divine talisman

Chapter 1836 Fang Shencheng


A treasure ship made of blue lotus leaves crushes time and space, shuttles through the vast starry sky.

"Uncle, the teleportation array can only transport us to this 'Heavenly Capital Zhouyu'. At our speed, it will take half a month from here to the central holy court where the monastery is located."

In the treasure ship, Wen Ting spoke softly and softly.

Chen Xi nodded, and said with a smile: "You don't need to explain everything to me, this time you will lead the team, so naturally everything will be arranged by you."

Wen Ting said: "Uncle Master taught that."

Chen Xi was a little helpless, there was no benefit in having a high seniority, at least when he was talking with Wen Ting, the peak eight-star emperor, he felt somewhat restrained.

"Hehe, in my opinion, the only ones who can compete with Senior Brother Gu Yan are Leng Xinghun, the elder of the Supreme Master, Donghuang Yinxuan, the chief disciple of the God Academy, and Kong Youran in the Nuwa Palace. Courtyard, but I can't find one."

Suddenly, there was a discussion in the cabin.

"Don't forget, there are people like Yechen and Yu Jiuyue in the Daoist Academy, so don't underestimate them."

"That's right. The scale of this Dao Discussion Competition is unprecedented. It brings together the world's most peak ancestral gods. It is still necessary to be cautious."

"Hey, it's interesting to have more experts. I, Tumon, never want to fight the weak. It's just bullying them, which is boring."

Hearing these discussions, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little curious, and asked Wen Ting, "How strong are the people they are talking about, Leng Xinghun, Donghuang Yinxuan, and Kong Youran?"

Wen Ting thought for a while, and said seriously: "Uncle, in my opinion, you don't need to pay attention to these, rumors are rumors after all, not to mention the masters in their eyes may not be the same in your eyes. "

Chen Xi was startled, and said with a smile, "Your words are not bad."

This sentence is certainly true. In the eyes of others, the Ancestral God Realm may be an extremely extraordinary existence, but in the eyes of Wen Ting, an eight-star emperor, all the Ancestral God Realm is like paper.

This is the so-called difference in height, and the angle of view of the problem is naturally different.

"Uncle, if there is nothing else, I will go and teach them how to practice."

Wen Ting glanced at the cabin.

"Oh, you go."

Chen Xi nodded, looking at Wen Ting's leaving back, a strange arc appeared on the corner of his lips.

Sure enough, as he expected, when Wen Ting entered the cabin, the lively atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and all the discussions disappeared.

You don't need to look at Chen Xi to know that in front of Wen Ting, Gu Yan, Hua Yan, and Tu Meng, the nine disciples of the Ancestral God Realm, must be sitting upright at this moment, looking solemn and dignified, not daring to move a little without authorization.

It's like a mouse meets a cat.

The reason is very simple, Wen Ting seems to have a handsome appearance and a quiet demeanor, but when she treats her disciples, she is extremely solemn and strict, and anyone who does not obey will inevitably be punished mercilessly by her.

Of course, those requirements were almost all related to cultivation, so although Gu Yan and the others were in awe of Wen Ting, they didn't feel resentful anymore.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help but smile knowingly. He liked this kind of atmosphere very much. Knowing that the Dao Contest was in front, he could still maintain a sense of normalcy. This is the so-called calmness in every major event.

Without feeling any more emotion, Chen Xi returned to his quiet room.



A clear chant seems to come from the sound of Taoism before the beginning of chaos, full of ancient and natural rhyme.

A divine sword with a simple shape and a light and clear color appeared in the void in front of Chen Xi, emitting strands of brilliant, dreamlike chaotic luster.

Sword talisman!

Back then, under Lao Bai's guidance, Chen Xi had obtained a piece of "Innate Dao Embryo" in Linlang Treasure City. It had miraculous effects, and it was able to conceive and raise the Houtian Divine Treasure into the Innate Spirit Treasure. It was definitely something against the heavens.

Obtaining this treasure by chance made Chen Xi make the decision to sacrifice the sword talisman with a secret method, and conceived it in the "Innate Dao Embryo".

According to Lao Bai, within ten years, the sword talisman can completely absorb the innate power contained in the "innate dao embryo", transforming into an innate spiritual treasure in one fell swoop.

And what appeared in front of Chen Xi at this time was the sword talisman that had transformed into an innate spiritual treasure!

The biggest difference from the past is that today's sword talisman is filled with strands of soft and moist clear color, filled with a mysterious, ancient, and pure innate aura.


Chen Xi gushed divine power from his palms and poured into the sword talisman, and suddenly a dazzling sword light rushed out, causing this space-time to suddenly vibrate, and let out a wail, as if he was about to be unable to bear this coercion.

"Uncle, what happened?"

At this moment, Wen Ting's voice came from the quiet room, revealing a hint of surprise.

"It's okay, I'm refining a treasure."

Chen Xi flipped his palm and covered the aura of the sword talisman, but he was secretly surprised that just a ray of aura attracted the attention of Wen Ting, an eight-star emperor, who was promoted to the sword talisman after being promoted to Xiantian Lingbao. , the power and influence can be really extraordinary.


Wen Ting breathed a sigh of relief, but the voice also disappeared.

Chen Xi thought about it, and finally put away the sword talisman. The power of this sword had already become incomparably great. If he tried it now, he might not be able to detect its full power.

"Now that I have the sword talisman in my hand, I can fully utilize what I have learned all over my body. In this way, it will undoubtedly give me another level of confidence in the Dao Discussion Competition. As for the Banchen Sword..."

Chen Xi looked at the Banchen Sword on the other side.

Unlike the sword talisman, this sword is two and a half fingers wide and three feet and one inch long. The body of the sword is dark blue, smooth as a mirror, with strands of mysterious dao patterns imprinted on the surface, overflowing with a moonlight-like radiance.

Although the Banchen Sword is not an innate spiritual treasure, its sword embryo is smelted from an innate spiritual treasure, and its power is also extremely powerful.

This sword was passed down from the hands of a heaven-reaching expert who had set foot on the path of the ultimate sword, and then fell into the hands of Emperor Zhenwu. Finally, by chance, it became Chen Xi's saber.

"Forget it, unless you encounter a difficult and dangerous situation, it is not too late to use the sword talisman. As for ordinary times, you can always fight with the banishing sword."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then made a decision.

The power of the Banchen Sword is very extraordinary, and it is very in line with Chen Xi's wishes. He really is not willing to let it be put in the box, and it will be dusted like this.


In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The central holy court where the monastery is located has gradually appeared in sight.

It was a continent floating in the starry sky, seemingly boundless, lying in the middle of a dazzling galaxy, surrounded by thousands of stars, magnificent and vast.

It is rumored that this is an ancient continent that has survived since the beginning of the chaos of the "Heavenly Capital Zhouyu". After countless years of changes, it has now become a well-known place in the entire ancient gods.

There is only one reason, this continent is called the "Central Holy Court", and the Taoist Temple, one of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain, is entrenched here!

"Master, look, although there are still ten days before the Dao Discussion Competition, many ascetics have already come from all directions."

On the treasure ship, Wen Ting pointed to the distance and said softly.

It can be clearly seen that streaks of brilliant light pierced the deep starry sky, rushing towards the central holy court in the distance from different directions.

Looking from afar, it looks like meteor showers roaring one after another, magnificent and colorful, eye-catching.

"There are so many people."

Chen Xi also couldn't help feeling emotional.

"That's right, this is an unprecedented grand event in the Ancient God Realm, and it has attracted countless ascetics who want to witness this grand event."

Gu Yan, Hua Yan, Tu Meng and other nine Shenyan Mountain disciples also showed a look of expectation.

"Let's go, let's go to the 'City of the Ten Directions' first. All the ascetics who participated in the Dao Discussion Competition will gather there in advance, waiting for the Taoist temple to make unified arrangements. When the Dao Discussion Competition begins, the entire Ten Directions God City It will be completely sealed to prevent interference from the outside world, and it will be impossible to enter the city by then."

While speaking, Wen Ting steered the treasure ship, pierced through time and space, and rushed towards the central holy court.

Just a stick of incense time.

From a distance, Chen Xi and the others could see an ancient divine city rising from the ground. In front of that majestic and majestic city gate, there were already a tide of ascetics.

Looking around, there are dense human heads everywhere, which can be called a sea of ​​people.

But according to Wen Ting, not everyone can enter the Ten Directions God City, but there are various conditions.

As for the restrictions, Wen Ting didn't say much.

Soon, the group of them landed in front of the god city of ten directions.

Whoosh whoosh~~~

When the distance is close, you can see clearly. The dense figures are like locusts all over the sky, rushing into the gate of the city. The scene is quite spectacular.

"How many people does it cost?"

Tu Meng's big copper bell eyes widened. He had been practicing in Shenyan Mountain, and he had never seen such a crowd like a sea.

"No matter how many people there are, it has nothing to do with you?"

Wen Ting glanced at Tu Meng indifferently, and the latter shut up immediately in fright, not daring to say more. If his master Wen Chongshan, who was often so angry with him, saw this scene, he didn't know how he would feel.

After saying this, Wen Ting glanced forward, as if looking for something.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist Wen Ting, this old man finally expects you to come."

Suddenly, a burst of hearty laughter resounded from the sky in front of the city gate, suppressing all the uproar.

Immediately, a plump old man with a childlike face and white hair and a fairy demeanor floated over.

When they saw the short and fat old man, the densely packed crowd all fell silent, with a hint of shock on their faces, obviously recognizing the short and fat old man's identity.

Chen Xi also recognized this old man as an elder in the Taoist academy, whose title was Emperor Rongxun.

Back then when Chen Xi returned to Shenyan Mountain for the first time, he had seen Emperor Rongxun talking with Wen Ting together.

"Let Fellow Daoist Rong Xun wait for a long time."

Wen Ting greeted with a smile.

"Where, you are the first to arrive at Shenyan Mountain."

Emperor Rongxun smiled, and cast out an auspicious cloud, saying, "Fellow Taoist Wen Ting, please come into the city with me."

"That's work."

Wen Ting smiled slightly, then led Chen Xi and his party onto the auspicious clouds, and followed the Emperor Rongxun into the Ten Directions Divine City.

"Shenyan Mountain! Did you hear that, those are the descendants of Shenyan Mountain!"

"God, it's time for the most mysterious supreme Taoism in the ancient gods to finally appear!"

As soon as Chen Xi and the others left, the originally quiet atmosphere in front of the city gate was suddenly broken, as if a pot had exploded, and discussions arose everywhere.


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