divine talisman

Chapter 1834 The strong are like forests


In the majestic and solemn Tianxing Temple.

Dressed in a black robe, with a beard and hair like silver, and an indifferent and majestic complexion, Chi Songzi stood alone in this empty black temple with his hands behind his back.

He is silent and waiting.

As the Great Elder of the Holy Academy, Chisongzi has the terrifying cultivation of the Nine-Star Emperor Realm, and also possesses the monstrous authority that ordinary people can't imagine.

Normally, it would be very difficult to meet him, but now, not only did he appear in the Temple of Heaven, but he was also waiting for a group of people.


In the distance came the simple and deep sound of the Taoist bell, spreading across the world.

Accompanied by the sound, line after line of figures began to pour into the Tianxing Temple like a tide.

The lead group consisted of eighteen people, including men and women, the men were imposing and the women were elegant and colorful, all of them were dragons and phoenixes among men, they were like the arrogance of the world, extremely dazzling.

They are the eighteen palm print disciples of the God Academy!

Behind these palmprint disciples, followed by 36 ascetics dressed in black, with a stern aura, exuding a fierce and ruthless aura.

These are the "black deacons" of the temple, all of them are fierce in fighting power and ruthless in methods. The purpose of their existence is to serve the palm print disciples and work hard for them!

"Meet the Great Elder of Teachings!"

Eighteen palm seal disciples, plus 36 black deacons, all looked solemn after entering the Tianxing Temple, saluted Chisongzi together, and no one dared to be disrespectful.

This is the rule of the Divine Academy. Among the five extremes of the Imperial Domain, the most strict and strict level is the Divine Academy.

In other powers, the following crimes may be forgiven, but in the temple, this is a great blasphemy, and it will be punished by death!

It is precisely because of these perverted strict rules that the disciples trained by the seminary all give the world a feeling of coldness, harshness, stubbornness, and incomparably powerful.

"After a stick of incense, I will take you to the Central Holy Court to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition. Before that, I would like to know who is the strongest opponent you think you will meet?"

Chi Songzi spoke indifferently, and the deep and cold voice rolled and echoed in the hall like thunder, shocking the soul.

"Great Elder, in the minds of my disciples, among the powerhouses who participated in the Dao discussion this time, none is the most powerful than Leng Xinghun, the elder of the Supreme Master! This person has been among the ancestor gods of the Dzogchen as early as 3000 years ago. At that time, he was even known as the "one of the best in the imperial realm", and no one could compare with it. Now, after so many years, he has been suppressing the realm, and he has never advanced to the emperor realm. His strength may have reached an unfathomable height."

A palm print disciple spoke first, his words were stern, as if he was stating a fact, without any emotional fluctuations.

Hearing this, Chi Songzi nodded and said, "Leng Xinghun is indeed the most powerful among all the ancestral gods who participated in the Dao Discussion Competition."

After a pause, he continued: "There is no need to say more about the Supreme Master. Your opponents should come from Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace and Taoist Temple."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was not surprised, because the entire ancient gods knew that in the five poles of the emperor's domain, the relationship between Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace was very close, and the same was true for the temple and the Supreme Sect. The relationship between the former and the latter has always been tense, and they have been enemies for generations.

As for the Daoist Academy, they have always maintained a neutral attitude.

Against such a background, it is only natural for Chisongzi to directly target Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, and Taoist temple.

"I think that Kong Youran of Nuwa Palace should not be underestimated. This woman is a direct descendant of the ancient Peacock King. She is born with wisdom roots. She is the only one in Nuwa Palace who controls the five wheels, five elements, five colors, five aggregates, and five spirits. The existence of the ancestor gods, the transcendence of talent, and the depth of cultivation, is known as the No. 1 ancestor god realm of Nuwa Palace."

A female palm print disciple spoke.

"Kong Youran...this girl is really amazing."

Chi Songzi nodded and said: "However, you should pay more attention to a disciple named Shi Yu in Nuwa's Palace. According to the information I have received, this son's previous life identity is not simple. Having gained the reputation of immortality, now that he has awakened the memory of his previous life, although he is only at the Ancestral God Realm, he must not be underestimated."

Shi Yu!

Everyone shuddered and remembered the name firmly.

"Who else?"

Chisongzi asked.

"Reporting to the Great Elder, this disciple believes that Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue of the Taoist Academy are extraordinary people, and they are not weaker than that Leng Xinghun and Kong Youran."

A man with snow-like eyebrows, a pair of blue pupils, and an unusually handsome face spoke. His voice was low and had a unique magnetism.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the eyes of many disciples in the hall were attracted, and they seemed a little surprised.

Even Chi Songzi was slightly taken aback, this man with a different face from ordinary people was named Zhu Qianyu, he was the second-ranked disciple of the palm print in the temple, and his cultivation had already reached a level of unpredictability.

Zhu Qianyu herself is a descendant of Zhulong, the master of a demon god in ancient times, with the power of blood reaching the sky, and he is unparalleled.

An existence like him, if not for the chance in the chaotic ruins, would have set foot in the emperor's realm many years ago and became a teaching elder in the temple.

But now, Zhu Qianyu actually opened his mouth, thinking that both Yechen and Yu Jiuyue in the Taoist courtyard should not be underestimated, which is too surprising.

As we all know, Yechen and Yu Jiuyue have only been promoted to the Ancestral God Realm for decades. How can they compare with Leng Xinghun, an old monster who has been famous for a long time in the Ancestral God Realm?

Even Kong Youran has been promoted to the Ancestral God Realm for thousands of years.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Qianyu compared Yechen, Yu Jiuyue with Leng Xinghun and Kong Youran, which was somewhat unexpected.

It is true that everyone present also knew that Yechen and Yu Jiuyue had been occupying the No. 2 and No. [-] positions in the Spirit God Realm, respectively, when they were in the Spirit God Realm.

Until a few years ago, these two people broke through the realm and advanced together on the same day, and stepped into the realm of ancestor gods. When the two advanced, they even triggered a shocking vision of the heaven and earth in the imperial domain, which amazed the world.

But after all...they have just advanced to the Ancestral God Realm for decades, so how could their cultivation be so strong?

At this moment, Zhu Qianyu didn't seem to notice the strange gazes around him, and said calmly, "Ye Chen is a descendant of the Eternal Family Ye Clan, everyone probably knows that his ancestor was known as the Lord of Yong Ye in ancient times, It is a terrifying existence that is enough to make any Taoist terribly afraid. But you probably don't know that this Yechen has inherited a ninth-rank emperor-level Taoist root left by his ancestors back then!"

Ninth Grade Emperor Daogen!

The expressions of the people present finally became serious.

"As for that Yu Jiuyue, his light has been covered by Ye Chen, so that the world always only pays attention to Ye Chen and ignores his existence."

Zhu Qianyu's blue pupils glowed with a frightening luster, "No one in this world understands that Yu Jiuyue is not inferior to Yechen in any aspect, no matter in terms of talent, foundation, or status! The reason why he has always been ranked behind Ye Chen is that this person is only slightly less lucky than Ye Chen."

When everyone heard the words, they were all thoughtful and silent.

On Chi Songzi's old-fashioned and stern face, there was a rare expression of appreciation at this moment, and he said: "That's right, there is only a slight difference in luck between Yechen and Yu Jiuyue. It is impossible to be absolutely fair, even if it is only a little bit of unfairness, it will widen the gap between the two."

"Great Elder, the disciples have different opinions."

A palmprint disciple spoke.

"But it doesn't matter."

Chisongzi said calmly.

"Although Yechen and Yu Jiuyue's talents and roots are outstanding, but after all, the time to advance to the Ancestral God Realm is too short, and the combat power they have now..."

Before the palm print disciple finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhu Qianyu: "This point is nothing to the Taoist monastery. As long as you have the opportunity and resources, the practice time can no longer restrain the rapid progress of a monk!"

After a pause, he continued: "As far as I know, in order to allow these two people to get places in the Dao Discussion Competition, the Taoist Academy has opened the 'Shaohua Ancient Realm' long ago, sending people into it In terms of cultivation, if there are no accidents, their cultivation base may have already reached the level of the great perfection of the ancestor gods."

Shaohua Ancient Realm!

An ancient secret realm that can turn back the years and reshape the changes of time. It is rumored that it has been practiced for thousands of years, and only one day has passed by the outside world. It is incredible.

This is different from the Dao of Time controlled by ascetics. The Dao of Time can only be used on battles and other things that do not have signs of life.

The reason is also very simple. For every existence in the divine realm, they have mastered and comprehended the power of time, so time cannot leave a mark on them at all.

But this does not mean that they have the power to reverse the years and change time.

If this is the case, the entire Ancient God Realm may have already been messed up.

Time and space, the general term for time and space, once disordered, the world will not exist.

Although ascetics can destroy an area of ​​time and space with a wave of their hands during a duel, but that is only temporary. After the battle is over and after years of changes, everything will return to its original state.

In short, the power of time is mastered by almost any existence in the divine realm, but very few people have the power to change and reverse time.

Time delay, time superposition, time tide... All these fighting methods are just fighting methods after all, a power released by the power of time, which cannot last for a long time.

Therefore, when it was known that the Academy opened the "Ancient Shaohua Realm" and sent Na Yechen and Yu Jiuyue to practice in it, everyone in the hall fell silent for a while, completely agreeing with Zhu Qianyu's point of view.

You must know that the "Shaohua Ancient Realm" does not mean that it can only be opened once it is opened. Three Dao Master Realm Existences must act together, and it takes a lot of rare treasures to be able to open it once.

It can also be seen from this that the Taoist Academy has spent a lot of money in order to let Ye Chen and Yu Jiuyue get places in the Dao Discussion Competition.

Under such circumstances, if you underestimate the power of Yechen and Yu Jiuyue, then you will really rest on your laurels and watch the sky from a well.


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