divine talisman

Chapter 1838

The middle-aged man in a red robe with a stern face is the Red Robe High Priest of the Supreme Sect, Lu Fu, a Nine-Star Emperor Realm Existence.

At the same time, Loew is also the leader of the Taishangjiao participating in the Dao Discussion Competition, and the forty Taishangjiao Ancestor God Realm powerhouses behind him are the ascetics who will participate in the Dao Discussion Competition.

At this moment, Loew and his group came uninvited, and nothing good will happen.

The atmosphere in the hall became dead silent.

Chen Xi and the others looked indifferent, sitting cross-legged in front of the desk, motionless, without the slightest intention of getting up to greet the guests.

Emperor Rongxun, on the other hand, was a little surprised, and looked at "Ying Qin" standing in front of the main hall, as if he didn't understand why he brought a group of ascetics from the Supreme Master to come.

However, Loew and the others didn't seem to notice the subtlety of the atmosphere in the hall, and they had all entered the hall at this moment.

Wen Ting obviously also recognized Lu Fu, when she heard Lu Fu's words, she didn't raise her head, and said calmly: "It's true that we haven't seen each other for more than [-] years, but it's a pity for your brother Wei Zhe, he was protecting you at that time. You die, otherwise, you may not be able to stand in front of me today."

The voice was as calm as water, but there was a hint of sarcasm, echoing endlessly in this quiet and empty hall.

Lu Fu's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said with a fake smile: "Fellow Taoist Wen Ting really has a good memory. Ever since my senior brother Wei Zhe died at your hands, I have been waiting for a chance to avenge him. What a pity! , you heard that Ting has been huddled in Shenyan Mountain since then, and has never shown up again, which made me suffer so much for so many years, it feels very hard."

With those words, there was an indescribable venomous emotion in the cold and hoarse voice, which spread like a cold wind in the hall, causing Chen Xi and the others present to be shocked.

So the elder brother of Lu Fu, the red-robed high priest of the Grand Priest, died at the hands of Wen Ting 1 years ago?

If this is the case, then Lu Fu came here this time to seek revenge, right?

Even Emperor Rongxun and Emperor Yingqin, the two Taoist teaching elders, seemed to be unclear about this point, so they all changed their expressions slightly at this moment.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more dead silent, the air seemed to be frozen, and it was so oppressive that one could hardly breathe.

"So, you are here to avenge your brother?"

Wen Ting finally raised his head, a pair of star eyes stared at Lu Fu standing in the distance, but there was an undisguised sarcasm on the corner of his lips, "However, with your current ability, it is not enough to see .”

Wen Ting is an eight-star emperor, but at this moment he is looking directly at a nine-star emperor, showing his disdain without concealment, which makes people feel a bit abrupt and ridiculous.

But those Shenyan Mountain disciples behaved very calmly, with an appearance of reason, they knew very well how powerful their Uncle Wen Ting (uncle Wen Ting) was.

Even Chen Xi wasn't surprised, because he himself often did things to kill enemies across borders, and now he knew that none of the disciples of Shenyan Mountain were strong in the ordinary sense, so they certainly wouldn't There's nothing wrong with that.

But when those disciples of the Supreme Sect heard this, their expressions all darkened.

The expression of Lu Fu was also the same, his eyes were dark, he stared at Wen Ting, and said calmly: "If you don't try it, how will you know?"

Wen Ting withdrew his gaze, and without looking at Nalov again, raised his hand to pick up a cup of tea on the desk, took a sip, and then said: "I advise you not to try, your senior brother was two years higher than me at the time. In this realm, you still failed to survive in the end, do you think you are stronger than senior brother?"

In a word, Lu Fu's face suddenly changed slightly, and his breath became more and more cold and murderous.

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense and there was a faint struggle, Emperor Rongxun couldn't sit still any longer, and hurriedly got up and said: "Two fellow Taoists, this time we are all here for the Dao Discussion Competition, and you must not come here because of some personal matters. And destroying this discussion, such consequences, I think the two of you are definitely not willing to see."

Wen Ting smiled, noncommittal.

Seeing this, Lu Fu also took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Rong Xun, don't misunderstand, I just want to bring a group of disciples to get to know the disciples of Shenyan Mountain who participated in the discussion. , so as not to admit the wrong person when discussing the Dao."

As he spoke, his gaze moved away from Wen Ting, and landed on Chen Xi and his group. Immediately, he raised his eyebrows, showing a strange look on his face: "Ten people? Hehe, you Shenyanshan are really as confident as before. .”

There was a hint of sarcasm in the voice.

"Uncle Love, I don't think they are confident, but arrogant."

Suddenly, a disciple of the Supreme Master Sect spoke coldly. He was dressed in a black robe, with thin cheeks, a hooked nose, and a cold and unruly demeanor.

"What are you, you dare to call us arrogant? Do you want us to make gestures now? If someone loses, how about kneeling in front of everyone and begging for mercy?"

With a slap, Tu Meng slapped the desk, spoke in a loud voice, and stared fiercely at him with a pair of big eyes like copper bells.

The man with the hooked nose darkened his face, and said with a sneer: "What are you talking about, want to fight, etc. When the Dao Dao Competition starts, I will let you try my own methods, but this time, we are not fighting come."

As he said that, he glanced at the Shenyan Mountain disciples present, and said in a deep voice, "Who is Chen Xi? Stand up and let us see!"

This sentence is full of command-like taste, which seems extremely humiliating.

"Bastard, you can also call my uncle's name?"

Tumeng stood up from that majestic and burly body, pointed at the man with hooked nose and shouted loudly.

Master Uncle?

Unexpectedly, when he heard Tu Meng's name, the hooked-nosed man was slightly startled, and suddenly smiled strangely and said to his companions: "Did you hear clearly? A kid who cultivated as an ancestor god has actually become their teacher." Uncle, hahaha."

The others also showed a strange look on their faces, and many of them laughed out loud.


Suddenly, Wen Ting waved his hand lightly, and before the man with the hooked nose could react, he was slapped hard on the face by an invisible slap, his cheeks were red and swollen, his mouth and nose spurted blood, and his teeth spattered a few times. pieces.

Then the whole person let out a miserable howl, and the whole person flew upside down for more than ten feet, twitching on the ground like a rolling gourd, as if going mad with epilepsy.

This scene happened so quickly, no one thought that Wen Ting, as a being in the realm of emperor, would say to change his hands, and what he was dealing with was a strong man in the god realm of the ancestors of the Supreme Sect.

Even the red-robed high priest Lu Fu was unexpected and had no time to rescue him.

"Wen Ting! What do you mean?"

Lu Fu's face was livid, and he said coldly, "Using the big to bully the small to deal with a disciple, you are really majestic!"

"He, a little disciple, dared to slander my uncle. I didn't kill him, and I have tolerated it enough."

Wen Ting said indifferently, "If there is a second time, you, Lu Fu, will wait to collect the body of that little guy who spoke nonsense."

Everyone's heart shuddered, they all knew that according to Wen Ting's character, her words were definitely not bluffing, she meant what she said.

And seeing Wen Ting, an eight-star emperor exists, but at this moment, because of the reputation of a "master uncle" in the ancestral god realm, he brazenly made a move, which caused the expressions of those Supreme Sect disciples to change slightly, and they no longer dared to take Chen Xi's identity joke.

And when Chen Xi witnessed all of this, he couldn't help but feel deeply moved in his heart. Shenyan Mountain's style of dealing with things is just like this. They don't cause trouble, but they are not afraid of trouble. If you dare to provoke, then I will dare to beat you!

It's so simple and domineering, it doesn't matter whether you are a teacher or someone else, you can hit it.

"Everyone, please take care of the face of my Taoist monastery and don't be angry, otherwise it will be difficult for me to wait."

Emperor Rongxun hurriedly spoke again, but secretly complained in his heart, why did Emperor Win Qin bring these guys from the Supreme Sect? Don't you know that the Supreme Sect and Shenyan Mountain have always been rivals?

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Rong Xun, don't be in trouble. Didn't they come here to see me, Chen Xi? I'm right here. If you've seen enough, please leave. Uninvited guests are not welcome here!"

At this moment, Chen Xi stood up suddenly, opened his mouth indifferently, and immediately attracted all eyes from the hall.

Lu Fu was startled, and squinted his eyes to look at Chen Xi.

The disciples of the Supreme Sect behind him also looked at Chen Xi with different eyes, as if they wanted to see something from him.

But to their disappointment, Chen Xi's aura was indifferent, and nothing could be seen from the surface alone.

However, they firmly remembered Chen Xi's appearance, as if he was staring at his prey.

At this moment, even Emperor Yingqin of the Taoist Academy was looking at Chen Xi with a calm expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

"I heard that when you were in the Three Realms, you killed many of my Grand Master's fellow disciples, and even robbed my Grand Master's precious copper coins?"

Suddenly, a Supreme Master disciple spoke.

This person looked very special, with long blood-like hair, dazzling red, fair complexion like jade, tall and straight figure, and a pair of eyes filled with brilliant radiance, like flames from the abyss of hell, soul-stirring.

Standing there at will, he is like a long spear that seems to be able to pierce the sky, and his whole body is filled with an air of contempt, just like an overlord emperor in the realm of ancestor gods!

"Uncle, this son is Leng Xinghun. He stepped into the Ancestral God Realm ten thousand years ago. He was known as the 'unrivaled in the Emperor's Domain'. He was unrivaled in the limelight back then. Now that he has not advanced to the Emperor's Realm, he must have used some kind of The secret method has suppressed the realm, just to wait for this opportunity to enter the chaotic ruins."

Wen Ting's voice came from next to his ears, making Chen Xi immediately understand the identity of the man in black, his eyes narrowed, and his heart couldn't help but tremble. In order to enter the chaotic ruins, he did not hesitate to suppress the realm for tens of thousands of years. The guy is really forbearing.

But in his mouth, he said indifferently: "Kill them because they deserve to be killed. As for dropping precious copper coins, they are just spoils of war."

These words were spoken so bluntly that the red-robed High Priest Lu Fu's expression darkened, and his eyes were extremely cold.

That Leng Xinghun was silent for a moment, but smiled, nodded and said: "It's fine if you admit it, I will take it back from your hands."

The words are calm, but meaningful, full of meaning to fight for the front!


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