divine talisman

Chapter 1835

Chi Songzi glanced at everyone in the hall, and finally landed on a man in white who stood first on the right.

This person has long hair tied into a ponytail, a gentle face, and a smile on the corner of his lips, giving people a refreshing and free and easy taste.

The aura on his body is also as warm as jade, subtle as warm wind, making people extremely comfortable. It is completely different from the unique cold and stern aura of other disciples, and it is very unique.

He is Donghuang Yinxuan, the great disciple of the God Academy's Palm Seal!

A dazzling figure known as the "Shenyuan's unique talent", who has cultivated Taoism for 3000 years, has made great strides all the way, and has never met any opponent so far!

Donghuang is an extremely ancient surname. In the ancient times, it also represented a kind of supreme honor, respected by all the gods!

Even now, the Donghuang clan is a well-known eternal family in the imperial domain, and only the Shaohao clan and Dongyi clan are the only eternal clans that can compare with it.

Donghuang Yinxuan is a peerless figure with the most outstanding talent among the orthodox descendants of the Donghuang Clan today. He was born with a "Xuan Dao Fighting Physique", which is rare in the world!

At this moment, even when Chi Songzi looked at Donghuang Yinxuan, he couldn't help showing a sense of relaxation in his eyes, and said, "Yinxuan, how about you?"

Donghuang Yinxuan said with a casual smile: "Perhaps Gu Yan from Shenyan Mountain is also one of them?"

The words were understated, and if you didn't listen carefully, you might think he was perfunctory.

Hearing this name, Chi Songzi pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "This Gu Yan is a late bloomer, and he is the number one disciple in the Shenyan Mountain Ancestor God Realm. He is indeed a strong opponent."

Donghuang Yinxuan smiled, but didn't say much.

"Great Elder, when it comes to Shenyan Mountain, I don't think that Gu Yan should be the most vigilant."

Suddenly, a man with palm prints in black spoke. He has long lavender hair, fair complexion like suet jade, sharp-edged face, handsome and extraordinary, and his gestures are calm and calm, with a look of disdain for the mountains and rivers in his calmness. Arrogance.

This person is none other than Gongsun Mu, the third palm print disciple!


Chisongzi was thoughtful.

"From my disciple's point of view, the person who should be most vigilant in this Dao Discussion Competition is that Chen Xi!"

Gongsun Mu said in a deep voice, "This son is the No. 14 apprentice accepted by the Lord of Shenyan Mountain, and he has only become familiar to the world in recent years, but there is no doubt that this son's strength is not strong in the ordinary sense .”

Chen Xi!

Hearing this name, everyone present had different reactions, some laughed, some disdain, some were puzzled, some showed a dignified face, and so on.

The reason is that Chen Xi's rise was too short, and everyone's impression of him was too vague. Most of the news heard so far was related to his status as a direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain.

But there are very few specific things about him.

Up to now, everyone present only knew that this son had beheaded many supreme gods in the ruins of Manggu, and that was the first time he had appeared in the public eye.

Later, there were many rumors about him in the ancient gods, such as beheading Ye Feng, the descendant of the Ye family, beheading the emperor Nandu...

But all these are rumors after all, and no one can be sure whether Chen Xi is as powerful as the rumors.

However, relatively speaking, these disciples of the seminary present may have a deeper understanding of Chen Xi, because just five years ago, Tuoba Chuan, the No. To a certain defeat.

Although that battle was stopped by Gongsun Mu, all of this made the disciples of the divine courtyard clear that Chen Xi, a direct disciple of Fuxi's lineage in Shenyan Mountain, indeed possesses a powerful combat power that is difficult for ordinary people to match.

But that's all.

In the eyes of many of them, this Chen Xi was far less worthy of attention than characters like Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Yechen, and Yu Jiuyue.

Therefore, when they heard Gongsun Mu mentioning Chen Xi's name so seriously, it attracted different reactions from other people.

"You keep talking."

Chisongzi's attitude was a bit strange, as if he was very interested in it, and also seemed to be brewing something in his heart.

"This son once confronted Junior Brother Tuoba. From my point of view, even if I make a move, I am only half sure that I can win him."

Gongsun Mu thought about it for a moment, then said seriously, "What makes me especially vigilant is that this guy is very low-key, hiding his secrets so that people can't see the depth at all. Such an opponent must be wary."

His words were rarely serious, which made many people slightly surprised, and his expression became a lot more serious immediately.

"Senior Brother Gongsun is right. I have fought against this person, and the pressure he brought me during the battle is already comparable to that of Senior Brother Donghuang."

Tuoba Chuan, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth, causing everyone present to be completely awe-inspiring. No one thought that this Tuoba Chuan actually regarded Chen Xi as an existence of the same level as his big brother Donghuang Yinxuan!

"You're right."

Chi Songzi suddenly sighed, and immediately, his expression became extremely cold and indifferent, "The reason why I am asking you this time, the only thing I want to remind you is actually this Chen Xi!"

Everyone's expressions became more and more awe-inspiring, a little surprised.

"A few days ago, Xu Tuo, the priest of the Supreme Sect, personally came forward and reached an agreement with our Taoist Academy. In this Dao Discussion Competition, we will use all methods to deal with this son and prevent him from entering the chaotic ruins!"

As soon as Chi Songzi opened his mouth, he threw out a shocking news.

"At that time, not only our divine academy, but also all the forces dispatched by the Supreme Sect will also aim at this and suppress the disciples of Shenyan Mountain headed by Chen Xi with all their strength!"

Every word was like thunder, shaking the hall, causing all the disciples to fall into silence, and they finally started to take this Chen Xi seriously.

They didn't know the reason, but since they were able to send out the God Academy and the Supreme Master together, one can imagine how unusual this matter was!

"Of course, everything must be done according to the rules of the Dao Contest. Our ultimate goal is to enter the land of chaos."

Chi Songzi said indifferently, "You guys, can you hear me clearly?"

"Disciple understands!"

Everyone responded in unison.

"Then let's go with this seat."

With a wave of the Chisongzi sleeve robe, he strode towards the Tianxing Temple.


Too taught.

Da Lie is in Baoping.

The holy priest Xu Tuo sat cross-legged on a mountain of white bones, and below the mountain was an endless sea of ​​blood boiling and roaring.

The scene was like hell.

The figure of the holy priest Xu Tuo was as thin as a stick, his face was wrinkled and imprinted with the mottled traces of the years. From a distance, he looked like an old man who was about to pass away, and there was nothing unusual about him.

Even his pair of eyes were cloudy.

Suddenly, a figure flew across the sea of ​​blood from a distance, moved over, knelt down on the White Bone Mountain, and said respectfully: "Reporting to the holy priest, the red-robed priest, Mr. Loew, has set off. The four people including Elder Leng Xinghun The ten Ancestral God Realm Elders have also left with Mr. Lu Fu."

"Has the news been conveyed to Loew?"

When Xu Tuo spoke, his voice was extremely old, and he even felt weak.


The figure replied respectfully.

"You go back."

Xu Tuo waved his hand.


The figure turned and moved away.

"Xutuo, has there been any news from the Taoist temple?"

Not long after that figure left, a voice filled with supreme majesty, faint and seemingly omnipresent, suddenly spread throughout the entire Baigu Mountain.

For a moment, the tumbling sea of ​​blood was still, and the world fell silent, as if surrendering to this voice.


The holy priest Xu Tuo, who was originally extremely old and looked like an octogenarian, stood up suddenly, a deep and dark luster gushed out of his extremely turbid eyes, and a pair of gates to hell opened in his eyes!

"Report to the leader, it is ready."

At this moment, facing the inquiry of that faint voice, Xu Tuo showed a rare respect.

"Very good, you come to Taishang Boundless Realm, and when the Dao Discussion Competition begins in a month, you will activate the [Adverse Fortune Divine Disk]!"


Xu Tuo's eyes suddenly burst into a frightening light, which seemed to be excited, but also seemed to have been waiting for this call.

The next moment, his figure had turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew away into the sky.



Inheritance ancient temple.

"Everyone, the dean has ordered that this seat will be in charge of hosting this Dao Discussion Competition."

Huai Kongzi, the chief elder of the Taoist academy, said in a deep voice. He has a willow beard and white hair, and a dignified bearing. He is a Nine-Star Emperor Realm Being. He handles things impartially and has a very high prestige in the Taoist academy.

"Brother Daoist is here."

In the ancient temple of inheritance, there are many other Taoist schools standing up to teach, and upon hearing the words, they all opened their mouths.

"Everyone, this Dao Contest is extraordinary, and you must not neglect it. According to the dean's instructions, you must act in accordance with the rules, otherwise, you will be personally punished by the dean."

Huai Kongzi exhorted him word by word.

All the teaching elders of the Taoist school were terrified in their hearts.

"Okay, there is still one month before the Dao Discussion Competition starts, everyone, please make full preparations, and when the colleagues from the other four major forces come, I will thank you all for receiving them."

Huai Kongzi waved his hand, ending the conversation.

Then, he turned and left the ancient inheritance hall, and hurried to a secret place in the Taoist temple.

"Uncle Caiya, everything is ready for the Dao Discussion Competition. Now, we are waiting for this grand event to begin."

Huai Kongzi stood in the secret realm, saluted and opened his mouth.

"You did a good job, remember, before the start of the Dao Discussion Competition, the rules of this Dao Discussion cannot be disclosed in advance."

A deep voice sounded in the secret realm, "This is also to prevent accidents from happening and destroy the fairness of the discussion."

"Master, don't worry, only Junior Brother Ying Qin and I know the rules of this Dao Discussion Competition, so it won't leak out."

Huai Kongzi replied in a deep voice.

"Win Qin?"

The deep voice fell silent.

This made Huai Kongzi's heart skip a beat, he said: "Master, is there something wrong?"

"Forget it, you go."

That voice sighed, "I hope...it's just that I'm thinking too much."


ps: Difficult to write, new characters, new plot, damn, I have never found a battle between the five major forces that makes me so entangled!

Everyone, please remember the names of Leng Xinghun, Kong Youran, Donghuang Yinxuan, Zhu Qianyu, Yechen, Yu Jiuyue, Gu Yan, Huayan, etc. There are so many new important people who appear on the stage at once. A Calvin!

As for Shi Yu, that is the leader of the alliance, X Hao, everyone has the impression, but it is not so easy to ignore...

In addition, don't be too wordy, this is already the most succinct part of the plot, without a strong opponent to pave the way, Chen Xi's Dao Contest will be too lonely~


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