divine talisman

Chapter 1839 Come For Him

After finishing speaking, Leng Xinghun turned his head, looked at Lu Fu beside him and said, "Master, let's go."

Loew was about to speak, when suddenly there was another sound from outside the hall, which made him shut up immediately, and looked outside the hall.

At this moment, everyone in the hall was also startled, someone came again?Qi Qi looked over.

"Fellow Daoists Linheng don't need to worry. We came here to pay our respects to fellow Taoists at Shenyan Mountain, and we don't have any other intentions."

"Since Fellow Daoist Chisongzi said so, then please."

Accompanied by the sound, a group of figures appeared outside the hall.

The leader is a grey-robed old man with a resolute face. He is a teaching elder in the Taoist monastery, whose name is Linheng.

Beside Linheng, there is Chisongzi, the elder of the seminary who is dressed in a black robe, has a beard and hair like silver, and a majestic expression in his indifferent face!

The 36 disciples of the temple and the [-] "black deacons" all followed behind Chisongzi.

"Shrine red pine nuts!"

In an instant, no matter it was the Supreme Master Lu Fu and the others, or Shenyanshan Wen Ting and the others, they all recognized the identity of the person who came.

Loew and the others had different expressions.

Shen Yanshan Wen Ting and the others looked even colder.

Among those present, only Emperor Rongxun was complaining in his heart. The Supreme Master had just arrived, and the temple had rushed over again. What happened today?

He couldn't help but glanced at Ying Qin Dijun on one side, but saw the latter shaking his head slightly, expressing that he didn't know why the temple came suddenly.

This made Emperor Rongxun feel more cautious, feeling that today's events are too strange, and the Supreme Sect and the temple may have been secretly connected.

"Hey, it's a coincidence that the Supreme Master came one step ahead of time."

At this time, Chi Songzi and the others also noticed the Supreme Master Loew and the others in the main hall, and couldn't help saying hello.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Chisongzi, long time no see."

Love laughed.

They both came here uninvited, and they could barely be called guests, but at this time they were greeting each other at the foothold of Shenyan Mountain. If they didn't know the situation, they would have thought they were It is the master of the hall here.

Even Emperor Rongxun, the host, couldn't stand this kind of attitude, he frowned and sighed, and smiled wryly at Wen Ting: "Fellow Wen Ting, please bear with me for a while."

Wen Ting said indifferently: "Your Taoist academy did not arrange well, but let me, Shenyan Mountain, take care of you for a while. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you."

There was already a hint of dissatisfaction in the words, which made Emperor Rongxun's expression stagnate, and his heart was filled with anger. It was too wrong to win Qin and Linheng. How could he bring the Supreme Sect and the Divine Academy here?

He has made a decision, and after all these things are over, he must report today's situation to the Taoist teaching elder Huai Kongzi.

Huai Kongzi was ordered to preside over this Dao Discussion Competition, so he must know everything that happened here!

At this moment, Wen Ting got up suddenly, glanced over the Supreme Master and everyone in the seminary, and then said calmly: "I didn't expect it to be so lively today, people who shouldn't be here are here."

In a word, the eyes of Lu Fu and Chi Songzi, who were exchanging greetings, stared at Wen Ting.

The atmosphere in the hall also became silent again.

Those who shouldn't have come have come, and these words are not polite, obviously, Wen Ting has already moved a little sullen at this moment.

It's just that at this moment, her expression is still calm and indifferent, and her voice does not have any fluctuations. She said: "Chisongzi, tell me, why did you come here?"

Chi Songzi frowned and said, "Fellow Taoist Wen Ting, what you said is not the way to treat guests."

Wen Ting was expressionless, and said: "I'm not your friend, and the God Academy is also not my friend of Shenyan Mountain, so don't be too sentimental."

Chi Songzi's expression froze, his eyes flashed coldly, he suddenly smiled and said: "Wen Ting, you don't need to get angry, the Dao Discussion Competition hasn't started yet, it's too early to get angry now."

After a pause, he continued: "We came here this time because we heard that you Shenyan Mountain has an additional direct disciple, and it is said that he is the junior brother of Mr. Wu Xuechan. This is so extraordinary that I couldn't help it. Want to come and get to know each other.”

Another one came for Chen Xi!

Gu Yan, Hua Yan, Tu Meng and other nine disciples of the three generations of Shenyan Mountain were all a little surprised. They didn't expect that their master uncle would be so famous. Not only did the Supreme Master come for him, but even Shenyan The hospital also wants to see him.

Of course, this kind of visit is destined to come from bad people!

Wen Ting was obviously also aware of this, and frowned slightly, with a hint of worry in his heart, no matter if it was the Supreme Sect or the God Academy, they were all coming aggressively now, and they made no secret of their targets directly at Chen Xi.

This situation made her faintly feel something unusual.

As the person involved, Chen Xi is very clear that it is understandable for the Supreme Master to hate himself. After all, when he was in the Three Realms, he had killed an unknown number of Supreme Master disciples. Teaching disciples to die because of themselves.

For example, the five spirit generals.

In addition, I destroyed the cooperation between the three major forces of the Supreme Sect, the Ye family, and the Shaohao family. Under such circumstances, it would be a strange thing if the Supreme Sect did not hate him.

As for the God Academy targeting him, Chen Xi could also guess some reasons, which probably had something to do with him destroying their cooperation with the Shentu Clan, but he never expected that the other party would appear to be so impatient to deal with him.

"Senior Brother Yinxuan, Senior Brother Qianyu, fellow juniors, you see, that is Chen Xi, the direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, and the junior of Mr. Wu Xuechan. Five years ago, Junior Tuoba fought against him, but in the end he did not fight. The winner has not yet been decided, but no matter what, the strength of fellow Taoists Chen Xi is truly remarkable."

At this time, Gongsun Mu who was standing in the crowd suddenly spoke, and introduced Chen Xi who was far away to his companions with a smile.


All of a sudden, the gazes of the disciples and the black deacon of the God Academy all looked at Chen Xi.

This feeling made Chen Xi frowned, and felt a bit of unhappiness in his heart, as if he was being visited like an animal.

"Uncle, if you feel uncomfortable, I will throw them out immediately."

Wen Ting glanced at Chen Xi, and seemed to see that something was wrong with Chen Xi's mood, a sharp light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

She didn't have a sound transmission, and as soon as the voice appeared, it was clearly conveyed to everyone in the hall, making the expressions of the Supreme Master and the people in the seminary all dark.

"Why, not only does Fellow Daoist Wen Ting not welcome us, but he also wants to drive us away?"

Chi Songzi said coldly, his indifferent and thin face was full of majesty, "This is a bit deceptive."

"Why, you Chisongzi suspect that I dare not do anything? Even if you are with Nalufu, it is not enough to watch!"

In an indifferent and calm voice, Wen Ting took a quick step, her clothes fluttering, and she walked towards Chisongzi without any haste, every step she took, the atmosphere in this hall would be chilled, and the air would feel like a cold current The cold and terrifying breath.

In just a split second, all the expressions on the faces of everyone in the room changed, and Wen Ting, who realized that at this moment, was really angry.

Chi Songzi narrowed his eyes, and exchanged glances with Lu Fu, the red-robed priest of the Grand Priest on one side, as if they knew each other, and the next moment, the two of them formed corners and faced Wen Ting.

The war is about to start!

Seeing this, Rong Xun, Ying Qin, and Lin Heng, the three teaching elders of the Taoist academy, felt their hearts tense together, subconsciously wanting to prevent this from happening.

But at this extremely critical juncture, a voice as soft as a spring breeze suddenly sounded from outside the hall.

"It's so lively. I didn't expect all the Taoist friends from the Supreme Master and the Divine Academy to come. Why, you are not the same as my Nuwa Palace, you all came to visit the Taoist friends of Shenyan Mountain?"

Nuwa Palace!

The pupils of Chisongzi and Love shrank imperceptibly.

Wen Ting seemed to be slightly taken aback, and then the corners of her lips curled up in a mocking arc, pointing to the outside of the hall, and said: "Now, you can leave, if you delay, you will be the enemy of my Shenyan Mountain!"

"Go? It's too cheap to let them go like this."

Accompanied by that soft voice, a group of people came to the outside of the main hall. The leader was a woman wearing a crimson palace dress, with black hair in a bun, a simple and elegant face, and a holy and dignified temperament.

"Yu Zhen, it really is you!"

"It's really surprising that Nuwa Palace sent you to lead the team this time."

Chisongzi and Lu Fu seemed to be a little surprised when they got to know the woman's face, and then their faces became more dignified.

Yu Zhen, a Nine-Star Emperor Taoist Elder in Nuwa Palace, seems to speak softly and gently, but in fact has the strongest temperament, decisive and unfathomable strength. Who are Chisongzi and Lu Fu? I recognize each other.

"Yu Zhen, let them go. We are here to take our disciples to participate in the Dao Discussion Competition. Other grievances and grievances can be resolved after the Dao Discussion Competition is over."

When Wen Ting spoke, she obviously knew Yu Zhen as well.

"Oh, since that's the case, I'll listen to you once, but next time you do it, you have to listen to me."

Yu Zhen pursed her lips and smiled.

"we'll talk about it then."

Wen Ting also smiled.

"What do you mean we'll talk about it later, next time you have to listen to me no matter what!"

Yu Zhen stared.

When the two of them talked, they ignored the Supreme Master and the seminary, which made Delov and Chisongzi's expressions extremely gloomy.

Even the disciples around them sensed the change in the atmosphere, and frowned and pursed their lips in silence.

In the end, they sneered for a while, and without saying a word, they left with their disciples in a huff.

Seeing this, Na Yingqin and Linheng, two Taoist teachers, hurriedly bid farewell to Wen Ting, and then chased after them. They were responsible for receiving the Supreme Master and the seminary, so they dared not neglect.

All of a sudden, more than half of the figures in the hall disappeared, so that Emperor Rongxun couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Knowing that today's turmoil has finally subsided.

But he also knew that judging from the attitudes shown by the Supreme Master and the Divine Academy today, the situation in this Dao Contest might be even more intense than expected!


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