Chen Xi and his party away, and embarked on the itinerary to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition.


Nuwa Palace.

"I heard from the Patriarch that you have been in seclusion for so many years and have recovered your previous life memories, so... now you still remember who you are?"

On a sacred mountain filled with five-color divine splendor, stood an ancient black altar. In front of the altar, a woman spoke softly, with a trace of complexity in her voice.

This woman has a slender and graceful figure, with a fluttering skirt, a black silk bun, and a delicate garland, with strands of faint silver light lingering around her body, setting her off like a goddess walking out of a painting.

This woman is clearly Xiang Liuli!

At this moment, opposite Xiang Liuli, a man was squatting on the ground frowning in distress. Hearing this, he couldn't help but blushed and said, "Of course I am me, who else could it be?"

Having said that, his expression became more and more complicated, and after a long time, he murmured: "Damn it, I thought only Junior Sister Qing Xiuyi had gone through a hundred generations of reincarnation. Reincarnated in the Three Realms..."

That's right, this person is Shi Yu, the eldest disciple of Nuwa Daogong Weidao of the Three Realms.

When he and Xiang Liuli arrived at the Ancient God Realm, they were sent all the way to the Nuwa Palace by Tie Yunhai, and then they were ordered to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Nuwa Palace "Five Colors God Pool" for retreat.

It's just that even Shi Yu himself didn't expect that this retreat not only transformed his cultivation, but also awakened the memory of his previous life!

He also finally understood that the self in his previous life was actually a Taoist boy named Shi Dayu next to Nuwa, the founder of Nuwa Palace's sect...

Shi Yu, Shi Dayu, the difference of one letter represents two different lives in the past life and the present life, which made Shi Yu still somewhat unable to accept such absurd things when he came out of seclusion at this moment.

How could this be?

This question has arisen in his mind more than once.

"I heard that all of this was the arrangement made by the Patriarch back then, in order to repair the gaps in your path."

Xiang Liuli at the side said in a low voice, "You don't have to worry about it, the patriarch did this obviously for your own good."

"I know."

Shi Yu sighed, stood up, and said, "I'm just a little puzzled, why I have to be reincarnated in the Three Realms, it's a bit too weird."

"Senior Brother Shi Yu, the Patriarch has an order. If you are ready, go to the Daoist Hall. In a quarter of an hour, Senior Uncle Yu Zhen will take Senior Brother Shi Yu and you to leave to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition."

Suddenly, a slender white crane flew over from the sky and spoke in a clear voice.

"I'm coming here."

Shi Yu was startled, then waved his hand, the white crane spread its wings and disappeared.

"Junior Sister Li, there is not much time left. I will have a good chat with you when I come back. When the time comes, I will personally ask the Patriarch to let you and me become Taoist couples."

The next moment, Shi Yu took a deep breath, put his hands on Xiang Liuli's shoulders, and looked over affectionately.

Hearing such straightforward words, Xiang Liuli's pretty face blushed, feeling a little uncomfortable, but a pair of clear eyes revealed surprise inadvertently, revealing her true inner thoughts.

"Then...then I'll wait for you."

Xiang Liuli lowered her head and spoke like a gnat, not daring to meet Shi Yu's fiery and affectionate eyes.

Seeing this, Shi Yu suddenly pecked Xiang Liuli on the lips, then laughed loudly, turned around and strode away.

"Junior Sister Li, you must wait for me to come back."


Xiang Liuli's cheeks were hot, smeared like a glow of fire, and he spat in a low voice, but his heart was filled with joy. After many years, this guy finally made a promise to himself.

On the same day, 36 disciples of the Ancestral God Realm including Shi Yu from Nuwa Palace, along with Yu Zhen, the Taoist elder of Nuwa Palace, set off for the Central Holy Court and embarked on a journey to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition.

Not only the Shenyan Mountain and the Nuwa Palace, but also the God Academy, the Supreme Sect, and many top powers in the Emperor's Domain and even the entire Ancient God's Domain also took action on this day.

Their goal is the same, go to the central sacred court!

Because in another month, the Dao Discussion Competition that has been widely spread throughout the Ancient God Realm will kick off in the Central Holy Court!


ps: There is no third update tonight. The plot of the Dao Dao Competition is a bit complicated, and it hasn't been smoothed out yet. Kawen is so powerful that he can't write it out. Let Jinyu think about it.


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