divine talisman

Chapter 1837 Unexpected Arrival

"That is the descendant of Shenyan Mountain!"

The ascetics in front of the Shifang City Gate were as dense as a tide, and at this moment, they dared to be sure that the group of people who left with Emperor Rongxun before must be Shenyan Mountain.

This can be seen from the treatment. Ordinary ascetics have to line up obediently and undergo inspection before entering the city gate.

The Shenyan Mountain group was completely different. Not only was an elder from the Emperor's Realm of the Taoist Academy received them, but they also directly escaped into the city!

"Shenyan Mountain, the most mysterious and supreme Taoism in the ancient gods, after so many years, their descendants have finally appeared in the world."

Many people sighed with emotion. Comparatively speaking, Shenyan Mountain is too mysterious. If it weren't for the unprecedented grand occasion of the Dao Discussion Competition, most of the ascetics might not have the chance to see the traces of the descendants of Shenyan Mountain in their lifetime.

"I heard from my family's ancestor that Chen Xi, the direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, also participated in this Dao Discussion Competition, which is really exciting."

"Hehe, I've heard it too. It is rumored that Chen Xi has offended many great powers in the imperial domain over the years, and has long been regarded as a thorn in the side of the Supreme Sect. In this Dao Discussion Competition, I am very much looking forward to Chen Xi and It's a duel between the ancestors and gods of the Supreme Sect."

"Hmph, as far as I know, this Chen Xi was only in the realm of spirit gods decades ago. Now, even if he advances to the realm of ancestor gods, what will he use to fight against the strong ancestors of the Supreme Sect? Don't forget, this time the Grand Master Shangjiao has dispatched a peerless figure like Leng Xinghun!"

"It's ridiculous. Chen Xi is not the only one who came to Shenyan Mountain. No matter how powerful Leng Xinghun is, there are still people who can contend against him."

"Stop arguing, when the Dao Discussion Competition begins, we will naturally know it at first sight."


Just as everyone was discussing, in the distant sky, there was a violent vibration in the void, and a black thundercloud emerged, and the lightning flashed, dazzling and blazing.

On the black thundercloud, there stood impressively one after another figures with astonishing momentum.

The leader was a middle-aged man in a red robe, with a dark and cold face, and a cold and chilling breath, like an ancient great demon god, a god who threatened people.

"The High Priest of the High School, Lu Fu!"

"It's the Supreme Master who is coming!"

In front of the city gate, the uproar stopped abruptly, there was no sound, and there was a complete silence. A deep fear could not be restrained from everyone's face.

For the ascetics of the entire ancient gods, the name Taishangjiao is like a curse, representing cruelty, ruthlessness and killing!

In the face of such inheritors of the supreme orthodox tradition, no one dared to make a noise without authorization.

Fortunately, after the Taishangjiao's red robe priest Lu Fu and his party arrived, they were picked up by a teaching elder from the Taoist monastery, and disappeared in the city of ten directions in an instant.

Until this time, the group of ascetics outside the city gate breathed a sigh of relief, and they all looked relieved.

It can be seen how much pressure the arrival of the Supreme Master brought to them just now.

"I didn't expect that just after Shenyan Mountain arrived, the Supreme Master would arrive on the back foot. If they were encountered by the descendants of their two major forces, I don't know what would happen."

Some people expressed emotion, and many people echoed it. As we all know, the relationship between Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Master Sect is like fire and water, and they have been enemies for generations. If the two of them meet together, the scene will be very interesting.

Not long after, there was another violent fluctuation in the distant sky, and immediately, a bronze treasure chariot pulled by nine ancient golden flood dragons rumbled and crushed the sky.

"Who is here again this time..."

The hearts of the people present were shocked, and their eyes looked over.


In front of the Shifang God City today, it is destined to be very lively.

But all of this has nothing to do with Chen Xi.

At this moment, their group, under the leadership of Emperor Rong Xun, had already entered the Ten Directions God City.

If you look down from the sky, the entire Ten Directions God City is like a world, huge and unimaginable, the streets are criss-crossed like spiders, and the ancient buildings are row upon row, and the silhouettes of ascetics are shuttling in it, densely packed, like a flowing tide. For the spectacular.

And in the center of the divine city, there is an extremely conspicuous building.

The building is shaped like a square ancient tripod, with an unknown number of miles in length and an unknown number of miles in width, straight up to the nine heavens!

Looking from a distance, the huge ancient building is like an ancient Kunpeng beast entrenched in the city. It is so big that it is unimaginable, and it releases an awe-inspiring aura of ancient times.

"That's where my Taoist Academy is located, and the Dao Discussion Competition will also kick off in it."

Rong Xun pointed to the distance and said with a smile.

That is the monastery?

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and keenly noticed that the ancient building was in harmony with the heaven and the earth. On the surface of the dark building, there were incomparably complicated prohibition patterns imprinted on it. The aura it emitted made Chen Xi secretly surprised. .

While talking, Emperor Rongxun had brought them to an ancient and secluded building complex.

The atmosphere here is quiet, and it is only eight thousand miles away from the place where the Taoist temple is entrenched. It is the inner city of the Ten Directions God City, and people who are not from the Taoist temple will definitely not be able to set foot here.

"Fellow Daoist Wen Ting, before the Dao Discussion Competition begins, I can only let you stay here for a while."

Emperor Rongxun led a group of people into one of the ancient buildings, and said, "This is the place where our Taoist temple welcomes guests. If you need anything, you can tell those servants to do it."


Wen Ting nodded.

Emperor Rongxun brought Chen Xi and the others into an ancient hall, sat down separately, ordered some Taoist boys to serve tea, glanced at Chen Xi and the others, and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect that this time you Shenyan Mountain It really surprised me that only ten disciples were sent here."

"The Dao Discussion Competition is not about the number of people fighting, it's useless if there are too many."

Wen Ting replied calmly.

Emperor Rongxun was dumb, nodded and said: "I forgot, your Shenyan Mountain is different from other forces. Although there are few disciples under your sect, all of them are outstanding people in the world. This is not something other forces can compare with. .”

"Fellow Taoist Rong Xun, you and I have been friends for thousands of years, do you still need to be so polite? If you have something to say, it's okay to say it."

Wen Ting glanced at the other party.

Emperor Rongxun suddenly laughed, and said: "In that case, then I will be blunt."

He suddenly restrained his expression, became serious, and said: "This time, our Taoist Academy will remain neutral as before, and will not get involved in any disputes. Only by doing this can we guarantee this The fairness and impartiality of the Dao Dao Competition this time, I ask fellow Daoist Wen Ting for your understanding."

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Wen Ting's lips: "Rong Xun, did I ever ask you to help me with Shenyan Mountain?"

Emperor Rongxun immediately knew that the other party had misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "Fellow Daoist Wen Ting, you should know that I didn't mean that, but because, this time, the head of my Taoist academy has personally ordered that if there is any For things that violate fairness, the old man will definitely personally come forward to punish! I also want to remind you that in this Dao Contest, everything can only be done according to the rules, and the rules must not be surpassed."

Wen Ting waved his hand and said, "Needless to say, I know all of these things. Isn't your Taoist school always like this? The so-called neutral attitude is just at the two ends between Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Palace, Taishangjiao and Shenyuan. It’s just embarrassing, this kind of attitude of not being on good terms with both sides, and not offending, can only be handled by your Taoist school.”

Emperor Rongxun's expression froze, a little speechless.

"Rong Xun, as the team leader of Shenyan Mountain this time, I just want to say one thing. Since we want to ensure the fairness of the Dao Discussion Competition, everyone must follow the rules. If anyone else breaks the rules, our Shenyan Mountain But never agree."

Wen Ting said calmly, the voice was calm, but it was domineering.

"It's natural."

Emperor Rong Xun nodded.

During the conversation between the two of them, Chen Xi and the other nine third-generation disciples were all watching from the sidelines, unable to interrupt.

Up to this moment, Chen Xi couldn't help being a little puzzled when he repeatedly mentioned the fairness and rules of the Dao Discussion Competition.

Could it be that in such an unprecedented grand event, there are still people who dare to break the rules?

"When we set off, Master Uncle and Emperor Shun and Wen Daozhen used the [Dayan Xingxianglun] to deduce together, and found that this Dao Discussion Competition is full of variables, but the specific variables cannot be deduced. So let us all be careful."

Wen Ting's voice transmission came from her ear, and she seemed to see the doubts in Chen Xi's heart.


Chen Xi narrowed his eyes imperceptibly, and thought to himself, "It seems that this Dao Discussion Competition is not as simple as I imagined."

At this moment, a cold and low voice suddenly came from outside the main hall: "Fellow Daoist Ying Qin, is this the resting place for all fellow practitioners of Shenyan Mountain?"


A hearty laugh followed.

"Senior brother Win Qin? Why is he here?"

Emperor Rong Xun was startled.

Wen Ting's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light at this moment, and immediately recovered, his expression was calm and calm as usual.

Soon, footsteps sounded outside the hall.

"I'm bothering Junior Brother Rong Xun and my colleagues from Shenyan Mountain. The colleagues from the Supreme Master Sect are here to visit!"

Accompanied by that hearty voice, a white-faced and beardless middle-aged man in brocade robes stepped into the hall.

Obviously, this person is the "Senior Brother Ying Qin" that Emperor Rong Xun said.

However, at this moment, Chen Xi and the others directly ignored him, and all looked at the group of people behind him.

The first thing that catches the eye is a thin middle-aged man in a red robe with a stern face and a cold breath.

Afterwards, there were forty Ancestral God Realm powerhouses following them, mighty and mighty.

It really is the generation of the Supreme Master!

The expressions of Chen Xi and the others all turned cold, but there was some suspicion in their hearts. What were they doing here at this moment?

"Sure enough, it's fellow Taoist Wen Ting. After careful calculation, we haven't seen each other for a total of 630 years."

In a hoarse and cold voice, the thin middle-aged man in the red robe walked into the hall with his hands behind his back, and a pair of cold eyes looked at Wen Ting leisurely.


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