divine talisman

Chapter 1841

ten days later.

In the early morning, a round of scorching sun transformed by the Golden Crow pierced through the darkness, soared into the sky, sprinkled bright golden brilliance, illuminated the entire ten-direction god city, and painted a layer of gold on the ancient city wall, making it brilliant.

The spacious streets that are as dense as spiders are already full of people and hustle and bustle, and there are dense figures of ascetics everywhere.

Excitement, anticipation, and admiration were written on everyone's face.

Because today is the day when the Dao Discussion Competition kicks off!

There were so many people, it was unimaginable, and it was also unimaginably lively. The huge ancient city is now packed to the brim.

Most of the ascetics gathered from all directions in the ancient gods a few days ago, just to witness this unprecedented event jointly held by the "Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain"!


"This Dao Discussion Competition will kick off in the 'Zhengming Dojo' in the Taoist monastery. By then, we people may not be able to enter at all."

"That's right, I've also heard that only big figures from the top powers in the Imperial Domain are eligible to enter the 'Zhengming Dojo' to watch the ceremony."

"Hehe, you don't have to worry, I heard that when the Dao Discussion Competition begins, the Taoist Academy will open a 'God's Curtain', which will be reflected in the sky of the city of gods in the ten directions. Through this 'God's Curtain', the Everything that happened at the Lun Dao Competition is presented."

"Hahaha, it's the best, otherwise, if you can't see everything that happened in the Lun Dao Competition, it will be too tortured."

"Just wait, in another three hours, the Dao Discussion Competition will kick off. At this time, the ascetics from the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain will all begin to enter the Taoist monastery one after another."

In the streets and alleys of the city, discussions are everywhere, and the topics are all related to this Dao Discussion Competition, which seems extremely lively.


"Yan Ran, you two are ready, we will go to the Taoist temple now."

On the street with endless streams, a majestic middle-aged man in purple robes smiled, his brows and eyes were like lightning, and his figure was majestic. It was Shentu Qingyuan, the chief of the Shentu clan of that emperor.

Beside Shentu Qingyuan, not only Shentu Yanran followed, but also Le Wuhen, Yu Qiujing, Zhuan Yushui and other figures.

Back then, they had entered the ancient ruins of Mang together with Chen Xi, but after so many years, they actually got together again and came to the city of ten directions, apparently also for this Dao Discussion Competition.

"It's too lively. There hasn't been such a grand event in the Imperial Domain for many years. It's simply unprecedented, unprecedented!"

Le Wuhen was amazed. Along the way, they met too many ascetics, including some famous and famous figures, and some experts from other realms. They were also dazzled and dizzy.

"Could it be that all the famous people in the world have gathered in the city of ten directions now? Just now I clearly saw that the Ye clan, the Shaohao clan, the Donghuang clan... many of their clansmen also came here .”

Yu Qiujing was also very moved.

"It's a pity that our promotion speed is too slow, otherwise we might be able to participate in this world-shocking event just like Chen Xi."

Zhuan Yushui sighed, a little unwilling and a little disappointed.

Hearing this, Shentu Yanran, Le Wuhen, and Yu Qiujing also felt a little complicated.

When they were in the Manggu ruins back then, they were the same as Chen Xi, the supreme gods, and there was no obvious difference in their cultivation.

But now, in just a few short decades, Chen Xi has already reached the peak level of the Ancestral God Realm, and he has distanced himself from them by a long distance.

Although they have all advanced to the Ancestral God Realm, after all, they are only the early existence of the Ancestral Gods. When it comes to combat power, they are definitely not comparable to those old monsters in the Ancestral God Realm.

Therefore, naturally he is not qualified to participate in this discussion.

"Hahaha, this is the irresistible destiny. We came this time to cheer for Chen Xi."

Le Wuhen smiled, "What's more, even if we are eligible to participate in this discussion, there are only five places that can be competed for. In any case, it will not fall on us."

This sentence is true.

This Dao Contest is divided into two areas, one is for the disciples of the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain, with a total of 25 places, and the other is for the strongest ancestor gods in the world, with only five places. quota.

However, what people are most concerned about is the Dao Discussion Competition between the disciples of the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain. As for the latter, almost no one pays attention to it.

There is only one reason. The name of the five poles of the Emperor's Domain is too great. It is said that there are only five supreme powers in the entire ancient gods. A duel of this standard is destined to attract the attention of all.

"I heard that Kanan, the holy son of the Buddhist sect, has also come, and he seems to have participated in this discussion."

Shentu Yanran suddenly spoke.

"This guy is just as perverted as Chen Xi, so it's normal to participate in this Dao Discussion Competition."

Le Wuhen said disapprovingly.

"Hehe, it's just a pity that Luo Shaonong, if he didn't die, he might be qualified to participate now, right?"

Yu Qiujing gloated a little.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but smile.

While talking, they had already entered the grand and ancient gate of the Dao Temple under the leadership of Shentu Qingyuan.

"Okay, don't talk too much when you get here, and be careful not to cause unnecessary disputes."

Shentu Qingyuan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Shentu Yanran and the others were terrified and did not dare to neglect. They also knew that those who were able to enter the Taoist temple to watch the ceremony this time were all monks from the top powers in the imperial domain!


Indeed, on this day, not only Shentu Yanran and the others came, but also the Luo clan, Gongye clan, Zhai clan, Kunwu clan, Shaohao clan, Ye clan... and other top powers, all of them brought their clansmen with them. Watch the ceremony.

In addition, the nine-star peak emperor Ziwei the Great, Zhenwu the Great... and other terrifying existences that are famous all over the world have also appeared in the Ten Directions God City.

Undoubtedly, they must also come for this Dao Discussion Competition.

In short, this Dao Discussion Competition held by the Five Extremes of the Emperor's Domain seems to have become the focus of the entire Ancient God's Domain, attracting the attention of all forces.



Contending Dojo.

This is an incomparably huge square. The square is so big that the naked eye can't see the end. On the ground paved with black stone, there are dense Dao patterns imprinted on every corner of the square, releasing a chilling atmosphere.

This is the Zhengming Taoist Temple. It is rumored that it was opened by the head of the Taoist Academy in ancient times, and it has been in existence for tens of thousands of years.

Right in front of the Taoist temple, there stands an ancient and majestic palace named "Guiyuan Hall". The rules and matters of the discussion were announced in front of the temple.

And on both sides of the Taoist temple, there are rows of desk seats, at least no less than [-]!

These are all prepared for the big shots who came to watch the ceremony this time, and ordinary people are not qualified to be among them.

At this time, there were already many figures sitting in those viewing seats, and no one was making any noise, even if they were talking, they were all whispering, making the atmosphere quite solemn.


Suddenly, a treasure ship made of blue lotus leaves broke through the sky and appeared in the ancient square, attracting all the attention present.

"Shenyan Mountain!"

Under the gazes of the crowd, Wen Ting led Chen Xi and his party out of the treasure boat in a file, and with the support of Emperor Rongxun, they stood on the square and waited.


In just a few breaths, a black thundercloud came across the sky, carrying the Supreme Sect red-robed priest Loew and others arrived.

Then, without waiting for everyone's reaction, a group of ascetics from the Nuwa Palace, the Temple, and the Taoist Temple also came one after another.

All of a sudden, the five teams from the Five Extremes of the Imperial Domain all gathered on the empty ground of the Zhengming Dojo, which made the atmosphere of the audience suddenly tense, and there was no more conversation.

Those ascetics who watched the ceremony were all looking at the ascetics of the five supreme forces, and no one dared to talk about it.

This is the power of the five extremes of the Emperor's Domain. Who dares to make a scene in front of them?

This silence did not last long.

Soon, a tall and majestic figure appeared in front of the main hall at the highest point of the Guiyuan Hall directly in front of the Zhengming Dojo.

He wore a Taoist robe, his beard and hair were like silver, and his face was resolute. When he stood up casually, he had the power to look down on the world. It was Huai Kongzi, the elder of the Taoist school who presided over the Dao Discussion Competition!

On both sides of Huai Kongzi, there is a group of Taoist teaching elders, all of whom have the cultivation level of the emperor, there are as many as thirty of them!

Looking around, it's like rounds of scorching sun gathering there, with vast, immeasurable and powerful power.

With the appearance of Huai Kongzi and his party, the atmosphere in the whole world became incomparably solemn, the wind and cloud became still, and everything went silent.

"Old man Huai Kongzi, I was ordered to preside over this Dao Discussion Competition, and I have met all of you."

Huai Kongzi faced all directions, cupped his hands far away, and his voice was solemn, solemn, resounding through the heaven and earth.

"Fellow Daoist, the time is coming, don't stick to etiquette, please hurry up and announce the matter of this Dao Discussion Competition."

In the distance, Loew, the red-robed priest of the Supreme Sect, spoke calmly.

"In this case, the old man will do as you wish."

In the deep voice, Huai Kongzi suddenly raised his head, his eyes were like lightning, looking into the distance, and said: "Bang the drum! Seal the city!"

A few words, like a thunderbolt shaking the nine heavens, spread across the heavens and the earth, spread throughout the entire city of gods in ten directions, causing the cultivators in the city to shake.

"Bang the drum!"

"City closure!"

"Bang the drum!"

"City closure!"

Under the gaze of all the shocked eyes in the city, in front of the square gates of the city of God, huge figures suddenly appeared one after another, standing tall and towering above the sky, like ancient gods and demons reappearing in the world, shouting continuously.

That is a true descendant of a pure-blooded god and demon, standing proudly in the world, with majestic power, they beat the drums in their hands, rumbling like waves, rumbling and shaking all over the world, resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths!


ps: before 10 o'clock in the second update, before 12 am in the third update, and after midnight in the fourth update.


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