divine talisman

Chapter 1840 Unwilling to be Lonely

A group of ascetics from the Supreme Sect and the seminary left, and the tense atmosphere in the hall disappeared without a trace.

"Thank you this time."

Wen Ting looked at Yu Zhen, the Taoist priest of Nuwa Palace, and said.

"Even if I don't come, with your means, Chisongzi and Lu Fu would not dare to risk their lives to fight each other, not to mention, with friends from the monastery by their side, they will definitely not see the dispute happen, why are you thanking me?" ?”

Yu Zhen pursed her lips and smiled, her voice was extremely gentle.

The two obviously had a good friendship, and while talking, Wen Ting had brought Yu Zhen and his party into the hall.

"Chen Xi! Damn it, it's really you!"

Before Yu Zhen and his party were seated, a voice suddenly sounded, full of incomparable excitement.

At this moment, Wen Ting's eyes suddenly turned cold, and Gu Yan, Hua Yan, Tu Meng and other Shenyan Mountain disciples all darkened, and all looked in the direction where the voice came from.

It was a disciple of Nuwa Palace, with a tall and handsome figure, an imposing appearance, and eyes as bright as stars.

Among the Nuwa Palace disciples who came with Yu Zhen this time, 35 of them were beautiful women with elegant temperament, like the stars and the moon, making this man very conspicuous and special.

Seeing that it was this man who spoke, Yu Zhen and the nuwa palace ascetics couldn't help being slightly taken aback, a little surprised, and murmured to themselves, could it be that he had a grudge against Shen Yanshan Chen Xi?

Emperor Rongxun's eyelids twitched imperceptibly, feeling bitter in his heart, this Chen Xi has too many enemies, right?Is there any force in this world that he dare not mess with?

The atmosphere is a little weird.

The man didn't seem to notice it at all, his eyes lit up with excitement, he stared at Chen Xi, and strode out.


Wen Ting's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and he was about to take some action, but he was shocked to find that at this moment, Chen Xi also had a tinge of anger on his face, and suddenly got up, laughing loudly.

"It's no wonder that when we left Shenyan Mountain, the senior brother once said that we might meet up with old friends in this Dao Discussion Competition, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

That man was none other than Shi Yu!

Back then, the big disciple of Wei Dao of the Nuwa Dao Palace of the Three Realms, once ventured into the Conferred God Realm together with Chen Xi, and forged a deep friendship.

"Damn it, it's really you bastard!"

Shi Yu leaned forward, punched Chen Xi hard on the shoulder, and immediately couldn't help laughing out loud, "After so many years, I finally met an acquaintance in the God Realm."

Chen Xi also had an incomparably bright smile. It was a pleasant surprise to see an old man reunited, and a friend who had fought side by side.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being a little stunned, and then realized that the two of them turned out to be friends...

At this moment, no matter it was the people of Nuwa Palace, or the people of Shenyan Mountain, even the Emperor Rongxun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

There was no way around it. Previously, the Supreme Master and the Divine Academy came aggressively and pointed their finger at Chen Xi. Now they are really worried that such things will happen again.

Fortunately, all these worries have proved unnecessary.

It's just that they didn't expect that Chen Xi would meet Shi Yu, and their friendship was obviously very unusual.

"Uncle, since it's a friend here, let's sit down together and have a good chat."

Wen Ting suggested with a smile.

"Yes, take your seat quickly."

Chen Xi hurriedly said.

However, today this hall is destined to be more lively than this.

Just like now, before they could sit down and chat, a clear voice sounded from outside the hall again.

"Chen Xi, last time you betrayed me because of some divine crystals, but this time on the territory of my Taoist monastery, I want to see what explanation you will give me."

The content of the voice seemed a little menacing, obviously looking for revenge.

All of a sudden, no matter whether it was the Supreme Master or everyone in Shenyan Mountain, they all frowned. Another revenge seeker came?

Only Emperor Rongxun's face changed suddenly, he couldn't keep his composure, he stood up awkwardly, and shouted: "Why is this kid here to join in the fun!"

Before the voice fell, a figure appeared outside the hall. It was a man with long black hair and shawls. His skin was crystal clear and fair. His handsome face was as sharp as a chisel. The eternal night is quiet, remote and indifferent.

He didn't have much world-shattering aura, he was plain and simple, and his whole body was filled with the charm of simplicity.

It is the descendant of the Emperor Ye clan—Yechen!


In an instant, most of the people in Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Palace also recognized the man in black. They couldn't help but feel a little strange. When did Chen Xi start having feud with Yechen again?

"Yechen, you're not in the Taoist monastery, why are you here?"

Emperor Rong Xun frowned and said in a low voice.

"What to do, naturally, to come and see Chen Xi, a guy who is ungrateful for profit!"

With a sullen face, Yechen walked in with his hands behind his back.

At this moment, Chen Xi actually smiled, and said, "You escaped successfully?"

In one sentence, Yechen's expression froze, and he suddenly sighed, and said with some loss of interest, "You bastard, don't expose the scars in other people's hearts as soon as we meet, okay?"

As he said that, he completely ignored the strange gazes cast by the people around him, and sat down in front of a desk.

He filled a glass of wine on his own, and drank it all in one gulp. Then he smacked his mouth, looked at Chen Xi and said, "Don't stand still, drink a glass of wine with me."

"This is your friend too?"

Shi Yu asked doubtfully from one side.

Everyone was also surprised, feeling that the relationship between Chen Xi and Yechen seemed a little strange.

"That's it."

Chen Xi thought for a while before speaking.

"What do you mean, we are not friends, and this time, we only met three times."

Yechen curled his lips and said, he drank another glass of wine and said, "However, we are not enemies, at best we can only be regarded as opponents. In this Dao Discussion Competition, what I look forward to most is to be able to fight against you."

At this moment, everyone saw that Ye Chen had no malicious intentions, so they all relaxed their vigilance and took their seats.

Chen Xi also came to the desk and sat down, looked at Ye Chen thoughtfully and said, "Why did you choose me as your opponent?"

Yechen held the wine glass, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Because among the ascetics participating in the Dao Discussion Competition this time, only you and I are the same kind of people."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being a little surprised. Is this a kind of recognition of Chen Xi's strength?

"Why do you say that."

Chen Xi continued to ask.

"It's very simple, besides the two of us, oh yes, that guy Yu Jiuyue has to be added, besides the three of us, look at the disciples who participated in the Dao Discussion Competition this time, who else is the only one in recent years?" Advance to the realm of ancestor gods?"

Ye Chen said calmly, "Although the length of practice time cannot represent everything, it is enough to judge the talent and qualifications of a cultivator. Guys like Leng Xinghun and Donghuang Yinxuan are indeed very powerful, but I have practiced for too long, and they are all like old monsters, I am too lazy to compare with them."

"I have only advanced to the Ancestral God Realm in recent years."

Shi Yu on the side couldn't help but speak.

"You are Shi Yu, right? I heard that in your previous life, you were a Taoist boy next to Senior Nuwa. Now that you have awakened your memory, you are no different from an old monster. It would be a little bullying to compare yourself with me and Chen Xi. people."

Yechen smiled and teased.

When mentioning the matter of the previous life, Shi Yu felt a little depressed immediately, and sighed silently.

"Then what about me, am I also an old monster in your mouth?"

Suddenly, a clear voice sounded, and it was a woman from Nuwa Palace who spoke. She was wearing colorful clouds and neon clothes, with a slender goose neck and fluffy temples, revealing a beautiful and exquisite face.

She sat there with an elegant demeanor, a languid smile outlined by her lustrous and sexy red lips, which made her look more and more unique, with an incomparably noble taste in her dignity.

Seeing this girl, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing an imperceptible solemnity, and immediately smiled: "I think this is Miss Kong Youran, a descendant of the ancient Peacock King. The descendants of your Peacock King have unique talents." , if you say you are an old monster, I am afraid that the whole world will not agree."

Kong Youran!

It was only then that Chen Xi realized that this woman was the No.1 God Realm of the Ancestor of the Nuwa Palace!

Regarding Ye Chen's reply, Kong Youran just smiled and said no more.

Ye Chen couldn't help it, and continued: "No matter how you distinguish, it still has to be reflected in the strengths that each has mastered. This Dao Contest is to provide us with a stage to compete. If the time comes I am honored to be able to compete with Miss Kong, and I hope you will give me some advice."

Before the Dao Contest started, he actually challenged Kong Youran!

"Let's talk later."

Kong Youran pursed her lips.

"Why, do you think I can't be your opponent?"

Yechen frowned.

"No, I just set my target on the Supreme Master and the God Academy."

Kong Youran shook his head.

Ye Chen frowned more and more: "So, only Supreme Master Leng Xinghun and Shenyuan Donghuang Yinxuan are qualified to fight you?"

Kong Youran was startled, and said with great interest: "Don't you know that the relationship between my Nuwa Palace and the Supreme Sect and the God Academy is not very good?"

Ye Chen seemed to understand, and couldn't help but said helplessly: "It's another power struggle, and this kind of thing bothers me the most, forget it, just pretend I didn't mention it."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at Chen Xi and said, "You don't think so, do you?"

Chen Xi shook his head: "I only want to get a place to enter the chaotic ruins, I don't think too much about other things."

"That's right. The purpose of this Dao Discussion Competition is ultimately to enter the Chaos Relic. Everything else is not important."

Kong Youran deeply agrees with this.

"Then let's compare at the beginning of the Dao Contest. Among all the fellow daoists here, who can get the only 25 places."

Yechen laughed lightly, and stood up, "Everyone, take my leave first."

After all, he drifted away.

"This guy is very competitive."

Shi Yu said hesitantly.

Chen Xi smiled, didn't say much, but felt a little touched in his heart.

In less than half a day after arriving in the God City of the Ten Directions, he witnessed some peerless existences of the same realm from the Supreme Sect, the God Academy, the Nuwa Palace, and even the Dao Academy. How powerful is Dabi's opponent.

It can be predicted that on the day when the Dao Discussion Competition kicks off, there will inevitably be fierce and peerless battles one after another.

For this, Chen Xi was not afraid, on the contrary, he was also full of expectations!

You won't be too lonely if you fight against a master.


ps: The bedding is over.


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